Third Earth 2033
By Aubrey Eddy
About this ebook
Aubrey Eddy
I am Gene Hardman pseudonym Aubrey Eddy. Writing for over 30 years as a beloved hobby. Have written 2 stage plays performed by religious group The Rock as fund raiser. 2 Car Magazine articles written for a friend about his pure restoration of a 1940 Ford convertible, published in Early V-8 Times and Antique Automobile magazines. 8 book set children’s books RIVERTOWN PARK series. unpublished. RIDING THE CLUELESS BUS. Main Stream Contemporary. 1st attempt at writing a serious novel. Fact based fiction. Unpublished. 3 book set, MAP MAKER, SILENT LIFT, RAIN FOREST. Earth based science fiction. Unpublished. 3 book set. NEPHILIM Son of MASTEMA, SEARCHING FOR MASTEMA, EVA AND THE VALKYRIE published E-BOOKS Nook by Barnes & Noble. Countless technical writing technical journals and law enforcement articles safety and such. Gene Hardman 15094 Bridgewater Road, Coal City IN 47427 Tx 812-829-7778
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Third Earth 2033 - Aubrey Eddy
Copyright © 2022 Aubrey Eddy.
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ISBN: 978-1-4897-4063-2 (sc)
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1 I never heard this in Sunday School
2 The Beginning of Third Earth
3 Noah’s Ark Ahoy
4 Some Nephilims Survive the flood
5 1,656 Years After Creation
6 A Savior is born
7 End of Days
8 The Jesus Cloud Descovery
9 Abomination Of Desolation
10 Choosing Sides
11 So Close
12 Work The Plan
13 Show Down In The Club Car
14 Mystery Cloud And Ghost
15 Ghost Are Real, Here’s Proof
16 Our Savior Arrives
17 All The Ducks In A Row
18 Let The Trumpets Sound
19 Christ Home In Jerusalem
20 Ready For The Long Way Home
21 Awake In Heaven
22 Jesus vs One World Government
23 Fifth Earth
I grew up raised along with my two older sisters by our young widowed mother and her mother, our grandmother Grandma Elizabeth. Mother and Grandma Elizabeth were both deeply religious. Our Mother could stop what she was doing and witness to a total stranger anytime, anywhere. Grandma Elizabeth would sit and instruct my sisters and me about Jesus Christ. When told Jesus was a great holy man and was returning soon, I apparently became very excited for a three-year-old. Grandma Elizabeth told us wonderful stories about this man Jesus Christ. When sitting and praying my grandmother once stood when finished praying and pennies fell from her apron. Grandma Elizabeth proclaimed God rewarded the faithful with pennies and not silver or gold. This pennies in the apron may have been a one-time thing but to this day I pick up every penny, heads or tails no matter, I pick it up. I believed every word from my mother and Grandmother. That following Sunday my mother took me to church. At the end of the services my mother carried me as she stopped to tell the minister he preached a good sermon. I still had this wonderful story in my head about Jesus returning and could not hold my excitement. When the minister shook my mother’s hand, I had to ask him a question about Jesus’ return. The minister answered my question but I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand so repeated my question which the minister answered again but again didn’t satisfy my childish mind so, again I asked the burning question in my mind and again but this time the minister was frustrated with this silly child and barked, You just have to believe what the Bible tells you!
he spouted out harshly. I was about 3 years old and this full-grown man was harsh with me and I never forgot how that minister caused me to feel. I don’t remember the question I had to ask three times but it probably had to do with when Jesus would return.
I wasn’t happy that Sunday morning. Apparently, I fussed all the way home about the grouchy
minister without giving my mother a peaceful moment. Mother said she couldn’t get a word in edgewise for all my fussing. Once home my mother had a great time telling Grandma Elizabeth how I was disappointed by the minister and fussed all the way home. Grandma Elizabeth made her announcement of her prophetic vision to my mother. I would one day be a minister. You may see this again.
