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JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
Ebook357 pages3 hours

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

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JFK to 911 is already a global phenomenon, having began as a Youtube video which achieved over a billion hits by becoming the first documentary in human history to untangle all the establishment lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy Assassination and 911. These disclosures so frightened the powers-that-be that President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it altogether, so that if you read this book, you will be learning the most cardinal secrets which your government would much rather you did not know. Nearly all intelligent people these days are wary of what we are being told by the mainstream media, but fewer are aware that the very notion of 'fake news' began with the words on these pages, and that all government policy in recent times has been an ongoing effort to hold back the increasing enlightenment these words have inspired. Legions of people have taken the trouble to go online so that they could tell the world about how learning that absolutely everything is a rich man's trick—the justice system, the education system, the economic system, and most importantly, the media. Francis Richard Conolly is extremely hopeful that the people who have made a movie which he originally gave them for free such a central part of their existence will now buy this book in order to build the revenues which he needs to make the sequel which everyone wants to see.
PublisherTrine Day
Release dateSep 30, 2021
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

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    Book preview

    JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - Francis Richard Conolly

    Table of Contents



    The Book: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick




    About the Author


    Movie buffs are well aware that many great feature films were a great book first. The greatest international hits of all time, like The Godfather, The Beguiled, Cool Hand Luke and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest were all highly revered works of literature before they were turned into films, so it is most unusual to see, within these pages, the process happening in reverse.

    For those who are unaware, and I think by now that few will be, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick became an internationally-acclaimed cult feature film in spite of YouTube's efforts to disguise it's popularity by under-reporting the hits by over two hundred times.

    However, the main purpose of this prologue is to make the reader aware that books have their limitations. It's very hard for a book to convey action, because it is not a moving image. These pages obviously cannot put across everything that the film contains; so I can only hope that all who read it will feel outraged that the establishment has done so much to keep the movie out of public view (Both President Donald Trump and the Queen of England acted to ban it.) and to use that outrage positively to do all they can in the future to make sure that anyone who wants to see the film can have the chance to see it.

    What you are about to read is, essentially, the shooting script of JFK to 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick," a feature documentary which for some considerable time now has been shaking the political world to a degree that few artistic works have ever achieved. Whilst no-one knows the exact figure (save for Susan Wojcicki) it seems likely that it has been watched well over a billion times, and the true figure may well be considerably greater.

    It is now in print due to nothing other than rabid public demand.

    Many people, on every continent, seem to feel the words by themselves are of cardinal importance.

    I would invite anyone considering reading this book to examine the public comments sections beneath the multitude of pirate copies of my movie which can still be found online. They all echo the consistent refrain that this is a work of art which desperately needs to be shared by absolutely everyone on planet Earth. As one would expect the inhabitants of the USA have said over and over again that it ought to be made available in every American school and on every American college campus.

    They feel this way because so many Americans have agreed it is a moment of epiphany in the history of their country. A moment when a sleep-walking people woke up to what their country really is; and to what their leaders have been doing to them since that terrible day in Dallas when a nation lost the best man it ever knew.

    I want to use this opportunity to thank all those who have tried their utmost to give me support, respect and encouragement since the movie went viral. In particular I want to extend much feeling to those strong and enterprising souls who invited me on to their Internet chat-shows to try to make sure the truth movement maintained it's momentum. The conversations I have had with Broadcasters like Justin Stellman, Patrick Timpone, Jason Goodman, Charlie Robinson, Ricky Varandas, Addy Adakin and the TruthZilla team have all turned out to be of critical importance as the Trump administration unravelled and the Epstein/Maxwell/Prince Andrew scandal became the daily fixation of mainstream news globally.

    I want to extend the same feeling to the hordes of people who, like the amazing mother-of-six Claire Calvey (she's Irish) have used social media both to lend moral support and also try to spread my message. I am now in a position of having to ask them all to do just one thing more: which is to somehow try to reach out to absolutely every good soul who has seen my movie and ask them to please pay now for what I originally gave them for free on YouTube by buying a copy of this book. It is my estimate that a bare minimum of some 250 million people must have seen the movie, some of them more than a dozen times. If absolutely everyone who has watched the film version of this work purchases a copy of the book it will become financially viable to take foreign-language translations into European and Asian Cinemas. Non-English speakers throughout the world will finally get the chance to enjoy JFK to 911 and, through this means, accumulate revenues which will allow me to produce the Part 2, which everyone wants to see. Those who have demonstrated such unbounded enthusiasm for my work will, I am sure, agree that the German people in particular must now be given the chance to finally learn the true history of their own country by discovering the true mechanism through which Hitler ascended to power.

