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HOWUL: a life's journey
HOWUL: a life's journey
HOWUL: a life's journey
Ebook257 pages3 hours

HOWUL: a life's journey

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Books are dangerous

People in Blanow think that books are dangerous: they fill your head with drivel, make poor firewood and cannot be eaten (even in an emergency). 

This book is about Howul. He sees things differently: fires are dangerous; people are dangerous;

Release dateJan 15, 2021
HOWUL: a life's journey

David Shannon

DAVID SHANNON is the illustrator of many popular picture books, including How I Became a Pirate. His numerous awards include a Caldecott Honor for No, David! He lives in Burbank, California.

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    HOWUL - David Shannon

    HOWUL cover

    Books are dangerous

    People in Blanow think that books are dangerous: they fill your head with drivel, make poor firewood and cannot be eaten (even in an emergency).

    This book is about Howul. He sees things differently: fires are dangerous; people are dangerous; books are just books.

    Howul secretly writes down what goes on around him in Blanow. How its people treat foreigners, treat his daughter, treat him. None of it is pretty. Worse still, everything here keeps trying to kill him: rats, snakes, diseases, roof slates, the weather, the sea. That he survives must mean something. He wants to find out what. By trying to do this, he gets himself thrown out of Blanow… and so his journey begins.

    Like all gripping stories, HOWUL is about the bad things people do to each other and what to do if they happen to you. Some people use sticks to stay safe. Some use guns. Words are the weapons that Howul uses most. He makes them sharp. He makes them hurt.

    Of course books are dangerous.

    Cover design: Alison Buck

    Un-put-down-able! A classic hero’s journey, deftly handled. I was surprised by every twist and turn, the plotting was superb, and the engagement of all the senses – I could smell those flowers and herbs. A tour de force.


    I am so proud of my husband for writing this extraordinary novel, which dares to be so different and plunges us into a strange and gripping alternate universe. It shows us what can happen to human nature and behaviour when society’s sophisticated structures and systems are no longer in place and people are left to fend for themselves amid new power dynamics. I used to think he was secretly watching football in his study instead of writing a novel. How wrong I was!


    HOWUL A Life’s Journey David ShannonElsewhen Press planet-clock design

    Elsewhen Press


    First published in Great Britain by Elsewhen Press, 2021

    An imprint of Alnpete Limited

    Copyright © David Shannon, 2021. All rights reserved

    The right of David Shannon to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, telepathic, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

       Artwork © 2021 David Shannon; apart from Howul’s Madbad sketch (which is also on the cover) © 2021 Alison Buck.

       Excerpt from Ode to Lesbia, Gaius Valerius Catullus, 65BC, Ancient Rome, privately published.

    Elsewhen Press, PO Box 757, Dartford, Kent DA2 7TQ


    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 978-1-911409-80-9 Print edition

    ISBN 978-1-911409-90-8 eBook edition

    Condition of Sale

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    This book is copyright under the Berne Convention.

    Elsewhen Press & Planet-Clock Design are trademarks of Alnpete Limited

    Converted to eBook format by Elsewhen Press

    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, Brenins, authorities and events are either a product of the author’s fertile imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, governments, local authorities, civic leaders, places or people (living or dead, Before or Outside) is purely coincidental.

    For the many free-flowing, majestic Shannons there have been in my life and also, of course, for the mighty, magnificent B.
















    Simple time keep people simple. This, that, be happy, be sad. Take books away, heads have less clutter. Take food away, everyone do as they is ask.

    Well, not everyone. Not alway.

    All of next is only what Howul have tell me or write.

    What is true? What is billy bully? I still have not the foggyrest.



    Since he is knee high to a grasshop, everyone tell him books is dangerous. If you read them, they fill your head with dribble. You cannot eat them and when you throw them in the fire, they give bad heat.

    The book he hold now smell like old mushrooms. On its bright pink front is two snotnoses of People Before. The pages is stick together with black glop and dead insects. As he peel them back, he see words write down on them. He close the book and look at it like it give him disease.

