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A comprehensive study of the Late Cretaceous, duck-billed dinosaur, featuring insights on its origins, anatomy, and more.

Hadrosaurs—also known as duck-billed dinosaurs—are abundant in the fossil record. With their unique complex jaws and teeth perfectly suited to shred and chew plants, they flourished on Earth in remarkable diversity during the Late Cretaceous. So ubiquitous are their remains that we have learned more about dinosaurian paleobiology and paleoecology from hadrosaurs than we have from any other group. In recent years, hadrosaurs have been in the spotlight. Researchers around the world have been studying new specimens and new taxa seeking to expand and clarify our knowledge of these marvelous beasts. This volume presents the results of an international symposium on hadrosaurs, sponsored by the Royal Tyrrell Museum and the Royal Ontario Museum, where scientists and students gathered to share their research and their passion for duck-billed dinosaurs. A uniquely comprehensive treatment of hadrosaurs, the book encompasses not only the well-known hadrosaurids proper, but also Hadrosaouroidea, allowing the former group to be evaluated in a broader perspective. The 36 chapters are divided into six sections—an overview, new insights into hadrosaur origins, hadrosaurid anatomy and variation, biogeography and biostratigraphy, function and growth, and preservation, tracks, and traces—followed by an afterword by Jack Horner.

“Well designed, handsome and fantastically well edited (credit there to Patricia Ralrick), congratulations are deserved to the editors for pulling together a vast amount of content, and doing it well. The book contains a huge quantity of information on these dinosaurs.” —Darren Naish, co-author of Tetrapod Zoology, Scientific American

“Hadrosaurs have not had the wide publicity of their flesh-eating cousins, the theropods, but this remarkable dinosaur group offers unique opportunities to explore aspects of palaeobiology such as growth and sexual dimorphism. In a comprehensive collection of papers, all the hadrosaur experts of the world present their latest work, exploring topics as diverse as taxonomy and stratigraphy, locomotion and skin colour.” —Michael Benton, University of Bristol
Release dateNov 5, 2014

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    Hadrosaurs - David A. Eberth




    A History of the Study of Ornithopods: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Now? and Where Are We Going?

    David B. Weishampel


    Where ornithopod studies have been and where they are going is fascinating. I try to provide answers for the history of the study of ornithopod dinosaurs by collecting bibliographic data from the second edition of The Dinosauria. The resulting publication curves were examined for 10 intrinsic factors, nearly all of which increase through the first decade of the twenty-first century. These measures are used to take stock of present-day ornithopod studies and, finally, to try to predict our future as ornithopod researchers in this historically contingent world.


    From a historical perspective, knowledge about a taxonomic group can be judged by its publication rate. A zero rate may indicate a momentarily stalled interest in the group or a cessation of interest in it altogether (e.g., Kalodontidae Nopcsa, 1901), while a low rate suggests less than vigorous or meager research activity focused on the group (say, during a war or when there are few publishing scientists). Finally, a high publication rate may have many reasons, including new discoveries and new taxonomic recognition, and evolutionary controversy, to name a few.

    Compilations of taxa are not new to studies of dinosaurs, or even tetrapods or invertebrates (Sepkoski et al., 1981; Benton, 1985, 1998; Dodson, 1990; Weishampel, 1996; Sepkoski, 2002; Fastovsky et al., 2004; Wang and Dodson, 2004). However, this present compilation and survey differs from previous varieties in that it focuses on the number of papers published and the research areas those papers address.

    For Ornithopoda – the most abundant and diverse of which are hadrosaurids – the record of publication begins in 1825 with the publication of Mantell’s Iguanodon, and finishes with the numerous papers, some being issued via conventional journals as well as online-only journals, with no hard copies, of the present day. What this record looks like is presented in Figure 1.1. How it was obtained and how it is interpreted are the subjects of this chapter.

    Caveat: although this volume is the product of a symposium dedicated predominantly to hadrosaurs, which includes hadrosaurids proper as well as hadrosauroids, it has been extended by the organizers to include iguanodontians as well. By stretching it slightly more to include iguanodontians, we are practically down to the base of Ornithopoda. Hence, this chapter is about hadrosaurs – and more.


    In order to evaluate the rate of publication of papers dealing with ornithopod dinosaurs, the number of papers was tabulated on a per-decade basis from 1820–2010 from the bibliography of The Dinosauria, second edition (Weishampel et al., 2004). Containing 90 published pages of references on all dinosaurian taxa, this book is likely to be comprehensive enough for our current purposes. Because the decade of 2000–2010 was incomplete in that volume, the remainder of this decade was filled in proportionally based on the approximate representation during the first three and one-half years of the decade. That is, the 2000–2010 decadal numbers are projections based on tabulations from the first three and one-half years. Total papers and papers for each research category (see below) were adjusted by multiplying the raw totals for the first three and one-half years of the 2000–2010 decade by a factor of 2.86 to yield a total proportionally equivalent to other decades. This kind of correction was judged preferable to changing data sources (e.g., Web of Science), which would have resulted in an under-sampling of the more obscure literature.

    In addition to the total curve, I have attempted to characterize the papers that went into this total by identifying nine categories of research (Table 1.1). I provide general description of these categories, denoted in boldface text, below. These categories were usually assessed by title alone, but occasionally it was necessary to consult the paper itself to determine to which category it belonged. I made no account of footprints and eggshell papers, because it was often impossible to assess affinities of the tracks or shell beyond Dinosauria from the title of the paper.

    Table 1.1. Categories of Ornithopod Research Identified in This Survey

    General taxonomy refers to those publications announcing new specific or generic taxa, or new taxonomic revisions that do not come under the heading of phylogeny (see below). For example, Gilmore’s (1913) announcement of Thescelosaurus neglectus is here considered a work of general taxonomy.

    Functional morphology is the category for papers involving a biomechanical or functional interpretation of an ornithopod anatomical system. An example of a functional morphology study is Alexander’s (1985) work on stance and gait in ornithopods among other dinosaurs.

    Phylogeny refers to those studies that attempt to portray the evolutionary history, or phylogeny, of the group. In recent years, these studies have emphasized cladistics in phylogenetic reconstruction (e.g., Prieto-Márquez, 2010), but also include a number of pre-Hennigian analyses (e.g., Galton, 1972).

    Biostratigraphy and taphonomy papers involve the geologic disposition of ornithopod specimens, whether within or among rock units. Rogers (1990) provided an example of how bonebed taphonomy can provide evidence for drought-related mortality in dinosaurs that include hadrosaurs.

    Biogeography includes studies that examine the geographic distribution of ornithopods either from a dispersal or vicariant perspective, or both. For example, Casanovas et al. (1999) examined the global distribution of lambeosaurine hadrosaurids, whereas Upchurch et al. (2002) considered the full spectrum of controls on dinosaur diversity, including that of ornithopods, as a function of biogeography and biostratigraphy.

    Paleoecology papers include those of Carrano et al. (1999) on convergence – or lack thereof – among ornithopods and ungulate mammals, and Varricchio and Horner (1993) on the significance of bonebeds in paleoecological interpretations, and are intended to address the reconstruction of particular taxonomically bound or free ecosystems of the past.

    Soft tissue studies have been generally limited to skin impressions. Examples include Osborn (1912) on the mummy of Edmontosaurus annectens in the American Museum of Natural History.

