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It's Your Time, It's Your Turn
It's Your Time, It's Your Turn
It's Your Time, It's Your Turn
Ebook227 pages4 hours

It's Your Time, It's Your Turn

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It’s Your Time, It’s Your Turn was written to explain, inspire and serve as a guide to understanding how practicing simple techniques of achieving a positive attitude will completely enhance every aspect of your life. You will learn how to have better relationships, improve your family life, set and actually be able to achieve goals, improve your wellbeing, mental, physical and spiritual health, make more money at your job, start a business, take risks without fear and much more. This book explains in detail the differences of how your brain and body work together in a positive manner or a negative manner, and what the different effects are between the two. You will learn why it is so important to be in a constant state of positivity and all the benefits that come with it. You will learn how to achieve a state of mind and body that many people know exists, but have no idea how to attain. You will have a deep understanding as to how easy it is to achieve whatever you set your mind to by first achieving a positive attitude. This is a life changing book that was written to make positive life changing effects in anyone that reads it. You will not be disappointed in all the fun and easy techniques you learn about that will improve every aspect of your life. You will feel instantly better as you read each chapter and will see immediate results. After reading It’s Your Time, It’s Your Turn, you will have all the secrets that truly happy, healthy, successful people practice every day, as well as other techniques that you can only find in this book.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 23, 2020
It's Your Time, It's Your Turn

Sonny Martell

Sonny Martell has studied and developed the techniques and effects of achieving a positive attitude his entire life. Sonny has helped hundreds of people discover how their lives could improve in every aspect by understanding how to implement simple techniques to achieve a positive attitude. Sonny has spent a lifetime practicing and teaching the techniques he has learned to others to grow successful businesses with a culture of positive people helping others. Sonny speaks to groups of all kinds to help them understand and implement the techniques he has developed in order to enhance their personal and financial lives. It is Sonny’s goal to make the world a more positive place by assisting everyone in improving their lives and achieving any goal they set by learning the simple techniques he shares in this book.

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    It's Your Time, It's Your Turn - Sonny Martell







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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020905310

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/08/2020



    Chapter 1     Time to Change Your Thoughts

    Chapter 2     How Our Brains Work

    Chapter 3     The Power Of A Positive Attitude

    Chapter 4     What You Should Be Saying When You Talk to Yourself

    Chapter 5     Exercise and Diet

    Chapter 6     Money

    Chapter 7     Relationships

    Chapter 8     What Is It You Really Want? Learn How to Dream

    Chapter 9     Become the Person You Want to Be

    Chapter 10   Make The Decision To Do It



    About The Author


    Imagine a life in which you do not worry about things in a way that causes you fear or uncertainty. A life where you know that everything is going to be alright no matter what the circumstance is. Imagine that all you have to do is think of something and it will happen for you as if it was magic. And what if your relationships and family life were truly happy and fulfilled? Then most importantly, imagine a life in which you are truly happy with yourself and with who you are and who you are. This book is going to give you the tools and the knowledge to all of this and more. The only unknown for you after you read this book is whether you are going to take the time to practice the techniques you are going to learn, and if you believe you are worthy of all that is available to you in the world. You have taken the first step by opening the book and begin reading it. The only thing that can stop you now is you.

    I was fortunate to learn this at a very young age. I did not have a father growing up, my mother was poor, we did not have any luxuries, and I did not come from an abnormally positive household. It does not matter what your childhood was like. What your background is. What your ethnicity is. Where you live or grew up. It does not matter what you have done or what has happened to you in your life up until now. Tomorrow is a new day and you can make tomorrow any way you wish. You can change your life immediately. The knowledge, secrets and techniques are all in this book. This book is now in your hands. Therefore, the knowledge is now yours. You can do whatever you choose with it. Just know that it does not matter who you are, there are no reasons that everything that is described in this book can happen for you. There are no exceptions to this rule. Anyone can do it if they believe they can and do what it takes to achieve it. What is even more exciting is that it’s easy and fun to practice what it takes and the results you will achieve will be immediate.

    Once you realize that there are no boundaries to your life and happiness, and that you have all of the secrets to everything you have ever wanted right inside of you, you will never be the same. So often we look at the world around us as our guide and how we measure ourselves. Rarely do we take the time to look inside ourselves. And very rarely do we look deep inside ourselves. Many people are afraid of what they see when they look inside so they stop doing it. But the feeling when you do not like yourself never really goes away, no matter how much you try to ignore it. The same is true if you have the feeling that you are not good enough or that you do not deserve or have what it takes to have what you want the most in life. People become afraid to want things and take risks because they are afraid of failure. Sometimes they stop dreaming altogether. Imagine a life in which the word failure does not mean that you have not achieved something, but instead it means that have tried something and are that much closer to what you want. Imagine a life in which failure is a positive word. You can imagine that now because that is exactly what failure will become to you. You will no longer be afraid of failure.

