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Nine Lives of an Urban Panther
Nine Lives of an Urban Panther
Nine Lives of an Urban Panther


Ebook383 pages5 hours

Nine Lives of an Urban Panther

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

With new supernatural creatures popping up at every turn (Ghouls? Really?), the city divided, and a long-lost cousin blazing into town, Violet Jordan has a lot on her mind. Oh, not to mention she’s supposed to be planning a wedding. Chaz has got to be the best, most patient (and probably clinically insane) fiancé around.

But defeating her sworn enemy in a battle for the souls of Dallas is going to require more than just her full attention. It means learning to depend on everyone—especially Chaz—if any one is going to make it out of this alive. Because if Plan A doesn’t work, she’s going to need them for Plan B. And Plan C…

Editor's Note

Werepanther Wedding...

A werepanther’s work is never done. This is the third book in Arista’s “Diaries of an Urban Panther” series, and Violet has to plan her wedding, not to mention save all the souls in Dallas. “Nine Lives of an Urban Panther” is fast-paced, fun, and inventive.

Release dateApr 19, 2022

Amanda Arista

Amanda Arista was born in Illinois, grew up in Corpus Christi, and lives in Dallas, but her heart lies in London. When not writing, she often dreams of co-opening an evil bakery and selling despicable desserts. She spends her weekends writing at coffee shops, practicing for the day that caffeine intake becomes an Olympic sport, and plotting character demises.

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    Nine Lives of an Urban Panther - Amanda Arista


    Dear Diary,

    Eight months ago, I was attacked in the back alley of my townhome and rescued by an uber-hot guy named Chaz. He told me there was a prophecy about me and that I might turn into a werepanther. He was right on both counts. Then Spencer, the guy who bit me, tried to convince me to join the dark side. It didn’t work.

    So he poisoned me and left me for dead. My best friend, Jessa, an undercover fairy princess, saved the day but bonded us together as the dynamic duo for opening and closing the Veil.

    Six months ago, in an epic battle against my maker to save the world, Spencer jumped through the Veil into the Neveranth, and I ended up killing his father. As Haverty lay dying, he gave me the Haverty Legacy and the hellfire that comes with it.

    I thought life was going to get better. After four assassination attempts, I finally changed my mind. When the Haverty pack needed a new leader and I was the one holding the Legacy, I quickly found having loyal followers really helped when the elemental Carlisle started killing his way through all other competition for leader of the Dallas Pride. When push came to claw, Carlisle got thrown into mirror jail and I got crowned as the Prima.

    Yep, I think that’s about it. All I have to do is keep sane from the prophetic dreams I keep having, run a pack, keep my real job, and have some sort of personal life with my fiancé.

    Chapter 1

    BEING A QUEEN was exhausting. This was the first of four meetings for the day, the first of three appointments with new pack members, and my second latté with an extra espresso shot.

    As I waited at my favorite coffee shop for my caffeine and my ten-o’clock appointment, I stretched my neck and slipped off my pointed heels. Cute but deadly. Now that I was a Prima, looking like a leader was starting to get tiring as well. The life of jeans and T-shirts was behind me. I had to look more responsible now and my feet were paying the price.

    The cool wooden floor soothed the pain burning up my legs and let me relax for just one moment. This place was my second home and I’d single-handedly brought it back from extinction with a string of new customers by maybe making it the unofficial hotspot for the new Dallas Pride.

    Secret club has to have a clubhouse, right?

    I looked down at my watch, my dreaded new accessory, and played with the charm at my neck. My ten o’clock was late. It had been hell to pin him down for a meeting. He was the last of the new members of my little family that I had to meet with before our first full moon together. I actually had to call his office to get an appointment. Neither of us was very happy about that.

    My frustrated thoughts were quickly redirected by the feel of coarse fur brushing up my spine. I turned around to see a tall man enter the coffee shop and pause. His dark suit and briefcase were a stark contrast to the bohemian feel of the cafe.

    He looked around the shabby chic décor, and when his cool blue eyes landed on me, I knew him, even though I’d never seen his human form before. This was my ten o’clock: Peter Delmont, lawyer/wolf.

    He wore his power like he wore his sharply tailored suit and slick blond hair, on the outside for everyone to know he didn’t mess around. As he crossed the small space in long, purposeful strides, I was frozen in his gaze. The look. The suit. It was damn effective, and for a split second, I almost thought I didn’t have the claws for this one.

    He stopped just short of stepping on me and I had to look up at him. Something my five-foot-eleven frame rarely needed to do. He didn’t bother with putting up borders to contain his power, and his scent overwhelmed me. Under the cologne I was sure he wore because it made the women in his office swoon, his power, his wolf smelled distinctively of leather and sandalwood.