    He hear a hiss and cough. This is how Gommel laugh.

    ‘Today I start to learn you how to read and write,’ he say.

    Gommel is the most old man in Blanow. Hims legs is twigs of rosemary, hims face is bark of olive tree, hims hair is wood smoke. Hims house is so near the back cliffs that slates oft time crash onto its roof. Hims deaf ears never hear them.

    Gommel sit now in a big People Before leather chair in the room he hardly ever leave. All hims furniture is People Before. Big wood table. Three hard wood chairs for those who sit with him, make him dandelion tea, bring him tinfoods. A bed with thick blankets and a cushion for hims head. Candles and lamps on wood stands. Wood plates, dishes, spoons. Nothing brack nor botch. All good.

    The heavy wood stick he walk with rest against hims legs. He use both hands to hold it there because hims stiff fingers do not full close. Hims green shirt is People Before and press tight against hims fine plumpy stomach. Hims grey britches is also People Before and soft grip hims thin legs like skin of catterpilly.

    Most of what Howul have is brack and botch. Hims shirt is make from leafs, hims britches from beech bark, hims shoes from pine bark. All is itch and scratch and chafe. At thirty five year, he still run most fast and see most sharp of all in Blanow. Hims face is also most grumpscrut. Since he is snotnose, even when hims thinkings is sweet and kind, everyone still think he wish them pain.

    Since Jen die, he now leave sweet thinkings to others. All people annoy him. Thems quiet is too quiet but more bad is when they speak. All things annoy him also. Sun is too hot or too shy, ground too hard or too mush, water too wet.

    True is, again since snotnose, everything want to kill him. Snake bites, rat bites, stiffneck disease, newmonia, typho and thick throat have all try to finish him and he have piss on all of them. Diseases he fight. People he do not. He prefer to hear than speak. Watch. Wait. Avoid.

    Gommel he cannot avoid. Gommel he cannot offend, cannot say No to. Gommel is high up.

    ‘You think books is bad?’ he say.

    ‘Perhap,’ say Howul.


    ‘Perhap not then.’

    Howul soft mumble so perhap Gommel wont hear. It is no matter. Gommel already know what he will say.

    ‘Everyone here say books kill People Before, isnit?’ he say. ‘Everyone say they is dangerous. Idiots. What people think and say soon go. What is write down stay.’

    Howul nod like so much clever impress him. Gommel use hims stick to lift him out of chair and stand up. Howul go to help him but Gommel tcha him away, hobble two step forward then point back at the chair with stick.

    ‘Move it,’ he say.

    Howul put the glop and insects book down and try to lift the chair. He cannot. It is heavy as wet sand. As per the usual, he think. Nothing ever easy. He press hims shoulder against it and push. It slow slide across the wood floor and reveal a black mark under it like this –


    Gommel lean forward and press on the mark with hims stick. A plank lift up. He point at a space under it. Howul kneel down and do as ask even though smell tell him not to. He reach in and touch soft mess. He pull hand out. Gommel hiss and cough. Howul put hims hand back in and this time touch something cold and metal. A red box of People Before about the size of two bricks. He take it out. In its lock is a teeny grey key.

    ‘Open it,’ say Gommel.

    Howul can hear something inside shake and shuffle. He turn the key. It stick, need oil. Howul know it but still give Gommel stupid look. In Blanow, stay stupid is stay safe.

    Gommel point at a sea shell lamp that rest on a wood stand.

    ‘Pour in some oil, isnit?’ he say.

    The oil make the box open easy. Inside is a leather pouch the size of Howuls hand. He take it out. All leather is of People Before, brown or black, hard as oak. Alway it smell like stale pattycakes. But this is light blue, soft as baby skin and smell strong of lavender. A metal band seal it. He pull to undo it then stop and look stupid at Gommel again.

    ‘Yes,’ say Gommel. ‘Open it. It is yours.’

