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The Hidden Reality
The Hidden Reality
The Hidden Reality
Ebook273 pages1 hour

The Hidden Reality

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About this ebook

The Hidden Reality is a Kabbalistic Targum (or Translation) of various Books from both the Old and New Testaments - in poetic form: (As the Kabbalah is Hebrew in its nature I have decided to title these poems in that vernacular - they are subtitled in English).

I have studied the Kabbalah for most of my adult life and there’s still so much to learn from it as a source of knowledge. In Hebrew the ancient Rabbins referred to the Kabbalah as ‘Ha-Aur Nuthan’ (The Giver of Light), and as such it is. Indeed, ‘Chebari’, it is a veritable reservoir of spiritual enlightenment and answers the many unanswered questions. Like, for example, the mystery concerning death and the resurrection (or regeneration) of the soul from the dead seed-body, is this a reality or a religious myth? Well, when you consider the fact that all seeds must die before they can regenerate and enter into their higher life-forms it obviously includes the organic seed-body of man.

The three main objectives of this opus are; (1), To explain the natural reality of the resurrection of the soul and its entry into that higher state of consciousness; (2), To clarify the concept of hell - does it actually exist as a place? and if so where is it located? (3), To scripturally eradicate the Jewish and Christian misconceptions concerning the ‘Meshiach’, his true spiritual identity, and why he had to suffer the ignominy of Golgotha. But you can discover these hidden truths for yourself by turning these pages and reading ... ‘Ha-Metziaoth Tzephon!
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJan 31, 2020
The Hidden Reality

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    The Hidden Reality - Yaakuv Ben Mhaoila

    Copyright © 2020 by Yaakuv Ben Mhaoila.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 12/18/2020






    ‘Magna Est Veritas Et Prevalebit!


    ‘Bonne Lecture!

    ‘Malakh Ha-Shemesh!


    ‘Demoth Ha-Elohim!

    ‘Ha-Pherai Asur!

    ‘Zera Ha-Elohim!


    ‘Ha-Abba Ve Ben!

    ‘Kelelah Ha-Nechesh!

    ‘Haganah Ha-Adam!

    (Woman Of The Night).

    ‘Ha-Rashun Ve Ha-Echrun!

    Adam Sinned That Man Might Be

    ‘Zehoth Ha-Meshiach Lechashoph!

    ‘Mah Lumar Ha-Meshiach!

    ‘Malakh Ram Malah!


    ‘Ha-Chuta Zera!

    ‘Le Adon Mikhael!

    ‘Nepheshim Be-Yisar!

    ‘Nepheshim Be-Yisar!

    ‘Zahoth Hegeliah Ha-Adam!

    A Short Prayer.

    ‘Achad Ha-Ruach Ha-Abba Ve Ben!

    ‘Gnosis Tes Musterion!

    ‘Hamarah Ve Mechilah!

    The Ultimate Monad.

    ‘Neshamah Ha-Kol!

    ‘Hekherah Ha-Enosh.’

    ‘Ha-Abba, Ha-Ben, Ve Ha-Qadesh Ruach!

    ‘Ha-Rayun Lela Revov!

    ‘Vive La Mort!

    ‘Shelili Ve Mephoresh!


    ‘Hic Est Cellare … Terra Infra!

    ‘Sheol Lehioth Kavar Ha-Aretz!

    (Heaven Or Hell).

    ‚In Mortis - Transit Gloria Mundi Et Taedium Vitae’.

    ‘The Transitional Passage!

    ‘Ha-Mayan Chinegah!

    ‘Mesheroth Ha-Elohim!

    ‘Ha-Gedulah Be-Merumim!

    Rashith Ha - Gilgalim.

    ‘Ha-Gedul Aderikhal!

    ‘Ha-Nesethrah Zera Adam!

    ‘Ha-Abba, Ha-Ben, Ve Ha-Ruach Qadosh!

    ‘Ha-Nesethrah Zera Ha-Adam Rashun!

    ‘Meshiach Ha-Adon Yah’veh Bahathgalamuth!

    ‘Ha-Nechesh Shephekah Ve Otz Ha-Chaiim!

    ‘Sehpirah Ha-Yachad!

    ‘Demiun Ha-Yonah.’

    ‘Beha Demiun Ha-Yonah!

    ‘Nephesh-Gop Ha-Meshiach!

    ‘Qol Man Ha-Shamayim!

    ‘Nasikh Ha-Shalom!


    ‘Ma’ashi Ha-Yohanan!



    ‘Aish Ha-Berakah!