    Miss Jordan? His voice was low and deep as his eyebrows rose with his question.

    My spine reacted to his power, going stiff and straight. Mr. Delmont.

    May we sit? His eyes flicked to the open table in the back.

    I was just thinking the same thing.

    He strode over to the table and I looked back to the counter for my drink. The young girl behind the counter had my coffee in her hands, her mouth wide as she stared at Delmont. Good. So it wasn’t just me.

    I waved my hand in front of her face so she would relinquish my coffee. The girl jumped and spilled a bit of the coffee as she sloshed the white porcelain across the counter.

    With a sigh, I took the mug and headed back to the table.

    Usually, I would have said something about the waste of good caffeine, but I was going to need my strength for the conversation ahead. I had a feeling my usual spiel to all the other new members about safety in numbers and checking in and full moon responsibilities wasn’t going to work with this one. I sealed my borders, keeping my power close to my vest, and knew the macchiato would get me through this.

    This man had his suit, and I had my twelve ounces of hot coffee.

    Delmont had turned my usual table into his personal office, his briefcase on the small table already popped open. I’m sorry this meeting is so delayed.

    An apology? Now that was unexpected. I sat slowly on the chair across from him and waited for him to stop shuffling papers. No problem. I’ve had a few things to organize.

    He closed the briefcase, opening up the space between us. In the day light, he was handsome, slender and broad shouldered. But I knew underneath this forced perfection was an animal, a silver-mantled wolf easily the size of my panther. His energy had been primal when we bonded six weeks ago, when he had pledged his power to me, and that pledge connected our magical souls. Even now, as we sat civilly across the table from each other, Peter Delmont was different. The connections to the others in my pack were silvery threads that I gently nudged this way and that. His was a rough-hewn twine that bound me to him as his Prima.

    Now, more than with any of the other fourteen, I was wondering why me. He was powerful, in this incarnation and his animal form. He had been a high-ranking member of the Haverty Pride before I came in and destroyed it all. Yet, when push came to claws in the battle between my few and the darker Wanderers, he had chosen me as his master.

    That was the story I wanted to hear. The story I was slowly coaxing out of all the Wanderers who had given me a piece of themselves, chosen me as their leader.

    Delmont looked down at the papers in his hand. I was the lawyer and executor of Haverty’s will. His voice was quick and succinct, with so very little affect I would have believed his act, if it weren’t for the twisting of the twine between us, something undulating under the coifed façade that pulled at me.

    Must have been an honor, being so young.

    All he gave me was a curt nod as he slid the stack of papers across the table toward me. Reade Haverty had it set that the next leader of the pack should get all of his properties and assets.

    A sudden void of white formed in the space between my ears. What?

    Delmont licked his lips. Of course, he meant it to be his son, Spencer, but, well, we know that didn’t quite work out, you throwing him into the Neveranth and all. So, it seems that as the new leader, chosen by a majority of the pack by one, you are now the beneficiary.

    I didn’t throw Spencer into the Neveranth. He jumped, I corrected. I looked down at the stack of papers. I always got the impression Haverty was loaded.

    A full list of assets is included. He folded his long fingers into his lap. Including houses, foreign accounts and domestic holdings, it comes out to around one point three billion if you were to sell everything. Which I don’t recommend in this market.

    I gulped and set my coffee down on the table. No need to waste the coffee by spilling it all over my new dress, though I think this meant that I could buy a million more cups of coffee if I needed, and a million new dresses for that matter.


    His steel blue eyes finally rose to meet mine. With the crown comes the kingdom.

    His words settled around me like an ice cold blanket, and my skin prickled. It had taken me over three months to assume the title of Prima. I wasn’t ready for a kingdom.

    I never asked for this.

    The smooth monotone of his voice didn’t help. No, you didn’t.

    I licked my lips and cursed Haverty. Yet another burden to leave me with. Like the Legacy, his collected family power he forced upon me as he lay dying, this fortune was just another trap to tempt me in the direction everyone else in my line had gone- straight into the darkness.

    I know this is a lot to take in, Miss Jordan, but I will need a decision on the next step fairly soon. The property has been in limbo far too long.

    Of course. It had been in limbo for five months, since last December, when I’d killed Reade Haverty and his cowardly son had jumped into a parallel dimension. Don’t imagine they have paperwork for that sort of thing.

    A million story lines ran through my head about wealth, including a few scenes of Scrooge McDuck swimming through his money piles and all the horror movies I’d written with insane benefactors and large mansions and late-night feasts. But wasn’t that one of the special little bonuses to being Violet Jordan: knowing the darkness so I can avoid it?