    Howul pour what is inside pouch onto hims hand. A sprig of dry lavender, four teeny blood red pencils with black points sharp as needles and four teeny books. He open the page of one book then hold it up so Gommel can see.

    ‘Whats the matter?’ Gommel ask him.

    ‘It is blank,’ he say loud enough for Gommel to hear easy.

    Deep creases run across Gommels face as he hiss cough.

    ‘I learn you to read and write so you can fill it with your words,’ Gommel say. ‘What hap to you in Blanow. What people say and tell you. Do this and I will make sure things is more good for you here. Books is not dangerous, Howul. People is dangerous.’

    Why he choose me? think Howul. Nothing hap to him except avoid everyone.

    Gommel point at the lift up plank. Howul push it back in place. Gommel then point at the glop and insects book. As Howul open it, the stink of old mushrooms hit him again.

    A boy snotnose sit on soft neat green grass. Hims plumpy face is spit clean. He wave one hand and smile.

    Gommel wipe dribble from hims chin and point at the words.

    My name is Jack, it say.’

    Stay stupid, stay safe.

    ‘It is wrong. My name is Howul.’

    Hiss. Cough.


    After he leave Gommel, Howul take the rocky path that go to Place for Lookout. It cling to the side of the sea cliff and, as you walk, it become more and more steep. Roots of bay tree rip and pull at it but he have use it many time and know just where to place each foot and which way to lean so that he can move fast along without fall.

    He like that others cannot easy follow him.

    Every day he is here to warn if People Outside approach Blanow. He sit in a grass coom with cliff above and round which protect him from the wind. Today there is no cloud. The sea is slow and half sleep. As they reach the rocks below, each wave is a weak slap. Like a huge vulture, most time the sea rest and do little. But when it wish, it can tear all apart in a flash.

    Near him lemon thyme and other sweet scent herbishrubs push through the grass. Flutterbys flit through the air on white or yellow wings. Green, red and black ants crawl round and over hims toesys. Redback lizards scurry over stones and bumblybees buzz and pester every herbishrub they find.

    All is keriss and gentle, even for Howul.

    Of a sudden he see in the distance some bright yellow oildrums. On them is three People Outside. They have tie themselfs to the sides so they do not roll into the water but now the ropes is loose. All life is beat out of them. As he see Howul, one of them raise slow hims head. Sun have give hims face the colour of pomegranate. Every part of him is scab and scratch and bleed.

    He try to stand. The oildrums separate and water wash over them. Pomegranate Face hold onto one. The others fall in water.

    Howul go back along the path to the village. He tell Tall Nole to fetch Brenin, Mister Yorath. Soon people gather on the mud shore. Boy snotnoses push forward for a more good look. All watch and wait. Howul is first to see the loose oildrums. Big waves push them more and more close. Pomegranate Face still hold onto one. The other men float face down. Growups move snotnoses away so Mister Yorath can have more good look at where Howul point. Where oildrums is, the sea is fill with monisters. No one go in the water. Everyone wait for the waves to bring everything to them.

    Two oildrums is wash in first, then two dead. When they is near as spit, Tall Nole and Droo pull them onto shore. Next is Pomegranate Face. Tall Nole grab him by the arms and lay him down. Hims clothes is rip rags and he do not move. When Tall Nole nudge him with hims foot, he turn over so hims face is in mud. Droo drag other oildrum to shore.

    Everyone wait for Brenin Mister Yorath to speak.

    ‘He have weapon?’ he ask.

    ‘None I see,’ Howul say.

    Tall Nole lift him up, wrap hims arms round hims stomach and shake him. No weapon. The shake make Pomegranate Face cough and splutter and gob. He open hims eyes as Tall Nole lay him again on the mud.

    ‘How many more of you is there?’ Mister Yorath ask him.

    Pomegranate Face lift up hims head and look round like he do not know who say this. Then flop back in the mud without answer.

    ‘Is there any more?’ Mister Yorath ask Howul.

    ‘Only them, I think.’