    Growth includes papers associated with aspects of ontogenetic development. The impact of growth on ornithopod studies is relatively recent. Here I note Dodson (1975) on the taxonomic significance of growth in Lambeosaurus and Corythosaurus, as well as various studies by Horner and colleagues (e.g., Horner et al., 1999, 2000) focused on the cellular basis of bone growth.

    Faunistics includes papers whose principal purpose is to establish or review fossil assemblages that include ornithopods. For example, Lapparent (1960) reviewed the dinosaurs, including many ornithopods, from the Continental intercalaire of northern Africa.

    Usually contributions were entered once in a category. However, a study can contribute here to several categories. For instance, Ostrom (1961) included discussion of general taxonomy, functional morphology, phylogeny, and other subjects in his major review of North American hadrosaurs, and so it was added to each of these categories.


    Where we have been can be determined by looking at the total curve of ornithopod publications (Fig. 1.1A). Beginning in the 1820s, the number of papers published per decade rises to a high of 15 in the 1870s. It then declines to 4 in the 1890s, and increases again, to 24, in the 1920s. The 1940s see a drop to 7, followed by a persistent, long-term increase to the decade of the 2000s, which is characterized by nearly 200 papers, amounting to almost 2 papers per month!

    Before turning to several intrinsic factors, I want to examine three kinds of extrinsic events that may have influenced these numbers and patterns. For possible influences due to world events, the European revolutions of 1848, the American Civil War, World War I, the Russian Revolution, the fall of communism, and the combined Iraq and Afghan wars appear to have no substantial influence on rate of publication, whereas the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent worldwide financial depression followed by World War II are likely factors in the decline of publication rates in the 1930s and 1940s. Regarding technological influences, there are no great fluctuations in rate of publication for technological events, except for the last two events. It is probably safe to say that the invention of personal computers, particularly laptops (1970s), in combination with the development of the World Wide Web and internet (1990s) made a huge impact on the rate of ornithopod publications. With the initiation of web publishing, this trend is certain to continue. Finally, scientific influences probably account for smaller perturbations in the total curve. For example, the discovery of the Iguanodon assemblage from Bernissart probably accounts for the rise in ornithopod publications during the 1870s and 1880s. The rise in publication rates during the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s can certainly be attributed to the Great Canadian Dinosaur Rush in Alberta. Finally, as a personal homage, I consider John H. Ostrom’s first monographic publication – his 1961 treatment of the hadrosaurids of North America – to signal the beginning of what has turned out to be a plethora of ornithopod publications to the present day.

    1.1. Publication trends on ornithopod dinosaurs. (A) Total publication record of ornithopod dinosaurs from 1820 to 2000 tabulated by decade; (B) Total publications of general taxonomy, functional morphology, phylogeny, and biostratigraphy and taphonomy, tabulated by decade; (C) Total publications in biogeography, paleoecology, soft tissue, growth, and faunistics, tabulated by decade.

    Intrinsic factors, on the other hand, are some of the subjects that I am interested in, which also have given Ornithopoda pride of place in the world of dinosaur publishing. General taxonomy and faunistics are the largest contributors to the total sample, whereas the rest have relatively low influence.

    General taxonomy (Fig. 1.1B) has as long a history, beginning with the first publication on Iguanodon by Mantell (1825) and early on encompassing the first publication on Hadrosaurus by Leidy (1858). Furthermore, it mirrors fairly well the total publication curve, with a high point of 69 publications during the decade of 2000–2010.

    Functional morphology (Fig. 1.1B) has a long, but patchy history, beginning with the publication of Mantell (1848) on the teeth and jaws of Iguanodon. It has never been common, but increases significantly in the 1970s and 1980s, with renewed interest in ornithopod jaw mechanics. Functional morphology has been in decline since this time.

    Phylogeny (Fig. 1.1B) also has a long and equally patchy history, beginning with Owen’s (1842) christening of Dinosauria. Thereafter, there is a long hiatus until the 1970s, when we see an irregular publication record reflecting the large impact of cladistics on phylogeny estimates. The 1990s and 2000s indicate an important increase in cladistic studies, peaking near 40 publications.

    Biostratigraphy and taphonomy (Fig. 1.1B) have a relatively short history, confined to the period of the 1930s to the present, and within this span only relatively abundant since the 1970s, with the publications of Dodson (1971), Rogers (1990), and Varricchio and Horner (1993). There is a steady increase in biostratigraphic and taphonomic publications from the 1980s to the 2000s, indicative of increased interest in the sedimentological aspects of ornithopod fossils.

    Biogeography (Fig. 1.1C) is in its infancy, with its concentration of publications only evident from the 1960s onward. This is roughly the same time as the scientific ascendancy of plate tectonics and phylogenetic systematics, and thus, may be a direct product of these two revolutions in the natural sciences (Sereno, 1997, 1999a, 1999b; Upchurch et al., 2002). Biogeography reaches its zenith in the decade of 2000; in all likelihood it will continue to increase.

    Paleoecology (Fig. 1.1C) has a relatively short history. With a few notable exceptions (Mantell, 1844; Nopcsa, 1934), the history of paleoecology papers really began in the 1960s. There has been a steady increase in the number of paleoecology publications since then, to a high of more than 30 publications in the decade of 2000–2010.

    Soft tissue (Fig. 1.1C), consisting almost entirely of the study of integumentary impressions, has a reasonable steady and long history, increasing steadily since the 1970s. It is presently on a very large upswing, in large part because of the discovery of exceptionally well preserved specimens (particularly in northeastern China) and a more focused evaluation of variation in integumentary patterns (Bell, this volume).

    Growth (Fig. 1.1C) has a very modest history. It has been common only since the 1970s, and appears to be on a steep upswing to nearly a dozen papers for the decade of 2000–2010. This increase probably represents the rise in fossil bone histology studies in ornithopods (e.g., Chinsamy, 1995; Horner et al., 2000).

    Finally, faunistics (Fig. 1.1C) has a long history, approximately paralleling general taxonomy and the total curve, at least since the 1860s. Faunistics seems to drop off during the decade of the 2000s, but this downturn should be treated with skepticism because it is almost certainly an artifact of sampling extrapolation. Examples taken from the 1990s and 2000s include Csiki (1997), Ryan and Russell (2001), López-Martinez et al. (2001), and Zhou et al. (2003).


    Before we all assembled for the International Hadrosaur Symposium, we all probably thought we knew where our science was. At a minimum, that was what we came to Drumheller to report on. It was hadrosaur taxonomy, North American, Asian, South American, and European hadrosaurs, and ornithopod brains. It was also hadrosaur gigantism and age, hadrosaur jaws and herbivory, locomotor mechanics, taphonomy, integument, tracks, and various aspects of development. This was where we thought our discipline was as we began the symposium.

    Eighty-eight percent of the symposium talks (n = 34 talks, 16 posters) fall within the categories discussed here (Braman et al., 2011). Most are taxonomic, phylogenetic, or biogeographic in scope. Another half-dozen or more pertain to functional morphology, growth, and taphonomy – a good sampling of the categories examined here (an acclaim delivered independently twice over – the organizers and I both got it right!).

