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The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More
The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More
The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More
Ebook1,145 pages20 hours

The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More

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A collection of obscure facts, impressive achievements, despicable crimes, bizarre records, unforgettable films and more from the authors of listverse.com.

Discover bizarre facts, amazing trivia, astonishing mysteries, natural wonders, little-known people, useful tips and much more in this mammoth bathroom reader. From crime, movies and music to science, history and literature, this book offers an incredible array of intriguing top-ten lists, including:

• Urban Legends—Debunked

• Influential People Who Never Lived

• Ancient Methods of Execution

• Poisonous Foods We Love to Eat

• Inventions of the Middle Ages

• Gruesome Fairytale Origins

• Secret Societies

• Amazing Film Swordfights

• Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals

• Misconceptions About Evolution

• Tips for Frugal Living

• Fascinating Graveyards You Must See
Release dateNov 3, 2009
The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More

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    The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists - Jami Frater


    Bizarre Stuff



    After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, film footage that had been provided by a witness was carefully checked for clues to the killer’s identity. Unexpectedly, the film also showed a woman standing on a grassy knoll wearing a brown overcoat and scarf. Because she looked like a Russian grandmother (babushka) she was labeled The Babushka Lady. She appeared to be filming the scene and she continued to do so even as the majority of the crowd fled after the shooting. She eventually walked away to the east up Elm Street where she disappeared from history forever. The FBI requested that the woman come forward but she never did. Her true identity and perhaps her involvement in the crime are unknown to this day.


    The Zodiac Killer was a serial killer who was active in Northern California for ten months in the late 1960s. He is believed to have killed at least five people and injured two. After one of the killings, the police received a phone call from a man claiming to be the killer—he admitted to two previous killings. The man eventually sent a series of letters to the press that included ciphers that he claimed would lead to his identity. While the majority of the codes were broken, eighteen letters remain unsolved. The ciphers did not help the police and the identity of the killer has never been determined. The prime suspect, Arthur Leigh Allen, was never convicted despite an enormous amount of circumstantial evidence against him.


    Jack the Ripper is probably the most famous serial killer in history. He was active in the later half of 1888 in London. He committed his crimes mostly in the poor Whitechapel area and his victims were typically prostitutes. In some cases the bodies of the victims were discovered only minutes after the Ripper had left the scene. Despite a large list of suspects, the police have never been able to uncover the identity of the notorious murderer.


    The Voynich Manuscript is a book written in the Middle Ages in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet system. Attempts have been made to interpret the document for over one hundred years but there has not been a single breakthrough. The book includes illustrations of plants (some unknown to modern botanists) and astronomical information. It is possible that the book was the work of an alchemist who used codes to keep his discoveries private but, until the book is decoded, no one really knows for sure.


    The Count of St. Germain was a mysterious man from the eighteenth century who was skilled in music, art, and alchemy. His origin was unknown and he eventually disappeared without a trace. There were rumors that he had discovered an elixir of youth and several people in recent years have claimed to be him. Some people also believe that he appeared through history as various historical figures such as St. Joseph, Plato, and Roger Bacon (under whose guise some claim he wrote the complete works of Shakespeare).


    In 1947, the body of Elizabeth Short was discovered cut into two pieces in a parking lot in Los Angeles. The press dubbed the then-unidentified woman The Black Dahlia—after a movie playing called The Blue Dahlia. The investigation into Short’s murder was one of the largest in the history of the city, however, despite this, the motivation and identity of the killer have never been uncovered.


    The Taos Hum is a low-pitched sound that can be heard in various parts of the world, but especially in the United States and Europe. It is described as sounding like a distant engine and it is undetectable by microphones and other electronic monitoring equipment. It is most famous for its occurrence in Taos, New Mexico—the town from which it takes its name. In 1997, the United States Congress asked scientists and observers to find the source of the sound—they were unable to do so.


    Mary Celeste was a 280-ton ship launched in Nova Scotia in 1860. When the ship was ten years old, she was purchased from a salvage yard for three thousand dollars and put to use carrying alcohol from the United States to Genoa, Italy. The ship was eventually discovered floating in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar with no one onboard and no sign of struggle. All documents except the captain’s log (which gave no clue to the mystery) were missing. In 1973 two lifeboats containing six bodies and an American flag were found on the coast of Spain—the bodies were never identified but there is some speculation that they may have been the members of the Mary Celeste’s crew.


    The Bermuda Triangle is a large area of ocean in the North Atlantic that has been the source of many plane and boat disappearances. A number of explanations (many are not particularly credible) have been offered for the mystery, which include bad weather, time warps, and alien abductions. There is substantial documentation to show that many of the disappearances have been exaggerated, but even if those are excluded from the total count, the odds of vanishing are higher in the triangle than anywhere else.


    The Shroud of Turin is allegedly the burial shroud of Jesus Christ mentioned in John 20:6-7, which bears the image of a crucified man. Despite many scientific investigations, no explanation exists for how the image could have been imprinted on the cloth. No attempts to replicate the image have been successful. Radiocarbon tests date it to the Middle Ages, but its existence has been known since at least the fourth century, and pollen and weave testing put it at the time of Jesus. Interestingly, both the shroud and another cloth (the Sudarium of Oviedo) appear to have been placed on the same man and contain traces of the same blood type (AB)—rare in Europeans in the Middle Ages but common in Middle Eastern people.




    Apparently the Japanese renamed a town in Japan to USA so they could legally export goods to the U.S. and conceal their place of origin. This legend was spurred on by the fact that in postwar America, Made in Japan became synonymous with cheap, poorly made goods. It is, of course, ludicrous to think that American customs officials would simply ignore the import of products that are clearly labeled to mislead.

    An interesting addition to this tale is that Sony Corporation intentionally made their Made in Japan labels small so that American people would not realize that it was a Japanese company. A large number of Sony shipments were turned away by customs officials because the labels were smaller than regulations required them to be.