    ‘Pherai Ha Otz!

    The ‘Otz Ha Chaiim!

    ‘The Fall!

    ‘Le-Namun Ve Methaqesh!

    ‘Ahabah Ha-Elohim!

    ‘The Sephirothic Lock And Key!

    ‘Otz Ha-Chaiim Ve Shar Daath!

    ‘Otz Ha – Chaiim!

    ‘Kether Ha-Chaim!

    The Sephiroth.


    ‘Khoch Ha-Thephilah!

    ‘Miqdash Ha-Elohim!


    The Mother Of Harlots.

    The Great Scarlet Beast.

    ‘Beni Ha-Yaaqub!

    ‘Ha-Nesetharim Kebikul!

    ‘Meshereth Ha-Seval.’

    (‘Caput Draconis!)

    The Red Dragon.

    ‘Aurek Chaiim Ha-Adam’

    President Ronnie Ray-Gun.

    ‘Mesepheri Ha-Behemah!

    ‘Gog Ve Magog’

    ‘Melekh Ha-Tzedeq!

    ‘Kelelah Ha-Nechesh!

    The Malevolence Of God.


    ‘Abba Ha-Abuth.’

    Lingering In Futile Existence.


    Pan - The Devil.

    ‘Ha-Meshereth Yisurim!

    ‘Olahm Ha-Briah!

    ‘Ha-Achadim Gedul!

    The Mother Of Harlots.

    The Great Scarlet Beast.

    The Winged Disc.

    The Angels Of Light.

    ‘Ama Ha-Aretz!

    ‘Shekhinah - Aima Ha-Olahm!

    Head Of The Lion.

    ‘Rashi Ha-Erioth!

    Semeion Tes Telos.

    Malakh Ha-Abaddon.

    ‘Shikotz Ha-Shememah!

    ‘Tzaba Ha-Khash Sosim!

    ‘Malakh Ha-Abaddon!

    ‘Fyri Ragnarokkr!

    Gog And Magog.

    The Pact Of Warsaw.

    ‘Malakh Ha-Khash Nahedar!

    ‘Shecharor Ha-Shatan!

    ‘Yonah Ve Ha-Livyathan!

    The Pseudo Psychics.

    The Hebrew Names Of Letters And Numbers.

    A Little Information On The Author.

    Haunting Memories

    The star on the facecover (‘Kokeb ha-Dawid’ - to the Jews), was taken as the Royal Seal by Solomon the Great King: (‘Chutham ha-Sholomoh - Gedul Melekh!)

    The symbolism shows one triad of the universal hexagram pointing to the heavens (‘Shamayim’,) with the Hebraic word ‘Hayah’ contained in it; (that meaning ‘To Be’ or ‘To Exist’, which is the first two glyphs of the Tetragrammaton, ((or ‘Yah’ - YH(VH) - the ‘I AM’,)) and can be read in either direction forever, thus signifying the infinity of Tetragrammaton).

    The triad pointing downward reads ‘Hawah’ - and means ‘To Fall’, i.e. to descend to the lower regions - or ‘The World of Matter’, (‘Olahm ha-Assiah’); which is also known alternatively as ‘Sheol ha-Aretz’ - and ‘Olahm ha-Qliphoth’, (the former means ‘The Hell of Earth’ - and the latter ‘The World of Shells ((i.e. Skeletons)) and Demons!)

    The upright pentagram represents the God spirit of man - trapped (in its material state) betwixt heaven and hell: and the ‘Oculus’ (or eye) symbolically refers to - ‘That which sees below shall one day see above’, (‘Ut Infra Video - Sic Supra Video’): for the living eye that sees all - is all.



    In loving memory of the late Patrick Joseph Naan …

    04/08/45 – 14/07/13. (He was the Banter Maister).


    The Hidden Reality is a Kabbalistic Targum (or Translation) of various Books from both the Old and New Testaments - in poetic form: (As the Kabbalah is Hebrew in its nature I have decided to title these poems in that vernacular - they are subtitled in English).

    I have studied the Kabbalah for most of my adult life and there’s still so much to learn from it as a source of knowledge. In Hebrew the ancient Rabbins referred to the Kabbalah as ‘Ha-Aur Nuthan’ (The Giver of Light), and as such it is. Indeed, ‘Chebari’, it is a veritable reservoir of spiritual enlightenment and answers the many unanswered questions. Like, for example, the mystery concerning death and the resurrection (or regeneration) of the soul from the dead seed-body, is this a reality or a religious myth? Well, when you consider the fact that all seeds must die before they can regenerate and enter into their higher life-forms it obviously includes the organic seed-body of man.

