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Single and Satisfied: A Close Look at Love, Sex and Relationships
Single and Satisfied: A Close Look at Love, Sex and Relationships
Single and Satisfied: A Close Look at Love, Sex and Relationships
Ebook78 pages59 minutes

Single and Satisfied: A Close Look at Love, Sex and Relationships

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About this ebook

Lloyd Allen believes that despite living in a society with a confused landscape of values and attitudes, singles and youth can realize their full potential. Having counseled, mentored, and interacted with singles and youth in various settings around the world, Lloyd is deeply conversant with human woes. The book addresses real issues with which singles are bombarded on a daily basis. It describes in clear and concise language the step-by-step process that a single person can take to escape the snare of sexual immorality, to rise above the cloud of broken dreams and shattered promises, and to behold the sublime rays of purpose, worth, and a meaningful existence. The book demonstrates:
How you can be not just a coping single but a successful single.
That your marriage is only as good as your singleness.
Marriage is adult stuff.
Why you should marry the right person, not just the convenient person.
That like fire in a fireplace, sex, when controlled, can be a benefit and a blessing.
Sex: a neurological understanding.
Curb the urge.
Sex is not cheap. It carries a price tag.
Finding healing after sexual promiscuity.
Help for single parents.
Release dateNov 10, 2016
Single and Satisfied: A Close Look at Love, Sex and Relationships

Lloyd Allen

Lloyd Allens career includes serving as a minister of religion in Jamaica, West Indies, and the Turks and Caicos Islands; and as assistant regional coordinator for lay-evangelism in the Florida Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist, Florida. Lloyd is a specialist in family counseling, with over twenty years experience in marriage, family & couples counseling. He is also a member of the American Counseling Association. Lloyd has traveled extensively and conducted seminars in various cities in and out of the USA. He and his wife, Rae Christine, have two children.

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    Single and Satisfied - Lloyd Allen

    © 2016 Lloyd Allen. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/09/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2053-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2052-3 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.




    Tap into your full potential.

    Have you been offended? Cultivate a kind and forgiving spirit.

    Broken Promises and Shattered Dreams

    The Lie of Casual Sex

    Do you have unresolved issues,

    Don’t be involved before you evaluate.

    Feeling pressured to be in a relationship?

    Marriage is only as good as your singleness.

    In Search of a Future Husband?

    In Search of a Future Wife?

    Unequally Yoked?

    Pick the right person, not just the convenient person.

    Flee fornication.

    Does he or she force you to engage in sexual activity prior to marriage?

    Restrain (curb) the urge

    How do i curb the urge?

    Abstain from sex and all that leads to sex.

    Finding Healing after Sexual Immorality

    Single Parenting

    The joy of the lord is my strength.

    Tips to Remember


    This book is

    dedicated with deep love and appreciation to my loving family:

    My wife and sweetheart, Rae Christine Allen,

    and our two sons, Lloyd (Jr.) and Daniel.

    Their love, patience, understanding, and encouragement

    have been my source of inspiration.


    I am deeply grateful—

    To my parents and in-laws, Edgar, Lucille, Rodolfo, and Vilma, for teaching my wife and me important lessons in life.

    To my loving wife and sweetheart, Rae Christine, for exemplifying Christian virtues that distinguish her as the woman any man could dream of marrying.

    I thank her for patiently and lovingly traversing this journey

    with me in developing this book.

    To our two children, Lloyd (Jr.) and Daniel, for their love, patience, and understanding as they loaned me to the manuscript.

    To my church family at the Cooper City SDA Church for their inspiration and encouragement to forge ahead in writing and publishing this book.

    To my Father in heaven, who has given me great lessons on singleness, through the medium of His word and my personal experiences, and the wisdom and inspiration to translate these lessons into words.


    This book is my heart poured out. To witness people passing through life from day to day by a method of trial and error, surrendering a confident and meaningful existence to chance and happenstance, breaks my heart.

    I was not endowed with the luxury of being born in a Christian family. My parents, particularly my mother, were ardent believers in formal education, so I, along with my siblings, was compelled to attend school without negotiation. But attending academic institutions was inadequate to equip me with a true sense of identity and purpose.

    It was God’s call on my life when I was introduced to, and subsequently baptized into, the church at a tender age. At this juncture of my life, my sail was positioned as I began learning the fundamental secret of successful living. The underlying secret is that I was created and fashioned by a Supreme Manufacturer, who has furnished me with explicit instruction regarding my proper maintenance and upkeep (just like the designing of a motorcar). If I deviated from, or failed to strictly adhere to, the instructions clearly delineated in His instruction manual, my heart would ache and my soul suffer—my life a chaotic mess and my existence marked by painful regret and purposelessness. But conversely, if I set my heart to seek out His ways and my life to conform to his wise counsel, then my heart would know no boundary in the enjoyment of peace. My happiness would be measureless, and my life would be a paragon of purpose and meaning.

    My hope is that

    1. every youth will find in these pages a clear-cut, direct, and unequivocal set of instructions that will serve as a road map to lead him or her triumphantly into adulthood;

    2. every single who is searching for love and relationship will find practical and insightful guidelines that will steer him or her into the arms of the one who will fulfill their lifelong dream for intimate joy and satisfaction;

    3. the singles who have opted for a life of chastity and abstinence will secure an enlightened understanding of God’s will for their lives and their place in his

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