    As you read this book take the time to look around you and notice just how fascinating the world is. So many things were invented and imagined by humans. We have so much and so many conveniences and things around us at all times. Humans lived in caves not too long ago. Now we have vehicles that can go to space carrying humans which can live in them for months and longer at a time. We have vehicles that are traveling through space looking at other planets and for existence of life beyond our galaxy. I can go on and on talking about the things that are available to us today that humans invented. The point is that all of these ideas were imagined and dreamed of, then invented. Inventions are just one example of how humans dream and change the world we live in as well their own world every day.

    You will realize as you progress through your own journey in life that people that seem to have it all in life are not just lucky. Once you understand that there are certain specific things everyone can learn and practice to shape their reality and their life in any way they wish, your life will change forever. A switch will go off inside and you will understand something that is inside of everyone. Some people spend their time beating themselves up and tearing themselves down while some people lift themselves up. Then there are those that just float through life and seem to be flat and have no sense of direction. The beautiful thing about life and being a human is that we get to decide how we want to live our life. We are our own best friend or our own worst enemy. The key to life is to make sure you are your own best friend. And to achieve a positive attitude.

    The main focus of It’s Your Time, It’s Your Turn is achieving a positive mental attitude. Think of this as the basis for all good in everyone’s life at all times. The word, Positive is going to be written often and in every chapter. Positive is only a word until you understand what it really means. This book explains what having a positive attitude really means. It explains exactly how to achieve a positive attitude and explains all that happens to someone’s life once they achieve a positive attitude. The main goal you should have while reading this book and practicing the techniques in it is to practice all of the things together and achieve a complete and balanced positive attitude as well as a complete and balanced life. You are about to learn all of the tools you need to succeed. But with any tools you have to use them to build the life you wish to have. It’s Your It’s Your Turn was written for you to become the person you have always wanted to become. To have the things you want in life. And to achieve the life you have always dreamed of. This book makes it fun and easy to understand and practice. It is a guide for every aspect of your life. For every aspect of each day from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep every night. This book was writing for you to do whatever you want with. While you read the book do not feel pressure or a sense of failure if you are not doing the things in the book or if you have not understood the things in this book.

    With most things in life, you will realize that the difference between success and failure is a very thin line and most people quit right before they succeed. Therefore, they don’t realize how easy it really is to succeed and not fail when they try something. Once you learn how to stick with an idea or situation that you choose to partake in long enough to achieve it or see it through your mind body and soul will become in tune with all of your thoughts and goals. You will become a true being of happiness and achievement. So many other things will also open up for you in your life. Just the sense of happiness and wellbeing you are going to achieve is priceless, but you are going receive so much more if you practice all of the techniques in this book.

    The greatest part of all this is that once you learn how to put all the techniques of achieving a positive attitude together you then get to use them in any way you wish. There is no right or wrong so don’t overthink the chapters or yourself while you are reading. Just read and understand and practice. Feel the transformation and enjoy it. Know that the transformation is only what you choose it to be. You are in control of every part of your life. Trust in your faith as well and know that you are not alone in your journey. You will learn how to tap into the energy around you at all times. The energy from others and the energy from the universe, but only if you choose to open up to it. It is completely your choice and decision to make.

    It’s Your Time, It’s Your Turn was purposely written to be understood simply and easily. I have made the techniques simple to understand and easy and fun to practice by. What you will realize after reading the entire book and practicing all of the techniques together is that the big picture of what will happen inside you will be nothing short of extraordinary. With that being said, expect extraordinary things during and after reading this book. You are extraordinary and need to expect nothing short of living and extraordinary life, no matter what that means to you. You will see immediate results as you read each chapter and practice the techniques. This book was written so you can open your eyes for the first time and see what is really happening around you every day as you go through life. You will see things and feel things that you never have. You will feel different, better, happier and more confident then you every have after you start practicing the techniques, all while staying true to your values. That is what this book was written for.

    While you are reading this book, give yourself much credit and be proud of yourself that you have chosen to do something to better your life, as well as to better the lives of those around you. Every secret to having it all is at your fingertips in this book. The secret to how your body mind and soul function together to become in tune and you can harness the positive energy inside of you will be yours to use in any way you chose now.

    As you read this book make it your main goal to achieve a positive attitude at all times in your life. Simplify what you want to get out of this book to just that. Then once you understand what it takes to achieve this goal, pick the most important techniques that apply to your life and your goals in life and focus on them to understand them completely and focus on mastering them. Once you start practicing the techniques and taking time for yourself you will never feel the same again. You will have a sense of wellbeing and happiness that you have never felt before. Your confidence will rise and everything about your sense of wellbeing is going to become more defined and pronounced. Let this positive energy happen inside of you while you are reading and practicing the techniques in this book. Welcome the positive energy and positive changes that are going to happen for you. Tell yourself that you deserve to be happy and positive. Tell yourself that you are worthy of having whatever you desire. And tell yourself that it’s your time and it’s your turn to enjoy and live your life to the fullest.