    Contrary to popular belief, it was not Thomas Crapper. Crapper is known to most as an ingenious Victorian plumber who came up with the idea of a flushing lavatory. The majority of this deceit comes from a book written in 1969 by Wallace Reyburn, Flushed with Pride: The Story of Thomas Crapper. This author also wrote Bust Up: The Uplifting Tale of Otto Titzling and The Development of the Bra. Crapper was in fact a plumber, and he did take out a number of plumbing related patents in his time, but none for the flush toilet.

    In reality, Alexander Cummings is generally credited as being the inventor of this illustrious gadget, in 1775 (fifty years before Crapper was born). Joseph Bramah and Thomas Twyford improved upon Cummings’s design by adding the ballcock. Finally, the use of the word crapper for a lavatory is of unknown origin but is believed to have started out in America.


    For quite some time there has been a rumor spreading that the daddy long-legs spider is the most poisonous spider but is unable to kill humans simply because its fangs are not strong enough to pierce our skin. In fact, there is a small twist here—it is not possible for us to test the toxicity of the spider because of international codes of ethics and Amnesty International (for some bizarre reason) which prevent the inevitable harming of the spider during testing.

    In reality, the most poisonous spiders are the brown recluse and the funnel web spiders.


    This urban legend has quite an awful beginning; in the 1958 Disney documentary White Wilderness, a camera crew forced a group of lemmings off a cliff to document their supposed suicidal behavior. The film was made in Canada and lemmings were brought in for the film after they were purchased from Eskimo children. The lemmings were filmed in a variety of artificial situations and then herded to a cliff where they were pushed to the edge to simulate a migration.

    It is unknown whether Disney was aware of the behavior of the film crew, but the fact remains, lemmings do not throw themselves from cliffs.


    The legend is that Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC because they feared the word fried had negative connotations not good for marketing. There was also another ludicrous legend that surely no one would believe: it claimed that KFC was breeding super chickens to get more meat from them and by law they could not refer to them as chickens because they were a new breed of animal.

    As it turns out, Kentucky Fried Chicken was not concerned about bad publicity at all—in fact, the company has not given a specific reason for the name change. You may be interested to know that the company is now once again beginning to use the original name of Kentucky Fried Chicken.


    Some years ago a strange rumor started to pass around the Internet—the claim that if enough people wrote Jedi as their religion on a census form, the government would be compelled to include it as an official religion on the next census. This first started with an English census in 2001, followed by an Australian one, and a New Zealand one in the same year.

    Not only is it entirely false, in Australia and New Zealand you can be fined a thousand dollars for falsifying your census results. Not only do you risk a fine, the census information is used to determine allocation of tax funds, so by lying people are doing other members of society a disservice.


    Snuff films are movies of people being killed. Most rumors claim they are made to order due to the high risks involved in distribution. The legend surrounding snuff films often piggybacks on other rumored films of cannibalism, necrophagia (eating human carrion), and necrophilia. This myth has been helped along in recent years by films such as 8MM (starring Nicholas Cage), which treats the subject as if it were fact.

    In reality, there has not once been a snuff film found. Every time there is a report in the press about one, upon investigation it turns out to be false. There is even a one-million-dollar reward for anyone that can come forward with a commercially sold snuff film. The reward has been offered for many years now with no one ever attempting to claim it (though perhaps that is understandable).


    This rumor has been very popular on the Internet and I even remember it from my own childhood. The belief was that the liquid poured into the milkshake machine (and the ice cream machine) at McDonald’s was reconstituted fat—either from pigs or chickens.

    Nowadays, fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s are required by law to make the full nutritional information of their products available to consumers. This is the complete list of ingredients in a McDonald’s shake: whole milk, sucrose, cream, nonfat milk solids, corn syrup solids, mono and diglycerides, guar gum, vanilla flavor, carrageenan, cellulose gum, vitamin A palmitate. Admittedly some of these things sound a little weird, but they are all perfectly safe for human consumption and, aside from the milk, are not animal byproducts. Carrageenan is a type of seaweed (also called Irish Moss) used to control freezing in the shakes; if it were excluded, the milkshake would be a solid block of ice.


    In the 1930s, Coca-Cola was looking for ways to spread their burgeoning empire during the winter months—traditionally slow for soft drink sales. They hired Haddon Sundblom, a highly regarded commercial illustrator who proceeded to create a series of images of Santa Claus associating him with Coke. His drawings became a regular annual sight for the Coca-Cola corporation, which helped spur on the idea they had conceived the image.

    In fact, the red-suited jolly man was already a well-established depiction of Santa Claus by the 1920s. The New York Times reported this in 1927: A standardized Santa Claus appears to New York children. Height, weight, stature are almost exactly standardized, as are the red garments, the hood, and the white whiskers. The pack full of toys, ruddy cheeks and nose, bushy eyebrows, and a jolly, paunchy effect are also inevitable parts of the requisite makeup.


    The rumor tells us that Walt Disney, who was well-known for being a technical innovator, had his body put into a vat of liquid nitrogen upon his death so he could be reanimated when scientists discovered the means. Some versions of the tale even tell us that Walt’s cryo-vat is hidden under the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction in Disneyland!

    And the reality? This rumor is entirely false. On December 15, 1966, Walt Disney died of complications from the treatment he was receiving for lung cancer. Following Disney’s wishes, his family had him cremated (they have since confirmed this fact) and his ashes were interred at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, which you can visit to this day.




    Diprospus (sometimes called craniofacial duplication) is a rare disorder in which the face is duplicated on the head. This is not to be confused with fetus in fetu (number 9), which is a joining of two separate fetuses; diprosopus is caused by a protein called, believe it or not, sonic hedgehog homolog. The odd name is due to a controversial tradition in molecular biology to use unusual names for genes. The protein determines the makeup of the face, and when there is too much of it, you get a second face in a mirror image. If you do not have enough of the protein, you can end up with underdeveloped facial features. Children with this defect are normally stillborn, but a girl, Lali Singh, born in 2008, survived for two full months before dying of a heart attack.


