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Heaven's Doors
Heaven's Doors
Heaven's Doors
Ebook171 pages1 hour

Heaven's Doors

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About this ebook

One of the smartest men in the world by the name “Cornel West once told Marsha, she was brilliant. He also stated that she had a lot of knowledge that she has not even utilized yet.”
Marsha is a shy, but intelligently bright. The words of encouragement throughout this book took over two years to write, and the drawing took approximately six months to complete. Through prayer, deep mediation, and many hours of hard work this book was created to encourage, enrich your mind while changing a negative thought or situation into a positive one.

Today, Marsha is a committed Christian who has completed several classes in religion, and psychology. She understands the stress of being unemployed, discriminated against, and even depression. In her pursuit for happiness and job security, she acquired several degrees in the area of law. Marsha’s gifts are directly exhibited throughout this book, because she is a “people person.” Many people both young and old seek her advice in the areas of legal, counseling, and mentoring. She is currently a practicing certified Paralegal and Mediator. The eloquent style in which she utilizes her gifts shall be a blessing to the many people who come in contact with her or this book.
Release dateJul 30, 2021
Heaven's Doors

Marsha Carr

Marsha Carr and her husband Jim reside in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. She is a mother, grandmother, and retired elementary teacher (Johnstown Christian School). She enjoys learning all she can about God's Word and sharing this with others. Marsha desired to find a way to introduce the Bible in a way that children would gain both an understanding and enthusiasm for God's Word. Illustrator, art educator, and daughter-in-law, Kelly Carr, teamed up with Marsha to share this message. This duo also wrote and illustrated "Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?" that teaches about the birthday of Jesus.

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    Heaven's Doors - Marsha Carr






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    © 2014 Marsha Carr. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/16/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5181-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5179-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5180-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014919678

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    Scriptures marked as (CEV) are taken from the Contemporary English Version Copyright 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by permission.

    Sripture quotations marked NRSV are taken from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Copyright 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Website

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation

    Scripture quotations marked JB are from The Jerusalem Bible, copyright © 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Reprinted by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Translation — Second Edition. Copyright 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible copyright 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


    This book is dedicated to my lovely mother, Hilda M. this Duhaney-Thomas. She worked three jobs to make sure that I had a large house fill with love and understanding. Although, my mother was an immigrant from Jamaica, she instilled good values and etiquette in me. She raised me to be and independent lady, and to stand on my own two feet. My mother always says, seek happiness, success and love for God has someone for everyone. Be humble and wait on the Lord!


    First, I give thanks to God for giving me the gift to create this book. What I intended on writing about was rejected by God, which led to the direction of Heaven’s Door’s

    I am grateful to my mother Hilda Duhaney-Thomas, who is now deceased. She taught me love and patience. In addition, she instilled perseverance, determination, and told me to never give up on my dreams.

    Special thanks to Jean Beatty, my cousin who help me along by listening to my pages in a rough draft status. She also helped me stay focus, while I was attending college, singing in a recording choir, and dealing with the other trials of life.

    Special thanks to my nephew Jason Thomas, who created and drew the book cover based on my vision.

    Thanks to Sandra Spratt, Merlene Phyffner, Sherlonda Hampton, Maria Solomon, and Edwina Roberts for being true friends. They were always available, when I needed them the most.

    God blessed me with Yuliaba Miranda, who is a English, Teacher by day and my Spanish Teacher by night. She is responsible for the editing of the entire book.

    Sondra Davis is a Minister and former Teacher, who verified the scriptures selected throughout this book. Her knowledge of the Bible help to make this book possible.

    Special gratitude to Saundra Nicholson, who is a Film-Producer, and her mother, Geneva Carter, who read my book in it’s entirety, and gave it a thumbs up.

    Several thanks to Bishop Noel Jones, who through his teaching that God always makes room for your gifts, was the spiritual guidance I needed to go forward with this book.

    Finally, thanks to all my teachers and counselors at the University of La Verne for helping me to graduate during the writing of this book. Many thanks in advance to all of you that purchase this book


    This book has been written for a time like this. Many Pastors and faith-based leaders have been struggling with situations concerning their congregations during these economic times. Some individuals have been attacked through their beliefs based on the loss of loved ones, employment, and the rise in the cost of living. In addition, the Coronavirus has killed thousands this year throughout the world, and many people are hospitalized or quarantined.

    Accepting God as your personal Savior will help you think positively.

    We all need words of encouragement, and Heaven’s Door’s will help you to learn how to conquer and ultimately escape your fears.

    Demonic spirits are always lurking to enter your subconscious therefore, we must decrease so God can increase. Daily prayers are essential for living. Our survival tactics rest on good communication, between the individual and God. Constant contact with God, permits and gives you the power to withstand all demonic spirits those both seen and unseen.





    A Curse is a Cause

    A New Day is Dawning

    A President is Appointed by God


    Abundance is a blessing from God



    Benefits from God are Love, Compassion, and Peace

    Blessing my loved ones


    Bridge to your breakthrough


    Christ Has Risen


    Comfort with Thee



    Divine Order

    Dreams Come True

    Eight is the sign of New Beginnings



    Encourage is the key to dreams that come true

    Equipped For Success



    Faith Equals Gratitude

    Faith will Spring into Action

    Forgiveness is Essential


    Free to Love

    God is wherever I am



    Harmony & Joy

    Health & Wholeness


    Hope makes you not Ashamed

    I Believe

    I love you but I am tired of Waiting

    I want to receive God as my Savior


    Innovation will equal Zeal

    It is my Destiny

    It takes a Village to raise a Child

    Joy is Waiting on You


    Lean not to your own understanding

    Lord Bless my Church

    Love Under New Management

    Marriage is the key to Unspeakable Happiness

    Meeting New Friends with Confidence

    New Day Has Dawn

    New Ideas

    Peaceful Sleep

    Personal Confession


    Praying for Others

    Praying for the Pastor

    Prosperity is from God


    Protected By His Healing Hands


    Rejection Is Direction


    Rest gives us Hope

    Right Relationships are answered prayers




    Slow Down So You Can Receive Divine Order

    Standing on the Promises of God

    Staying in the Word




    The Hero in you is the Kingdom of God

    The hour has come

    The Revelation of Employment

    The Right Attitude

    There is no stress in God

    Thief in the Dark

    Time Is Running Out

    Today is your Birthday


    True Honor comes from God

    Trusting God for a Mate

    Unity brings Harmony

    Victory over Depression

    Walking in God’s Wisdom

    Walking in Humility

    Watch your mouth and keep the COMMANDMENTS of God

    When the Door Opens go through it

    With Grace I can Surrender

    World Peace

    You are loved and supported by the presence of God

    Your Promise has ``ome

    Your prayers are an example

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