    The main thing to remember while reading this book is that you are going to start to feel different physically and mentally in a positive way. You will start to feel the change immediately as you read each chapter and practice what you learn in each chapter. Embrace this feeling and don’t fight it. Remember that you are reading this book to get all you can out of it. People around you may notice a change in you. Your attitude, the way you talk, your body language. Don’t be embarrassed of this become self-conscious, especially if the people that notice ask you what you have been doing differently or why you are acting differently than you normally do. This is perfectly normal and will pass quickly. Feel free and happy to tell them that you are practicing being more positive and are practicing having a positive attitude. You will see that everyone you know wishes they were more positive and wants to know the secrets you are going to learn in this book. Once you start practicing what you learn in this book and others will be drawn to you and you will notice the difference immediately. Embrace this feeling and don’t fight it. Enjoy it and seek more by learning more and practicing more. And most importantly, be very proud of yourself for taking the time to better yourself and take some time for yourself. The time you take to learn and practice the techniques in this book are going to affect the people around you, your loved ones and your family in a positive way. You are going to better their lives as well so be proud and excited about the decision you have made to read this book. Now get started, embrace your knowledge and never look back!


    Time to Change Your Thoughts

    It’s Your Time, It’s Your Turn was written in hopes that it would inspire and help people to live their lives to the fullest. The world can be a negative place, and people can have a hard time dealing with the negativity that surrounds them. Achieving a positive attitude is not taught in schools, in colleges, or anywhere else. Instead, we are taught how to deal with society in other ways, but we are left by ourselves when it comes to dealing with positivity and negativity. Positive thoughts are the catalyst for true happiness, health, success, good relationships, dealing with society, as well as everything else that affects our lives. A positive attitude is what helps us cope with all that life throws at us daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. It will be explained exactly why this is as you read each chapter.

    The more you learn how to deal with positive and negative thoughts and actions in your life, the easier life can become to understand. Things can begin to become clear as to what path is the right path. Choices will become clearer as well, and you will know that you are always making the correct decisions as you become a positive thinker. Realize from this day forward that the journey to achieving a positive attitude is one like no other. This journey will involve you feeling things that you have never felt before. The things you will learn and practice in this book are going to light fires inside of you that you did not know existed. You are going to feel things you have never felt before. These feelings are going to give you a sense of joy and happiness, but the key to it all is that you are going to learn how to have these feelings and emotions at all times, twenty-four hours a day. Your waking hours will be better. Your sleep will improve. Your dreams will improve. Every aspect of your life is going to be affected in a positive way after you learn and start practicing the techniques in this book.

    There is a lot of positive-thinking and self-help material in the world, but it is up to everyone to seek it out and learn about it. It is up to you to decide that you are going to take the time to learn about a positive attitude and self-help techniques. No one will force you to do this in your lifetime. Each day we are forced to learn new tasks at our jobs, about life, and many other things. We are constantly taking the time to learn about life. Now it is time for people to learn about the key that will unlock the doors for them. This is the key that many people do know about but do not take the time to share because either they are too busy leading their own lives or they do not think of taking the time to share their secret. It is the key to overcoming fears, doubts, and anxiety. It is the key to happier relationships, friendships, better health and having all the things you want in life.

    I am happy that you are about to take the time to learn about these techniques and that you are either beginning your journey to a better life or enhancing the journey you have already begun by reading this book. I have spent a lifetime learning about people and positive thinking. I have taken the time to study my own emotions and how others react to positive and negative thoughts. I understand how a positive attitude can influence everyone around us. Positive thinking is the key to a happy life. There are other factors that must be dealt with in order to lead a full and happy life, but if you are positive most of the time, you will have the roots and the catalyst for everything else you want out of life. A positive attitude will help you feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally. A positive attitude will help you to achieve your goals and your dreams.

    We all want more out of life; some people just do not know how to get it. A lot of people wonder why there are people that achieve all their goals and are happy most of the time. They cannot seem to get their life together and fall short when they attempt to do things. This is because they have trained themselves to be this way. The good news is that we can all train ourselves to be any way we want to quick and easily. It takes discipline and effort, but it is absolutely attainable. We can train ourselves to push through negative thoughts that have stopped us from achieving things that we have wanted to achieve in the past. All we have to do is take the time to learn how and then practice it. Once we learn these techniques, we can then practice them more and become better at them. As we practice these techniques more throughout our lives, we can

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