    The dirty rich people do everything they can on a daily basis to discredit the idea that upon this earth we all are (or could be) just one great family of man. As George Orwell astutely observed, nothing frightens them more than the idea of a world full of free and equal human beings living together in harmony.

    To this end they have done everything in their power to also discredit my work, and prevent it fromreaching the public. But just as decent Americans, and Australians, and Canadians have done their level best to share my thoughts and words with their Brothers and Sisters in their own homelands, it is now the responsibility of English speakers everywhere to share what follows with their Brothers and Sisters in Germany, France, Spain and Italy, and to push out from there into the whole of Europe, Asia and Africa.

    Because those who have said the entire world needs this book are not wrong. Every working man on earth today is toiling and suffering under the same secret Fascist cabal. It is time for the entire world to find out who these secret Fascists are, and how they operate.


    Anyone who is coming to this story for the very first time may well benefit from knowing a little about the history of how this Book came into the world. The Rock Star known as Sting reminisced in one of his songs how his mother cried when President Kennedy died and it was exactly the same for me, which in itself is a little ironic because Sting and I both harken from the same town (Wallsend).

    Imagine if you will a six year-old little boy standing before one of those wood-encased black and white Televisions, utterly bewildered as to why the normally stoic British TV presenters were sobbing and shaking with shock, while his mother and grim-visaged father sat on the settee behind him crying their eyes out. Try to imagine an entire community so traumatised you would have thought every child in the district had been simultaneously run over and killed. Try to imagine how it would feel to attend the mass funeral of all those thousands of little innocents, and you might just begin to grasp the outpouring of grief at the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

    It lasted for months. Every adult I knew shared my father’s grim visage. And as they stared over and over again at what I later came to know was the Orville Nix Film on those black-and-white TV screens, a consensus grew. The adults towering over me were in agreement. They’ve killed him because he would have given the poor people a chance.

    They? I thought. Who were They? I asked politely for explanations. The adults lit their cigarettes, sipped their Whisky, blew out slow smoke-rings and told me that children should be seen and not heard. At that moment I knew, somehow, that I was never going to be the same again. Something which should have lived had been stillborn, and I had to find out who was responsible.

    My own personal universe at that time was tiny: as tiny as I was. All I knew was a back garden where we grew rhubarb to save money. Two doors down the neighbours had chickens. One of the chickens had an eye torn out by a cat. In a street bordered by big green hedges ours was the only Council House which had yellow privet. It gave me the feeling that somehow my family was different.

    Over time I broke that lovely yellow hedge by kicking a football into it for hours on end, much to my Father’s annoyance, and I always felt that it was a punishment for my various misdemeanours that on gloomy Sunday mornings we were hauled, smartly dressed, down to a decrepit old Chapel where I sat bored for hours and contemplated the Stations of the Cross.

    This was a series of paintings which went right around the walls, and in this 21st Century of ours an educational Psychologist would insist they were highly unsuitable images for children. Ostensibly an attempt to retail the march to Calvary and the Crucifixion, every single picture gloated in the most frightening way over whipping, flogging, torture, multiple penetration with the ‘crown of thorns’ scourging, beating, lashing, flagellating, and finally the great joyful climax of death itself.

    Up until December of 1963 I had simply accepted this as our life. But the Kennedy assassination made me see it all differently. This was many years before I even heard the word sadomasochism, but I suddenly knew what all of it really represented. My gaze was transfixed on those hideous pictures of dripping blood while my callow, childish mind was still thinking about JFK’s blood spilling out on to the streets of Dallas. So this is what grown-ups are really into, I thought. This is the real world. It was the very first time that I had become conscious of the whole world as one place: and by the manner of his death John F. Kennedy had given me a lesson in what kind of world it was.

    The feeling never went away. And it was reinforced five years later when first Martin Luther King and then Bobby met the same fate. I was barely eleven, and I was watching my mother’s heart breaking for a second and then a third time. Then came my next big moment of epiphany. In the early sixties everyone got married. Even the Beatles. It felt like barely a month would pass before yet another fleet of ribbon-garlanded Rolls-Royce’s would glide regally into our street, and it was traditional for the bride and groom in those days to throw a big pile of copper pennies and thrupenny bits out of the windows of the wedding car as it drove away, so that the children could fight one another on the ground for pocket-money and buy sweets with it. As the fastest runner I usually did better out of it than anyone, even once buying a bicycle with the proceeds of one particularly lucrative scramble.

