About this ebook
Deb shares her super-easy natural childbirth experiences hoping to inspire others to open to the possibility that childbirth can be pain free, as it was for her.
After being lied to by a doctor as a child she developed a distrust in the medical establishment and found herself in a predicament which lead her to put out this question to the Universe "What did childbirth look like long before hospitals even existed?" she saw a vision of a woman bearing down over an animal skin while clasping the trunk of a rather small tree, with this she heard the words "YOUR BODY KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT TO DO!"
"From the first page to the last, Deb's journey into motherhood, the birthing of her boys and beyond will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Such a beautiful memoir that shines the light on resilience, strength and trust that resides within the body, mind and spirit of the feminine". Meredith Harrison - Embodied Feminine Journeys
"Amazing, amazing, amazing. Couldn't put it down. Cried many times. What an amazing life story". Willemina Critelli - Bowen therapist
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Book preview
From the first page to the last, Deb's journey into motherhood, the birthing of her boys and beyond will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Such a beautiful memoir that shines the light on resilience, strength and trust that resides within the body, mind and spirit of the feminine
Meredith Harrison - Embodied Feminine Journeys
Amazing, amazing, amazing. Couldn't put it down. Cried many times. What an amazing life story
Willemina Critelli - Bowen therapist
Lucky To Be Alive.
When I was young mum told me about my birth and how my umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck. She said that when the midwife cut the cord it squirt blood on the ceiling of her bedroom. Mum also said that dad couldn’t stand the sight of blood and left the room, and that back in the 60’s in England it was normal to have babies at home if the pregnancy was without complication. Mum expressed with enthusiasm childbirth isn’t an illness
As I got closer to publishing, I asked Mum if she could tell me more about my birth. She was happy tell me and added that I wasn't breathing with my cord wrapped around my neck and that the doctor had arrived just in time. She said that he had to pummel me around to get me to start breathing before putting me on a breathing machine and that I was on it for an hour before she got to nurse me.
On a different note, one day in my mid-thirties, I was telling mum about some Near-Death Experience books I had been reading, when she added, You have had one of those yourself, you know
. She went on to tell me that when I was four, I was sick with bronchitis and one-night she instinctively woke with an urge to check up on me.
She said that I was struggling and that she felt I was unconscious, so she shook and shook me like crazy, calling out my name until I opened my eyes and spoke, saying; The pretty lady at the bright light told me; you have to go home your mummy is calling.
Mum continued, you could not have got that from anywhere else, it must have been true
Some years later, I attended a hypnosis session seeking help in relationship to a pap smear that required further investigation. During the session, the therapist suggested that I ask my body to heal itself of anything that needed healing, as I did, I felt a strong tingling sensation in my uterus that lasted about thirty seconds. I was joyfully impressed. After this she added, when you go back for your next checkup, they will say, go home, there is nothing wrong with you
, which is exactly what happened.
Still in hypnosis the therapist asked, Would you like to re-visit your own birth?
I nodded in agreeance then had a feeling like I was stuck. The therapist then asked me to move forward in time. She said, your born now, look around what do you notice? I heard the words in my mind,
Oh no, another one" which left me feeling sad and unwanted.
I became confused and wondered what was going on. I guessed that perhaps my parents were hoping for a boy and realised that this could have been the underlying reason why I always wished I was a boy and concluded that it was probably a private fleeting thought not meant for me to hear.
Earlier this year I had a series of emotional healing sessions with a friend. They were focused around, healing family of origin wounds. One of these sessions explored my own birth. It was profound; I found myself reliving my birth.
The pain was horrendous. I felt like someone was standing on my throat, my body literally went limp. I cried uncontrollably reeling in pain for twenty to thirty seconds before my friend interjected; I’m stepping in with you Deb, I’m here to help you
. In that instant magic happened and the pain completely left, and my bodies strength restored. It was only then that I realised that I am truly lucky to be alive.
Giving birth should be our greatest achievement, not our greatest fear – Jane Wedeman.
An Unexpected Gift.
On the weekend of my sixteenth birthday our family went out for dinner. It was a shared celebration; my sister Jane was flying to England the next day for a yearlong working holiday. After dinner we all