    The most famous recent case of fetus in fetu was Sanju Bhagat, thirty-six years old, from India. He became fully pregnant with his own twin. Because Sanju lacked a placenta, the fetus inside him attached directly to his blood supply. Doctors delivered the twin, which was severely malformed and did not survive. Fetus in fetu is an extremely rare disorder in which a twin somehow becomes connected (internally or partly externally) to its twin while still in the mother’s womb. In some cases the fetus in fetu will remain unknown inside the host twin until it begins to cause problems. In more common cases, the signs are visible from the outset and are often initially confused with cysts or cancers.



    The Elephant Man, Joseph Merrick, is the most famous case of proteus syndrome. The disease causes excessive bone and skin growth, and frequently comes with tumors. Only two hundred cases have been confirmed worldwide since the disease was officially discovered in 1979 It is possible to have a minor form of this disease, which can go undiagnosed. The case of the Elephant Man has been the sole reason that this disease is so widely known. Sufferers have normal brain function and intelligence.


    Möbius syndrome is a rare disorder in which the facial muscles are paralyzed. In most cases the eyes are also unable to move from side to side. The disease prevents a sufferer from having any facial expressions, which can make them appear to be uninterested or dull—sometimes leading people to think they are rude. Sufferers have completely normal mental development. The causes are not fully understood and there is no treatment aside from addressing the symptoms (such as an inability to feed as a baby).


    Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (progeria) will be familiar to people old enough to remember the television program That’s Incredible from the ’80s in which a young sufferer of the disorder appeared. The disease causes premature aging—so rapidly that a young child can look like a very old person. The disease is especially interesting for scientists as it may lend clues to the natural aging process in man. The disease is caused by a genetic mutation, and does not pass from parent to child. There is no known cure and most children with the disease do not live beyond the age of thirteen—usually dying of stroke or heart attack (diseases usually associated with old age).


    Cutaneous porphyria is a disorder that causes blisters, excess hair, swelling, and rotting of the skin. It can cause red-colored teeth and fingernails, and after exposure to sun, urine can turn purple, pink, brown, or black. The disease is thought to be connected to the many werewolf and vampire legends of the past, where a sufferer (who would have lived hidden away from society) might have been confused for a monster. The disease is part of the more general group of disorders called porphyrias, which cover a range of mental and physical disorders due to the overproduction of certain enzymes in the body. The disease gets its name from the Greek word porphura meaning purple pigment.


    First off, note the spelling—it is elephant-iasis, not elephant-itis, as many people wrongly think. Elephantiasis is a thickening of the skin (as opposed to proteus syndrome which is a thickening of the bones as well as the skin). Unfortunately, this is a disease any one of us can get as it is caused by parasitic worms passed on through mosquito bites. It is, consequently, not uncommon in tropical regions and in Africa. A slightly different form of the disease is caused through contact with certain types of soil. In some parts of Ethiopia, up to 6 percent of the population suffers from the disorder. It is one of the most common disabilities in the world. Efforts to eradicate the disease are well underway and it is hoped that it will be successfully relegated to the annals of history by 2020.


    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP for short) is a very rare disease that causes parts of the body (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to turn to bone when they are damaged. This can often cause damaged joints to fuse together, preventing movement. Unfortunately, surgical removal of the bone growths is ineffective as the body heals itself by recreating the removed bone. To make matters worse, the disease is so rare that it is often misdiagnosed as cancer, leading doctors to perform biopsies, which can spark worse growth of these bone-like lumps. The most famous case is Harry Eastlack whose body was so ossified by his death that he could only move his lips. His skeleton is now on display at the Mütter Museum. There is no cure.


    Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia (also known as epidermodysplasia verruciformis) is an extremely rare inheritable disorder in which masses of warts form on the skin. It normally affects the hands and feet and while it can start in middle age, it normally begins between the ages of one and twenty. it There is no known effective treatment for the disease though surgery can be used to remove the warts. Unfortunately, after surgery the warts begin to return and it is estimated that a sufferer would need at least two surgeries per year to remove the warts each time they grow back. In 2007 a sufferer had surgery for the disease and 95 percent (thirteen pounds in this case) of warts were removed.


    Diphallia (also known as penile duplication) is a condition in which a male is born with two penises. It is a rare disorder with only one thousand cases recorded. Sufferers are also at a higher risk of spina bifida than men with one penis. A person with diphallia can urinate from one or both of his penises. In most cases, both penises are side by side and the same size, but occasionallyIn one smaller penis will sit atop another larger one. One in 5.5 million men in the United States have two penises.




    Manner of death: Threw himself into a volcano to become immortal.

    Empedocles was a Greek philosopher probably best remembered for his classical theory of the four elements. He was the last Greek philosopher to write his theories down in verse form. Legend has it that Empedocles threw himself into the active volcano Mount Etna in Sicily in order to fool his followers into believing that his body had vanished and that he would return as a god. Unfortunately for Empedocles, one of his sandals survived the fury of the volcano and his followers discovered it—revealing their leader’s deceit.


    Manner of death: Killed when he was stunned by a tile thrown by an old lady.

    Pyrrhus of Epirus was one of the greatest conquerors, although heavy losses in one campaign led to the term pyrrhic victory being coined in his honor. Pyrrhus was such a great warrior that a Spartan royal (Cleonymus) asked him to defeat Sparta and put him on the throne. Pyrrhus was defeated—having underestimated the strength of the Spartan warriors, so he moved on to his next campaign in Argos. As he entered the city through the narrow streets on the back of an elephant, an old woman (unhappy with the conflict) threw a roof tile at him from her balcony. The tile stunned Pyrrhus, which allowed a common foot soldier to stab him—killing him.


    Manner of death: Killed by the elephant he killed.

