Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright
About this ebook
The approach of Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright encompasses four parts: setting a foundation of understanding the nature of spiritual truth; beginning the journey to the kingdom of God; appreciating the reality of Jesus’s life; and exploring the stages of enlightenment.
You may feel in your heart a yearning to know the deep truths of life, an attraction to exploring the life of Jesus as a way to gain personal insight, and a calling to reach out and to grasp the fruit of knowledge God has promised you. If you have these feelings, then Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright will give you the guidance, rooted in an exploration of the Bible’s witness and God’s revelation of his kingdom, for discovering the kingdom of God in your own heart.
Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks
Bishop Kwabena A. Rainier Cheeks serves as the pastor of Inner Light Ministries, Washington, D.C. A graduate of the National Spiritual Science Center, he received a doctor of divinity degree from St. Andrew’s Theological Seminary, London, and was initiated as an abosomfo priest of Tegare from Ghana, West Africa.
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Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright - Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks
Copyright © 2011 by Bishop Kwabena A. Rainier Cheeks, D.D.
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ISBN: 978-1-4502-7887-4 (sc)
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iUniverse rev. date: 12/16/2020
I dedicate this work, with my love and gratitude, to
Rodney D. Taylor and Reverend Katheren Gibson.
I promised you that I would finish this work and, with your
encouragement and love I did!
This work would not been completed without the prayers and continued support of many people. Each of you has my deepest gratitude. To the members of Inner Light Ministries, I love you, and I am so grateful to be your Pastor. Your constant prayers and loyalty give me the strength to do what I do. I feel overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude to some people for their support and push to make this happen.
Primarily, I thank Almighty God, I call You by many names. I pray that this work will glorify You. I give You all praise!
I would like to thank one of my teachers that truly inspired and pushed me Reverend Diane S. Nagorka Ph. D.
I would like to thank my Assistant Pastor, Reverend Wallace R. Henry III, to be the first to read this work and for his constant dedication, support and is always there for me.
I would like to thank Walter Dunson Ph. D. for editing this manuscript.
I would like to thank the readers that helped me bring clarity to this work Reverend Deborah Campbell,
Reverend Amon B. James, Reverend Darryl L. C. Moch, and Reverend Michael Moore and Reverend Kevin Taylor,
I would like to thank Nana Efua O. Ansa Agyapoma, Reverend Beverley Biddle and Reverend P. Lynne Reed for helping with the early editing of this work.
I would like to thank Baba Kevin D. Green for his constant support.
I would like to thank Nana Akua Kyerewaa Opokuwaa for our Monday morning talks.
I would like to thank my son, Kwaku Onyamekye Q
, who constantly inspires me.
I would like to give thanks to the Spirit of my mother, Mrs. Omie Cheeks, who taught me to never give up.
Thank You Thank You Thank You !
Prelude: How My Journey Started
Chapter 1: Who Is God?
Chapter 2: Many Roads, One Path
Chapter 3: Reading the Bible in a New Way
Chapter 4: Symbols and Metaphors As Keys
Chapter 5: Exoteric versus Esoteric
Chapter 6: Religion versus Spirituality
Chapter 7: Stepping Onto the Path
Chapter 8: God Revealed
Chapter 9: Understanding the Nature of God
Chapter 10: God at Work
Chapter 11: The Great Separation
Chapter 12: Struggle on the Journey
Chapter 13: Light on the Path Home
Chapter 14: The Meaning of the Name Jesus
Chapter 15: Relating to Jesus
Chapter 16: The Ministry of Jesus
Chapter 17: Growing Up – Becoming Christ
Chapter 18: Time to Free Yourself
Chapter 19: The Seven Sacraments
Chapter 20: Learning to Control Your Emotions
Chapter 21: It Is Only A Test
Chapter 22: Becoming the Teacher
Chapter 23: A New Light Shining
Special Acknowledgment
Rev. Rainey Cheeks entered this world in a burst of light and has fulfilled his promise to the Universe to spread that light. We are given choices, to do this or that, to act this way or that way. As with so many great souls, Rainey’s place of birth was modest. He was raised by a single mother whose motto was, Never give up
: and, he never did. His has been a life built on trust; trust that God always supplies. The gift of letting go and letting God has carried Rainey through hard times, of which he has seen more than his share.
Through his spiritual studies at the National Spiritual Science Center Rainey prepared himself for public service. His years of study and service stood him in good stead. The National Spiritual Science Center became a stepping stone to bigger and greater service. He has matured with the years, surpassing all expectations, giving voice to his passionate devotion to God and His works. No task was too small or any individual too desperate. Rainey never considered himself above anyone. His love was and is always held out to any and all.
Rainey served as Minister in the National Spiritual Science Center. He traveled to many countries taking the light of spirit with him, spreading the Light of love, a road of hope for many.
Rev. Rainey founded, Inner Light Ministries at where he serves God and all those who are desperately seeking to touch the greater Light. Rainey is an inspiration to us all, holding in his heart and mind his mother’s admonition, Never give up.
Rev. Diane S. Nagorka, Ph.D.
Atlantic Spiritual Science Center
Bethany Beach, DE
April 22, 2010
In this insightful and thought-provoking book, Bishop Kwabena A. Rainey Cheeks combines theology, numerology, symbolism, and personal experience to interpret the Bible and unlock its hidden truths concerning the purpose of life. His metaphorical explanation of a variety of biblical stories and passages leads the reader into a deeper understanding of the stages of human growth and development. His basic premise is that because God breathed the breath of life into humanity alone, human beings have the unique potential not only to draw closer to God, but to become one with God. In other words, the Kingdom of God within is our spiritual birthright and our life’s quest is to reclaim it. In so doing, we will discover that, like Jesus, we have the capacity to grow in God (or Higher) consciousness as we journey on the path toward full spiritual maturity.
