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I Decree Encouragement
I Decree Encouragement
I Decree Encouragement
Ebook177 pages1 hour

I Decree Encouragement

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About this ebook

This book is so encouraging that it will bless your life. It embodies love and encouragement to overcome the adversity of everyday trials and tribulations. You will experience several “aha” moments as you realize how the author’s story mirrors some of your own life experiences and then gives hope for total recovery. Know that you are never alone; and I Decree Encouragement as this book leads you page-by-page, day-by-day.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 30, 2020
I Decree Encouragement

Pastor Yvonnya C. Peoples

Pastor Yvonnya C. Peoples was born in Suffolk, Virginia to Dale Massenburg and Robert Watson. She is married to Pastor Anthony Peoples, along with being the mother of four beautiful daughters and 12 grandchildren. Pastor Yvonnya has been under the teachings of Bishop George and Priscilla Eison since 2010 at Victory Gospel Chapel in Portsmouth, Virginia. There, she teaches the Word of God to the members, and witnesses to others to win souls for the kingdom of God through the power of Jesus Christ. Pastor Yvonnya formerly served on the satellite ministry and the prison ministry. Pastor Yvonnya is a mighty warrior for the Lord and operates in the office of the prophetic. She is a gift that blesses the people of God with encouragement, exhortation, and consolation as directed in 1 Corinthians 14:3, “But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.” She graciously serves the Lord with joy and gladness.

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    I Decree Encouragement - Pastor Yvonnya C. Peoples

    Copyright © 2020 Pastor Yvonnya C. Peoples.

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    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8903-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8902-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8904-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020905627

    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/27/2020


    A Note from the Editor


    Dedication to Mama!!


    Shout Outs

    Eagles Soaring

    Humbled Child

    Fixing the Family

    700 Club Dreams Come True


    Expect the Unusual to Take Place

    No Defeat

    Love is the Key

    Keep Seeking

    It Will Come Together

    Truth be Told

    Fear vs Faith

    The Joy of the Lord

    The Mind of Christ

    He Will Deliver

    Will You Obey?

    Let Them Talk

    It’s Working

    Yes, It’s Possible

    No Fear Here!

    The Battle is Won

    The Goodness of the Lord

    Let’s Converse!

    Not My Will

    He Hears Your Cry

    Be Sober

    Christ Lives in Me!

    Prayer is Key

    We Do Not Worry

    No Quitting

    Live in Victory

    Deliver Me Lord

    You Can Wait on God

    God Gets the Glory

    You Are Special


    My Virtuous and Victorious Daughter’s Testimony


    From Pastor Anthony Peoples


    Appendix A – 700 Club Testimony

    Appendix B - Give your life to Christ



    A Note from the Editor

    I want to thank God first for the opportunity to collaborate with Pastor Yvonnya Peoples on this (first of many) projects. This self-paced journal is designed to give you insight from her perspective on how to navigate through all times (good, bad or indifferent), with God as your guide.

    When I met Pastor Peoples, I sensed that I wanted to sit at her feet and hear her story. She had a strong, yet gentle stance and I could see the love of Christ gleaming all around her. I also noticed that she was very observant and spoke very little. She piqued my interest, as a woman of God, to know what she had endured. We then attended the same event once, and she was given an opportunity to speak. As I attempt to maintain my composure while penning this encounter (and an encounter it was), I recall this roar of declaration as she said, God took a whore and made her Holy! It was difficult to imagine this voice coming from the same person that I had met shortly before this encounter. I leaned in because I knew this woman had a testimony that would free many! She shamelessly shared a part of her story that wowed me and other hearers.

    Fast forward to her asking me to edit her first book – I was in awe because from the day I heard that voice – the voice that shook the very gates of hell to let the devil know that not only was she out, but she was coming for other captives! – I knew a book had to be written to get to those who may not be able to encounter this force of the Kingdom face-to-face. However, to include me as a trusted part never entered my mind.

    As we have been going back and forth, organizing, changing, and discussing downloads from Holy Spirit as to how this project should go, we’ve become sister-friends. Each page I read gave me more insight into her story, as well as enhanced my own. It opened past pain of my own and provided Spiritual healing in areas I thought were already healed.

    I encourage you to read each portion with great expectation and desired insight from Holy Spirit. You will indeed be blessed by the immersed love that is evident in the writing. I remain ever grateful and excited already about the next

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