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My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil: Memoirs
My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil: Memoirs
My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil: Memoirs
Ebook111 pages1 hour

My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil: Memoirs

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About this ebook

Many times, author Clarice Burthey Crudup has been handicapped by the devil trying to gain control of her and move her in the wrong direction. In My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil, she shares the story of how God’s guidance and blessings helped her be successful and conquer the setbacks, including a diagnosis of bi-polar depression.

In this memoir, she narrates the miracles God has worked in her life, and she offers insight, gratitude, and inspiration for overcoming the devil through the will of God. Crudup chronicles her journey, giving extensive information on the mental health issues faced by her and her father, discussing her employment as a business education teacher and with government departments, and describing the misinterpretation of her true character by some co-workers.

My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil tells how God helped Crudup choose positive, uplifting actions to overcome evil and illustrates how he healed her from the mental depression that was a norm.
Release dateJun 18, 2019
My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil: Memoirs

Clarice Burthey Crudup

Clarice Burthey Crudup was born in Durham, North Carolina. She graduated with honors from I. C. Norcom High School in Portsmouth, Virginia, in 1958. She graduated from Norfolk State University and received a bachelor’s degree in business education in 1962. She was the salutatorian of the university’s graduating class in 1962. She also took classes in economics at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Clarice retired from two careers—teaching after twenty years and working for the federal government after another twenty years. She is a Golden soror with more than fifty years of membership in Northern Virginia’s Zeta Chi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. This is the first book she has written. She has one son, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson. Clarice currently lives with her family in Fort Washington, Maryland.

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    My Journey with God in Spite of the Devil - Clarice Burthey Crudup

    Copyright © 2019 Clarice Burthey Crudup.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-7240-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-7239-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019903714

    iUniverse rev. date:  06/17/2019




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    About the Author


    F irst, and always first, I give thanks to my Heavenly Father for giving me the courage and determination to complete this book. Special thanks is given to Sylvia Dianne Beverly, Joyce Williams-Graves, Frances Young, and Willette Warner for encouraging me to write this book and put my story out to readers. These special ladies showed so much support that they motivated me to complete this book. They said they knew my writing this book was within my qualifications.

    Thanks also to Pastor Anton T. Wesley, who used his free time—which I know he has very little of—to write words of inspiration to be included. His words inspired me and I know will inspire other readers. His inspiration gave me so much courage as I worked on this special project.

    The individuals who took the time to support me with their comments and photographs are greatly appreciated. These added quality to the presentation of my first book, with my life stories that God wanted me to tell.

    Finally, I must acknowledge the sincere assistance and help of the IUniverse publishing Company and the devout professionalism shown by their many employees. To my patient family, this would not have been possible without your understanding and encouragement. I thank you. Of course, I give all the glory for my accomplishment to God endowing me with His merciful and miraculous grace. Amen!


    I was born in 1941 in Durham, North Carolina, to my parents, Rember Odell Burthey Sr. and Ruth Mae Hodges. I had two siblings, Rember Odell Burthey Jr. (the oldest child) and Grover Cleveland Burthey (the youngest). I was the middle child. I came from a broken home. My father and mother were divorced, and we children lived in Durham with my father and my uncles and their wives in a funeral home.


    My father was in school to become a minister, and at night he would come home to us children, usually with ice cream or some change as a treat for us. He’d wake us up and give it to us.

    Chapter 1

    O ne day Dad came home with his new wife, Mildred, from Burlington, North Carolina. Dad had completed his schooling, and he was a Methodist minister now for the Colored Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church, which today is called Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. His ministry was governed by a bishop, and the rule was that he had to move every four years to a different church location. After leaving Durham, our first location was Raleigh, North Carolina. Four years later, we moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina. We kids were always the new kids on the block and in school. My first realization that someone could be jealous of me happened when a girl in my class who sat behind me cut off one of my two long plaits. I was about seven years old. I hit her and got in trouble with the teacher, who sent me to the office and called my dad. At the time, the teacher had not seen the girl cut my hair. My dad was called, and he reported the girl’s act to her father, who supposedly disciplined his daughter for her act.

    Chapter 2

    M y dad was very resourceful as a minister, and he didn’t mind stepping outside his routine. He started a nursery school at our church. Most of the children who enrolled were the children of church members. The nursery school received certain foods, including cheese, powdered milk, eggs, and peanut butter, and the costs were subsidized by the state, so this was mostly what Dad’s children ate. This saved our dad money.

    He also started an adult typing class in our church. When I was young, Dad allowed me to take typewriting in that class. Little did I know that I would one day become a typing teacher as my first career; however, when I did pursue that career, my dad was deceased. I often wished that he had known how my taking that typing class had developed my interest in typing and thus helped me start my career. He would have been proud to know this.

    Four years later, we moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where my father was pastor of another church. I remember clearly that he used to talk about his friendship with certain civil rights activists and other well-known pastors in Montgomery.

    Chapter 3

    E verything was going fine until one day a group of people stopped by the house for a conference with Dad and talked to my father at length about church and Christian matters.

    The conference lasted about two or three hours before ending. About a day or so later, my dad started yelling, Confusion! Confusion! Confusion! My siblings and I were so frightened and embarrassed because we thought some of the people in the neighborhood could hear him.

    My brothers and I were at a loss about what had upset him so. In addition to the conference, Dad wasn’t living up to

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