As I grew up, I heard the story told by my mother many times but the desire to become a minister failed to stay inside of me. However, I never forgot the excitement of Jesus returning to this world. I remain religious in my beliefs just not minister level religious.
And now in the final stages of my life, I have continued my belief in everything I learned in Sunday School including the story about David and Goliath. Goliath was a giant. A Nephilim giant, (but just a regular old fairytale giant to me at that moment). Goliath’s people, the Philistines were at war with David’s people and Goliath would face David’s people to challenge anyone to fight him one on one. David took the challenge. The story of David and Goliath was an exciting story for a kid in Sunday School. A bully got his comeuppance at the hands of a kid with a toy that he had learned to use to protect his stock from predators. A deadly toy, but a toy none the less. Every slingshot I’ve ever had was a toy. However, David skilled with a sling wasn’t playing around. Father God steadied David’s aim which allowed David to kill Goliath with a river stone center forehead. David finished the deal with the giant’s huge sword by loping off the giant’s head. The battle was finished.
Another story was the war in Heaven which was explained but I didn’t understand. I accepted everything I heard in Sunday school and learned all the words to the song Jesus loves me.
But I never heard of First Earth the home of the Dinosaurs and Caveman that were practically all destroyed by a big space rock. Nor did I hear about Second Earth being from Adam and Eve to the Noah’s Ark rescue plan. I certainly didn’t know I am living on Third Earth. Third Earth dates from the Diluvian period until the future Rapture event. The Rapture begins at the finite moment when the Rapture is known by all and Jesus Christ has arrived home. I speculate the Rapture will be 2033 Easter morning. 2020 years ago, or so, Jesus rose from the grave. Third Earth ends and Forth Earth begins and will coincide with Jesus’ 1000-year reign known as Millennium Kingdom. Fifth Earth is the last earth and will be Heaven’s surprise.
Father God marveled at the beautiful blues and whites of Earth as viewed from space conjured in Father God’s Devine thoughts. First Earth was covered with all things prehistoric, the dinosaurs and such. Man was represented by the caveman and later the Neanderthal. Father God wasn’t pleased with the First Earth due to the huge prehistoric animals and the non-productive unadvanced man form. (However, the Neanderthal where capable of surviving by tool making and such. They lived until estimated 40,000 years ago.
Father God regretted his disappointment with man. Father God caused the destruction and extinction of the dinosaurs and scattered the surviving Caveman all over Second Earth. Caveman was on his own until many other man forms came from Adam and Eve. Adam’s children and their children covered the earth with villages and such. The Caveman finally disseminated with and lived among mankind and genetically pure caveman eventually followed the dinosaurs into extinction. Perhaps the caveman left DNA in their wake. Second Earth had bigger issues ahead. The bad issues will follow mankind throughout history and following deep into the future.
Not that many years ago I stumbled over this story in Genesis 6:4. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also, after that, when the sons of God (the Watchers) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. I was captivated by the story and started my research into The Nephilim of the Bible.
While researching the giants I found only reference to male Nephilim as if there were only male Nephilim referred to leading one to believe only male giants existed. (I’m not certain about that.) Angels were conjured up in the mind of Father God the Creator’s divine thoughts and there they were called Watchers of Man a lessor Angel than an Archangel in rank in the Holy order. Over the years the lonely Watchers lusted over the daughters of Adam and Eve as the women matured into beauty.
Adam and Eve’s first daughter Luluwa (also called Aclima) twin sister to Cain and wife of Abel her next younger brother, became Abel’s widow when Cain killed Abel for his jealousy of his brother’s apparent favor Father God shows to Abel. Cain apparently grew vegetables poorly and had little to offer to Father God the Creator as his offering. Younger brother Abel raised livestock and had much to offer. So, to top it off, older brother Cain could not build a fire as well as Abel. So, in a fit of jealous rage, Cain struck Abel in the head with a heavy stone and killed him. (Got to be more to it than that).
