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Faith to Conceive: When Man Says No, God Says Yes!
Faith to Conceive: When Man Says No, God Says Yes!
Faith to Conceive: When Man Says No, God Says Yes!
Ebook62 pages56 minutes

Faith to Conceive: When Man Says No, God Says Yes!

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Faith to Conceive is a book about the challenges my husband and I have encountered in trying to conceive a child. Although everybodys story is different, Gods unmovable, unshakeable love remains the same. My prayer is that my journey would encourage, motivate, and inspire women and couples to trust in God to conceive.

The story of Hannah is an excellent example of Faith in action! This book takes you through my journey and goes deeper into the life of Hannah and her faith to conceive a son who became a leader in the nation of Israel and a prophet of God. Since God shows no partiality, I know he would do the same for you. Stir up your faith today and allow God to have his way in every area of your life.

As a woman, there are internal and external pressures for us to fulfill the very essence of our womanhood, and that is to give birthbirth to dreams and visions, and mostly, birth to life. There are circumstances that we face that sets a tone of discouragement, despair, and defeat, which we are tempted to speak when our heart-filled desires do not happen as we expect. We all face it in some area and time of our lives, but it is in how we respond that determines our outcomes. Michelle Joseph, a woman who endured the mountaintops and valleys, even the desert, expressly shares her journey to conceive. Michelle takes you through her struggle to live and to love, the battle to remain hopeful, and most of all, the trying of her faith to trust God at his will, way, and word. As you turn the pages, Michelle shares her emotions, cry to God, and prayers. Her hope is that you will be encouraged to stand on the promises of God and not lose hope for your desire to come through, knowing that God loves you and he is with you and for you (Minister Simone Rawlins).
Release dateDec 16, 2016
Faith to Conceive: When Man Says No, God Says Yes!

Michelle D. Joseph

Michelle D. Joseph is a native of Trinidad and Tobago. She was raised on the beautiful island of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, where she currently resides. She holds a bachelors degree in criminal justice and a master of science degree in organizational management. She earned a Certificate of Diploma from Sonship School of the Firstborn in October 2015. She currently works for a nonprofit organization as the COO/director of human resources. She has worked as a professional in human resources and operations for over twelve years. She is happily married to Terrence D. Joseph for twelve years and has two sons—Myles and Thomas Joseph. She is an active member of Speak the Word Ministries International for twelve years under the leadership of Pastors Dexter and Terry Skepple.

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    Faith to Conceive - Michelle D. Joseph

    © 2017 Michelle Joseph. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/15/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5487-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5486-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016920713

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Chapter 1 The Elephant in the Room

    Chapter 2 In the Beginning

    Chapter 3 Trusting God to Conceive

    Chapter 4 Believing the Promises of God

    Chapter 5 Faith in God

    Chapter 6 Your Words Can Change Your World

    Chapter 7 Faith to Move Mountains

    Chapter 8 New Season of Blessings

    Chapter 9 How to Honor God While Waiting for Him to Answer Your Prayers

    Chapter 10 Identity in Christ

    This book is

    dedicated with love and affection to my grandmother Albertha Burnett, most affectionately known as Granny.

    Thank you for being an example of living a life of faith.


    I N 1 SAMUEL 1:1, WE are introduced to Hannah. She is emotionally distressed because she is unable to conceive. Her story is filled with palpable, insistent pain. Many modern-day Hannahs walk among us knowing this pain all too well. Living daily with the insensitive comments, questioning looks, and sadness that comes with having a closed womb—I have been t here.

    Thankfully, like Hannah of old, many of today’s Hannahs have cried out relentlessly, and God has answered. We have been able to say, as Hannah did, My heart rejoices and triumphs in the Lord. Sadly, not enough of today’s Hannahs share their journey from pain to victory.

    Michelle Joseph, a modern-day Hannah, bravely and with great insight dares to share her journey through infertility. She candidly depicts the struggles and triumphs she and her husband, Terrance, faced. Be ready to be filled with the hope that even when a man says no, God very well may be saying yes.

    This book is a story of how God can use loss, tenacious faith, and courage to make everything beautiful in His time.

    Prophetess Akida Nurse

    As a woman, there are internal and external pressures for us to fulfill the very essence of our womanhood, and that is to give birth; birth to dreams and visions, and mostly birth to life. There are circumstances that we face that sets a tone of discouragement, despair, and defeat, which we are tempted to speak when our heart filled desires does not happen as we expect. We all face it in some area and time of our lives, but it is in how we respond that determines our outcomes. Michelle Joseph, a woman who endured the mountaintops and valleys, even the desert, expressly shares her journey to conceive. Michelle takes you through her struggle to live and to love, the battle to remain hopeful, and most of all the trying of her faith to trust God at his will, way,

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