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Switzerland is a fictional story about a nuclear crisis and a tale of how a married couple and their children were enlisted into the Secret Service to provide expert marksmanship and training in how to resolve complicated issues pertaining to an illegal nuclear operation. In providing an air defense policy to the country of Switzerland, the two had to acquire a briefing about the rules of engagement pertaining to the national defense of both Russia and Switzerland. The protection of national defense is important to the United States, and they take numerous steps in providing air defense policies.

Extensive intelligence operations are required to protect the national defense, and to protect the national defense of Switzerland was the mission. For appropriate protection of national defense, research and development in the area of nuclear and biophysics is necessary. Scientist who study in that area remain isolated so a thorough exploration of nuclear armament can occur. It is considered to be an area of research and development, and their results assist in providing guidelines for the rest of the world. Research and development are necessary for national defense in that it provides guidelines for national defense.

Principles of biological development also assist in the development of nuclear weapon production. It takes dedication to national defense for these policies to be useful in maintaining tranquility. The politicians in Switzerland understood nuclear armament, and they realized the capabilities of nuclear destruction should be fully explored to understand how nuclear weapons can be used to prevent war. In Switzerland, it was realized that biological threats posed a danger to the civilian sector. The politicians in Switzerland also realized steps that could be taken in prevention. To determine if the threat could be stopped, they pondered over the possibilities outlined for them by the Pentagon. They decided numerous courses of action should be taken to reduce the possibilities of future issues pertaining to nuclear armament.
Release dateOct 24, 2018

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    Switzerland - Savannah Lipham

    Copyright © 2018 Savannah Lipham and Gary Lee Puckett.. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse    10/22/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-6372-2 (sc)

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    Devan Porter


    Congress and Air Defense Policies

    Aerial Reconnaissance

    Microbiology and Weapons

    Weapon Assembly


    About the Author


    Aerial photography is an extensive advancement leading to innovations in spy technology and is a specialized area created for imagery analysis to assist combat professionals in making expert decisions pertaining to national defense. Considered to be aerial reconnaissance, aerial photography and photoreconnaissance are very effective ways to establish information about the enemy. Photoreconnaissance is made easier with aviation, and there are numerous concepts to consider. Aviation opens doors of opportunity for secret surveillance missions and spy operations become easier with the incorporation of aviation intelligence and photoreconnaissance. Extensive analyzation of enemy territory with the incorporation of aviation combat photography defines multiple areas of the enemy and outlines different areas his strengths and weaknesses can be addressed. The operations were considered to be important to the development of mercenary combat tactics, and when that area grew into amphibious assault, the United States realized they were one step closer to perfecting undetected assassination with the incorporation of satellite targeting. Plans to engage the enemy are very simple with the incorporation of photoreconnaissance, and photoreconnaissance reveals more than just the terrain of the enemy. Information about his numbers can be gathered, not to mention a reliable system of calculating his ballistic armaments reveals what he is capable of.

    Mercenaries involved in the first combat missions were proficient in military aviation and photography. Photoreconnaissance was necessary for conventional war to be accomplished, and there were numerous areas that had to be contemplated. Taking into consideration the adoption of sophisticated intelligence reveals areas of enemy operations in which proliferation can be proven to exist, photoreconnaissance has numerous applications in the combat profession. For conventional war to be accomplished, numerous areas of enemy operations have to be carefully studied. For aerial photography to yield favorable results, the defenses of the enemy and their strength assessments have to be taken into consideration. Numerous complicated thought processes become the requirement if he is to be defeated. Experiments involving aerial reconnaissance from high speed photography made the discovery of proliferation easier and from photo reconnaissance information, numerous plans of attack can be contemplated. To exploit the possibilities for continued high quality resolution and imagery technology is the leading edge the United States needs for professional observation of enemy territory. There will be areas that have to be pioneered in aerial photography as military armament continues to grow, yet there will always be restrictions in the aerial photography profession.