    Eleazar Maccabeus’s death is told in the Old Testament book of I Maccabees. During the Battle of Beth-zechariah, Eleazar thought he saw the enemy, King Antiochus V, riding an elephant nearby. Thinking he would perform a heroic act by killing the elephant and king, Eleazar jumped under the elephant and stabbed it in the stomach with his spear. The dead elephant fell right on top of Eleazar killing him instantly. To add insult to injury, it was not even the king’s elephant.


    Manner of death: Used as a footstool then skinned.

    Valerian was a Roman nobleman who became Emperor Valerian I. During his disastrous reign, the western empire fell into total disrepair. In 260 AD, Valerian was defeated in the Battle of Edessa and taken captive by the Persian King Shapur I. In order to humiliate the Emperor, Shapur used him as a footstool. When he grew tired of his footstool, Shapur had Valerian skinned and had his skin stuffed with dung and straw and put on display in one of the large Persian temples.


    Manner of death: Speared through the anus.

    Humphrey de Bohun was a member of a very powerful Anglo-Norman family in England. He spoke out against the excesses of the King, Edward II. While leading troops at the Battle of Boroughbridge, Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford, met with a rather unpleasant end:

    [Humphrey de Bohun] led the fight on the bridge, but he and his men were caught in the arrow fire. Then one of de Harclay’s pikemen, concealed beneath the bridge, thrust upwards between the planks and skewered the Earl of Hereford through the anus, twisting the head of the iron pike into his intestines. His dying screams turned the advance into a panic.

    Strangely, death via anal insertion was not entirely uncommon during this period of the Middle Ages, as the next item will attest.


    Manner of death: Speared through the anus with a hot poker.

    Edward II was King of England for twenty years (1307-1327). Edward greatly upset the nobility in England because he preferred low-born citizens and had many special male friends, who received extravagant and expensive gifts. After he abdicated the throne and was imprisoned, his wife Isabella, disturbed by the close relationship the king had shared with a young man in the Royal Court, brought about his execution in secret:

    On the night of 11 October while lying in on a bed [the king] was suddenly seized and, while a great mattress… weighed him down and suffocated him, a plumber’s iron, heated intensely hot, was introduced through a tube into his secret private parts so that it burned the inner portions beyond the intestines.

    4 HUMAYUN—DIED 1556 AD

    Manner of death: Tripped over his skirts and fell down some stairs.

    Humayun was a Mughal Emperor who ruled modern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of northern India from 1530-1540 and again from 1555-1556. He was a great lover of the arts and astronomy and left behind a great legacy as a consequence. He was also very religious and this is what led to his downfall (literally). As he was carrying books from the library, Humayun heard the Muslim call to prayer. It was his habit to kneel on one knee when the call was made, and as he bent his knee, his foot got caught in the folds of his long robes. He happened to be standing at the top of a small flight of stairs. He fell all the way down and hit his temple on a jagged rock, killing him.


    Manner of death: Beaten to death with his wooden leg.

    Sir Arthur Aston was a lifelong professional soldier, most noted for his support for King Charles I in the English Civil War. He was a great soldier who saw a great deal of action during his lifetime. In September 1644, he fell from a horse and ended up with a wooden leg, which was later used in his murder. In 1649, Oliver Cromwell’s forces attacked his town in the Siege of Drogheda and ordered everyone be executed. Aston offered to surrender but the soldiers who captured him believed he was hiding gold in his leg. They ripped it off and beat him to break open the leg. Unfortunately, it was solid wood and it killed Aston.


    Manner of death: Ironically ate himself to death.

    Julien Offray de La Mettrie was a French doctor, philosopher, and potentially the founder of cognitive science. He believed that sensual pleasures, such as eating, sex, and play were the sole reason for life, and so he decided to live his life by that principle. Julien was an atheist and believed that life on earth was just a farce to be lived and ended in self-gratification. Ironically, he died rather painfully after eating too much truffle pâté at a feast held in his honor by a man he cured of an illness.


    Manner of death: Died after eating pufferfish, which he claimed to be immune to.

    Bandō Mitsugorō VIII was one of Japan’s most highly regarded Kabuki (a type of dance/drama) actors, so much so that he was declared a national treasure. On the 16th of January, the natural treasure decided to dine out on fugu liver (highly toxic) claiming that he was immune to it. The fugu chef who served him said that he simply could not refuse to serve the deadly livers to such an esteemed gentleman. Needless to say, Mitsugoro died within seven hours.




    Collagen injections are used to smooth out frown lines, crows feet wrinkles, and smile lines, as well as to give the appearance of full lips. Like Botox, this procedure is quite common but the main ingredient is just bizarre. There are two main sources of collagen, a protein responsible for skin strength and elasticity, bovine (cow) and… human. About three in a hundred people experience an allergic reaction to bovine-derived collagen which has prompted manufacturers to source collagen from aborted fetuses, placentas, and donated cadavers as the probability of an allergic reaction is virtually nonexistent. Possibly the most morally outrageous source of collagen is the rumored harvesting of collagen from executed prisoners in China, taken without the consent of the prisoners or their families and exported worldwide for socialites to shoot into their faces.


    While the Botox procedure to prevent frown lines and wrinkles may sound fairly normal, what you are having injected into your skin is quite bizarre. Botulinum toxin (bo + tox = botox) is one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances on the planet and the single most toxic protein. Eating food contaminated with Clostridium botulinum can lead to serious food poisoning (the fatality rate is 5-10 percent). One microgram (1/1000000 of a gram) is lethal to humans. The amounts used in cosmetic procedures are consequently very small.


    The neurotoxins produced by members of the cobra family of snakes (and some vipers and rattlesnakes) act on prey by blocking the nerve impulses to the muscles and inducing paralysis. Realizing that snake venom could produce a similar effect to that of Botox, the beauty industry has come up with a synthetic form of snake venom that is applied to the face as a cream rather than injected. It is meant to be safer and less invasive. The venom that was used to create the synthetic version comes from snake farms in Brazil where thousands of snakes are milked for their venom.