    I wrapped my hands back around the hot coffee. I’ll need a little more time to think about it, Mr. Delmont.

    Very well. Call my office for an appointment.

    He moved to leave the table, as if this meeting was over.

    I chuckled and wrapped my fist around the charm on my necklace, the little charm that masked my real power. It usually kept me hidden from other Wanderers, specifically any baddies out for blood. But covered like this, it let me push my power out and flow over Delmont.

    He froze six inches from the seat as if I’d pushed the pause button on his movements. His eyes darted to me as he felt my power again and smelled the burned magnolia fragrance of his Prima.

    Not so fast, Stretch. I booked you for an hour.

    He gulped and his tanned face went pale. It was the first crack I’d seen in his façade since he came in. He returned to his seat and smoothed out his jacket.

    I released the pendant and leaned back in my chair. Like this, the world was a little duller, but I’d gotten used to it. It was better than jumping at every shadow in the window convinced the undefined they had found me again.

    I do appreciate the business portion of our meeting. I tried to ignore the packet of potential just sitting between us and get down to the real meat and bones of this confrontation. But I coordinated this to learn about you.

    Delmont licked his lips and was seemingly speechless. He finally mustered, What do you want to know?

    I figured we’d start simple. Did Haverty place you in your law firm or did he get to you afterwards?

    He adjusted in his seat again. You really don’t play around, do you?

    No, I answered quickly. But I’m also not testing your alliance. We both know what you did. I just want a little more as to why.

    Delmont’s eyes dropped to the stack of papers. Haverty treated me very well. And yes, he did help me get a place at the firm. In return, he only asked that I wave my retainer fees.

    I frowned. That seems tame for him.

    I was a little fish in his very big pond.

    I nodded. And what do you think about the pond now?

    He looked down at his briefcase and measured his words, seeming to roll them around in his mouth before he spoke. I’ve been told you appreciate honesty.

    Almost above all else.

    Delmont cleared his throat. Dallas isn’t better, just different. There are still holes that need to be filled, and if they aren’t, I predict there will be chaos.

    I was glad for the charm around my neck that helped keep my power reigned in, because it also helped me hide when my emotions made my power jump, as his comment had just made my whole being tense in fear. What could he know that I didn’t know?

    I took a sip of my drink to bide some time with my answer. The coffee soothed my frazzled nerves. The sheer power of him was making me fray by the second. Chaos is a strong word, Mr. Delmont.

    His blue eyes were brave enough to look straight into mine. It is an accurate word, Miss Jordan. You may have secured the affections of the Shifters in Dallas, but what of the witches and the vampires and the elementals, some of which are still nursing their wounds from six weeks ago?

    They can’t all be treading on the dark side. I watched them fight against Carlisle’s men. They helped us defeat him.

    "That just means they didn’t want him to control things. Only the Shifters chose you, we just happen to be the majority in the pack."

    I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. It was a habit I’d picked up from no less than three men in my life. None of them have made a move to try to challenge me.

    He began to pinch the flesh of his pinkie finger as his hands lay in his lap. They might not see a need to. The Shifters have their own way of doing things, other breeds have theirs. I wouldn’t be surprised if the elementals were naming their Akasha as we speak.

    I would have let the sentiment go as a concern, but the fidgeting of his hands got me. Little things, like the fall of a shoulder and the pinch of a pinkie, had greater meaning to a person who had spent most of her adult life watching from the outside than a string of words put into a sentence. You’re not telling me everything.

    His eyes darted down to his hands and he spread them wide on his thighs. He knew I’d caught his tell.

    I was right. He was keeping things from me. Dangerous things about the others in the city. I could force him to tell me, literally pull the information from him, but then where would I be? Connected to an embittered pack member? Not the best way to start out this whole leader thing.

    The other breeds have not made a move. Dallas has been quiet. I’d rather focus my efforts on my pack, making them feel safe, protected. I don’t know what you knew of Haverty’s methods, but after the stories I’ve heard in the past month, these people need healing, and I won’t use them as pawns in another war.

    For now, he said.

    I straightened, looking into his eyes steadily. I knew them to be almost silver when he shifted. Excuse me?

    To protect them, you will need to use them, their strengths and their weaknesses.

    And how are you so sure about that?

    Delmont took in an unnervingly calm breath. His long fingers went traced the edge of his briefcase. This is not my first pack. Been in one or another my whole life, Miss Jordan. It will happen.

    I licked my suddenly very dry lips. If you knew this, then why choose me? Why bind yourself at all?