    Symposium percentages are all the same order of magnitude compared to those obtained for the decade of 2000–2010, but there are several differences. General taxonomic presentations at the symposium were nearly 25% fewer than from 2000–2010, phylogeny was 19% fewer, taphonomy was 15% fewer, biogeography was 28% fewer, paleoecology was 19% fewer, and faunistics was 13% fewer. Soft tissue remained approximately the same. Interestingly, functional morphology was 14% more and growth was 6% more than from the decade of 2000–2010. While it is tempting to assign significance to individual percentages, they are probably no more than sampling errors when comparing a very small number of symposium talks with the projected breakdown of categories for an entire decade.


    I am certainly no prognosticator, even about my own research field. Like all historical sciences, our ability to predict the future is fraught with the kinds of unpredictability that derives from historical contingency. There is little inevitability that guides us in the progress of our science – just as there is little that links the hand-cranked ice-cream maker (1840s) to the electron microscope (1930s), a transition that happened in only nine decades. What about going from the invention of the Band-Aid (1930s) to the home computer in five decades? Who would have predicted these changes?

    But the contents of this volume give an inkling of where we are headed, at least in the short run. I see continued fieldwork, the wellspring of our science. Its direct consequences – new species and taxonomic revisions – are likely to be accompanied by a healthy continuance of studies focused on comparative anatomy, both bony and inferred soft tissue. To do so requires a healthy dose of phylogenetic systematics, which now should be part of everyone’s toolkit. In functional morphology, finite element analyses and tooth-wear studies have appeared on the horizon and I hope these will be coupled with cladistic analyses to produce even more outstanding work. Finally, growth studies are very likely to continue in the future: the small bit of bone given up for a thin-section is bound to yield disproportionately much more subtle and profound information than if it were left with the rest of the bone.

    Still, things do not always work out that way. Contingency makes history messy. Things come out of left field and WHAM! Someone discovers the most amazing specimen or means by which colors can be inferred from skin impressions. All of a sudden, with no way of predicting, we are all scrambling to do research on the melanosomes of what could turn out to be red-, green-, and yellow-striped ornithopods!


    I thank David Eberth and David Evans for their kind invitation to join them at their fantastic first International Hadrosaur Symposium in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. Their generosity and that of François Therrien and the other hosts at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology are most commendable. And to throw in a bronze plaque of Corythosaurus intermedius (ROM 845); well, I sure had a good time! I also thank Ali Nabavizadeh and Cat Sartin for their help on and reading of this manuscript and Jack Horner, Cora Jianu, and Pilar Yagüe for their own individual inspirations.


    Alexander, R. McN. 1985. Mechanics of posture and gait of some large dinosaurs. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 83:1–25.

    Bell, P. 2014. A review of hadrosaurid skin impressions; Chapter 25 in D. A. Eberth, and D. C. Evans (eds.), Hadrosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

    Benton, M. J. 1985. Mass extinction among non-marine tetrapods. Nature 316:811–814.

    Benton, M. J. 1998. The quality of the fossil record of the vertebrates; pp. 269–303 in S. K. Donovan and C. R. C. Paul (eds.), The Adequacy of the Fossil Record. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

    Braman, D., D. A. Eberth, D. C. Evans, and W. Taylor (compilers). 2011. International Hadrosaur Symposium Abstract Volume. Royal Tyrrell Museum. Drumheller, Alberta. 171 pp.

    Carrano, M. T., C. M. Janis, and J. J. Sepkoski. 1999. Hadrosaurs as ungulate parallels: lost lifestyles and deficient data. Acta Palaeontologia Polonica 44:237–261.

    Casanovas, M. L., X. Pereda-Suberbiola, and D. B. Weishampel. 1999. First lambeosaurine hadrosaurid from Europe: palaeobiogeographical implications. Geological Magazine 136:205–211.

    Chinsamy, A. 1995. Ontogenetic changes in the bone histology of the Late Jurassic ornithopod Dryosaurus lettowvorbecki. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15:96–104.

    Csiki, Z. 1997. Legături paleobiogeografice ale faunei de vertebrate continentale Maastrichtian superioare din Bazinul Haţeg. Nymphaea 23–25:45–68.

    Dodson, P. 1971. Sedimentology and taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 10:21–74.

    Dodson, P. 1975. Taxonomic implications of relative growth in lambeosaurine hadrosaurs. Systematic Zoology 24:37–44.

    Dodson, P. 1990. China reaches the top. American Paleontologist 17: online supplement. Available at www.museumoftheearth.org/files/pubtext/supplements/suppl_557c.pdf. Accessed summer 2012.

    Fastovsky, D. E., Y. Huang, J. Hsu, J. Martin-McNaughton, P. M. Sheehan, and D. B. Weishampel. 2004. Shape of Mesozoic dinosaur richness. Geology 32:877–880.

    Galton, P. M. 1972. Classification and evolution of ornithopod dinosaurs. Nature 239:464–466.

    Gilmore, C. W. 1913. A new dinosaur from the Lance Formation of Wyoming. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 61:1–5.

    Horner, J. R., A. de Ricqlès, and K. Padian. 1999. Variation in skeletochronological indicators of the hadrosaurid dinosaur Hypacrosaurus: implications for age assessment of dinosaurs. Paleobiology 25:295–304.

    Horner, J. R., A. de Ricqlès, and K. Padian. 2000. The bone histology of the hadrosaurid dinosaur Maiasaura peeblesorum: growth dynamics and physiology based on an ontogenetic series of skeletal elements. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20:109–123.

    de Lapparent, A. F. 1960. Les dinosauriens du Continental intercalaire du Sahara central. Memoire de la Societé geologique de France 88A:1–57.

    Leidy, J. 1858. Hadrosaurus foulkii, a new saurian from the Cretaceous of New Jersey. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia 1859:215–218.

    López-Martinez, N., J. I. Canudo, L. Ardèvol, X. Pereda-Suberbiola, X. Orue-Etxebarria, G. Cuenca-Bescós, J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca, X. Murilaga, and M. Feist. 2001. New dinosaur sites correlated with upper Maastrichtian pelagic deposits in the Spanish Pyrenees: implications for the dinosaur extinction pattern in Europe. Cretaceous Research 22:41–61.

    Mantell, G. A. 1825. Notice on the Iguanodon, a newly discovered fossil reptile, from the sandstone of the Tilgate Forest, in Sussex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 115:179–186.

    Mantell, G. A. 1844. Medals of Creation. H. G. Bohn, London, U.K., 289 pp.

    Mantell, G. A. 1848. On the structure of the jaws and teeth of the Iguanodon. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 138:183–202.

    Nopcsa, F. 1901. Synopsis und Abstammung der Dinosaurier. Földtani Közlöny 31:247–288.

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    Osborn, H. F. 1912. Integument of the iguanodont dinosaur Trachodon. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History 1:33–54.

    Ostrom, J. H. 1961. Cranial morphology of the hadrosaurian dinosaurs of North America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 122:33–186.

    Owen, R. 1842. Report on British fossil reptiles. Part II. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1841:60–204.

    Prieto-Márquez, A. 2010. Global phylogeny of Hadrosauridae (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) using parsimony and Bayesian methods. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 159:435–502.

    Rogers, R. R. 1990. Taphonomy of three dinosaur bone beds in the Upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation, northwestern Montana: evidence for drought-related mortality. Palaios 5:394–413.