    According to manufacturers of the product, placenta wrinkle cream derived from bovine placentas can slow down the appearance of visible signs of aging by moisturizing skin and combating wrinkles. Some companies also use plant placenta (yes, flowering plants have placentas!) and even human. Claims were first made in the 1940s (when this idea was first marketed) that the nutrient-rich placenta gave off the benefits of hormones and stimulated cell growth. Since the FDA quickly decided that this constituted a medical claim, the manufacturers changed their claims to say that the proteins present in the placenta moisturize one’s skin and hair.


    How dedicated are you to having smooth, shiny hair? If you’re serious enough there’s the option (in the UK at least) to have a hairdresser massage bull semen into your scalp. The reasoning behind this revolting idea? Hair is made up of protein, although essentially your hair is dead, and some proteins can help form a protective layer around the hair. Some people thought it would be a good idea to market protein treatments as a way of keeping your hair healthy. The supposedly ultimate source of concentrated protein? Bull semen.


    There is an old Japanese beauty secret making its way over to the Western world. It’s called uguisu no fun or sterilized nightingale droppings. An enzyme called guanine (also added to various makeup products for its pearly sheen) found in the nightingale’s droppings apparently does a good job of bleaching and exfoliating skin. Kabuki actors and geishas have been using uguisu no fun for hundreds of years to remove makeup and to keep their skin soft. The joy of spreading bird excrement on your face doesn’t come as cheap as a jar of Olay though. It’s around twenty U.S. dollars for one ounce. If you’d rather have someone else do the smearing, you can go to the Shizuka Day Spa in New York and $180 later your face will be smooth and soft.


    Letting blood-sucking parasites attach their slimy bodies to you as a detox sounds like a questionable idea. However, leech therapy, or hirudotherapy, has been practiced since 1020 AD for treating skin disease and helping patients recover from surgery. These days, leeches can be used in the treatment of varicose veins, reducing blood coagulation, and helping stimulate blood circulation in reattached organs that require critical blood flow. If you are more adventurous you can follow in the footsteps of celebrities, such as Demi Moore, and make your way to Austria to have your blood feasted on by the medicinal species of leech, Hirudo medicinalis.


    If you’re willing to give the leeches a go, you might also be interested in letting a school of small fish nibble the dead skin cells off your toes. The idea is that you put your feet into a tank containing a species of carp (doctor fish) and wait 15-30 minutes while they feast on your calluses. Because the fish are toothless, the process is meant to be very safe, as they can only suck off pieces of dead, flaking skin. In Turkey, where the treatment originated, the fish live in natural hot springs and are a popular skincare option for the people who bathe there.


    This odd treatment isn’t plastered on your face, or combed through your hair, but eaten instead. Pigs’ feet are being marketed as an edible way to combat wrinkles, by the owner of Hakata Tonton, a New York restaurant. He figures that since the tootsies of the pig contain a high amount of collagen (which is used in anti-wrinkle creams and lip injections) a person might as well eat them to gain similar benefits. Although collagen is one of the major proteins involved in maintaining skin and muscle tone, consuming a meal of pig trotters is almost certainly a less effective method of keeping the scalpel away than simply maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and staying out of the sun.


    Because snails can heal and regenerate their shells using the slime they secrete, the beauty industry is now using the slime of the common garden snail species (Helix aspersa) in beauty products. The myriad of claims for the slime’s efficacy range from getting rid of acne to improving stretch marks and scarring. The snail secretion, which is also used by the snail to reduce friction as it moves, seems to have antibacterial in addition to antioxidant qualities. If it works for the snail, why not put it on your face?



    10 TATTOOS

    With over a hundred skinned masterpieces of the tattooed deceased variety, you won’t see any new age Celtic/tribal bands or Warner Bros. cartoons here. Dr. Katsunari Fukushi’s full-body inked skins are traditional Japanese tebori (hand-applied). With a goal to preserve and study, Fukushi’s collection includes one-of-a-kind Yakuza skins dating as far back as the 1920s. They can be viewed, on request, at the University of Tokyo.

    9 BONES

    The Bone Palace of Ray Bandar is home to seven thousand skulls. The only place free of this biologist’s collection is in the bedroom (at his wife’s demand). Seventy-nine-year-old Bender has been collecting skulls and bones for more than fifty years! That’s dedication! With official permits in hand, he has been able to get his skulls from virtually anywhere around the globe. His specimens come from zoos, beaches, and even off the road.


    The Dr. Stanley B. Burns Collection has a most revered historical photographic collection, with operating room images, depictions of diseases and the effects of war on the body, post-mortem photos and malformations or anomalies, along with criminal behaviors depicted in public lynching and executions. It is the largest of its kind in the U.S., with more than sixty thousand images.

    7 FREAKS

    Peter the Great’s Kunstkammer is the result of fifteen years of collecting the oddities and rarities of Russia and the world, before making it available to the public in 1719. Animals with two heads or multiple legs or pickled punks are among Frederik Ruysch’s amazing anatomical dioramas (which included fetal skeletons surrounded by trees of their own preserved circulatory systems) and in the early days of the museum, live freaks were on display.


    Interested in obtaining a true likeness of great men, Laurence Hutton (1843-1904) set out to acquire death masks of historical or well-known figures. Some in his collection include Napoleon, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Goethe, Newton, and Charles XII, who was killed in battle (the bullet’s entry is visible above his right brow). Today the Hutton collection is housed at Princeton University and is available for viewing online.


    What began in 1968 as a way to meet awesome men and to fulfill a college assignment led to Cynthia Plaster Caster (yes, that is her name) casting famous (and not so famous) penises. Rock stars and road managers make up most of her subjects. In the early days, Cynthia’s casting partner would permit appropriate oral contact—in order to make a good impression. More recently she has included women in her collection. Jimmy Hendrix, Jello Biafra, and Karen O are among her better-known donors.


