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Curb Feeler
Curb Feeler
Curb Feeler
Ebook215 pages3 hours

Curb Feeler

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About this ebook

Brucie is a egotistical, greedy, selfish, workaholic, or at least he was. These days, he spends most of his time smelling like garbage and living rent free in the basement of a dilapidated vacant property. His "friend" Larry is an anchor and an ever present reminder to Brucie of how far he has fallen. A tale that could be told of many men, but often isn't. This story captures a very crucial moment in our protagonists life, as he meanders his way back to his home waters and discovers a whole new meaning for his own degradation. Follow him on his wild ride through the shadows and slums, In 'Curb Feeler.'
Release dateJul 9, 2021
Curb Feeler

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    Curb Feeler - J.C. Collery

    There he sat, pondering his next move, as if he had one. The way the world was turning had its effect on him and he fell off.

    This all started about a week ago, or so he thought. His extent of frustration had peaked and one could say he has lost control. Not to say that a very fiery downward spiral did not lead to this point, but it appears he has finally crashed into the ocean. Extinguishing the flames, and burning out. Which he decided was the better option than fading away.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    He is the product of an unfortunate fortune. There was a time when this boy was happy, unfortunately those days are over. Now he resorts to the pseudo happiness that various chemicals award him. It’s hard to tell where it all started.

    Maybe back in the day.

    He sat helpless in a noisy, dirty room most of his early life. Polluted with loud, children’s music that was intended to drown the constant shouting that prevailed from his single mother’s neighboring room. His best friend, a stuffed koala bear toy that an unknown man gave him, a relic of an unknown father that his mother never knew. She decided to leave her four-year-old son at the park bathrooms one afternoon, maybe a sign that she was ready to go. She was found dead about a week later. Unfortunately, she died from a heroin overdose while riding the bus one afternoon. The driver found her after doing nearly two full routes. When the bus driver noticed, he got a little angry and was shouting at her to wake up. By that time she was cooked.

    He was found shortly after she left him. A man riding a bike found him crying near the soda machines. The police were not sure what to do with the boy so he ended up being in adoptive care for many years. After some time, he was adopted at the age of sixteen. They were nice people though, an older Jewish man and his wife, as wise as a couple could be. They raised him from that point forward. Caring for everything he needed, and agreeing to never tell him of his true mothers past or location. It hardly mattered though, as he found out shortly after being adopted and decided to rebel by eating all his adoptive fathers blood pressure medication. That was the first time he got high, for about fifteen minutes and then collapsed on the mantle and broke some of his new mothers trinkets and keepsakes. Causing a ruckus before laying his head into the edge of a door. His mother was less than thrilled. Shortly after being released from the hospital for that suicide attempt, he dived headfirst into a bottle of codeine based painkillers and a bottle of Jim Beam.

    A hallucination of swimming, and the water is ice cold. A vast, empty underwater wasteland that he is so scared, yet so comfortable to be in. He cannot breath and he simply doesn’t care. The water is dark, yet he begins to tread forward in an attempt to find something. His jagged, tense movements in an environment of absolute zero. He looks around, before quickly making an attempt forward and feels a cold object at his fingertips. He directs at that feeling and gets two hands on it. It feels like two arms. He can tell it’s human. The cold flesh is wrapped in what feels like the sleeve of a loose fitting, lightweight, feminine garment. He struggles as he cannot see in this pitch black. He screams, but no words are audible. A pain in his chest stabs through him as he is ripped into a dark hole. Grasped to life on a gurney in the emergency room.

    A teenage boy. Comfortable with the thought of death. In fact, he feels he would rather be dead.

    It was at this point that his parents took a step back for a while, and the state decided he needed professional help. So, at the late age of seventeen he was involuntarily admitted to a program for adolescents at risk. He stayed 10 long months in that place before he left on his eighteenth birthday. His living with equally disturbed or impacted youth had given him the know how that he needed to safely, yet effectively numb himself and get him closer to what he has always wanted. An end to all the pain, and an easier way of living.

    The struggles he faced made him tough. Naturally, he was incredibly persuasive. A real terror to any nervous father. A sociopath with good work ethic. Never afraid to take it to the limits just to get what he wanted. So, in such a delicate world, he thrived.