Cain took Luluwa as his wife. The title of Wife probably didn’t actually exist but were referred to as Mate. Of all the children of the Earth born on Earth, Adam and Eves’ daughter, Luluwa was the first human female born naturally in all of history and Cain by default was the first male born naturally. Reference information leads one to believe Luluwa was first of the twins born. The mating habits from Adam and Eve were deliberate in order to please Father God by being fruitful and multiplying. For many hundreds of years, all the females were always pregnant from the time she is mature enough to conceive and become pregnant and every season of her life until she is too old to continue and then she retires as a wise medicine woman in her particular clan. This probably stayed popular until Father God decided to limit the mating of direct siblings. The gene pool remained very shallow throughout Second Earth however; although there were Human males and females all with the same blood line procreating, the effect of interbreeding did not have the same negative effect as the same behavior in modern day. The Angelic Watchers of man and Human females got too friendly. Enters the Nephilim giants and their inherit evilness.
By the end of the Nephilim, the giants covered the entirety of Second Earth. God sent his Angels to Second Earth as Watchers of Man to teach the humans how to survive. The Watcher Angels taught Second Earth population survival skills, and passed on the words of God and what God expected from man with a slant on their own narrative. (My bet says there were female Nephilim which perhaps accounts for the huge population of Nephilim at the time of Noah. I have seen ancient illustrations depicting a male Nephilim, a female Nephilim and their child.) The Nephilim are the offspring of the Angels. Could the Angels dictate the gender of their own offspring? Perhaps the Watcher knew the results of their unholy union with human women and were building a future race of giant warriors? And perhaps they encouraged mating male and female Nephilim to create the super nearly mile tall giants where the real terrifying stories lay. Much cannibalism by the giants was prevalent all over Second Earth. The giants built many huge stone monuments and such all over the earth. The pyramids of Egypt as the most notable.
Several giants including Hobabis (Humbaba), Mahaway and perhaps the Watcher Baraq’el, discussed killing humans. They wanted full control of Second Earth without interference of any God. Father God the Creator had His Own plans for Second Earth.
The giants had dreams predicting a great flood in which they would perish. The first dream was of a stone writing-tablet submerged in water. In the dream most names on the tablet were washed away but three names remained. One version of the dream was of an angel defacing the tablet as a symbol of the destruction brought about on earth. In defacing the tablets, three names could not be erased, symbolizing the flood destruction with only three men remaining on earth. There was also a second dream that refers to a garden that gets destroyed. After the destruction, three plant shoots or trees were left in the garden. In the second dream an angel descended and cut down all but three shoots in a garden. The text can be interpreted as three young trees or shoots. (The three shoots and names represent the three sons of Noah).
The Giants met, counseled with one another, and decided to ask for help. Mahaway consulted Enoch the first time.
Mahaway took wing and flew across the Great Desert.
The Sahara Desert, the largest hot desert on Earth. Enoch saw Mahaway and called out to him. (Enoch referred to Mahaway as taking wing and flying across the desert to Enoch’s location. But Mahaway was a giant not an Angel?) Ref; The Book of Giants from The Book of Enoch, by Joseph Lumpkin.
Mahaway landed (?) near where Enoch stood. Mahaway asked Enoch to interpret the dreams. As Enoch listened to the accounts of the dreams from Mahaway, he also listened for Father God’s Devine thoughts.
Enoch foretold the violent deaths of a number of Watchers and giants (Nephilim). Although the Watchers and giants asked for forgiveness and peace, it would not happen.
Enoch admonished them saying what his Devine thought was clear, Father God has declared there will be no peace to you.
Mahaway ’s pulse raced thinking of his conversation with Ohyah.
The giant Ohyah and Mahaway had a conversation in which Mahaway told Ohyah something he heard while in the presents of his father, the Watcher Baraq’el. Ohyah responded that he too had heard of the four marvels
. He compared it to the stages of childbirth.