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    New Insights into Hadrosaur Origins


    Iguanodonts from the Wealden of England: Do They Contribute to the Discussion Concerning Hadrosaur Origins?

    David B. Norman


    The earliest known hadrosaur-like ornithopod is represented by a tooth from the early Cenomanian (Cambridge Greensand) of England. The Wealden outcrops (late Berriasian–early Aptian) of England include a range and variety of iguanodonts that, in many anatomical respects, presage the structures seen in a succession of Albian–Maastrichtian, hadrosaur-like neoiguanodontians, hadrosauromorphans, and euhadrosaurians. The anatomy and taxonomic assignments applicable to known Wealden iguanodonts are reviewed, albeit briefly, and the recently published proposition that Wealden taxonomic diversity was far higher than previously supposed is regarded as unfounded. A new systematic analysis has generated a consistent topological framework that provides the basis for a consideration of the general pattern of assembly of anatomical features, within the neoiguanodontian lineage, that culminated in the appearance of true hadrosaurs (euhadrosaurians) during the Late Cretaceous. The general topology generated by the present analysis largely conforms to previous analyses. However, the primary region of inconsistency is located across a range of taxa that appear to form a plexus of late Early and early Late Cretaceous age; they are widely distributed geographically, vary in their degrees of preservation, and have been described mostly in the last two decades. A revised classification is proposed, based upon the new topology, and generalized phylogenetic inferences have also been drawn from the successional pattern and its associated character distributions. The systematic pattern and therefore the phylogenetic (evolutionary) origin of euhadrosaurians from within the plexus of derived neoiguanodontians is potentially tractable. However, questions focused upon the geographic (area of) origin of hadrosaurs are unlikely to be resolved satisfactorily because of definitional instability (an inherent problem of fossil-based systematic analyses), compounded by the more or less constant flow of new discoveries.


    The zenith of ornithopod evolution is represented by the Late Cretaceous duck-billed, or hadrosaurian dinosaurs (e.g., Lull and Wright, 1942; Ostrom, 1961; Horner et al., 2004; Prieto-Márquez, 2010), which were highly speciose, geographically widespread, and anatomically (and probably behaviorally) complex herbivores. However, the details governing the evolutionary transition from derived (neoiguanodontian) to the definitive hadrosaurian state, although understood in general terms, have proved elusive. Initially (encompassing the time between the 1870s and 1970s) the fossil record was comparatively mute on the subject: middle Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) ornithopods were extremely rare and poorly described, as well as unreliably dated. As a consequence, evolutionary hypotheses were necessarily speculative (e.g., Gilmore, 1933; Ostrom, 1961; Rozhdestvensky, 1966; Taquet, 1975). The closing decades of the twentieth century and the opening decade of the twenty-first century mark a turning point during which a considerable number of new ornithopod taxa have been identified from both the older and established fossil hunting grounds as well as many new geographic locations. However, it seems that the abundant new data has increased ambiguity, rather than creating the expected resolution or increasing levels of consensus concerning the ancestry of the clade referred to herein as Euhadrosauria (Weishampel, Norman, and Grigorescu, 1993 [ = Hadrosauridae sensu lato, e.g., Lull and Wright, 1942; Horner et al., 2004; Prieto-Márquez, 2010]).

    Hadrosaur origins can be explored through a number of independent, yet correlated, lines of investigation: the chrono-geographical evidence suggestive of their first appearance in the fossil record; the study of ornithopod taxa that are positioned adjacent to the clade Euhadrosauria; the construction of parsimony-based and Bayesian likelihood trees (Evans, 2010; Prieto-Márquez, 2010); and the evaluation of the anatomical transformations (and phylogenetics) implied by the topology of such trees. In combination, these approaches should be able to reveal when, where, and how hadrosaurian anatomy was assembled (and, by implication, utilized by these animals in a biological sense) in the lineage(s) ancestral to the first diagnosable members of the clade Euhadrosauria.

    2.1. Stratigraphy of the Wealden of southern England. Abbreviations: Fm, Formation; GC Fm, Grinstead Clay Formation; L.T.W. Sand Fm, Lower Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation; U.T.W. Sand Fm, Upper Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation; Lower Grnsd, Lower Greensand. Derived from Batten (2011). The vertical bars on the right-hand side indicate the approximate stratigraphic distribution of the four principal Wealden neoiguanodontian taxa.

    This contribution concerns itself with updating our current understanding of the anatomy, taxonomy and systematics of an Early Cretaceous group of neoiguanodontians from the Wealden of northwest Europe (Fig. 2.1). Given their older chronostratigraphic occurence relative to hadrosaurids, these taxa contribute to an analysis of taxa that are considered topologically basal to hadrosaurids. This review probes our understanding of an important phase in ornithopod evolution, and highlights areas where more research is needed.

    Institutional abbreviations MIWG, Museum of the Isle of Wight Geology, Sandown, Isle of Wight, U.K.; NHMUK, Natural History Museum, London, U.K.; RBINS [formerly IRSNB], Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.


    A large number of names have become associated with medium-to-large-bodied Wealden-aged Iguanodon-like ornithopods, or iguanodonts (Fig. 2.2); these include historical names such as Vectisaurus valdensis Hulke, 1879 (Norman, 1990); Sphenospondylus gracilis Lydekker, 1888; and Iguanodon seelyi Hulke, 1882. However, renewed scientific interest in the Wealden since 2008 has resulted in a proliferation of additional taxa that have been recognized on the morphological variation present in the sample. Recently proposed taxa include Dollodon bampingi (Paul, 2008); Barilium dawsoni (Norman, 2010); Hypselospinus fittoni (Norman, 2010); Kukufeldia tilgatensis (McDonald, Barrett, and Chapman, 2010); Torilion dawsoni (Carpenter and Ishida, 2010); Wadhurstia fittoni (Carpenter and Ishida, 2010); Sellacoxa pauli (Carpenter and Ishida, 2010); Proplanicoxa galtoni (Carpenter and Ishida, 2010); Dollodon seelyi (Carpenter and Ishida, 2010); Huxleysaurus hollingtoniensis (Paul, 2012); Darwinsaurus evolutionis (Paul, 2012); and Mantellodon carpenteri (Paul, 2012).

    2.2. The taxonomy of Wealden iguanodontian dinosaurs tabulated according to (in the left column) the interpretation of Norman (2010, 2011a, 2011b, 2012, 2013, in press; McDonald, pers. comm., 2012), compared with the taxonomy (in the right column) introduced by Paul (2008); Carpenter and Ishida (2010); and McDonald, Barrett, and Chapman (2010). Asterisk indicates non-Wealden taxon. Abbreviations: nd, nomen dubium; jos, junior objective synonym; jss, junior subjective synonym; v, valid taxon.