    He first took a job some years after his 21st birthday as a sales representative for a small technology company. At the time, they were selling the pager. An amazing invention that only needed to be introduced before it could sell itself. He was an excellent salesmen. So capable of finding a marriage of interest between product and customer that he immediately excelled as a salesman. He made his first bit of money and kept it saved. Living like a grease ball, he sold dozens of pagers a day, racking up large amounts of cash in short periods of time and stock piling the proceeds. Being as cheap as one could be and free of any type of temptation. He marvels in himself. He developed a real obsession with his own image. He would check his looks in the dirty bathroom of a cheap apartment before his sales job. Eventually, he is noticed for his consistence in excellence and is offered a better position. To which he welcomes with gratitude. Left in his wake, a slurry of happy customers and angry coworkers that would eventually lose their jobs to his outstanding people skills. He breaks free of modern conflict. Carrying your tongue for you while you throw it in cuss. Before he snaps it out, and steps on your ego. Most conflict is left in his favor.

    Women fall for him left and right and he cares little of their affection. He never felt the love of a women in any conventional way. An object of their affection, a whisper in their ear. He shook off the affection of humans with an overtly found reclamation for his own self loathing. He felt warmer this way.

    In all, we can decipher that he was a somebody once upon a time. But now? Just a common everyday street rat. He can wake in his everyday squalor in an almost bittersweet content. He finds some feeling of relief in the fact that he is not a part of the everyday hustle and bustle that the world had come to be. He has a strong dislike of the common man now. An introvert, with a hint of hatred and disgust. He could bare the modern man in an almost humorous fashion. Mocking their modern day intellect with his old fashioned wits. An old soul of sorts. He captures his fill of all the modern day hustle and bustle, and finally has snapped. He sees no love, no affection, no honest pain. He misses his youth, a failure to surrender the tendencies of his younger day. He finds his new found life hard. A perfect contradiction. The feeling of being stranded fills his everyday life.

    This is the story of his final peak. His perpetual, mired passage to the physical world before he checked out.

    We join this man as he awakes in his shanty, a true expression of his energy.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    I woke up on the floor of the basement apartment that I am squatting in. A little bit of daylight penetrating the improvised cardboard box window blinds is burning my brain. Made worse by the assortment of various street drugs that were present in my system from the night before. I scoop myself off the dirty floor like the freshly dumped, steaming pile of shit that I am. Shit, or at least what I feel like.

    Aw.. Fuckin’ sweet!

    I am enthused upon the discovery of a slurry of cigarette butts from the night before. This is necessary so I can salvage the innards to roll another smoke from the tobacco left in the butts.

    A knock sounds from the door, and as always. Perfect timing.

    Fuck! I say as I scurry a bit in fear. As it may be the homeowner coming to kick me out again.

    Come in!

    It’s Larry.

    What’s up Brucie? He asks.

    Before I continue, I should take a moment to introduce Larry, or more importantly Scary Larry. Larry, is short for Larry Beatsmen, or Larry S. Beatsmen, as if anyone needed to know. Anyway, he earned the name Scary Larry on account of the effect that various drugs have on him. It didn’t matter if he was drinking beer or brief casing cocaine, the guy is a fucking mess when he gets ripped.

    You wanna’ split that? he asks, as I knew he would.

    Yeah, I guess. I answer. I mean after all, I know this isn’t the best cigarette, but he is staring at it like its a damn crack pipe. Gets a man thinking.

    Hey Lar- you got anything?

    Not really man, He answers I got this roach. It’s poo-poo, but it’ll give you a pretty decent-

    I cut him off.

    Let me see it!

    I grab the little brown joint roach from his hand. It smells like the secret pocket of Larry’s two month unwashed, dumpster jeans.

    Fuck it, grab the can.

    I break up the concentrated poo-poo clip and put the salty remains on the crevice of my pipe that is fashioned from an old beer can.

    Where’s your flame? I ask.

    I don’t have one. Larry answers.

    I am about to fucking lose it. Maybe it is the thought of not being able to smoke my fine Turkish-domestic menthol-blend class E cigarette, but damn. What did I do to deserve this? Larry and I proceed to tear the spot apart looking for any damn object that could possibly hold a flame. We find one match. With no striker. I’m feeling a little slap happy at this point. Some life. I go from being a king, well, at least in my world, to this. I cannot even light my damn smoke. We finally manage to light the cigarette off the toaster, which is dumb because I wanted to save the cigarette until after we were lit, but whatever. Beggar’s can’t be choosers.

