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Free To Serve
Free To Serve
Free To Serve
Ebook200 pages2 hours

Free To Serve

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About this ebook

Free to Serve is Jake Wilson's continued saga. In "Freedom's Journey" Jake was reunited with his son, Brandon, whom he abandoned as a young father. Brandon felt a call to a special ministry that would involve his father and the farm, where they lived. Together, they learn how God had stayed close throughout their years of separation and now has

Release dateApr 20, 2022
Free To Serve

Dennis McIntyre

Dennis A. McIntyre is a native of Rochester, NY, and served as an electrical engineer and a technical writer for over 40 years before retiring. Since retirement, Dennis has focused his efforts on his personal writing, publishing his first book, an autobiographical work entitled "Legacy of Love", in 2008. He published "Shackled Yet Free" in 2011 and "Coffee Shop Ministries" in 2021. Dennis currently resides in Dacula, GA. He enjoys using his gifts of encouraging and writing for the glory of God's kingdom. His main goal for writing involves drawing people into closer relationships with the Lord and one another.

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    Free To Serve - Dennis McIntyre



    Dennis A. McIntyre

    Free To Serve

    Copyright © 2011 by Dennis A. McIntyre

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-957114-14-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-957114-15-6 (e)

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    Bennett Media rev. date: 04/08/2022

    About the author

    Dennis A. McIntyre is a native of Rochester, NY, and served as an electrical engineer and a technical writer for over 40 years before retiring. Since retirement, Dennis has focused his efforts on his personal writing, publishing his first book; an autobiographical work entitled Legacy of Love , in 2008 through Tate Publishing. Dennis currently resides in Dacula, GA, and attends Anchor Church in Grayson, GA. He enjoys using his gifts of encouraging and writing for the glory of God’s kingdom. His main goal for writing involves drawing people into closer relationships with the Lord and one another.

    This work is a continuation of Jake Wilson’s story from Freedom’s Journey.


    Reflection 1
    The Campfire 7
    The Youth Group 13
    Supper at the Wilson’s 19
    The Proposal 25
    The Message 31
    Breaking Ground 43
    Final Preparations 55
    The Promotion 65
    The Fire 77
    Bob’s Story 87
    The Diner 101
    Community Spirit 107
    The Conversion 119
    The Benches 127
    Tie Downs 135
    Reconciliation 143
    The Baptism 149
    The Testimony 155
    The Breakthrough 165
    Concluding Message 173


    The journey for Jake and his family seemed more like something out of a fairy tale than reality. The old farmhouse had become the Wilson family’s new home. The major remodeling was complete. Nicole and Alicia shared a bedroom, while Matt and Diana had their own rooms. Brandon moved into the room where he had stored his handmade chest of drawers. Terry and Jake enjoyed the privacy of their room with a large walk-in closet and master bath. The apartment, which seemed so crowded, was now replaced with a home several times larger.

    Jake sat on a two-person swing hung from the front porch ceiling. Brandon built it and surprised Terry and Jake shortly after they moved into the house. To Brandon it was a house-warming present, but Jake treasured the gift beyond words. He would sit on it on warm evenings and reflect on all that God had done in his life. The renewed relationship with his long lost son, Brandon, was proof that God had been in control all along. The swing was built with love and the quality of its construction went well beyond anything found on the market. Brandon had learned the carpentry trade well from his uncle. Now, the young man was working full time with Jake in the plumbing business. As Jake slowly moved back and forth on the swing, his thoughts were filled with praise for the miracles in his life.

    The sun was setting and the wisps of clouds on the horizon were bright with brilliant browns and reds. The reflection caused Jake’s face to warmly radiate the joy that he also felt in his heart. He called to Terry to come out and enjoy the moment with him.

    What a sight, Terry. Isn’t God wonderful?

    I can’t believe we are in this house.

    Someone needs to pinch me. I must be dreaming.

    The children love their rooms. Now they can invite their friends over as well.

    Yeah, that was a problem with the apartment. There was little room for us let alone guests.

    Brandon has been a terrific asset to the business as well. He is like a sponge, absorbing everything that I try to teach him about the plumbing business. Sometimes, he even shows me some things. God has truly blessed my work.

    We are so blessed.

    Terry snuggled close to her husband on the swing. The sun disappeared, leaving a host of stars brightly glowing in the relatively clear sky. Jake stared into the night sky as if to see something specially meant for him. The blessings that he now enjoyed left him with expectations of what was in the future. He wondered if all that he had been given would soon be taken away. Certainly, the life that he led growing up through his teen years did not warrant rewards. The months that he served in prison were due punishment for his actions.

    Terry, do you think this is all a dream? I feel so undeserving of everything.

    Did Jesus deserve to go to the cross?

    Of course not. He did it for us. We deserved punishment for our iniquities.

    Jesus went through the anguish of the cross to prove to His creation that He loves us. Much like the fact that you don’t feel you deserve the things you have been given, Jesus did not deserve the pain He suffered.

    Yeah, but there must be a catch.

    Jake Wilson! You can’t stop talking about the things God has done in your life. You are a witness in the words you speak and the life you are living. I think God is honoring you for that.