    Temperature restrictions that cause malfunctions in camera parts are areas that have to be continually exploited to achieve optimum camera perfection. When conducting reconnaissance from extremely high altitudes, it is common for the camera parts to freeze at higher altitudes. When that occurs, numerous malfunctions need to be corrected. These malfunctions are often expensive and time consuming. To repair surveillance craft and to contemplate enemy interception requires dedication and expertise. Airborne reconnaissance depends largely on the stealth capabilities of surveillance aircraft. Extensive planning could be an area for research and development for extensive photoreconnaissance operations. Photoreconnaissance missions will always be in a state of evolution due to the advanced technology of the combat profession. Eventually the technological advances should lead to numerous discoveries of enemy territory. For photoreconnaissance to be an effective measure against terrorism, it should be an area that continues to grow. It was realized reconnaissance intelligence had to be collected and interpreted by professionals from a variety of different occupations. Reconnaissance interpretation is applied to cover numerous aspects of the combat profession. Photographic Reconnaissance Units are involved in every aspect of combat and photoreconnaissance is an effective way to plan the different stages of aviation intelligence. Most of the first photoreconnaissance operations were synchronized for continuous evolution of assassination operations. With archaeologist input that reveals the geography of any given latitude on any given continent, photoreconnaissance is a challenge to maintain in that successful air defense policies reveal complex combat operations, revealing information about the location of the enemy. Photoreconnaissance involves careful planning and there are numerous phases of analysis that have to be contemplated for successful combat operations. Photographic analysis has to be precise to meet the demands of the combat profession and there are numerous areas that have to continually evolve. Photographic interpreters have made the observances that reconnaissance from high speed photography yield incredible results about the terrain of the enemy. Aerial observation incorporated to perfect war time operations require dedication and perseverance. To invade into enemy territory often gives the upper hand in aerial attacks and combat situations when these tactics are applied. Members of reconnaissance operations apply instrumental high speed photography in numerous different applications.

    Photoreconnaissance and aerial photography were areas the President of the United States and Devan Porter discussed when Devan contacted him with information pertaining to nuclear activity in Switzerland. To produce the target location and to refine the consistency of combat operations is the nature of our communication today. Successful reconnaissance squadrons apply skills in numerous areas if their combat operations are to be successful. Military targets usually are the culprit of the investigation and it is based on intelligence gathered in Switzerland. With the implementation of photoreconnaissance, stereoscopic images evolved to assist in the location of nuclear activity in Switzerland. Military targets are usually heavily protected by numerous United States satellite systems. High speed photography taken at extremely high altitudes has revealed illegal military activity on behalf of the United States. Satellite photography is one of the most effective ways to reveal the location of nuclear activity in any country. For military observation analysts to reveal the culprits obviously could produce a chain reaction of assassinations. The investigative reports of Switzerland reveal numerous aspects about the nuclear activity, which probably isn’t a good idea. Photographic equipment pertains to multiple areas of infrastructure observation when making assessments of targeted regions. Making sabotage operations easier to establish, monitor, and accomplish has been the objective of my observances for some time. Once the launching mechanisms are located and recorded, operational success is easier to achieve if it is your intentions to reduce the chances of a catastrophe between Switzerland and Russia. Numerous reconnaissance missions reveal areas in both countries that require extensive dedication if numerous civilian lives are to be saved. While investigating political assassinations that occurred in Switzerland, I found the reevaluation of their identities required aerial reconnaissance for members of the Executive Office Branch of the United States Federal Government. Photoreconnaissance is usually a secretive operational tactic involving assassination. Assassination was developed by the founders of our country and stealth capabilities are an area of evolution if the concept of assassination is to be successful at saving the lives of numerous civilians in Russia. Requirements of strategic reconnaissance aircraft for detection and evasion purposes is not yet a requirement, but will be when the Russians determine nuclear activity has jeopardized the lives of their citizens. United States naval officers in Switzerland have developed numerous complex reconnaissance strategies and numerous structures are targeted in Russia. To accomplish aerial surveillance tasks should be another of your accomplishments in the near future. Coupled with Geospatial Intelligence, aerial intelligence aircraft usually determines which assassins you should deploy. Attack strategies the United States Military will incorporate to accomplish their objective depends on the level of corruption found within their ranks. Reconnaissance aircraft and surveillance are necessary if it is your mission to prevent the disaster. There are multiple areas of strategic planning that have to occur in the near future, and providing a very strong air defense policy for the country of Switzerland should be high on your agenda. When it is your decision to engage the enemy, those are my recommended suggestions.