Bishop Cheeks makes it clear early on that while he is not interested in telling us what to think, his goal is to get us to think. Furthermore, he pushes us to think outside the box.
That is, he forces us outside our comfort zones so that we might struggle with seeing and understanding the mysteries of life in new and different ways. In this day and time in which critical thinking is a rare commodity within the church, and especially within the Black Church, it is refreshing to encounter an author who virtually dares us to love God not simply with all our heart and with all our soul, but also with all our mind.
I am grateful to Bishop Cheeks for his honesty, his commitment, his brilliance, and his willingness to employ his gifts unselfishly to the glory of God and for the edification of the people of God. Whether we agree with everything he has to say or not, we cannot help but admire the fact that he possesses the love, the conviction, and the courage to say it. Regardless of one’s religion, faith, or level of spirituality, this lucid and accessible volume will be a blessing to all who read it.
The Reverend Dennis W. Wiley, Ph.D
Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright is a primer for finding the pathway to higher consciousness in discovering how to become the manifestation and living embodiment of the Christ in our times. Kwabena Rainey Cheeks gently draws the reader into an easy flowing and spellbinding narrative as he unfolds metaphysical principles that lead to a greater understanding of one’s real identity, rightful purpose and true destiny in life. His deep insights into the sacred text bring light to passages that were once obscure or complex and his knack for making the complicated seem so simple is a clear indication that the author has travelled down the road of life many times and has met the Christ on the way.
Interlaced with real life examples of his own personal experiences, Bishop Cheeks explores spiritual principles based upon his knowledge of world religions, especially Christianity, and shares profound insights of how an individual can move from a basic understanding of self to a Higher Self where he or she can unleash the power of the God within and become the glory of God fully alive.
Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright is an easy and enjoyable read. Kwabena Cheeks gives you the sense that his journey is also your journey and that you have a Master Teacher who will serve as a life coach or companion throughout every page of the book. Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright is a book for all times!
George Augustus Stallings, Jr.
Senior Pastor and Founder
African-American Catholic Congregation
Imani Temple on Capitol Hill
This book is for anyone traveling on the path to enlightenment. I pray that reading it will help you gain a better understanding of the steps Jesus took and to understand the spiritual development process. We must examine the life lessons of Jesus, from the birth narrative to the transfiguration, using metaphysical meanings in order to gain deeper understanding. Only then, can we apply these lessons to our daily lives. Once you are able to free yourself from negative thoughts and master your life lessons, you are on your way to becoming Christ. This is how you begin to Reclaim Your Divine Birthright, and eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. I believe that once we are able to understand our life mission and the unfolding process of Jesus’ life, then, we can understand our own life’s spiritual journey better.
The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Genesis 2:7 (NIV)
Notice here God breathes into man the breath of life. Iin all other creation God speaks and everything comes into being. We must also remember that in Matthew 4:1, Jesus asked us to follow him, not to worship him. To become Christ-like, you must take up your personal cross and take responsibility for your own life’s journey. Just like Jesus, we must transform and transfigure, so we are able to transcend to the consciousness of Christ. This is what Jesus came to show all humanity — how to return to the Kingdom within. In Genesis 3, God removed from the Garden of Eden, an event referred to as the fall of man. This separation is only in your thoughts, not in the mind of God.
"He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus’ head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.
John 20:6-7 (NIV)
This represents the separation of the head of Christ (God self) from the Body of Christ (Church). The linens were also scattered representing the spread of the body, in this case around the world. Today, we are still (figuratively and literally) trying to put the body of Christ back together.
If we learn the simple lesson that, just like our physical bodies need each organ, each of us is important and necessary in the body of Christ. If we would learn this lesson, we would also begin to see the world in a new light. Too many of us are trying to change other people to think, live, worship, or to pray just like we do. Instead, what we need to realize is that when we finally understand that every form of expression is important to celebrate God’s love, we will have a better picture of what the kingdom of God actually looks like: inclusive, welcoming, and affirming of each person, individually and collectively.
Can you imagine field after field of flowers of every type, shape, size, hue and fragrance? This is what the kingdom of God is like. The rose does not try to change its color, its shape or its smell in order to be a lily. Each flower has its own beauty and its own purpose. Each flower understands that its purpose is to be itself. This way, it glorifies God. Humans, however, impose all of their isms
(including religious isms
) on each other to separate themselves. This is act of fear, not love.
Ironically, there is the belief that somehow we are going to lose something if another person gains. There is enough of everything for all. There is certainly enough love and enough of God’s light. When you are trying to make another human seem less valuable, you are mentally working from the place of the small ego. This is working from fear and lack, not from the abundance of divine love. Many people try to hide behind religious dogma to excuse their behavior. Further, they try to hide behind religious dogma to criticize others in order to gain what they believe is power and a false relationship with God. You must be willing to question everything you hear, and check how you came to believe what you believe. As soon as you stop questioning, you stop growing, and you have just given up your power! On that day, you may find yourself in a very strange land, indeed.
The longer you go down that road to giving up your power, the more you begin to believe that the illusion of life you are living is the truth. We spend so much energy on belief systems that separate ourselves from God and each other, that we get lost on our journeys and forget our missions. Have you ever started your day with a very specific task to do and by the end of the day found yourself off course,