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The Trail of Three Trees: From Paradise to the Promised Land
The Trail of Three Trees: From Paradise to the Promised Land
The Trail of Three Trees: From Paradise to the Promised Land
Ebook245 pages3 hours

The Trail of Three Trees: From Paradise to the Promised Land

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Follow the biblical trail from Adam to Moses in the shade of the tree of life. Discover how Gods original plan unfolds through dreams, name meanings, and prophecy. Every person must choose a patheither by following the scarlet cord of blood or the black chain of sin. Learn why the Bible is one book with many unifying themes and how the Pentateuch (first five books) lays the foundation for the rest of scripture. Find how the familiar stories are connected to one another and to the whole, as well as pointing to the Messiah the fulfillment of Gods purpose to dwell among his people. The tree of life is like a pair of bookends, appearing first in Genesis and ending in Revelation. The trail that connects them provides a fascinating adventure for the person who wants a deeper understanding of spiritual truths. The book includes questions for reflection and discussion.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 6, 2016
The Trail of Three Trees: From Paradise to the Promised Land

Janet White

Janet White lives in Howard City, Michigan, with her husband, Ron. Both are retired ministers. Her ninety-seven-year-old mother, Laurine Bush, lives with them. Janet enjoys reading historical and biblical fiction. She is active in two local library book clubs. Janet loves to teach the Bible and has taught for fifty years to all agesfrom preschool to senior adults. This is her first biblical novel. She welcomes any questions or comments via Facebook.

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    The Trail of Three Trees - Janet White



    "Beginning with Moses (Genesis – Deuteronomy) and all the prophets, Jesus explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself."

    (Luke 24: 27)

    "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God … The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."

    (Rev. 22:13-14, 17)


    Before the Beginning: Divine Dialogue

    The Triunity pulsated with brilliant light and rainbow energy. Sparks of jeweled love flashed between them as they communed with one another. They were complete, needing nothing. They had each other—and that was enough. They dwelt in everlasting shekinah glory.

    It had been this way from eternity past, yet there was no boredom or lack of purpose. Their mutual devotion fulfilled and sustained them as they dwelt alone, but together. Currents of invisible pleasure flowed in and among them. Perfect shalom and koinonia vibrated in their majestic mystery. Love and respect were the essence of their intimate relationship.

    Divine wisdom was ordained from before eternity—from the beginning, before anything else began. Supreme intelligence was the first of his works, before his deeds of old. The genesis of creation had begun in the mind of the Originator who is above all things, before all things, and totally other from all things.

    Simultaneously, an idea emerged from the Godhead: Let us create and multiply and share our community! Joyous ripples of delight and satisfaction broke the silence.

    Yes! they exulted together. Let us create—everywhere and always! We will call it space and time. So the Three in One breathed out holy wind: Let there be spiritual heavenly places so we can dwell therein. Instantly it happened. Matter, atoms, molecules, and dimension! Out of nothingness and emptiness, Elohim created an invisible realm. Creator God spread out the canopy of the heavens like a tent in which to dwell.

    The one and only breathed another command: Let us share our divine essence. The Eternal Light reached inside himself and allowed a shaft of luminosity to emerge. Now their prism of being filled the newly created heavens. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. The heavens quaked and unseen mountains arose. Again, the supreme living reality thrust within and pulled out a seed of life that they planted in celestial soil on the highest holy mountain.

    Living water flowed from the Threeness into the heavenlies to water the newly formed spiritual province. The water God gave bubbled up to become a spring of eternal life.

    Over the ages, the seed grew into a divine sprout, which in turn grew into an immense and beautiful tree, producing abundant and verdant foliage. Branches extended across the expanse of the unseen universe. Gigantic blossoms appeared, then fragrant buds. Fruit of various colors, shapes, and sizes burst forth in abundance, although invisible. The tree of life was the epicenter of God’s celestial paradise. Its perfume pervaded the heavenly atmosphere. Its glowing roots reached into all that existed.

    All of heaven was the Ancient of Days’ vast throne that flamed with fire, its wheels all ablaze. Justice and holiness were its foundation, and devotion and faithfulness were its pillars. Luminous and vaporous precious gems whirled around in a holy cloud. The living river of crystal fire flowed from the base of the throne.

    The enormous tree of life formed the top of the royal scepter. This was the first of the heavens—a spiritual and invisible domain for the Most High God, the perfect environment for his holy entity.

    The breath of the Almighty stirred again like a mighty windstorm. Let there be spiritual creatures to inhabit this spiritual world. And they appeared from nowhere. Four terrifying creatures with six wings and covered with eyes immediately encircled the majestic throne. Myriads of fierce and fiery seraphim, cherubim, angels, and archangels surrounded the Ruler of the universe and burst into jubilant praise:

    Hallelu Yah!

    Praise the Lord from the heavens,

    Praise him in the heights above.