    This proliferation of Wealden taxa suggests that there was considerable taxonomic diversity among these animals during Wealden time (Fig. 2.2). Recognition of this diversity is significant, because phylogenetic analyses suggest these taxa provide insights into the morphological changes that occurred in the evolutionary transition to early hadrosauroids from more primitive iguanodonts. However, the validity of a number of these recently named taxa has been questioned (Norman, 2013). The taxa erected by Paul, and Carpenter and Ishida are poorly – or incorrectly – diagnosed. Based on detailed study of the original material, many of these new taxa have been considered nomina dubia that are either unambiguously or subjectively synonymous with one of just four osteologically distinct Wealden-aged iguanodont taxa: Barilium, Hypselospinus, Iguanodon, and Mantellisaurus (Norman, 2011a, 2011b, 2012, 2013, in press; McDonald, 2012a). In addition, it appears that these novel, but dubious, taxa were proposed (and, in part, justified) on the basis of a fundamental lack of understanding of the stratigraphy of the Wealden and the provenance of the taxa that have been collected from Wealden exposures (Norman, 2013). The anatomy and spatio-temporal distribution of the iguanodonts from the Weald is reviewed below.


    ORNITHISCHIA Seeley, 1887

    ORNITHOPODA Marsh, 1881

    DRYOMORPHA Sereno, 1986

    ANKYLOPOLLEXIA Sereno, 1986

    BARILIUM Norman, 2010

    BARILIUM DAWSONI (Lydekker, 1888)

    Lydekker (1888) described the partial skeleton of a large iguanodont that had been recovered during quarrying through ferruginous sandstones at Shornden, an open-cast quarry on an area of land about 1.5 km north of Hastings town center (Norman, 2011a). The material included dorsal and caudal vertebrae, portions of the pelvis, and parts of the hindlimb. The ilium was regarded as sufficiently distinct from anything previously described as pertaining to Iguanodon that it merited the establishment of a new taxonomic name, I. dawsoni. Norman (2010, 2011a) redescribed the type material, presented a formal diagnosis, and proposed the new combination Barilium dawsoni (Lydekker, 1888).

    Taxonomic Discussion

    McDonald et al. (2010) proposed that an isolated, nearly complete dentary of large size with two embedded dentary crowns (NHMUK OR28660), collected from one of the quarries at Whiteman’s Green, Cuckfield, can be diagnosed as a new taxon of Valanginian neoiguanodontian: Kukufeldia tilgatensis McDonald, Barrett, and Chapman, 2010. This specimen is of considerable historical interest, because it was first studied and described by Mantell (1848) and later by Owen (1855). Their diagnosis currently rests upon one character: an apparently unique pattern of vascular foramina on the outer surface near the anterior tip of the jaw, and this is supported by some subsidiary evidence concerning the comparative straightness of the anterior part of the dentary ramus. The distribution of vascular foramina on the external surface of the dentary is a character of dubious validity, given the variation in the pattern of vascular openings that may be seen between the left and right jaws of single individuals, let alone that which may be seen in different individuals (pers. obs.).

    Apart from the pattern of dentary foramina, the distinction concerning the straightness of the dentary ramus relies upon an alleged association of another partial skeleton (NHMUK R1834) to the taxon B. dawsoni. The latter includes the anterior portion of an eroded dentary that appears to be arched, rather than straight. Unfortunately, NHMUK R1834 was incorrectly assigned to the taxon B. dawsoni by McDonald et al. (2010); it can be referred, quite unambiguously (Norman, 2010, in press), to the Valanginian taxon Hypselospinus fittoni (Lydekker, 1889) on the basis of detailed shared similarities between the ilium of the holotype of H. fittoni and that of NHMUK R1834 (Norman, in press). At present, K. tilgatensis comprises just the dentary of a large neoiguanodontian that is considered to be a nomen dubium and to be potentially referable to the contemporary large, robust neoiguanodontian taxon Barilium dawsoni. Furthermore, the dentary teeth are very similar in form to those of NHMUK R2358, which have been referred to B. dawsoni. Carpenter and Ishida (2010) proposed, in October of that year, a new taxonomic combination Torilion dawsoni (Fig. 2.2) for the holotype material named Iguanodon dawsoni; this proposal can be suppressed, because it is a junior objective synonym of Barilium dawsoni (Lydekker, 1888). Furthermore, Carpenter and Ishida proposed a new genus and species (Sellacoxa pauli) on the basis of a photograph of the right side of a large partial skeleton (NHMUK R3788) collected by Charles Dawson from Old Roar Quarry, near Hastings (Norman, 2011a). Naish and Martill (2008), using appropriately cautious remarks, suggested that its anatomy was unusual and perhaps indicative of a new species. The description by Carpenter and Ishida (2010) is erroneous (Norman, 2011a, 2011b) because these authors had evidently not examined the specimen closely and therefore failed to recognize preservational anomalies, missing pieces, or additional anatomical features visible on the other (left) side of the specimen (Norman, 2011a). Sellacoxa pauli (NHMUK R3788) is considered to be a nomen dubium (its diagnosis is incorrect), and this articulated partial skeleton is considered to be referable to the hypodigm of B. dawsoni (as originally argued by Norman, 1977, 2010, 2011a; Blows, 1998). The taxon Sellacoxa pauli Carpenter and Ishida, 2010, has been proposed to be a nomen dubium and that it can be relegated into synonym with Barilium dawsoni (Norman, 2011a; Fig. 2.2).

    2.3. Barilium dawsoni. Preliminary skeletal reconstruction based upon the holotype and referred material (from Norman, 2011a).


    Craniodental Anatomy The dentary is robust and has parallel upper and lower edges and an elevated coronoid process that arises from a shelf lateral to the most posterior alveoli. The large, and visibly crushed, replacement dentary tooth crown preserved in NHMUK OR28660 generally resembles those seen in another referred specimen (NHMUK R2358) that comprises part of a robust dentary with three embedded teeth; these are of additional interest because they resemble the morphology seen in the lectotype tooth (I. anglicus: Norman, 2011b:fig. 27.23A).

    Vertebrae Dorsal vertebrae are notable for having very tall, deep, and slightly inclined spines; anterior dorsals have slightly waisted, cylindrical vertebral centra; posterior dorsals become more axially compressed and develop everted edges. Sacrals are very poorly known, while the caudals are distinctive: those nearest the sacrum are squat, subrectangular in axial view, and somewhat inclined forward (Norman, 2011a:fig. 6); these are succeeded by deeper-bodied, hexagonal (more typical iguanodont) caudals, whereas the caudals toward the tip of the tail tend to have very angular sides and their articular faces tend to be deeply concave (Norman, 2011a:fig. 7).

    Girdles and Limbs The pectoral (shoulder) girdle and forelimb are robust. The scapula (based upon the referred specimen NHMUK R2848) is long, curved, and expands towards its upper end. The coracoid is notably broad and dished, and has a prominent and completely enclosed coracoid foramen near the suture with the scapula (Norman, 2011a:fig. 17A). One specimen (NHMUK R2357) includes the handle portion of a hatchet-shaped sternal bone (Norman, 2011a:fig. 17B). The principal forearm bones (radius and ulna) are very robust; the carpals and metacarpal I cap the ends of the ulna and radius and are fused into a solid block that supports a fused, squat pollex. The form of the remaining bones of the hand is unknown. The hip (pelvic) bones include a very distinctive ilium, which has a long, robust, preacetabular process that is twisted along its length and bears a large rib facet near its base. The main body of the ilium is slab sided, thick along its dorsal edge with minimal lateral swelling and an inflection along its upper edge (posterodorsal to the ischiadic peduncle). The postacetabular process is deep and rounded in profile, and does not develop a ventrolateral ridge that delimits a vaulted brevis fossa; a well-developed brevis fossa is present in all other Wealden iguanodonts. The shape of the shaft of the ischium is unknown, but proximally the external surface of the shaft adjacent to the obturator process displays a pronounced vertical ridge that runs along the ischial shaft (NHMUK R2357) rather than forming a flat, rugose facet seen typically in this area in specimens attributable to H. fittoni; and the pubis appears to develop a thick, deep, and slightly upwardly curved prepubic process and the dorsoventrally compressed (strap-like) pubic shaft is unlikely to have extended to the end of the ischial shaft. The hindlimb is poorly known (Norman, 2011a).

