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You Wanna Race?: An Entry-Level Guide to Motorsports
You Wanna Race?: An Entry-Level Guide to Motorsports
You Wanna Race?: An Entry-Level Guide to Motorsports
Ebook48 pages37 minutes

You Wanna Race?: An Entry-Level Guide to Motorsports

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About this ebook

Auto racing is one of the greatest adrenaline-filled sports in the world. As a result, many adventure seekers are drawn to the excitement that surrounds motorsports. Still, just one percent of the population will ever have the opportunity, dedication, and courage to climb into the cockpit of a race car. In an entry-level guide, seasoned racer Joe Scarbrough shares six lessons intended to enlighten and encourage potential racers interested in participating in this fun and exciting sport.

Scarbrough, a veteran of the motorsports world, leads others through step-by-step guidance that includes tips on how to buy the right kind of car, gather the best tools, prevent injuries, achieve optimum physical condition and performance, understand industry slang, and obtain sponsors. Through it all, Scarbrough reminds racers to be cognizant of spending habits, safety requirements, and what to do and not to do to become successful in a highly competitive business.

You Wanna Race? shares tips and guidance intended to help anyone interested in participating in the exciting world of motorsports racing.
Release dateApr 6, 2017
You Wanna Race?: An Entry-Level Guide to Motorsports

Joe Scarbrough

Joe Scarbrough has been competing in organized motor racing events since age ten. His record consists of nearly three hundred victories that include eleven championships. Joe suffered a serious brain injury in 2015 that prompted his retirement as a driver and later earned him a championship win as a team owner. Joe currently resides in Virginia with his wife, Isella, where he coaches drivers and teams.

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    You Wanna Race? - Joe Scarbrough

    Copyright © 2017 Joe Scarbrough.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1815-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1816-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017905015

    iUniverse rev. date:    04/06/2017












    Before we begin, I would like to take a moment and thank the many family and friends who have contributed to my racing career.

    First, I want to thank my longtime friend and fellow competitor, Wendy Drake, for her input and review of my rough works. Gentleman Joe, my father, provided his support during the years of my driving career. Iron Mike Rubino provided great driving mentorship. John Palisi, John Matlach, and George Taylor gave all the lessons taught for the preparation of a race car. Chuck Hawks, a great coach, completed the package by tuning my mental focus on and off the track. Finally all of the team owners granted me the opportunity to pursue my dream in professional motorsports.


    If you are reading this, you probably have the ambition to participate in one of the greatest adrenaline-filled sports in the world, auto racing. I was born into a racing family, as some of you may also have been, and I have to warn you, once racing is in your blood, you cannot get it out. Racing is, in fact, such an addictive sport that it may be genetically transferred to your children, much the same way an alcoholic’s kids are likely to drink! You have been warned. Turn back now, or enter at your own risk!

    Over the course of my career, I have made many great friends in racing and unfortunately destroyed a few personal relationships. I have seen much of the same happen to many other racers. It all comes down to a prioritization of money and time. If you sell your living room furniture to buy race car parts or spend every waking moment in the race shop or at the racetrack, you are probably going to end up in divorce court! Moderation is key. Don’t spend what you don’t have, don’t get lost in the racing world, and don’t forget about the other aspects of your life. You will

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