    He nod at the two dead skinbones also drag from the sea.

    ‘We will look after you,’ Mister Yorath say to Pomegranate Face. ‘What is your name?’

    Pomegranate Face squeeze hims eyes to rid them of salt then gob out more water.

    ‘What is your name?’ Mister Yorath ask him again.

    ‘Barry, son of Tom, son of Shane.’

    ‘How many more boats is there?’

    ‘No more.’

    ‘Where is you from?’

    ‘Hale. Have you water? My throat is dry sand.’

    Mister Yorath smile and send Droo to bring water.

    ‘Why you leave Hale?’ Mister Yorath ask.

    ‘In Hale, there is six men for every woman,’ say Barry.

    ‘You is here to find a woman?’


    ‘We will find one for you.’

    Barry try to stand up. Hims knees give and he sit.

    ‘No hurry,’ say Mister Yorath.

    Droo give Barry a jug of water. He drink huge gulps. He smile then touch hims mouth in pain as the smile crack open hims sunburn skin. He lean back and pour water over hims face then lean forward and pour over rest of head. As he do this, Tall Nole crash a heavy stone onto hims skull. Water and blood spray from hims mouth as he fall more forward. Some watch, some look away as Tall Nole bring the stone down again and again. Soon hims head is crush watermelon.

    People Outside bring weapons and disease, need food, want women, drink water. This is how Blanow welcome them.


    Gommel have two books for Howul. Jack and Julie Learn To Read and The A B C Book. He use them to learn Howul what is letters and words and how to say them and write them. He get Howul to read the words out to him many time and to write them down in other teeny books he give him.

    Many is not words Howul ever say nor is write how anyone might say them. Nut is Nut but Nite is Night and Nee is Knee. Neville wear a anorak, eat jelly and go tobogganing. Gommel tell Howul that anorak is hat, jelly is type of fruit and tobogganing is climb tree. Howul want to ask how Gommel know this but listen and wait instead.

    People in Blanow like storys. When day is dark and only fire give light, someone tell others of what People Before have do. Story of bad Brenin call Macdeth, of big sea monister call Mobby Dick, of man call Drackiller who bite people till they do what he want. Storys everyone know but is tell in different ways.

    Howuls father Garith have tell best storys. Alway he fill them with the bad things people do and what you can do if bad things hap to you. This is not how Jack and Julie Learn To Read nor The A B C Book is. Everyone know that for People Before weather is more cold. But here sun shine alway. No one suffer. All is happy. Billy is happy because Granny give him biscuit, Mary because Uncle Jim show her hims stamps and Dulcie because a jolly sailor smile at her. Biscuit is same as pattycake, say Gommel. Stamps is teeny pictures. Jolly is old. Sailor is man with beard.

    All this bore the crap out of Howul. He give up with stay stupid and show he learn quick instead. Gommel want him to learn so he can write what hap to him in Blanow, what people say and tell him. If he can write this for him, perhap Billy, Mary and Dulcie can all gofuck.

    Today he have bring the leather pouch from the red box with him to Place for Lookout. Part of him wish he have not so he have reason not to write anything yet. He look at teeny blank pages in teeny book and every page seem huge. What to put on them? A million different thinkings rush into hims head. Not of what hap now in Blanow but bad things that hap before to him. This he do not want to write.

    Till she die in cyclone, Jen have give him eighteen good year. Still he baffle at how she have stay warm to him for so long. Not for hims face which is cod fish ugly as well as grumpscrut. Most think he is mirth and merry as tooth ache. Somehow she see him different. She find sweet where others find sharp. She melt hims freezywater. He wish she melt it still.

    Instead of write, he put book away and look out at the sea. Beneath the water, grey shadows slew and shift. One time a mouth the size of a snotnose push up against the surface. A sea monister.

    Dark clouds fight with the sun for different pieces of the sky. Waves throw themselfs hard against the rocks far below. Rain now fall on him. Big rain. Soon he is drench.


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