    2.4. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni, NHMUK R1831. Dentary (right) with teeth preserved in situ. (A) medial; (B) lateral; (C) dorsal views. Abbreviations: am, alveolar margin; br, badly broken portion of the dentary; cp, coronoid process; ds, dentary symphysis; m, matrix; mgr, Meckelian groove; pr, anterior lateral process of the dentary; sl, slot-and-lip portion of the dentary symphysis; tf, tooth fragments in alveolar bone; vc, vascular channel. Scale bar equals 10 cm (from Norman, in press).

    Reconstruction of Barilium

    The composite reconstruction of the skeleton (Fig. 2.3) suggests that this dinosaur was likely to have been at least facultatively quadrupedal, and it may in fact have been an obligate quadruped.

    HYPSELOSPINUS Norman, 2010

    HYPSELOSPINUS FITTONI (Lydekker, 1889)

    Taxonomic Discussion

    Lydekker (1889) described some portions of a skeleton recovered from the same quarry near Hastings that produced the type material of Barilium dawsoni. The type material was redescribed by Norman (2010, 2011b, in press) and on the basis of distinctive features of the holotype ilium, which was supplemented by better-preserved referred material – including specimens that were previously attributed to Iguanodon hollingtoniensis Lydekker, 1889. I. hollingtoniensis is now regarded as a junior subjective synonym of Hypselospinus fittoni (Norman, 2010). Iguanodon fittoni was rediagnosed and renamed as a new nomenclatural combination: Hypselospinus fittoni. This iguanodont appears to be generally somewhat smaller (body length ~6 m) and less robustly built than specimens typical of B. dawsoni. A number of unsupportable claims concerning the osteology, taxonomic status, and affinities of material referable to this renamed taxon have been made by Paul (2008), as outlined in Norman (2010). Carpenter and Ishida (2010: October), subsequent to Norman (2010: May), published an alternative name for the type material of I. fittoni: Wadhurstia fittoni. The latter can safely be suppressed because it is a junior objective synonym of Hypselospinus fittoni.

    2.5. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni, NHMUK R604. Third dorsal. (A, A1) Lateral ([A] is a reversed image of the right side); (B) ventral; (C) anterior. Abbreviations: dia, diapophysis; k, midline keel; ncs, neurocentral suture; ns, neural spine; par, parapophysis; poz, posterior zygapophysis; prz, anterior zygapophysis; rs, rugose surface for ligamentous attachment of the neck of the rib. Scale bar equals 10 cm (from Norman, in press).


    This taxon has a body form that is distinct from its sympatric contemporary B. dawsoni: it is smaller in body length overall, less robust, and has a much more lightly built vertebral column with slender, tall neural spines along the dorsal, sacral, and caudal regions.

    Craniodental Anatomy A crushed and distorted, yet almost complete, dentary (NHMUK R1831; Fig. 2.4) demonstrates that this bone was more slender than the specimen (NHMUK OR28660) that can be attributed to B. dawsoni, and another referred specimen (NHMUK R1834; Norman, in press) indicates that the anterior part of the dentary is deflected ventrally (contra McDonald et al., 2010). Several tooth crowns are preserved in NHMUK R1831 (Norman, 2010, 2011b, in press) and are quite distinct in surface details from those referred to B. dawsoni. Whereas the enameled face of the crown is shield shaped and fringed with mammilate, ledge-shaped denticles (as in B. dawsoni), the ridge pattern seen on the lingual face of the crown differs considerably. There is a prominent primary ridge running the length of the crown distal (posterior) to the midline, and mesial (anterior) to this is a series of strand-like minor ridges that extend down the remainder of the crown for varying distances.

    Vertebrae Most characteristically, the dorsals develop remarkably long, backwardly inclined, narrow spines that in life should have given the appearance of a tall midline ridge (Fig. 2.5). The dorsals differ markedly from those of B. dawsoni. The caudals do not exhibit the low (squat), inclined angular form seen in B. dawsoni; in contrast, they appear to have compressed, tall centra and support equally elongate, narrow spines. Middle and posterior caudals display the gradual loss of the caudal rib and become lower and more apparently elongate, eventually developing angular (hexagonal) cross sections; they do not seem to show the deeply concave articular surfaces seen in B. dawsoni.

    Girdles and Limbs The pectoral girdle differs only in size from that of B. dawsoni: most of the elements appear similar in general shape and the sternals are hatchet shaped. The forelimb resembles that of B. dawsoni in the shape of each element of upper and lower arm, but there is a clear difference in the shape of the characteristic pollex spine (thumb-spike). Whereas in B. dawsoni the pollex is short, laterally compressed and bluntly truncated, that of H. fittoni appears to be tall, laterally compressed and pointed (triangular in lateral aspect; Fig. 2.6); this thumb-spike resembles Mantell’s (1827) classic nasal horn. The manus (Fig. 2.6) resembles that described in Iguanodon bernissartensis (Norman, 1980) in the relative shape and proportions of each digit, although overall it seems to have rather shorter digits than might have been expected, judged by the dimensions of the associated radius and ulna.

    2.6. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni, NHMUK R1831 (R1832/R1833). Reconstructed antebrachium and manus in lateral view. Abbreviations: mcI/mcIII, metacarpals; MCB, metacarpo-carpal block; ol, ossified ligaments; PO, pollex ungual; RA, radius; UL, ulna. Scale bar equals 10 cm (from Norman, in press).

    The pelvis comprises an ilium with a narrow, untwisted, elongate preacetabular process with a low, curved medial ridge; the deep, central portion of the ilium is flat and has a relatively compressed dorsal edge (with, at most, a slight lateral expansion on its dorsal margin above and behind the ischiadic peduncle); the postacetabular process tapers (as upper and lower borders converge) to form a blunt, rounded transverse bar; below the latter is a low-vaulted brevis fossa, demarcated laterally by the presence of a ridge (Norman, 2010:fig. 5). This iliac morphology is clearly distinct from that seen in B. dawsoni (Norman, 2011b:fig. 8), which has a transversely thick and axially twisted preacetabular process, a broad dorsal edge to the main blade, a deep postacetabular process that is inflected medially toward its ventral edge but has no lateral ridge, and a brevis shelf that is either absent or very reduced in extent (NHMUK R3788). The pubis (Fig. 2.7A) is incomplete but has a deep and slightly upwardly curved, parallel-sided, prepubic process with an anterior tip that appears to be moderately dorsoventrally expanded. In contrast to the pubis of B. dawsoni, the pubic shaft is cylindrical. The ischium (Fig. 2.7B) has a robust, curved (J-shaped) shaft that appears to be twisted along its length and ends in an enlarged anteriorly expanded boot; the proximal external surface of the shaft bears a flattened, scarred facet adjacent to the flap-like obturator process (obt) is positioned close to the proximal end of the shaft and offered mechanical support to the pubic shaft.