    Photoreconnaissance is very demanding and Devan Porter stressed the importance of surveillance based missions that had to occur for Switzerland. Satellite reconnaissance is another area from which you should structure your attack, and you should keep in mind the nuclear activity was spotted between Bern and Zurich. The Pentagon is more than capable of gathering data about the enemy. Photographic intelligence gathered from Geospatial Imagery has a high assassination success rate and is your only option, unless you wait on the missiles to be launched and attempt to shoot them down. Keep in mind, Switzerland is landlocked and is not a strategy for you to contemplate. Geospatial targeting is a professional mapmaking ability that has been provided to the United States, and I recommend you take a look at the list I have created for you. Geospatial observation defines the terrain of the enemy and military activity of the area under observation makes your task very simple. Considering that photographic resolution is a perfected version of assassination operations, you have to agree with me, it is a likely starting point based on the evidence I have provided. I suggest you incorporate the best advanced long distance target professionals in the very near future.

    The President of the United States took over the conversation, and he was reluctant to believe that a select few members of the United States Navy planned to attack Russia from Switzerland. "In professional mapmaking, development of an attack strategy is a lengthy process that requires a series of operations and Congressional approval. What kind of perimeter has been established? For your missions to be successful, aerial recovery of film from reconnaissance satellites is not my suggested course of action. Assassination was originally designed from mapmaking efforts, but the concept was quickly discovered the value aerial reconnaissance had in war. After the filming process, the camera and the film are returned to earth for analyzation and operational contemplation begins from a variety of attack positions. There simply is no time for that proposed strategy. Professional assassination requires several satellites to cover military action in Switzerland. Switzerland was supposed to be part of a top secret operation that revealed the military structure of Germany and Italy. Missions conducted by the United Nations led to the development of another complex military operation obviously, and again, I knew nothing about the nuclear operation in Switzerland. A ballistic attack aimed at the nuclear laboratory is the only possibility that we have left if you are unsuccessful at assassination. Digital photography reconnaissance on the continent of Europe is strictly prohibited in United Nations agreements. High altitude reconnaissance airplanes are another contemplation that is out of the question. The President of the United States and Devan Porter continued to discuss options for the prevention of the nuclear crisis. Photographic information about the enemy has numerous advantages over satellite reconnaissance and they both decided there were only two or three options. Devan reasoned through the options with the President of the United States. Cameras and the intelligence extraction process are much faster when corruption does not exist in military operations. The orbiting capsules can be intercepted as they are returning to earth, and not really a topic of our concern. Although both methods of intelligence collection are effective, and intelligence collection is a priority of ours, assassination is our only course of action to neutralize the threat. High speed reconnaissance airplanes are the favored methods of aerial reconnaissance and are used to support the operations of fighter pilots. They are capable of delivering more detailed photographs in enemy territory. To record incidents of national security, it is the mission of fighter pilots to respond based on information gathered from geospatial intelligence experts. Their operations give an extreme advantage over the enemy and all of the activity is directed by the Pentagon. The incorporation of surveillance increases the chances of victory for the pilots. They have less of a chance at losing a pilot when high speed imagery aircraft dictate their travel paths. It is the preferred choice between three methods of prevention, and if you will listen closely, I assure you it is not a logical idea for you to present this information to Congress. Signal and imagery intelligence collected from geospatial satellite reconnaissance cameras assist the national defense of the United States in a variety of different ways. Although they are capable of a higher resolution, a detailed description of enemy territory doesn’t require that high of a resolution. Even though they are taken from several hundred kilometers, the photographs give combat information that assists in perfected flight trajectories. The resolution of satellite photographs is excellent for observances made in enemy territory."