    The three main objectives of this opus are; (1), To explain the natural reality of the resurrection of the soul and its entry into that higher state of consciousness; (2), To clarify the concept of hell - does it actually exist as a place? and if so where is it located? (3), To scripturally eradicate the Jewish and Christian misconceptions concerning the ‘Meshiach’, his true spiritual identity, and why he had to suffer the ignominy of Golgotha. But you can discover these hidden truths for yourself by turning these pages and reading … ‘Ha-Metziaoth Tzephon!


    The Hidden Reality is dedicated to my four children; these being - Kirsty Morag, Rory Alisdair, Kelhi Rhuisha, and Iain Gillan; also my (ex) wife - Catrion Fraser: (My Dear Hearts).

    I’d also like to give acknowledgements to my two sisters - Harriet (Therira) Montez, and Lisa (or Liz) Suffield: Also, Stuart Fawcette from Forres, Jean-Jacques Colin from Pont-Aven in Brittany; and to Sean O’Reilly - the man from ‘Ellan Vannan! Their positive ways always helped to evanesce the dark clouds: (‘El Berakah tha kel!)

    Yaakuv Ben Mhaoila

    alias …

    James Mac Millan. Rafford. 01/03/2006.


    The illustration shows the first verse of the Bible with the words which began Creation emanating out from the ten Sephirothic energy centres of the Life Giving Tree (or, ‘Otz ha-Chaiim!) The early Rabbins of the Qabbalah viewed the attributions of the Tree of Life on a universal scale. The symbolism is fairly suggestive and represents the ten words of creative thought spiralling outward from ‘Kether’ - the spiritual source of all things (made manifest), traversing through space & time to ‘Malkuth’ - on what became the primordial earth plane: and thus the beginning of the Worlds of Creation (or, ‘Olahmim ha-Briah!)

    Compare the illustration opposite.


    The celestial bodies - and how they correspond to the Sephirothic Tree: (Their attributions to the Tree of Life produce the Macrocosm and Microcosm).


    (The Angel of the Sun).

    Christ is the light of the world, Yes! he is ‘Phos tou Kosmou’

    he is Michael the Angel of the Sun and this is absolutely true:

    For if you compare the guardian Angels on the Sephirothic Tree

    you’ll find him in the solar centre he is there for all to see:

    In Revelation St John speaks with Lord Michael at great length

    he said, And his face was like the sun shining in its strength:

    Jesus was clearly telling us who he was by making such a claim

    as the radiant Angel of the Sun he was using his symbolic name.

    Compare John - chapter 8 - verse 12; and chapter 9 - verse 5; also Revelation - chapter 1 - verses 10 to 18.


    ‘Gedul Malakhim ha-Otz Chaiim!

    (‘The Chief Angels of the Tree of Life!)


    "The Word of God emanating from – and

    spiraling down the sephirothic tree."


    (In the Beginning).

    God said, Let us make man in our spirit-image & place him on the earth below & let him have dominion over all the earth. Thus the beginning and it was so: The Archangel created Adam in his own likeness in a body complete and whole in the exact image of his spiritual self he created him a living human soul: He was the Highest ranking angel and it shouldn’t come as any great surprise that the name Michael means Who is like God, Yes! it’s what his name implies: His spirit was invaluable & worthy, indeed, it was beyond anything so priced and he would reincarnate at the appointed time as the redeeming Jesus Christ.

    Compare Genesis - chapter 1 - verses 26 to 31.


    (The Image of the Gods).

    ‘Yahweh’ said, Let us make man in our (mirror) image, after our (spiritual) likeness(¹) Some Clerics say He was speaking with His Son when we were non-existent & psycheless Others say that God was conferring with Himself & using the Royal prerogative of ‘WE’

    They are rigid in their dogmas, but there’s none so blind as those that will not see.

    These so called Divines profess knowledge of God thro a rigorous Theological teaching

    But blinded by their dogmatic system of things their spiritual ken isn’t far reaching

    Rather than admitting their ignorance they give forth erroneous information, and then

    They leave the poor enquiring proselyte or convert every bit as unenlightened as them.

    The Christ makes it quite clear that God’s word was intended for our spirits hearing(²)

    When we would be clothed in flesh in our image & in our spiritual likeness appearing

    And that we would be the guardians or custodians of this special Edenic living place

    In time we’d spiritually grow & develop to climb above the carnal nature of our race.

    Christ stated to the Rabbins, Is it not written in your

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