    The hindlimb, as in the case of Barilium, is not known from good-quality articulated material; it differs little in morphology from what is known in B. dawsoni (Fig. 2.8). Hindlimb material of this taxon was first illustrated by Lydekker (1889). There is a prominent crested fourth trochanter that probably terminated in a marginally pendent tip that does not resemble that seen in camptosaurs (contra Lydekker, 1889).

    2.7. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni, NHMUK R811. (A) pubis partial (right, this is a reversed image) in lateral view; (B) ischium complete (left) in lateral view. Abbreviations: ac, acetabular margin; ap, anterior blade of the pubis; ib, ischial boot; il.p, iliac peduncle; obt, obturator process; obt.c, obturator channel; pp, pubic peduncle; p.pu, posterior ramus of the pubis. Scale bar equals 10 cm (from Norman, in press).

    Reconstruction of Hypselospinus

    A preliminary reconstruction (Fig. 2.9) of H. fittoni based on the type and referred material has been described in detail (Norman, in press). The skull was probably more slender and elongate than that of B. dawsoni based on the morphology of the lower jaw. The vertebral column is notable for the comparatively small proportions of dorsal centra and the attenuation of the neural spines, which form a sail-like structure reminiscent of the even taller sail seen in the gracile neoiguanodontian Ouranosaurus (Taquet, 1976). This reconstruction is tentative because it is a composite based on a number of skeletons of individuals of differing size and there are uncertainties about the relative proportions of the fore and hindlimbs (as well as within-limb proportions).

    2.8. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni, holotype of Iguanodon hollingtoniensis, NHMUK R1148. (A, B) femur, right, the original specimen as preserved (May 2011) in dorsal and ventral views respectively; the ventral view reveals the extent of longitudinal crushing. Abbreviations: 4t, fourth trochanter; at, anterior (lesser) trochanter; cr, crushing of the dorsal part of the medial condyle; icg, anterior intercondylar groove. Scale bar equals 10 cm (modified from Norman, in press).



    (Hooley, 1925)

    The posthumous work by Hooley (1925) based on a nearly complete skeleton recovered (in 1914) from broken blocks of shale following a cliff collapse near Atherfield Point, Isle of Wight, provided the first detailed anatomical description of any Wealden-aged Iguanodon-like ornithopod 100 years after the first Iguanodon teeth were described by Mantell. This paper founded a new species: Iguanodon atherfieldensis Hooley, 1925. The importance of this discovery and its description cannot be overemphasized, given the previous century of attempts to identify and name new species using material that was often inadequate and compounded by the startling failure to provide detailed descriptions when material was, in fact, available. Noteworthy, in the latter respect, is the remarkable fully articulated skeletal material collected between 1878 and 1881 from Bernissart in Belgium, which was described only superficially by Louis Dollo (Norman, 1980, 1986, 1987). What became increasingly obvious, with the benefit of hindsight, was that material (notably that collected from the Isle of Wight) described variously under the names Vectisaurus, Sphenospondylus, or Iguanodon mantelli – the latter name usually considered synonymous with the Mantel-piece collected from Maidstone in 1834 (Norman, 1993) – would eventually be referred to I. atherfieldensis (Norman, 1986, 1990, 2004).

    2.9. Hypselospinus fittoni. Preliminary skeletal reconstruction based upon the holotypes of Iguanodon fittoni Lydekker, 1889, and I. hollingtoniensis Lydekker, 1889, supplemented by information from several additional referred partial skeletons (from Norman, in press).

    Taxonomic Discussion

    Recently, the taxon Iguanodon atherfieldensis has been subjected to revision. Paul (2007) proposed Mantellisaurus as a new generic name for I. atherfieldensis. The reasoning for this change relied on osteological differences originally regarded as sufficient to distinguish these forms as osteological species (Norman, 1986:327). Having proposed the generic name Mantellisaurus, Paul (2008) then extended his taxonomic revision of Wealden iguanodonts by creating an entirely new taxon, Dollodon bampingi (Fig. 2.2) for the gracile skeleton (RBINS R57 [formerly IRSNB 1551]; see Norman, 1986) and referred to, historically, as Iguanodon mantelli (e.g., Dollo, 1882; Casier, 1960). The first monograph on this specimen (Norman, 1986) referred it to Iguanodon atherfieldensis. The case for erecting the new binomial Dollodon bampingi was supported by a list of diagnostic characters derived from some simplistic outline drawings, some fleshed-out restorations of the heads of these animals and the interpretation of photographs of mounted specimens (named technical restorations by Paul, 2008:202). Norman (2012) evaluated the diagnostic characters proposed by Paul and demonstrated that none could be considered to be valid, and that on that basis alone, the new name should be considered a nomen dubium: a very similar conclusion was reached independently by McDonald (2012a).


    Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis attained a probable adult body length of about 7 m. The type material (NHMUK R5764) represents a disarticulated partial skull and skeleton collected from the Isle of Wight, that is ontogenetically immature and has an estimated body length of approximately 5.5 m; the referred skeleton from Bernissart (RBINS R57) shows some residual features associated with immaturity, and is approximately 6.5 m long; and the length of the Mantel-piece individual (Norman, 1993) from Maidstone (NHMUK OR3741) is estimated (based on femoral length) at probably a little in excess of 7 m. Some material collected recently from the Isle of Wight exhibits very interesting anatomical variation (Martill and Naish, 2001:MIWG 6344).

    Craniodental Anatomy The skull (Fig. 2.10) of this species is known in considerable detail (Norman, 1986). The lower jaw is elongate and its lower margin is gently arched towards its anterior tip; the coronoid process is comparatively short, vertical and slightly expanded anteriorly at its apex. The posterior end of the lower jaw is marked by a large surangular with a distinct surangular foramen and the angular is visible in lateral aspect. Dentary teeth are comparatively simple in construction with primary and secondary ridges alone on the lingual enameled surface resembling the pattern seen in examples of B. dawsoni. Maxillary teeth have narrower crowns than dentary teeth and have an extremely prominent distally offset primary ridge.

    2.10. Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis. Skull restoration based upon the Chase skull, NHMUK R11521.

    2.11. Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis. Anterior dorsal vertebrae, reconstruction in lateral view based upon examination of the original material of RBINS R57 and NHMUK R5764 (the holotype of I. atherfieldensis). Abbreviations: d.1–d.8, dorsals numbered in sequence; dia, diapophysis; n.sp, neural spine; pa, parapophysis (after Norman, 1986:fig. 29B).

    2.12. Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis, holotype of I. atherfieldensis Hooley, 1925, NHMUK R5764. Articulated sequence of mid-dorsal vertebrae as preserved (same as Norman, 2011b:fig. 27.42B).

    Vertebrae Cervical vertebrae exhibit the following characteristics: strongly opisthocoelous; low cylinders with ventral keels and a mid-height ridge that is expanded near the anterior condylar margin to form a parapophysis; neural arch develops a small midline spine lateral to which are prominent, stout diapophyses for the attachment of ribs; prezygapophyses are widely spaced and do not project beyond the articular margin of the centrum, whereas the postzygapophyses are long, arched, and divergent (and overlap the succeeding centrum). The general form of cervical vertebrae is seen in the first dorsal vertebra reconstructed in Figure 2.11.