    Delmont opened his mouth. A sliver of cold wavered around him and pushed against my own radiating power. He shut his mouth just as a cold, stony look covered his face and he hid behind his borders for the first time in our conversation, creating a void before me. He was nowhere near the confident man who had strode through the place, power out all willy-nilly.

    I knew in an instant there was a story there, a painful memory he shut away with his steel-trap border. Those bound to me were like books, and stories like that are best served up willingly. Just like the information that I would need to get from him about the others in the city. Mother always said you catch more flies with honey.

    I took in a breath and exhaled, again formulating the right words to use. Unfortunately, I will need to use your legal skills. And if you happen to see a little of that chaos, I might want a heads-up.

    Delmont nodded. Yes, ma’am.

    I grimaced at the ma’am but went on with the same speech that I had given all of my new wards. I want you to feel safe. I want you to live your life. But I do expect you to be at the next full moon.

    I’ll have my secretary put it on my calendar.

    I smiled. I doubted he could resist the full moon. It was just a line to make him feel more important and used probably out of habit more than necessity. I’ll get her the information.

    He moved again to stand, and I nodded. He rose, buttoned his suit coat, and picked up his briefcase. He turned to me and paused.

    I expected for him to simply say goodbye, but as of late, I wasn’t about to assume anything about anyone. Nearly cost me my life last time.

    He spoke slowly and with a little hope, if I was reading his tone correctly. This was an interesting conversation, Miss Jordan. I’d like to do this again.

    I was in a little state of shock for a moment. Well, I do have some papers to sign for you.

    Thank you. He nodded and walked across the coffee shop, leaving the faint scent of sandalwood in his wake.

    As his exit from the shop sent the bells on the door into fits, my entire body relaxed. I was exhausted. The others had been easy. Mothers, students, hermits. No one had set me on edge like Delmont, testing me like he did. And no one else had as much information I desperately needed to maintain this peace.

    TRYING TO DECIDE on what movie to watch with my boys was like trying to braid hair with seven hands: it’s not pretty and nothing gets done. Ultimately, I won and decided to rent an action movie and order pizza. Pizzas. We had to call for another two supreme pizzas when the original four weren’t enough for Nash, Tucker, Shadow, Chaz, and me.

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen you guys eat like that, I joked as I flipped through a few of the boxes on the coffee table to grab another slice. I’d been through a whole pie by myself and still was hungry.

    It’s been a while since you’ve sat still long enough to notice.

    Tucker handed me another box with two slices sliding around in it and then reached down to see if Shadow was done with his. The dog growled and seemed to raise an eyebrow.

    Okay, okay, Tucker said as he put up in hands in surrender and sat back next to Nash on the couch.

    Shadow chewed on a slice of pizza between his paws. He ate all the way up the crust and then nudged it to the edge of the plate before getting another slice from the box next to him. He was careful to not get the sauce on his black fur and was even more careful about pacing himself. I tried to ignore the irony that the man who had been turned into a dog did not like pizza bones.

    My day had been long. My feet still ached from the heels, but being surrounded by my boys soothed every neuron. It almost felt right, all my boys around me, well fed, no demons chasing us down, at least none that we were aware of.

    But even in the warm and furry living room, we all felt the missing piece. Tower of empty pizza boxes in hand, I went into the kitchen to throw out the trash but took a moment to lean against the counter.

    Tyler was close. Our connection was raw, like an exposed nerve after a broken tooth, but I still knew him. He wanted to be here with us, but he still couldn’t look at us. Especially me. Not after I’d practically pushed him back into Cristina’s arms. Not after Cristina’s death. Not after her sacrifice to save me from myself.

    I still saw her sometimes when I closed my eyes. Her dark hair that curled around her sharp chin. Her nearly black eyes that turned white when she saw the future in her tarot cards and the part of her always red lips as she gasped when the blade was buried between her ribs by Carlisle. The blade that was meant for me.

    I sent Tyler a warm thought through our connection, strumming the thick golden strand softly so he’d know that I was still there, we were still here waiting for him to come home. But I knew that it was selfish. I needed to know that he was okay. That I hadn’t lost another. I couldn’t lose another.

    Nothing came back at me. No I’m alive. But the sentiment wasn’t rejected. That was a first in the past month.

    I took in a deep breath and wiped the brief moisture that had formed in my eyes. I got some cold sodas from the fridge, put on my brave face, and walked back out into the living room.

    You need to write for bigger movies, Tucker said. The dialogue in this thing is horrible.

    I laughed. Didn’t know we were watching this for the dialogue. I thought it was for the espionage and the slinky cat suits.

