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Go Down Moses
Go Down Moses
Go Down Moses
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Go Down Moses

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About this ebook

In 1973, God told Apostle Moses Mason, just as he had told Abraham get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred and from thy fathers house, unto a land that I will show thee. (Gen. 12:1) Following the path that God had chosen for his life, Moses Mason was changed. He received the operation of the Five Fold Ministry. A trailblazer for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, many souls have been delivered through the power of God. He is recognized as a great man of faith and power for these last day movements of God. In his story, you will find:

o A road map to a successful ministry in evangelism

o Memorable experiences in the field as an evangelist

o Teaching of faith and how to operate in the Spirit of God

Dr. Moses Mason is an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and a newly ordained bishop in the Church of God in Christ International. A native of Berkeley California, Mr. Mason graduated from Berkeley High School and Merritt College before joining the United States Army. He earned a Masters of Theology from the New Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in Philosophy and Theology. He also received an honorary doctorate from St. Thomas Theological Seminary. He traveled throughout the United States for 40 years preaching, teaching the yoke-breaking Word of healing and deliverance. He has been on many radio broadcasting stations in the U.S. and overseas. Dr. Mason has pastored several churches including the Last Day Harvest Church of God in Christ International. He resided in Nashville, TN, and conducted Crusades for God. He was married to his wife JoAnn for over 43 years. Together they have eight sons and five daughters, thirteen beautiful and gifted children. This is a true story of events that took place in his life. A faith-walk, journey, and ministry which allowed him to be a trailblazer and groundbreaker for God. Apostle Moses Mason went home to be with the Lord on October 30, 2015. May God always bless the work of his hands. To God be the Glory for the things he did in Apostle Moses Masons life!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 14, 2016
Go Down Moses

Moses Mason II

Apostle Moses Mason II is a native of Berkeley, California and grew up in the Bay Area. He graduated from Berkeley High School an attended Merritt College in Oakland, California. He received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Saint Thomas Christian Seminary in Orangeburg, South Carolina an received a Master’s Degree in Theology and Doctorate in Philosophy and Theology. He is married to JoAnn Mason, and they have 13 beautiful and gifted children. Apostle Moses Mason II has traveled throughout the United States preaching, teaching, and proclaiming the Word of God. He has lived in several states, and has pastored churches in Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, and has relocated to the Nashville, Tennessee area. He has ministered in some of the toughest prisons which include San Quentin, Norfolk, Huntsville, and others in Arizona, California, Ohio, and Tennessee. Apostle Moses Mason II has ministered on many radio broadcasting stations in Buffalo, New York, South Carolina, Louisiana, Ohio, and Tennessee. He received the 2007 radio broadcasting award in Nashville on radio station 880am. The Lord commissioned Apostle Moses Mason II to travel throughout the United States, armed with the word of truth. Fully clothed with the armor of God, he went forth preaching and teaching a Yoke breaking word of Deliverance. He has been empowered with the mantle of Elijah and Moses. He also has all nine gifts of the spirit and has experienced this unique life changing God given of deliverance. JoAnn Brown Mason is native of Berkeley, California. Her parents are Joe L. Brown and Annie Brown. She attended Berkeley High School and Merritt College in Oakland, California for Business Administration. She was reared in a good Christian home and directed a 40 voice youth choir. JoAnn Mason married Moses Mason II. While in the hallway of the Jr. High School, God told her in the 7th grade that “Moses is going to be your husband”. They married on March 30, 1969 in Oakland, California at Bethany Baptist Church. Today she is the mother of 13 talented children. JoAnn Mason is a minister and has evangelized for 30 years with her husband. God has richly blessed her with gifts. She is a mother, teacher, and First Lady. To God be the glory for the things that he is doing in her life.