    While the killer clown, John Wayne Gacy, was spending the rest of his life in jail, Rick Staton became his exclusive art dealer, becoming one of the first of America’s top collectors of murderabilia. Some well-known murderabilia buyers include painter Joe Coleman, Lux Interior and Poison Ivy from The Cramps, and shock rock performer Marilyn Manson. The Son of Sam Law does not allow a killer to profit from his crimes (i.e., movies or books), but murderabilia has become an Internet phenomenon and new laws have been difficult to pass, as first amendment rights are contested, so buying and selling is likely to continue. One proposal is the Stop the Sale of Murderabillia to Protect the Dignity of Crime Victims Act.


    They can be sold down to the follicle and by the inch! Lincoln, Kennedy, Monroe, Einstein, Lennon, and Presley are among John Reznikoff’s hair reps. When Britney shaved her head, guess who was super eager to get her locks? Reznikoff became more widely known for his small donation of Beethoven’s hair to LifeGem, a memorial service company that made three synthetic diamonds from the resulting carbon.


    For more than a year, General Horatio Gordon Robley (1840-1930) made detailed drawings, from life, of the early Maori (New Zealand’s earliest settlers) and their face and body tattoos. He also collected as many of their heads as he could, seeing them as works of art. When later searching for a buyer, the New Zealand government turned him down and all but the best five ended up in New York’s American Museum of Natural History. In more recent years, New Zealand has been trying to get Robley’s collection back (along with other moko heads in different institutions), with varying success.


    Walter Potter (1835-1918), a self-taught taxidermist, created strange tableaux of small dead animals that he arranged in unnatural or humanlike situations. These include gambling rats being caught offguard in a raid, a couple of robins surrounding a tiny coffin in a funeral procession, and a yard filled with exercising toads. The collection was unfortunately broken up and sold at auction to different buyers in 2003.




    Address: 9341 Venice Boulevard, Culver City, California 90232

    The Museum of Jurassic Technology is, in a sense, a living work of art. It claims to be a repository of technological artifacts and relics from the Lower Jurassic, despite the fact that hominoids did not exist for another 150 million years. The museum houses a decomposing set of antique dice, a collection based on trailer-park culture, and a group of micro-miniature sculptures card from a single human hair.


    Address: 106-114 Shakespeare Street, Southport, Lancashire PR8 5AJ, England

    This thrilling museum is home to hundreds of vintage lawnmowers. It also includes experimental mowers such as solar powered and super-fast mowers. Many of the exhibits are from the Victorian and Edwardian eras and you can find names normally not associated with garden equipment, such as Rolls Royce, Daimler, and Diesel.


    Address: 120 West 1st Street, LaCrosse, Kansas 67548

    Another thrilling museum, the Kansas Barbed Wire Museum is dedicated to one thing and one thing only: barbed wire. Over two thousand types of barbed wire can be seen there, including antique samples from the nineteenth century. In fairness to the museum, we should say that it is at least contributing to the preservation of a seldom considered aspect of the early Midwest.


    Address: 3408 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, Missouri 64506 (Be mindful not to drive into the entrance for the prison next door—they’re a little jumpy.) The Glore Psychiatric Museum exhibits the checkered history of psychiatric treatment through history. Fortunately for those of us in the modern world, we are no longer subject to some of the more unusual methods of curing psycho logical illness on display there, including ice baths, vibrating chairs, and bleeding.


    Address: 2800 Bullittsburg Church Road, Petersburg, Kentucky 41080 The Creation Museum was created to promote young Earth creationism. It presents an account of the origins of life and the universe using literal interpretations of the Biblical book of Genesis. The museum rejects evolution and contains fossils that prove man and dinosaur coexisted. The British newspaper The Guardian called the museum, quite possibly … one of the weirdest museums in the world.


    Address: 72 Bd de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France

    The Museum of Eroticism in Paris is dedicated to erotic art collections. It was founded in 1997 and contains religious art of India, Japan, and Africa. The five-story museum has one floor especially devoted to brothers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


    Address: Hedinsbraut 3a, 640 Husavik, Iceland

    The Phallological Museum is a museum of penises and penis parts belonging to all mammals. You can view thirty types of whale penis, and a polar bear penis. There are, in all, over one hundred types of penises on display and a benefactor has left his own penis to the museum for inclusion upon his death.


    Address: Mahavir Enclave, Palam Dabri Road, New Delhi, India

    If you are fascinated with toilets and wish to learn the history of the useful appliance, head on down to the Sulabh Museum of Toilets. There you can find everything you could ever want to know about the subject. The museum was founded by Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, the head of a non-profit organization, in the field of sanitation.


    Address: 19 South 22nd Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103

    This museum contains a multitude of bizarre and fascinating objects, including a model of a woman with a human horn, the tallest skeleton in the U.S., the petrified body of the soap woman, and the malignant tumor removed from President Grover Cleveland’s mouth. This is a must-see museum for people interested in the bizarre.


    Address: 603 Valencia Street, San Francisco, California 94110

    Believe it or not, vibrators were once used as a treatment for hysteria in women. Hysteria simply meant mental or emotional distress. A variety of the prescribed vibrators can be found at the Antique Vibrator Museum along with an array of modern devices designed less for therapy than pleasure.




    100 percent pure wolf pee. Use this pee to deter unwanted creatures from your home. Its effectiveness is vouched for by one Amazon reviewer who said:

    My Uncle Jared had been under the weather since his wife passed away. He was also in a lot of debt and doing drugs. So one day he bought this Wolf Lure, apparently covered his body in it, and went into the forest. We held his funeral last Thursday, but there was no body to place in a casket so we just remembered him the way he was, and placed flowers by the forest where his mauled clothing and remnants of teeth and flesh lay in eternal slumber. The local news ran a report of him, and we all wish him well with his wife.

