About this ebook
A Great Dane is a lovable dog. It stands true to its name - the Apollo of the Dogs. People would stare and be amazed that you have such a fine dog with you during the walk in a park, although they might appear fierce and strong. The Great Dane also exhibits affectionate and loyal qualities. There are a lot of things to be discovered in your Great Dane. Read this book and know more about them, their wonderful history, as well as raising one Great Dane as your own.
You might be a novice pet owner at first, but after reading this book, you will be ready to take care of your own Great Dane.
Great Danes breeding, where to buy, types, care, temperament, cost, health, handling, diet, and much more included!
Lolly Brown
A life-long animal lover, Lolly Brown is equally comfortable writing about exotic creatures like the Mexican axolotl or dispensing practical advice to dog owners about kennel cough.As a child, Brown first learned about fish and aquaria when her father brought home a 10-gallon aquarium as a surprise for his daughter. Within months, the father-daughter team graduated to a 120-gallon tank and were immersed in the intricacies of tank population management."We had that go-big-or-go-home mentality common to the hobby," Brown said. "Now I look back and think about what we did to Mama's living room! She was very patient with us."Brown's fascination with animals continued in college, where she took numerous field biology and wildlife classes that allowed her to view the behavior of many species in their native habitats.She calls this period of her life the "rodent years," since her only apartment roommates were two hamsters, Hemingway and Leo (Tolstoy). "I also adopted a Guinea pig purely because I couldn't stand the conditions in the pet store," she said. "Trust me, I was in no way prepared to care for Molly and I had to learn fast!""The only other time I went into a pet adoption blind," Brown added, "I came home with two green anole lizards. Then I found out I was going to have to feed them live crickets.While volunteering at her local zoo, Brown first encountered capybaras, a South American mammal that looks like an over-sized Guinea pig. The experience sparked her interest in exotic pets, a subject she continues to pursue with avid interest.A freelance writer by trade, Brown's animal books are written for her own pleasure and the edification of her readers. She is a strong supporter of animal rescue and welfare organizations, and works with programs educating young children about the proper care of pets.Brown maintains something of a menagerie of her own, making room in her home for a 180-gallon saltwater fish tank, a 20-year old Scarlet Macaw, a Golden Retriever, and several highly tolerant cats. (She advises that good cages make good multi-species homes.)"If I become interested in a particular animal and have no direct experience with the creature, I get some before I start to write," Brown says. "All animals have a unique perspective on the world and their place in it. They all have particular needs -- physical and emotional -- and they all have unique personalities. These are things I want to understand before I try to communicate them to my readers."
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Great Danes as Pets - Lolly Brown
Great Dane as Pets
A Complete Great Dane Pet Owner’s Guide
Great Dane Breeding, Where to Buy, Types, Care, Temperament, Cost, Health, Handling, Diet, and More
By Lolly Brown
Smashwords Edition
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Dogs are one of the most common household pets you can have. You may automatically want a small breed because it is easy to take care of and more loving, but you might opt to look at big breeds.
Great Danes may look intimidating at first, due to its height and built, but under their majestic appearance, they have marvellous attitudes and traits that you would really love! Great Danes have amazing traits that would be a real attention; people would be star - struck if they knew you are the owner of this amazing breed.
Read on to know more about this breed. We will provide you with lots of information regarding its rich history, temperament, activity, taking care of puppies, and training it. This book will equip you with necessary knowledge to take care of your dream pet. Make sure you do not skip a chapter so you will not miss anything! Have fun reading!
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Let’s Start With the Basics
General Appearance and Showmanship Qualities
Quick Facts
Chapter Two: Taking Care of Your Great Dane
What Makes It a Great Pet
Where to Purchase your Great Dane
Tell Tale Signs of a Reputable Breeder
Characteristics of a Healthy Breed
Legal Requirements and Dog Licensing
Chapter Three: The Ultimate Great Dane Health and Medical Guide
Common Health Problems
Recommended Vaccinations
Chapter Four: Fact or Bluff? What to Believe?
Myths Surrounding the Great Dane
Chapter Five: What Will My Great Dane Eat? A Primer
The Nutritional Needs of Dogs
How to Select a Healthy Dog Food Brand
Tips for Feeding Your Pet
Toxic Foods to Avoid
Chapter Six: Breeding Your Great Dane
Basic Dog Breeding Information
Mating Behavior of Dogs
Tips for Breeding Your Great Dane
Chapter Seven: The Great Dane’s Ultimate Cheat Sheet
Photo Credits
There are over 340 dog breeds in the whole world, choosing the one for you might be really overwhelming. People only know the common dog breeds, especially the small ones. One of the ‘forgotten’ breeds is the Great Dane,
Great Danes is truly one of the majestic breeds in the dog world. They are large yet gentle breed - truly fitting its name ‘the gentle giants’. Further, these dogs are called the