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    Go Down Moses - Moses Mason II

    Copyright © 2016 Moses Mason II & JoAnn Mason.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    WestBow Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4418-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4419-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4417-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016908857

    WestBow Press rev. date: 7/13/2016

    Table of Contents

    1.   Introduction

    2.   Go Down Moses

    3.   A Call to Evangelism

    4.   The Dream

    5.   Being Tried as an Evangelist

    6.   God’s School of Evangelism: First Lessons - God Manifests Himself to Me

    7.   Fulfilling the Call on My Life—In the Field of Evangelism

    8.   First Mission On the Road as Evangelist Moses Mason

    9.   Trip to Louisiana

    10.   Leaving Louisiana and Going to Dallas

    11.   Our First Move Away From Home

    12.   Basic Training

    13.   From Dallas Texas to Atlanta Georgia

    14.   From Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles California

    15.   He Will Deliver

    16.   Moving from South Carolina to

    North Carolina

    17.   The Widow Woman Who Took Elijah

    18.   Buffalo New York

    19.   New Orleans, Louisiana

    20.   Youngstown Ohio

    21.   Nashville, Tennessee

    22.   The Final Chapter

    23.   An Eagle Takes Flight

    24.   Apostle Moses Mason’s Favorite Quotes


    Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Words & music by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993) Public Domain.

    Book Cover Pyramid photo by, Thinkstock by Getty Images #503162598. Cover Design by, Miriam Mason

    Editing Ann Kelly, Miriam Mason

    1953. Figure 1 Young Boy, by Carrie L. Mason by permission

    1965. Figure 2 Moses Mason Army, by United States Army

    1969. Figure 3 Wedding, by Carrie L. Mason by permission

    2012. Figure 5 Clouds, by JoAnn Mason by permission

    1996. Figure 7 Church Sign, by Lisa Whitacre-Wyatt by permission

    1996. Figure 8 Church Front, by Lisa Whitacre-Wyatt by permission

    2012. Figure 9 JoAnn Mason, by Lisa Whitacre-Wyatt by permission

    2010. Figure 10 Moses Mason, by Lisa Whitacre-Wyatt by permission

    2012. Figure Moses Mason, by Lisa Whitacre-Wyatt Picture INSERT back cover by permission


    I would like to thank God for my journey through this life. Special thanks to my loving wife JoAnn for supporting me, standing by my side, and helping me to complete this book. I would like to thank my children: Andrea, Miriam, Maria, Moses III, JoAnnette, Isaac, Marcus, Aaron, Jonathan, Ruth, Benjamin, Daniel, & Nathaniel for encouraging me and my wife to complete the book.

    I would like to thank my family, friends, and pastor’s that waited so patiently for my memoirs. Thank you to my churches: Holy Ghost Revival Church, Restoration Miracle Deliverance Temple, & Last Day Harvest Worship Center who waited patiently for this book to manifest.

    Most of all, thanks to God for allowing me to write about my experiences.


    This book is a true story, dedicated to all evangelists past and present, chosen and ordained to proclaim the Word of God. These are only a few of the experiences that I had obeying God as an evangelist, prophet and apostle. There are different molds, tests and trials for each office. In each office there is a different pressure and situations in which one is confronted, to become a true servant of God. Jesus said that He would never leave us or forsake us. While God may lead us into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil, He also promises to supply all our needs, according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus! Jesus never tells us what we will go through for our needs to be met, but He does promise to meet our needs. I hope and pray you will be encouraged an enlightened through this book.

    Go Down Moses

    This story begins on November 4, 1948 when Moses Mason Sr. took his wife Carrie, to Herrick Memorial Hospital in Berkeley, California to have their baby.

    The couple relocated from Mississippi to California because they felt they could live a better life there. They bought a new home in Parchester Village, not far from San Pablo and joined a storefront church named Greater El Bethel Baptist. This church was located in a small plaza.

    I remember so vividly my mother Carrie wrapping dimes, nickels and some pennies in a handkerchief, tying it in a knot, and telling me, This is NOT for candy. It is for Sunday school. But, of course, every now and then, I would sneak to Chins store in the plaza to make a purchase. Mr. Chin would always watch closely to see if any of the children were stealing candy. But we knew better than to try. I knew my Dad would make me feel the power of a nice country whipping if I were to even think about stealing any candy.

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