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365 Days of Devotional: Victory in Jesus
365 Days of Devotional: Victory in Jesus
365 Days of Devotional: Victory in Jesus
Ebook189 pages2 hours

365 Days of Devotional: Victory in Jesus

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Its not what we do occasionally that shapes our lives but what we do consistently. We need to be consistent with the Word of God, to immerse our lives with His Word. The book 365 Days of Devotional will help lift you up when your spirit is low, when you cannot open the Bible or utter words of prayer, or when you feel like you cannot even motivate your own self. This is the devotional to carry you through disappointments, sad or bad news, feeling hopeless and helpless. It will not only bring positivity to you, but it will also inspire you to be an encouraging force for others. May you enjoy Gods presence, love, and peace when the devotional minister to your heart in a warm, loving way.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 13, 2018
365 Days of Devotional: Victory in Jesus

Busi Moyo

Busi Moyo, a devoted Christian woman of God. Through her books and ministry she seeks to connect people with powerful truth found in God's Word. She says she had a epiphany moment when she realized that the power is within ourselves to make some changes on how to handle situations we might encounter in life. She brings hope and encouragement to her readers and everybody surrounding her. She believes some of the life trials do have a purpose to take us to another level with God. She says, sometimes it's not the weight of the trials that pull us down, it's how we carry them. She's the author of The power is within you-my pilgrimage journey, While in waiting -your breakthrough is in the praise and also current 365 days of devotional-Victory in Jesus.

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    365 Days of Devotional - Busi Moyo

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    About the Devotional

    Letter to God (2012)



    Dr. Caleb Mashushire

    Forward in Faith Ministries

    Senior Pastor & Overseer

    It is my rare honor to be accorded the privilege of writing the foreword of the wonderful book that takes you through the annual journey of 365 days of unbroken devotional victory in Jesus. It is an extremely rich resource for deepening your intimate relationship with your creator who is the source of your life through the Lord Jesus Christ. Each new day draws you closer to Jesus as you commit to reading these devotionals that will guarantee you victory through your dedicated devotion to nurturing your relationship with Jesus Christ through-out the year.

    Busi Moyo is an anointed writer and devoted with her ministry. She is a terrific author of several books to her credit. I first met Busi along with her twin sister and their brother in 2005 as I worked as a Pastor for Zimbabwean Community in Indiana USA. She became an integral part of our community and was instrumental in fostering unity in our community through the Zimbabwe Prayer Group. The group met every Sunday late afternoon to pray for the nation of Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Prayer Day drew people from Indiana, the surrounding States, Canada, South Africa and even Zimbabwe.

    She is a mighty woman of God who it totally sold out for Jesus Christ. She walks the talk. Her faith and excitement in the Lord is highly infectious and contagious. This book/devotional that you are holding in your hands will thrust and catapult you to a higher dimension of deeper spiritual levels of maturity and will endow you with immense knowledge and intensely increase your awareness of God’s presence in your life. The devotional has been birthed from the innermost depths of the bowels of a woman who yearns to have more of God and less of herself (Philippians 3:10-14).

    The writings are not just mere writings but are rather a catalyst for developing a richer and productive relationship with the Lord. I can only wish you all the best blessings as you begin your journey of 365 days of devotional with victory in Jesus. I am confident that you will never come out the same as you read this transforming book. You will emerge victorious with Jesus in your life.

    God bless you all!


    To all the readers, I dedicate this Devotional to you. To the one who feels lonely, lost or without hope and to the one who need to enforce themselves with the Word of God. Remember, if you do not see the footprints, He is carrying you. May you be encouraged and be comforted. Every day may not be good but there is something good in everyday. Be blessed!

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    - Jeremiah 29:11


    It was one quiet summer afternoon when I received yet another call with sad news just like the ones I received about my mother, dad and my two brothers (RIP). My mobile phone rang from the coffee table I had laid it on. I quickly jumped to pick it up before it cut off seeing it was an international call. Normally if it’s a family call, you got to pick the phone on that first or second ring, at least that’s what we agreed on as a family. Well not knowing that the call is bringing devastating news about my older sister. Cancer had recurred and has metastasized to her lungs. This was heart-wrenching to comprehend. The cancer had returned after it has been in remission for a long period of time.

    I remember going to my twin sister with this idea to open a Prayer Group on social media for our beloved sister since family and friends were geographically in different locations, that idea birthed to Prayers for S.M bringing everybody together. Strictly for prayers, encouragements, and updates for our sister’s journey. Powerful prayer warriors came together and prayed with us from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya, Canada, UK and Nigeria. The support was enormous and it boosted our sister so much. She fought the good fight of faith until she completed her journey on earth and graduated to be with our Heavenly Father in Heaven.