Baraq’el or Baraqiel was the 9th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels that are mentioned in an ancient work called the book of Enoch. There were 200 Watchers who descended down to Second Earth. They were grouped like soldiers with a leader of ten. There were 20 leaders for the total 200 Watchers. The name Baraq’el means Lightning of God
, which is fitting since it has been said that Baraq’el taught men astrology during the days of Jared or Yered.)
Gilgamesh, one of the giants, proclaimed that despite his great strength and courage, and his ability to kill any man, he had been unable to prevail in war against a number of heavenly beings (Archangels). He lamented that he had no hope of surviving a full-on battle with them.
Ohyah said he was made to dream a very disturbing dream. As it turns out, the giants were having nightmares and visions. Gilgamesh also had the frightening dreams and was told to recount it.
Ohyah spoke to his brother Hahyah about the Watcher, Azazel. Azazel was one of the Watchers, and father to some of the giants. Father God condemned Azazel. The giants realize there could be no escape and they must die for their terrible deeds. Ohyah had not dared to sleep due to the visions that disturbed him so deeply it frightened him into being afraid to sleep. In the assembly of the giants, they discussed their great fear of being killed and how their coming corporal punishment, death in the Flood would strip their bodies from their spirits and reduce them to evil spirits. However, the down side of the Nephilim was the fact they were sons (or daughters?) of the soon to be Lucifer’s Fallen Angels and of Earthly women. Being half human and half Angelic when they were to die, the human half perished but the Angelic half could not die but would live on forever and were severely evil. The evil could not die but would be passed on as evilness on to another human host to possess evil intent forever until passing on to another human at the last host’s death. All for an eternity. This becomes important on Fifth Earth. The Second Earth was overrun by evilness and God said Man will live one hundred and twenty years and called his Angels to listen to His words. (Interesting note. Adam lived to be 930 years old producing many offspring.) As with Adam and all his son’s, they were blessed or cursed with an insatiable libido. A search of gave an incredible number of Adam’s offspring as 11052. Surely that included many grandchildren and so on in that count). Eve’s first birth, Adam fathered twins, Cain the son and Luluwa the daughter. Perhaps Adam fathered many twin births. This all happened after Lucifer’s serpent cozied up to Eve to entice her to disobey Father God, by telling Eve to disregard God’s admonishment of the Tree of Knowledge. The Serpent told Eve God did not want Eve to know as much as Father God knows and to go ahead and eat the fruit. Eve did eat the fruit and enticed Adam to take a bite. Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Because Eve had disregarded Father God’s one and only admonishment to Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, Father God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. God posted Angels with flaming crystal swords to ensure neither Adam nor Eve could ever return to the garden. Father God was serious about following his wishes. Father God divinely conjured clothes made from animal skin to conceal Adam and Eve’s nakedness. Adam and Eve got busy right away and started fulfilling Father God’s request that they be fruitful and multiply.
Over time as humans became plentiful and migrated everywhere on Second Earth. The closer to the equator they settled the darker their flesh appeared to evolve having been under the close sun and formed with the Spirit of Evolution. Mankind began to vary skin tone depending where on Second Earth they populated. After many years of development all peoples were identified with skin tone differences which caused certain elements of society to align with their own kind. Much discrimination formed while one race would enslave the other race which went on for many centuries. Miscegenation would in time, correct the skin tone element of the discrimination but not yet. (Author’s note: Many years ago, 1967 I was educated by the first Negro person I had ever met for I grew up in a small midwestern town where Negros did not live. Freddy Ray and I became friends in college. I had referred to my new friend as being a Colored person. Freddy Ray asked me what color I was and I replied White. Freddy Ray pointed to a large billboard above the street and asked what color the sign was and I said White. He pointed out that I was not that color white but that we are all colored a different shade and proclaimed we are all people of Color). And to this day I believe Freddy Ray was spot on.