    Praise him, all his angels,

    Praise him, all his heavenly hosts.

    Holy, holy, holy

    Is the Lord God Almighty,

    Who was and is and is to come.¹

    This song continued ceaselessly for aeons and aeons. And God was pleased.

    Now the omnipotent God did an extraordinary thing. He created a physical and visible dominion to mirror the spiritual and invisible one. Enormous galaxies were born in space—filled with stars, constellations, and planets beyond number. He scooped these with his hand and put them in their designated places in the universe. He called each one by name.

    The stars joined the angelic chorus as each one reflected the effervescence of the Creator, the center of their orbit:

    Lord God, You are very great;

    You are clothed with splendor and majesty.

    He wraps himself in light as with a garment.

    He stretches out the heavens like a tent

    And lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters.

    You are worthy, our Lord and God,

    To receive glory and honor and power,

    For you have created all things,

    And by your will they were created

    And have their being.²

    The Logos, the Living Word, was in the beginning with God; he truly was the glorious image of the invisible God and the firstborn above all creation. All visible and invisible things in the heavens were made through him and for him. He is the sustainer of all things, holding them together by his power and authority.³

    The eternal God is both first and last, the beginning and the end. The mere breath of the Almighty’s mouth formed the heavens and their starry host. He spoke and his word performed his will.

    This physical sphere of seemingly endless space was the second of the heavens that God created in the beginning. The visible, material universe honored its Creator and displayed his glory. The skies proclaimed the work of his hands. They continuously demonstrated God’s invisible qualities of eternal power and his divine nature.

    The blazing sun was like a radiant bridegroom coming out of his chamber; it was like a champion running his race with joy. It rose at one end of the heavens and made its circuit to the other; it heated all it touched.⁴ All creation joined in exalting their Creator:

    Praise the Lord from the heavens and the earth!

    Praise him all his heavenly hosts!

    Praise him, sun, moon, and shining stars!

    Praise him waters above the skies!

    Praise the name of the Lord,

    For he commanded and they were created.

    He set them in place forever and ever.

    He gave a decree that will never pass away.

    This, too, continued for ages and ages. And God was pleased.


    Creation Celebration

    According to his gracious foreknowledge, the infinite God chose the least of the galaxies—a small, milky array of limited stars. Within this space would be his next sphere of creation—his workmanship, his masterpiece, and the arena for his purpose to be fulfilled. Yet, the earth was an empty void, and darkness covered the deepness of the expanse.

    The Spirit of the Triune God hovered over the darkened waters of the minute ball of wasteland like a brooding mother bird protecting her egg. The Light of Life spoke: Let there be light!

    A small window appeared in the heavenlies, allowing a radiant beam to penetrate the darkness. God’s pure light was perfect and good. He kept it separate from the darkness, for God is the ultimate light and there is no darkness at all in him. He limited the darkness to night and called the earthly light day. He brought order to the chaos and form to the formless. This marked off his first period of creation on the favored planet.

    The Creator spoke again. He allowed a trickle of the river of life to seep from the first heaven. His breath parted the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth. God called this firmament sky. God journeyed to the springs of the sea and walked in the recesses of the deep. He placed snow, frost, and hail in storehouses. He gathered lightning, thunder, and clouds into bins. He held torrents of rain and sprinkles of dew in his palm.

    The morning stars sang together, and all the angels shouted for joy:

    Great God of the universe,

    The clouds are your chariot,

    You ride on the wings of the wind.

    Flaming fire is your servant,

    Hurricanes are your messengers.

    There is no one like you, mighty and holy Trinity.

    You cup the waters in your hand.

    You measure the heavens with the span of your hand.

    You hold the dusty particles of the earth in a bucket.

    You sit on your throne above the earth’s circle.

    Praise your magnificent name!

    This earthly sky was the third of the heavens God created in the beginning. And God was pleased. This marked off the second period of creation on the tiny planet.

    The source of all things caused the waters beneath the sky to flow together to one place. These waters he called seas, and the dry ground that appeared he called land. Both had boundaries that could not be crossed. He weighed the mountains on scales and the hills in a balance. He watered the mountains from his upper chambers. He assigned places for rivers and lakes, oceans, and streams.

    Now the Creator chose to fill what he had made. Elohim, the plurality of majesty, took a seed from the heavenly tree of life and planted it in the earthly soil. He said, Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it. Moreover, it happened, each plant and tree multiplying its own kind. God made lush grass and plants to grow for food. Vegetables grew above the ground, and edible tubers grew beneath. Vines produced grapes, melons, and gourds.

    Creator God delighted in shaping delicate flowers of intricate design and colorful beauty. Exotic fruits and nuts dotted the trees. Succulent berries burst from bushes. Shrubs clung to the hillsides. Streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. The earth teemed with unconscious life. And God was pleased with the goodness of his creative activity. This marked off the third period of creation on the small blue sphere floating in space.