    You know I like me a good cat suit. Chaz smiled as he reached out for a soda but instead captured my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

    I tossed the sodas to the boys and snuggled in to enjoy some action-adventure where I was neither actioning nor adventuring.

    MY BUTT VIBRATED with the incoming call. I slid the phone out of my back pocket and frowned at the caller ID.

    Hello? I answered as I rose from Chaz’s lap and walked into the kitchen.

    Prima Violet?


    Um, remember when you said that you could help us? Her East Texas accent was thicker for the panic in her voice.

    What happened?

    It’s my boyfriend, see he sort of . . . and then I maybe . . .

    I closed my eyes and reached for my power. Sorting out through the dogs and wolves and snakes, I found her bird, a hawk, and strengthened my tie to her. She was panicked but not scared. It was new. Are you at home?


    Text me your address and I can be there in ten minutes.

    Thank you, Prima.

    I ended the call, and the glowing phone went dark as I continued to stare at it. This might be my first mission as a Prima. Dallas had been quiet since the battle against Carlisle. The other calls I’d gotten were more like I’m going to be late and Can you pick up dinner, because Tucker ate the last bit of food in the house?

    This was a real pack member in need.

    Almost giddy with the thought, I turned around to see the four men standing in my kitchen doorway, like a dark, furrowed curtain. They’d abandoned the action movie to listen to my conversation.

    What’s wrong? Tucker asked first.

    Kandice needs a little backup on something.

    On what? Nash asked.

    Don’t know.

    Then let’s go, Chaz said.

    They all moved toward the front door in sync. They had been spending way too much time together.

    Stop, I ordered.

    The group actually stopped.

    I don’t need an entourage, I said as I walked past them and slipped on my Chuck Taylors in the living room.

    You’re not going alone, Chaz said.

    I knew I wasn’t going to get past the Brow Brigade. I also knew I was tempting fate if I went alone. I had actually learned a few things from getting my butt handed to me on a number of occasions. Fine. Thumb wrestle over who’s going with me. Taking more than one might blow this whole thing out of proportion. But if the proportion is already blown, then I promise to call.

    As I hopped upstairs to grab a sweater, I was still excited about someone calling me to help out. It felt natural. There was trouble; I was here to help. With a sidekick.

    So when did I get that super cape?

    Chapter 2

    SO HOW EXACTLY did you get the short straw? I asked Nash as he directed me to the address Kandice had sent.

    He looked relaxed but cramped in the front of my Miata, his knees hitting the glove compartment. Chaz got ruled out because it was pack stuff. And Shadow, well, there’s only so much a border collie can do. So it was really just me and Tucker, and I told him I wanted more field experience.

    Contrary to what I might say and how I might say it, we aren’t the X-men. There is no field experience needed.

    Nash looked down at my phone and pointed to the next street. Turn here. And I disagree. I think we need to get more experience in using our powers for good.

    I followed his directions. And what’s your super power that needs to be honed for good?

    Hounds have a nose sensitivity three times that of a Labrador.

    Huh. Didn’t know that.

    Nash sat up in the seat. It’s this one.

    I parked at the curb outside of a simple white tract house with three cars in the driveway, two on cement blocks.

    Slowly, we got out of the car and approached the house. Chaz had pressed my pepper spray into my hand as we left. And now, I held it tightly. I knew how these dark houses worked. I also knew I could probably kick the ass of anything that went bump in the night.

    Didn’t mean I wouldn’t take the easy way out.

    I slipped off my dampening charm and stuffed it in my pocket. Like releasing a muscle, I let the borders around my power drop to see if there was anything lurking. As I sent it out before me, the power echoed answers back. The house was cold and dark except for the scared little bird inside.

    Anything? Nash asked.

    Just Kandice.

    I carefully knocked on the door and listened, with a capital L. Panthers have pretty darn good hearing, and the walls of these houses are pretty darn thin, so I what I heard confirmed what my power had told me. The patter of flip-flops echoed across the house and Kandice’s energy fluttered on the other side of the front door.

    Violet? she asked.

    At your service.

    The door flew open, and Kandice launched herself at me. I’m so sorry.

    For a moment, I was on the defensive as I caught the ninety-pound waif easily in my arms.

    She tucked her head into my shoulder, sobbing. I didn’t know what to do.

    It’s okay, Kandice, I cooed. We’re here now. Just tell me what happened.

    She pulled away and wiped the tears from her already tear-streaked face. Her dirty blonde hair hung limp around her face and her pink tank top had seen better years. But it was her wide, pale blue eyes that told most of the story, especially the one with the purple bruise around it. Better come inside.

    As soon as

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