    Mid-dorsal vertebrae develop elongate spines in the articulated skeleton RBINS R57 (Fig. 2.11), but preservation is usually not nearly so good in Wealden specimens: all are broken in the holotype skeleton (Fig. 2.12). Ossified tendons are distributed in the form of a layered lattice across the taller neural spines. The centra are spool shaped and bear a modest ventral keel. The articular faces, which bear remnant opisthocoely across the cervicodorsal transition, have predominately amphiplatyan faces. Posterior dorsals develop centra that are broader and deeper than anterior members of the series, and also become slightly opisthocoelous in the region adjacent to the sacrum.

    2.13. The Saull Sacrum illustrated in ventral view, NHMUK OR37685. Specimen referred to Mantellisaurus cf. atherfieldensis. Scanned from the original lithograph in Owen (1855:pl. 3). This specimen was one of the key specimens that Richard Owen used in order to diagnose his new sub-order Dinosauria (Owen, 1842).

    Sacral Vertebrae One specimen (Fig. 2.13) comprises a nearly complete sacrum (lacking the sixth true sacral) with portions of an attached ilium (NHMUK OR37685), which is attributable to this species. The sacrum comprises seven fused vertebrae in mature specimens (fusion is incomplete in immature individuals) and involves the incorporation of a posterior dorsal with a free (non-sacralized) rib. There is a narrow keel present, unlike I. bernissartensis, which exhibits a broad, longitudinal midline sulcus.

    Girdles and Limbs The pectoral girdle and forelimb bones differ little from those described for previous taxa (and the contemporary I. bernissartensis) except that they tend to be smaller and less robust. The blade of the scapula tends to have a narrower shaft and the blade flares distally to a greater extent than in I. bernissartensis. The coracoid also exhibits a discrete foramen (cf) externally, which is different from the coracoid notch seen in I. bernissartensis.

    The sternal bone (Fig. 2.14C) has the classic styracosternan hatchet-like shape. The humerus (Fig. 2.14A) is sinuous. The ulna and radius (Fig. 2.14B) are comparatively slender and bowed, thus suggesting the possibility of some axial rotation between these elements. The wrist and hand are worth mentioning because they are distinctive (Fig. 2.15). The carpals are sutured together, but they are neither as massive nor as tenaciously bound by ossified ligaments as is the case in previous examples (above; Norman, 2011a, in press) or in I. bernissartensis (below; Norman, 1980). The first metacarpal is fused to the carpals and forms an oblique, roller-like structure for articulation with the base of the pollex; the latter is relatively diminutive and, unlike the Barilium and Hypselospinus, is genuinely conical rather than transversely compressed or truncated. In its general shape the pollex of M. atherfieldensis echoes, on a smaller scale, the conical pollex of I. bernissartensis. The central bones of the hand (metacarpals II–IV) are slender and more elongate than those known in either Hypselospinus or Iguanodon.

    The ilium (Fig. 2.16) has a long, slender, preacetabular process (prp) that is buttressed by a curved medial ridge. The main body of the iliac blade is vertical, but the dorsal edge is thickened and everted so that it overhangs the lateral surface. Farther posteriorly, the dorsal edge thickens and becomes more everted, forming a beveled structure (boss) posterodorsal to the ischiadic peduncle. The dorsal edge of the postacetabular process beyond the iliac boss is inflected downward before terminating in a short transverse bar. Beneath this bar there is a narrow, vaulted brevis fossa (br.f). In overall shape the ilium resembles that of Hypselospinus fittoni from the Valanginian of the Weald Sub-basin; however, the preacetabular process is more slender and transversely thicker, whereas the equivalent portion of H. fittoni is more strongly compressed laterally and considerably deeper; the central portion of the iliac blade is shallower than in H. fittoni; and the postacetabular process differs also in having a far less pronounced brevis fossa than in H. fittoni and, as a direct consequence, the posterior bar is also much narrower.

    The pubis (Fig. 2.16) has a thin, deep, prepubic process that expands distally, whereas the pubic shaft is narrow and short; there is a massive iliac peduncle, and beneath this a broad cup-shaped depression forms the anterior part of the acetabulum. The proximal part of the pubic shaft has a finger-like dorsal process that nearly encircles the obturator foramen (obt.f); its posterior surface forms a flattened vertical surface for attachment of the adjacent part of the ischium and, when articulated, the obturator foramen is completely enclosed. The shaft of the ischium is long, slender, and only slightly arched along its length (the arching is perhaps exaggerated in Figure 2.16, and the distal boot is too large) and has a modest anterodistal expansion.

    2.14. Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis, holotype of I. atherfieldensis Hooley, 1925, NHMUK R5764. (A) humerus, right in dorsal view; (B) radius and ulna, right lateral view; (C) right sternal bone in ventral view. Abbreviations: h, articular head of the humerus; ra, radius; ul, ulna (same as Norman, 2011b:fig. 27.43C–E).

    The hindlimb (Fig. 2.17) is not particularly distinctive, as is true of most similar-sized iguanodonts. The femur (Fig. 2.17A, B) has a shaft that is more slender, less angular-sided, and less curved along its length than that seen in B. dawsoni and H. fittoni from the Weald Sub-basin (any remaining curvature of the shaft is present only below the fourth trochanter [4t]); and the anterior trochanter (at) is narrower, less robust, more laterally compressed, and more closely appressed to the lateral surface of the greater trochanter, when compared to the latter taxa. The lower leg elements (Fig. 2.16C, D) are not distinctive, except insofar as they are more slender and lightly built than in the contemporaneous taxon I. bernissartensis, and the proximal tarsals are firmly attached (but not fused) to the crus (Fig. 2.17: ast, cal).

    The pes (Fig. 2.18A, B) is slender and functionally three toed. Neither the holotype (NHMUK R5764) nor the referred specimen (RBINS R57) have metatarsal I preserved. A well-preserved and articulated pes that is commensurate and that is the same stratigraphic age has been referred to M. atherfieldensis (Norman, 1986; NHMUK R1829) exhibits a narrow, splint-like metatarsal I. The sympatric contemporary I. bernissartensis has a small, laterally compressed metatarsal I (Norman, 1980).

    2.15. Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis, holotype of I. atherfieldensis Hooley, 1925, NHMUK R5764. The associated elements of the right manus in dorsal view. Abbreviation: mc, metacarpal (from Norman, 1977).

    Reconstruction of Mantellisaurus

    The reconstruction in a bipedal pose (Fig. 2.19) is based primarily upon the proportions of the holotype skeleton (NHMUK R5764) and that of the referred skeleton (RBINS R57). The pectoral girdle and forelimb are notably less robust than those seen in either of the Valanginian taxa.

    IGUANODON Mantell, 1825


    (in Beneden, 1881)

    Although extremely well known in mainland Europe, where more than 30 complete and partial skeletons have been recovered in Belgium, Germany, France, and Spain, Iguanodon bernissartensis is comparatively rare in Britain. The first occurrence of this morphotype was a hindlimb, pelvis, and some caudal vertebrae of large size collected in 1870 by John Whitaker Hulke at Brook Chine, Isle of Wight (late Barremian: NHMUK R2501-R2514; associated bones of an almost complete ilium

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