    It wasn’t the healing we anticipated to receive nevertheless it was the supernatural spiritual healing she needed. We then changed the group name to Victory in Jesus because she crossed over and received her crown of glory, the ultimate victory she won with Jesus on her side. These are some of the random encouraging words not in any order and scriptures posted on the group @Victory in Jesus by my twin sister and I. May God bless you, be encouraged and be empowered. 365 Days of Devotional -Victory in Jesus@

    LETTER TO GOD (2012)

    Dear God, we need your help;

    How are we expected to put on a happy face when contradictory to that we are torn and broken because of our sister is in pain.

    How are we expected to work effectively and be a good sister to the other siblings, good parent and a good colleague when we feel torn inside.

    How are we expected to sleep at night with gladness when our own sibling cannot? She tosses and turns, groans and moans just to find that comfortable position. We know that you alone have all the answers…

    1. We will have a smile on our face because each day is a brand-new day with fresh anointing for our beautiful sister. We want to believe that we are not going to allow to be torn neither broken because Greater is He in our sister’s life than he who is in the world 1 John 4:4

    2. We will continue to work effectively, work with enthusiasm and great attitude being the best colleague, best parent best sister and best friend.

    3. Holy Spirit you are welcome. As you wake us up in the middle of the night and cause us to praise you the whole night, we will continue to give thanks for the health of our beloved sister.

    You alone have all the answers ...

    We might not know them all and that is ok, we put our trust and hope in You Lord

    Thank You,

    Busi & Buhle Moyo

    RIP Sis B

    Quote: The start of the New Year is good to reflect on the year past and make a new start. I always find it fascinating and so much delightful to think God has been with me all the time in my joys and pain. I am in awe with His love and mercy for me. I give Him all the praise honor and glory. Here is an encouragement for you today: Start by doing what’s necessary then do what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible. When you put God first in your life everything falls into place Yes! not according to your time or somebody else’s but God’s timing, trusting Him all the way all the time.

    - Busi Moyo

    Happy New Year

    January 1

    We welcome the New Year with open arms. God in His mercy brought His people from Egypt to their own homeland and it was a work of His mercy all the way. He has surely brought us far with His mercy. God has a wonderful plan for His human creation, a very good plan. According to God’s purpose; that plan takes time, patience and endurance.

    Festive season for me is to reflect on God’s goodness, mercy and love. And above it all, to commit yourself in the new year to walk ‘above’ your circumstances with joy in your heart enabled by the strength of your sovereign Lord and the promise of His ultimate victory. Put on joy and strength from the Lord and rise above whatever difficult circumstances have invaded your life. Then watch what God will do, victory always prevails. Victory in Jesus!

    January 2

    Start the New Year with power in your life. The Word of God says in Mark 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He cometh in the glory of His Father with the Holy angels Amen. To fellowship with God is to become one with Him. To sin is to miss the mark and we don’t want to fall short of the glory of God. We need to focus our attention on remaining in fellowship with God and with one another.

    For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

    - Romans 1:16

    God is faithful, by whom you were called into fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

    - 1 Corinthians 1:9

    January 3

    Failure is never final. You are never a failure until you quit, and it’s always too soon to quit! You determine a person’s greatness by what it takes to discourage him/her. There are a lot of things in your life you don’t have control over. You did not control who your parents were, when you were born, where you were born, or what your race or nationality.

    You did not decide how you look. But you do have complete control over how much you choose to believe God, to trust God. God uses people who expect Him to act, who never give up. Never allow someone or something to pull you down, to tell you this cannot be done, or you cannot do it, it’s impossible. We serve a God who turns impossible situations possible. Yes, you can. Yes, it can be done. Hold on to what you know is the truth and that is victory is yours today and always.

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    - Romans 15:13

    January 4

    Good morning! If you are not feeling well and sick in your body today, be reminded God is the ultimate source of all blessing and all healing. There is power in the prayers. Above all there is enormous power, omnipotent power, eternal power, in the name of the Lord. He alone can grant the needed healing. There is power in declaration, declare your healing today.

    *Any forces coming against your health be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Regain your health right now hallelujah!

    But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.

    - Isaiah 53:5

    January 5

    May you rise with cheerful heart because God is moving in your behalf, you might not see it, but He is. Walk forward in faith brethren, He got you. God always goes before you. He is always with you and for you.

    Walk in expectancy, walk in victory. There is a rattling sound Yes bones are coming together in your life. God is speaking life in your situation Glory!

    It starts from the inside, get up and stand from the inside. Develop a positive attitude as you start and go about your day. Tell yourself regardless what’s up there for me today God has personally gone before me and is with me. He will never fail you nor abandon you.

    The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

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