    But after JFK, and then MLK, and then his brother, something was different. It felt like we were living under a massive black cloud which would never go away, and as yet another wedding car moved off and the usual hailstorm of coins sent a gaggle of screaming children diving on to the brick-hard cement I hesitated. Go on Francis! the adults yelled that’s chocolate money! But I couldn’t move.

    A few days earlier on BBC Television I had seen the Dictator of Haiti, Papa Doc Duvalier, riding through Port-au-Prince in an identical Rolls-Royce. He too was throwing money out of his car window, except that the pack chasing him were not children but grown women. Dressed in rags and obviously suffering in atrocious poverty the women ran after the car for mile after mile while the grinning Dictator sprayed his largesse – and for the first time in my life I understood why. Duvalier was telling the BBC reporter this was a demonstration of his love for his people but, as he laughed just like a hyena at the panting, sweat-soaked, totally exhausted mothers clawing at each other for money they desperately needed to feed their starving children, I knew what this was really all about. The intention was to humiliate those women. Just as the wedding cars were there to humiliate us. My traumatic childhood, punctuated as it was by political assassinations, had made me into a thinking man before I was twelve. I was left wondering; who was paying Papa Doc to humiliate those women? Whose idea was it? And who would want to humiliate me? And why?

    I realised I had developed a habit of taking thought, wherein instead of simply engaging in everything like the other children I became aware that I was evaluating everything, and it was with this attitude that I found myself judging the first history book I had to study about the Kennedy assassination when I was carted off to prison for being a naughty boy (actually it was a Boarding School, but it was hardly different to prison)

    It was tripe. Although I was barely adolescent the writing seemed clumsy and wordy to me, and the moment it got around to mentioning the Communist Fanatic Oswald there was a distinct odour of falsehood. One got the impression that the wordy text was saying Lee Harvey Oswald definitely fired the shots, and that no-one in their right mind could ever doubt this was anything other than historical fact. Oh dear, I thought. Why be so insistent? I remembered the trouble my Father had taken over teaching me Shakespeare’s immortal line methinks he doth protest too much and in English class we had just finished Orwell’s Animal Farm and had made a start on 1984, so I asked my teachers whether this utter cowpat of a History Book could have been something devised by Winston Smith as he toiled in the Ministry of Truth? For how did they know for certain that it was not compiled with exactly the same intent to deceive? But my Teachers had no idea what I was talking about. So I read to them, out loud, that critical passage from Chapter 4 of Orwell’s dystopian novel where Winston Smith begins to realise that in many ways his girlfriend, Julia, is more astute than he is when she tells him she is certain that the missiles (or rocket-bombs as Orwell called them in 1984) which constantly bombard London are not fired by the enemy Super-State East Asia at all, but by the rulers of their own Super-State Oceania just so as to keep the population living in constant fear.

    In the text Winston Smith reflects that this was something which had literally never occurred to him, and now I perceived that my teachers had exactly the same mentality. They simply did not possess the wit to imagine that the world could possibly be different to what they had been told the world was. They had been brought up to believe that the British never tell lies because that was what the Nazis did, so they just swallowed it whole, and never, ever, thought about it.

    This was only weeks after another history class where we had studied one of those dreadful Ladybird books entitled Life In Hitler’s Germany. I can vividly recall the illustrations depicting the well-groomed wholesome, civilized German families eating their Sunday Roast together – and opposite more pictures of the same people kitted-out in Swastika-festooned Black Nazi Livery. Gentle Husbands, Fathers and their sons put on uniforms and became vicious killers the caption ran. We had to read it together. Then the teachers asked us to explain how this could have happened? How could this screaming little defective Hitler, with his silly little toothbrush-moustache, have single-handedly convinced not one but several great nations to inflict such bestial atrocities upon the world? We were all bemused. Aren’t you supposed to tell us? we retorted. But then it became abundantly clear to me that the teachers were asking because, just as with the JFK conspiracy, they had absolutely no idea.

    It seemed to me that they were genuinely hoping that one of us might really turn out to be the boy who saw the King’s new clothes so they could finally find out for themselves why six-million lives were extinguished in the gas chambers. But they were simply clueless. Useless. And the thought occurred to me. Might that be the whole idea?

    Fast-forward to 1988 and the 25th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. In

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