The band of Watchers had been unsupervised for much too long and have all but a few had sinned with any female they so choose. The Nephilim resulted from the Watcher’s sin of lusting for the women on Second Earth. The Nephilim had become plentiful and extremely destructive and demanding. The Nephilim could be very dangerous when disturbed and began to gain the Archangels Devine Attention when the cries from Second Earth became noticeable.
The Nephilim are described as a race or group of large people that had physical characteristics of large size and great strength. They are first mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 as the progeny of the sons of God
and the daughters of men.
Although the psychological characteristics of the Nephilim are not specifically described in the Bible, they are generally pictured as being handsome, proud, belligerent, sexually aggressive (female Nephilim existed perhaps?), and prone to conflict. The larger the Nephilim the less handsome and more brutish they were. Immediately after they are mentioned Genesis goes on to discuss how the heart and minds of the Nephilim became continually evil, causing God’s flood judgement in response. But the Bible indicates that the Nephilim reappeared after presumably being killed off in the flood. How could this have happened? Perhaps the Nephilim, some, may have been taller than the water was deep? There is a thought that Sare the wife of Ham was born from Nephilim stock. She would therefore have passed DNA to some of her children (especially to her son Canaan) and later descendants, so that the biblical Nimrod, a descendant of Ham, was the Sumerian king Gilgamesh, and was genetically Nephilim. So, followed out with a logical conclusion, so was she. Ham was not? (Bit confusing?)
Archangels Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel looked down from Heaven and saw much blood being shed on Second Earth, and all supreme divine lawlessness being done on Second Earth. They said to each other: Let the cries from the destruction of Second Earth ascend up to the gates of Heaven so that Father God may end the evilness.
Father God the Creator wept at the image of Second Earth over run by evilness divinely sent to Father God by Archangel Raphael.
Father God the Creator told his Archangels of a great deluge that would eliminate the evilness of man and the giant man creatures, the Nephilim. Father God the Creator talked to his Archangels in God’s usual manner. Father God has a divine thought and without words or sounds at all transmits His divine thoughts and His Angels hear father God’s words in their thoughts. The same as when we pray, the words rise up not to God’s ear but to His thoughts just as God’s words make no sound but waits for interpretation by the receiver of God’s words and His blessings.
When praying to Father God, we must remain sincere and truthful in our questions or request from our Heavenly Father. God won’t help anyone win the lottery to enrich themselves however, God won’t cause us to lose if we were being coy about our conversation with our creator. But He won’t help any of us win the lottery that way either. All of the things Mother taught me about praying and the Devine Thoughts from Father God are real. Relax and check it out. (No, elephants can’t fly.)
The Second Earth came from the end of the First Earth which was overrun by huge dinosaurs and Caveman who were inferior to Father God’s expectations. Father God instructed Archangel Raphael to ready the Angels to hear His words. Raphael spoke to the Angels and told them to ready themselves for Holy Father God the Creator’s Devine Thoughts for instruction.
Hear my words
Father God began as the words became thoughts in the Angels’ minds. First earth was replaced by Second Earth due to the huge dinosaur beasts that would never allow early man to hold dominion over the Earth. The huge animals were destructive to all of man. Father God the Creator unleashed a huge space rock that crashed into First Earth with such force which killed all the huge animals and many of early man. Father God the Creator explained First Earth’s total demise in a Devine Thought.
Where did Father God come from is a good question. Father God the Creator has been in Heaven from before the beginning of time. Where God came from and how long He has been God the Creator is unknown, but believed to be here for an eternity. Imagine being the only entity without form in dark blank space that is infinite in scope and time. Having been an entity in open and empty space and at some point, God became self-aware discovering His very thought could cause things to happen. Father God discovered who Father God was or is. He being God and learning about His awesome power and discovering there was nothing that could not be done by just imagining a something and that something came to be. God causing the Big Bang happened because God wanted light everywhere. The fact that God was alone left in the emptiness of space and realizing He just has to think it and it became real. Father God gathered brilliance of the God Entity