    Please note: this product cannot be shipped to California due to state regulations on the importing of animal pee.


    From the product review: Stop Eating Poop contains Glutamic Acid to deter dogs from eating their own stool. Yucca helps control stool and urine odor. Peppermint and parsley help to eliminate bad breath. The peppermint and parsley are clearly essential for the dog that enjoys an occasional meal of poo. This product is not fit for human consumption.


    According to the product review, Man to Man was created after years of study to naturally help gays attract other gays. I thought tighty whiteys and cosmos were already doing that!


    Are you about to take a drug test at work and you know you are going to fail? Dr. John to the rescue! This synthetic pee tests within normal ranges in standard urine tests. Avoid workplace discrimination by carrying a bottle of Dr. John’s Pee with you at all times!

    6 TANK

    For only $19,995 you can own your very own battle tank. This tank carries a crew of up to five internally and one externally. Includes head/tail lights and a 400-watt premium PA system. If you are unsure whether this tank is the one for you, check out this excerpt from one of the reviews on Amazon:

    I’ll admit it. Shopping for a personal tank can be a bit daunting. Many times in the past I’ve purchased overpriced, so-called battle tanks then driven them into battle only to be wrecked in ten minutes by the first blow off of some insurgents home-made mortar. But not this baby, no way.

    It looks like a great deal to me!


    There must be a market somewhere for a product of this type. Here is an excerpt from the product description: Liquid ASS is an overwhelming, stinky, funny prank product. Once unleashed, this powerpacked, superconcentrated liquid begins to evaporate filling the air with a genuine, foul buttcrack smell with hints of dead animal and fresh poo.


    Over the years many UFO sightings have reported magnetic and electromagnetic disturbances. The UFO detector will beep and flash in situations like this, warning you of an impending alien visit. Now you can be the first to arrive on the scene of alien landings or crashes!



    For those of you who have no luck with your UFO detectors, you can still experience part of the UFO/alien phenomenon by buying soil from Roswell—the crash site of an alien spacecraft some years ago.


    This is a genuine whitetail deer rear. Perfect for the lover of taxidermy or bottoms. Use this in combination with number 5 on the list for many eveningsor bottoms. Use this in combination with number 5 on the list for many evenings of entertainment!


    Yes, it is true, you can actually buy a can of real uranium! According to Amazon, the uranium sample is for educational and scientific use only so please don’t buy this product if you have any other plans in mind; we cannot guarantee that you will not end up on an FBI watchlist.




    In 1978, at the age of eight, Soon-Yi Previn was adopted by Mia Farrow and her then-husband Andre Previn who were on vacation in Korea. In 1980, when Soon-Yi was ten, Farrow began a long-term relationship with Woody Allen, which lasted twelve years. In 1992, Farrow found naked photographs of Soon-Yi in Allen’s apartment and subsequently discovered that the two had been having a romantic relationship (at the time she was twenty-two and Allen was fifty-six). Allen parted ways with Farrow and married Soon-Yi in 1997. Both of Allen’s biological children refused to see him. Allen and Previn have two adopted daughters.


    In 1891, Oscar Wilde was introduced to the twenty-two-year-old Lord Alfred Douglas, an undergraduate at Oxford at the time and son of the 9th Marquess of Queensberry. The two began an intimate relationship, which may have involved sexual relations, though Douglas later denied that this was the case. In the course of the relationship, for sexual satisfaction, Wilde would look on while Douglas entertained other young men for his pleasure. The Marquess eventually found out about this scandalous relationship and sued Wilde and after a series of arguments between the two, Wilde took him to court. The case failed and Wilde was eventually charged with gross indecency and sentenced to two years of hard labor. After he was released on May 19, 1897, he spent his last three years penniless, in self-imposed exile from society and artistic circles.


    Drusilla was Emperor Caligula’s favorite sister. When he became Emperor it is believed that he ordered her to divorce her husband, after which she became his lover. She most likely had a great deal of influence over Caligula. When she died in 38 AD, he never recovered from the loss. He buried his sister with the honors of an Augusta, acted as a grieving widower, and had the Roman Senate declare her a Goddess as Diva Drusilla, deifying her as a representation of the goddess Venus or Aphrodite. Drusilla was consecrated as Panthea, most likely on the anniversary of the birthday of Augustus.


    In 1837, Abraham Lincoln (age twenty-eight) met Joshua Fry Speed (age twenty-three) when Lincoln moved to Springfield, Illinois, to set himself up as a lawyer. Lincoln tried to buy a bed from Speed’s store on credit, but Speed offered to share his room and bed instead. Previously Speed had heard the young Lincoln speak on the stump when Lincoln was running for election to the Illinois legislature, but the two men had exchanged only bits of conversation. The two ended up having a lifelong friendship, and upon the death of Lincoln, Speed and other members of his family put up funding to create a Lincoln Memorial. The bizarre nature of this relationship is not that the two shared a bed, but that it is an example of a now extinct version of romantic friendship—a term that described an intimate, but non-sexual relationship between two people. Romantic friendships were very common until the mid to late nineteenth century when homosexuality was beginning to be defined. Other famous examples of romantic friendship are William Shakespeare and his Fair Lord, and Emily Dickinson and Sue Gilbert.


    Al Tomaini was a human giant who was eight-feet, four-inches tall. He weighed 356 pounds and wore size 27 shoes. He spent the majority of his life working in circuses as a sideshow attraction. In 1936 he met Jeanie, who was to become his wife. Jeanie was only two-feet, six-inches tall because she was born without legs. They both retired from circus life and moved to Gibsonton, Florida.