    I sit down next to Larry and spark the match off the cherry of the makeshift cigarette. Larry looking at me with that fucking face. I want to tear that fucking thing off that stupid head sometimes. Such a schmuck. I pass him the can.

    Don’t chief it man! I say with a breathy lung full of rotten smoke. No coughing here.

    Ugh! That shit taste like a mix between asshole and beer!

    The roach only gave up three hits, but I got two, so I am feeling a little relieved. What is happening in my gut though, feels disastrous. I have to go. Nowhere in particular, I mean I have to go, and by how intense this is feeling, there is no way I am making it to the get-go mart. I sit here faced with a huge dilemma. See, I am what is called a squatter. This means I am staying illegally at a domicile. This translates roughly to no running water, no electricity, no toilet, no toilet paper, no modern appliances, nothing. Well, with the exception of a toaster oven and microwave that Larry and I got out the garbage a few months back. So, now we get to the source of power for these fine pieces of modern day luxury. That dilemma was remedied via a dark green extension cord I had laying around from my early days. We found an outdoor outlet near the power drop down on the neighbors house. It’s a little short, so to use it you have to put the appliance in front of the door with the cord going out the door jam. Yes, this is illegal, so we try not to use it, or even be in the spot when the neighbors were around. The last thing I need is some cop giving me shit for the things I have to do to survive.

    My gut starts humming.

    Oh shit. I gotta’ take a dump, man! I proclaim.

    Larry laughs.

    "That’s toooo bad man!"

    He really knows how to piss me off. But, no worse than the ever so important fact that I am at a lack of toilet paper. I started ripping around the spot. Ended up finding an old sock. So I head out to do my business. Problem solved. I drop that hot evil next to a telephone poll behind some shrubs on the street, and head back to the basement.

    I seal team six’d that shit, bro! I say with relief.

    Larry chuckles.

    It’s good to make people happy again. Even if it’s a joke about bowel movement. Even if it makes me sad later. I enjoy making someone laugh, it doesn’t matter if it’s on, or at me. I’m past that point. My life is the prime example of karma, and if they are laughing to hurt me, it will come back on them. I understand that now.

    I’m hungry I say, yawning in between saying it so I had to repeat myself. I hate that.

    Anyway, I have some cereal left from that bag of Sweetie-O’s. No milk, so I eat it dry. My mouth feels like I’ve been chewing fiberglass insulation. I haven’t brushed my teeth in at least two weeks, and when I do, I have to use the water fountain at the park. It’s a little salty but it works. I like to assume I’m decently healthy though. Even though it’s probably horribly untrue.

    I am feeling rather stimulated. The Sweetie-O’s must be kicking in. With this burst of energy, priority comes to mind. I grab the pen and pad that I keep under the old porno magazines that Larry found in the dumpster behind the get-go mart, and start to compile a list:

    Do pick up list.

    A breakdown of what needs to happen.

    Steal napkins from get-go mart.

    Steal toilet paper from port-o-pooper. (check park bathrooms)

    Get cups from any restaurant

    Get some $ together, get won tons. GET SAUCE (it helps with cereal)

    Find a god damn cigarette!

    Get a lighter (or a match)

    Ditch Larry, try to get smoked up

    Try to peddle some poo-poo

    Find some poo-poo

    Get a ride to the mall (Found $5 there)

    Get a job for the day.

    Find a party

    Steal a loaf of bread, a toothbrush, a bucket, a bar of soap. Just steal anything.

    Steal eggs.

    Steal beer,

    Buy beer for minors (Don’t come back this time!)

    This is my list of things I would like to accomplishing today. It may or may not be completed, but I will sleep at the end of the day.

    I snap back to consciousness to see Larry writing something on an old liquor receipt.

    What the fuck are you doing Larry? I ask.

    What the fuck you think I’m doin? I’m writin’! I’m educated you know?

    He gives me that fucking look again.

    Gimme’ that! I snatch the receipt from his hand.

    HEY! Whatta’ ya’-

    Shut up Larry! I

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