    On the fourth period of creation, Elohim spoke and caused lights to appear in the expanse of earth’s sky to separate the nights from the days. The separation into light and dark segments served to mark the passing of time—days, months, seasons, and years. These were God’s appointed signals. The God of eternity held all time in his hands.

    A small star became the center of an insignificant solar system with less than a dozen planets circling it, including earth. God also made a tiny moon to orbit the earth. This moon had no light of its own, but reflected the light of the sun, giving light to the nights on earth. Other stars also provided some light to the darkness. The Maker sustained the universe by keeping the complex patterns and cycles with precision and power. All was right and good with the world he had made, and he was pleased.

    Just as God had filled the spiritual heavens with spiritual creatures and the physical space with galaxies and stars, he now filled the waters and sky of the earth with living creatures – birds to fly in the air and sea creatures to swim in the waters. There was no limit to God’s variety and creativity.

    Creator God was pleased with the results and blessed the creatures by telling them to be productive and multiply and fill the habitat he had provided for them. Each reproduced offspring of its own kind, and the water and sky teemed with life. This marked off the fifth period of God’s creative work on earth.

    On the sixth day, the Maker and Former continued to fill the earth he had made by creating creatures of every kind to flourish on the land – small animals that scurried along the ground, large animals, livestock, wild animals, creatures that were swift, some that were slow, creatures of every shape, size, and color. Each species produced more of its own kind.

    Flesh gives birth to flesh, just as Spirit gives birth to spirit. Only life can beget life, and all life has only one life source – The Triune Author of Life, The Living God. The Earth teemed with conscious life, and God was pleased with his creative work.

    The praises of all creation erupted in song:

    Praise the Lord from the earth,

    You great sea creatures and all ocean depths,

    Lightning and hail, snow and clouds,

    Stormy winds that do his bidding,

    You mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars,

    Wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds!

    Let them praise the name of the Lord,

    For his name alone is exalted;

    His splendor is above the earth and the heavens!

    He will raise up a people who will be close to His heart.

    The music of heaven crescendoed:

    The Lord who created the heavens is the One and Only God;

    He fashioned and made the earth; he established and adorned it;

    He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited.

    He is the Lord, and there is no other.

    Up to this point, everything Almighty God had created was good, but was not yet complete. Before the beginning of time, he had conceived the crowning achievement of his creation. Now it came to fruition. He had created a perfect environment for each of his previous creatures. However, there was no one to care for this new fertile land. There was no community for God to have fellowship with—no sanctuary in which he could dwell, no one who could be a priest in his earthly tabernacle. He willed that life on earth would be as it is in heaven, the material pointing to the immaterial and spiritual reality.

    The Lord God planted a beautiful garden filled with delicious fruit trees. Four rivers watered the garden. He named the garden temple Eden because it was a paradise of bliss and perfection, a sanctuary fit for his regal being.

    Now that earth was fully prepared and inhabitable, the Godhead decided to make a being who was both spiritual and physical, both male and female, a person in his own image and likeness. The Creator chose to make one who could rule over the rest of earth’s creatures, one who was intelligent and moral, had personality, will, and emotion. His final creation would appreciate beauty, could communicate and be creative, and would reproduce after his own kind.

    Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

    With the skill of a Master Potter, God took a lump of the rich red clay and formed a human being intended to walk uprightly—having mobility, flexibility, and strength as well as beauty. The Great Designer took special care in shaping each feature of the face to give it character and the ability to express emotions. Each part of the body had a purpose. The Creator intricately designed each system to function perfectly. Yet it was an inanimate body until the Holy Wind of God tenderly kissed the man on the lips and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. The man’s lungs filled with air, his heart started pumping the life-sustaining blood. The man of the earth, A’dam, became a living being.


    The Father’s Favored

    The first man was of the dust of the earth, but unlike the animals, he also had a soul and spirit. God made this new creature a little lower than the heavenly beings, the angels. The progenitor of the human race was made in the image of his Creator God. He was both spiritual and physical, heavenly and earthly, and intelligent but innocent.

    The man opened his eyes and beheld his Maker with wonder and adoration. He paused in silence before he spoke. "Father, thank you for making me so fearfully and wonderfully complex. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together perfectly. You know everything about me. Such knowledge is too great for me to understand. Your workmanship is marvelous, and I praise you. Every day of my life is recorded in your book; every one of my moments is laid out before a single day has passed. Your thoughts about me are precious; they are beyond my comprehension.¹⁰ I love you, Creator God. I worship you, and I will serve you with my whole being for all of my life."

    The Heavenly Father smiled in delight at their first child. God expressed his great, unfailing love for his newly formed son. He promised unconditionally to always protect and provide for him. God placed his hand on the man’s head and blessed him. God’s loving presence would always be there to guide and correct. A’dam was life of God’s life, spirit of His Spirit. God placed eternity in his heart.

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