Change Your Body, Mind and Life: Wellness Guide
About this ebook
In Change Your Body, Mind and Life, Daniela combines fifteen years of her wellness-coaching experience; knowledge; education; work with fitness and wellness experts, nutritionists, and natural healers; and her own journey into one particular ten-step guide for a holistic and successful lifestyle change, healthy weight loss, and mental and physical fitness.
Her program is targeted primarily at the body and mind but also touches the spirit because everything is connected to everything else!
Step by step, you will learn how to speed up your metabolism, begin to reduce body fat, change body composition, and heal, restore, and rebalance yourself. You will also learn how to increase your energy and fitness level as well as your creativity and intuition.
With this simple wellness guide, you will begin major changes in your body, mind, and life, which will bring you many other benefits. Stress, joint pains, abdominal pain, back pain, allergies, migraine, high cholesterol, and similar inconveniences will gradually migrate or completely disappear. You will again feel young, physically and mentally.
In this book, you will learn the following:
How to achieve balance
Rules to gain your order and discipline
Rules to master your nutrition and shopping list
Rules to master your exercise and fitness schedule
Rules to master your thoughts
How to calculate your optimum body weight
How to do body measurements
How to set the deadline by which you will lose weight
How to face fear
How to do your very best
So here we are at the beginning of your new, beautiful, fit, healthy, and happy life.
Take a deep breath, and take the first step!
Daniela Gjurisic Lojkova
Daniela Gjurisic is a wellness coach and teacher since 2002, holds a Bachelor of sports and fitness; wellness therapist and nutritionist diplomas. She has appeared at television, magazines and newspapers. She is the author of Czech book, Získejte rovnováhu tela, mysli, duše, ducha. Daniela lives with her family in Canada.
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Change Your Body, Mind and Life - Daniela Gjurisic Lojkova
Copyright © 2017 Daniela Gjurisic Lojkova.
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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-7733-1 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-7734-8 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-7735-5 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017904333
Balboa Press rev. date: 04/07/2017
I Am Going To Tell You My Story, Why I Became A Wellness Coach
Before We Begin, I Must Warn You
Clarifying The Aging Process
Training Of Body And Mind In 10 Steps
Step 1: The Balance
Step 2: The Personal Daily Journal
Step 3: Optimized And Balanced Nutrition
Step 4: Optimized And Balanced Exercise
Step 5: Optimized And Balanced Thoughts
Step 6: Calculate Your Optimum Body Weight
Step 7: Body Measurements
Step 8: Deadline By Which You Will Lose Weight
Step 9: Face Fear
Step 10: Say Yes and Do Your Very Best
Bonus 1: Summary of the Basic Rules of Training Body and Mind
Bonus 2: Summary Of The 3 Essential Pillars
Bonus 3: 4-Week Beginner’s Workout Program
Bonus 4: The Core Workout
Bonus 5: Meal Tips
Bonus 6: Weekly Menu Planner
Bonus 7: Checklist (Step 1-4)
Bonus 8: Checklist (Step 5-10)
About the Author
Let me tell you something that my clients already know, you too can be successful, beautiful, slim, fit, healthy and happy! Yes, you too can change your life into the one you love!
All that I teach, how and where I lead my clients, is based not just on theory that you learn at school or read in a book. My coaching and the program Training of body and mind, which I am presenting in this guide, stands on my own experience. I myself and the hundreds of my clients are proof that, if you take the steps I advise, and make a few important changes, you can transform your life into a success story. Your dreams and wishes will come true.
It does not really matter whether you dream of losing weight, becoming fit, earning money, establishing a successful career, or meeting your life partner. I know that when you optimize your nutrition, exercise and thinking, then you tune yourself to success, good health and happiness. It