    Numerous nations have launched satellites to observe the activities of other continents, and that was one of the major concerns between Devan and the President of the United States. Devan continued to make suggestions. In the wave of photoreconnaissance operations, hundreds of satellites assist our national defense efforts. Considered to be the spy satellite age of photoreconnaissance, aerial photography is necessary in the prevention of natural disasters. When aerial photography observations are applied, observations that can assist in the decision making process occur frequently. Imagery intelligence is successful when incorporated with synchronization of the sun. To require an advanced knowledge of circular aperture and physics required for successful photoreconnaissance operations is the best approach to solving air defense issues, if that is the case. The satellites are capable of staying in orbit for numerous years and they gather information about aerial surveillance systems of other countries. The aerial surveillance equipment takes into consideration the wavelength of light and the diameter of the lens determines the quality of the resolution, all of which is useful information for the interpretation of data. Angular resolution is accented by diffractions that differ at different altitudes. Usually information is required by a gifted team of Geospatial Intelligence professionals. It is their job to intercept and analyze data. To photograph and detect enemy operations is classified under numerous military compartments. Taking images with a telescopic lens requires an extensive knowledge in Imagery Intelligence to advance in that field. Missile guidance systems are another of your contemplations and you should deploy numerous geospatial professionals to assist in hiding the information from the media. Their operations are the primary purpose of aerial spy technology, and you are officially aware that we now have a nuclear crisis in Switzerland.

    Devan revealed more information to slowly make the President aware of how serious the issue was. "Light from a point source passes through a small circular aperture that produces an image that can be exploited by a fighter pilot. Examples of diffraction can be viewed or accepted as bright dots that are used to exploit images for numerous radar engagements. Circular discs are also accented by concentric circular rings that are useful in the exploitation of aerial combat. The described process is known as diffraction and is of a considerable importance in aerial photography as the process enhances the exact distance to the aerial target. Circular apertures are aberrations that produce diffraction limited images which are easier to interpret by geospatial observers. There are numerous limitations when viewing images that are imposed by weather restrictions. Rayleigh criterion allows for precise calculations when resolutions are restricted, and is another solution to professional targeting. Calculating quantity usually determines qualities that can be different the mass of different areas and is usually a relationship centered on trigonometry. Light from a point source determines imaging systems that perfect the resolution of any target that intersects with the pilot’s line of site. If all parts of both systems are functioning properly, the pilot has a very high success rate and that determines complex imaging systems. It is the perfected synchronization of ballistics and is a diffraction limited system if successful. The angle of slit expression depends on the imaging process that is used and the wavelength used to capture the image is one of the most classified operations on this planet. It is known as the pattern that can interpret both the target and the pilot’s line of site. It is a digitized system that allows for perfected and expedient target acquisition for precise enemy elimination. Aerial spy technology is a requirement for professional observances and detailed military mapping is also the perfected essence of targeting for military pilots. Geospatial satellites can be observed and recorded from other spy satellites. That process is the easiest way to gain information about the enemy. It requires extensive reconnaissance if professional observances of the enemy are to be made. That will be the response of every country on the continent of Europe and Russia if you are unsuccessful at numerous assassinations in the very near future. Observation of enemy activity is a very dangerous profession and requires numerous hours of patients. In the previous years before manned aerial aircraft, photoreconnaissance made enemy observances easier. The invention of aerial photography allows for easier intelligence gathering pertaining to enemy operations. With aerial photography came the incorporation of tactics used to

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