    In 1871, at age sixteen, Arthur Rimbaud—a budding young poet—traveled to Paris at the invitation of Paul Verlaine (a highly regarded French Symbolist Poet). When Rimbaud arrived in Paris, Verlaine fell in love with him and the two began a turbulent relationship that lead to the breakup of Verlaine’s marriage. During absinthe and hashish influenced nights, the two scandalized Paris with their obscene behavior and violence. At one point, while drunk on absinthe, Rimbaud stabbed Verlaine in the hand. The two moved to England and eventually Brussels. On the morning of July 10th, Verlaine bought a revolver and ammunition. That afternoon, in a drunken rage, Verlaine fired two shots at Rimbaud, one of them wounding the eighteen-year-old in the left wrist. Eventually Rimbaud asked the police to arrest Verlaine, and he was sent to jail for two years. The two met again only once and at age twenty-one, Rimbaud stopped writing. He is now considered to be one of the most influential French poets in history.


    Patrick Stuebing and his biological sister Susan Karolewski are a German couple who have been involved in an incestuous relationship since 2001. When the couple met they did not know that they were related, as Patrick had been adopted. After they discovered their blood ties, they continued in their relationship and had four children, only one of whom is still with the parents due to incest laws in Germany. Stuebing spent two years in jail for incest.


    Chang and Eng Bunker were conjoined twins born in Siam (their condition and place of birth created the term Siamese twins). They were joined at the sternum by a small piece of cartilage. Their livers were fused but independently complete. Although nineteenth-century medicine did not have the means to do so, modern surgical techniques would have easily allowed them to be separated today. The two became American citizens and respected members of the community, owning a plantation and slaves. On April 13, 1843, they married two sisters: Chang to Adelaide Yates and Eng to Sarah Anne Yates. Chang and his wife had ten children; Eng and his wife had twelve. In time, the wives squabbled and eventually two separate households were set up just west of Mount Airy, North Carolina, in the community of White Plains—the twins would alternate spending three days at each home. The twins died on the same day in 1874.


    Suetonius (c. 69 AD-130 AD) wrote that the Emperor Nero fell in love with a young boy, Sporus, and loved him so deeply that he tried to make a woman of him:

    He castrated the boy Sporus and actually tried to make a woman of him; and he married him with all the usual ceremonies, including a dowry and a bridal veil, took him to his home attended by a great throng, and treated him as his wife. And the witty jest that someone made is still current, that it would have been well for the world if Nero’s father Domitius had that kind of wife. This Sporus, decked out with the finery of the empresses and riding in a litter, he took with him to the courts and marts of Greece, and later at Rome through the Street of the Images, fondly kissing him from time to time.

    As bizarre as that sounds, there is another even more bizarre relationship:


    Jean (or Juan) Baptista dos Santos is said to have been a Gypsy, born in Faro, Portugal, around 1843, to normal parents with two other normal children. He possessed two functioning penises and three scrota, the outer two of which each contained a single testis. Dos Santos claimed that the central scrotum had also contained a pair of fully formed testes, but that these had retreated into his abdomen when he was ten years old. He also had a third leg. Fortunately for dos Santos, at the same time there lived in Paris a woman named Blanche Dumas who had four breasts and two vaginas (and also a third leg). Dumas was working as a high-class prostitute. Dos Santos traveled to Paris and it is believed that the two had a torrid affair.




    Characterized by the obsession with eating healthy foods, this disease can be confused with and/or diagnosed as anorexia, the main difference being the reasoning behind the eating habits. Anorexics are obsessed with losing weight, while orthorexics feel a need for healthy or pure foods. Orthorexia is not recognized by the DSM IV and in general will not be diagnosed, but it is seeing an increasing stronghold across the U.S.


    Anorexia is self-starvation and is often associated with other bizarre habits such as drinking orange juice laced with cotton wool in order to give a false sense of satiety. This is a serious eating disorder that causes many deaths every year around the world.


    Xylophagia is the disorder in which a person eats wood. Sufferers will also eat wood-derived products like paper, pencils, and tree bark. It is not entirely uncommon in children where it can be a typical oral fixation.


    Trichophagia is the compulsive consumption of hair—most often one’s own. Frequently a person with long hair will chew the ends while it is still attached to the head. This can be very dangerous, as hair will gather in the gastrointestinal tract. In 2007 an eighteen-year-old girl was found to have a ten-pound hairball in her stomach.


    Hyalophagia is glass eating. It is a pathological illness and is, for obvious reasons, extremely dangerous to humans as glass can cut the stomach, intestines, and throat as it passes through the body.


    Urophagia is the compulsive drinking of urine—your own or others. It is generally harmless as a healthy person’s urine is sterile, but there are always small risks involved due to infections in the genitals of the person whose urine is being consumed.


    Geophagy is the eating of earth—such as clay and chalk. It can often occur in a person with mineral deficiencies but it can be a mental disorder in healthy people. Scientists have mixed views on this practice, with some believing it harmless and others believing it dangerous.


    Anthropophagy is also known as cannibalism; it is the act of eating other members of the human race. Anthropophagy has been practiced throughout history in tribes in the Amazon Basin and South America.


    This is the disorder of self-cannibalism. Sometimes it is a minor disorder, which is quite common—this normally manifests itself as skin nibbling. But sometimes it can be quite serious: On January 13, 2007, Danish artist Marco Evaristti hosted a dinner party for his most intimate friends. The main meal was agnolotti pasta, on which was topped a meatball made with the artist’s own fat, removed earlier in the year in a liposuction operation. Bernd Jürgen Armando Brandes had hoped to engage in self-cannibalism before being cannibalized himself in the infamous recent German trial of his murderer, Armin Meiwes. This is an exact quote, taken from usenet, in which Brandes offered himself for consumption:

    i,m a male who really love’s the thought of being on the dinner table, my body is yours to cook anyway you want, i am for real my flesh is yours. fry me,broil me barbacue me i don,t care just as long as you enjoy your meal, i want to be your meal, its my calling an i’m ready. longpig!


    Coprophagia is the practice of consuming feces (poo); it is extremely uncommon in humans. It is generally thought to be the result of the paraphilia known as coprophilia, although it is only diagnosable in extreme cases where it disturbs one’s functioning. Consuming

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