    I love Him. My life was truly a mess without Jesus. My testimony is also my praise for all He has brought me through, including being introduced to you.

    "My life has turned around since I accepted Christ as well. My love for you has reached depths that I never imagined before. Somehow, I felt that I deserved the abuse from my first husband, but God has opened my eyes to see myself as His child. I feel so blessed.

    So then, what plans do you think God has for us?

    We are all here for a reason. Life’s journey may be to find our purpose.

    Terry’s words pierced Jake’s thoughts, and he jumped up from the swing.

    I’ll be right back, honey.

    Jake went into the house and returned a moment later with his Bible. He opened it to one of the tabs where Judge Carter had underlined scripture. The verse was Ephesians 2:10. Jake began to read the words aloud.

    For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    Judge Carter read these words to me before sentencing me to prison. I read them over and over many times before. What do you think the good works are?

    You are a wonderful father. Our children are very blessed to have you as their father. Perhaps, just being a great dad and nurturing our children is your work. Each one has accepted the Lord and received baptism.

    Terry’s words brought a stream of tears to Her husband’s eyes. The knowledge that his children were following Jesus stirred such an emotional response. The idea that Jake could be a good father seemed in stark contrast to the father who abandoned him shortly after his fifth birthday. For many years, gangs, drugs and alcohol were Jake’s family. As he thought about his role of fatherhood, Jake had to give all credit to the God who saved him. Somehow, God performed an amazing work in Jake’s life. The love of a heavenly father was evident in Jake’s life as an earthly one. Still, he wondered about other works that God had for him to do.

    I have come a long way as a father.

    You are also a great husband and provider.

    Despite the recession we are in, honey, I am blessed with abundant work. Every time I begin to wonder about what jobs are on the horizon, doors open.

    I think that God honors your commitment. We have always tithed, even when the money was not in the checking account. You wrote the check with such expectancy and He never let us down.

    That has been a source of strength. We cannot out give God. Each time the check was written, the monies appeared, often from clients that were delinquent. Some of them were on my ‘give up on ever receiving payment’ list.

    Perhaps, God was pricking their hearts as well.

    He must have, because I stopped trying. Still, it’s hard to get a grasp on being chosen in advance to do good works for the Creator of the universe.

    When the time comes, you will know what additional things God has for you to do, Jake. One thing that I know for sure is that your work is not over.

    I want to serve Him daily. Whatever He has for me to do, I hope I can please Him.

    He will not give you anything to do that you are not equipped for. Don’t worry about that, Jake Wilson.

    Jake reflected back on all that had happened in his life. Surely, God’s hands were on him. The tests that he seemed to endure were now part of his testimony. Perhaps, God would use those experiences to help others going through similar things. One think was certain. It was no accident that Jake had come to this place in his life. Brandon’s reunion was proof of that.

    Jake embraced Terry on that swing and shared their thoughts openly to each other. Terry loved to listen to whatever was on her husband’s mind. Jake felt her joy with each gentle tap on his thigh or caress on his cheek. The destructive life that Jake had lived before their union was gone forever. God had worked a miracle in both of their lives, and they acknowledged that fact.

    The Campfire

    Although most of the farm had been sold to a housing contractor, Jake’s land was still several acres in size. Old Betsy continued to be used to pull the trailer full of hay during the autumn months for the children and their friends. During one of those events, a friend from Alicia’s Wednesday night class at church enjoyed the hayride. She said that her parents used to own a farm in upstate New York and would take a wagon full of kids to the pumpkin patch to select one to take home. At the end of the evening, her father would light a fire in an open field well away from anything flammable. Cooking marshmallows and making smores with chocolate covered graham crackers was a welcomed treat. The idea sounded like fun for Brandon, but Jake’s experience with fire was disastrous. Two fires (Hawaii and Virginia) had been etched in his mind as a child, consummated by the wrath of his stepfather.

    Brandon tried to convince Jake that having a small bonfire on the property could be a great outreach, especially for families. Somehow, the idea had far less appeal to Jake who vividly recalls the catastrophic damage caused by the lighting of a few leaves as a young boy. There was a large cleared area on the property, well away from the house and barn that could be used. The only question was whether the town would allow it and what restrictions would be required if the town gave the okay. Brandon was convinced that a well-supervised bonfire with fellowship was part of his calling to serve in his earthly ministry. Convincing Jake of that might take some doing, but Brandon felt a strong urge to pursue the idea.

    Bob would often visit to fire up Old Betsy and enjoy one of Terry’s delicious home cooked meals. He was always welcomed and treated as family. Brandon invited him to come over for dinner one night, after discussing the idea with Terry. Bob knew many people on the town board and could help get Brandon’s questions about having a bonfire on the premises. Terry encouraged Brandon to pursue the matter as well. After dinner that night, Brandon took his uncle to the spot where he had envisioned a fire.

    I would like to create a pit or something over here, Uncle Bob. What do you think?

    I don’t think the town will object to the location, as it is well away from the things that might catch fire. How big an area do you have in mind?

    I want it big enough for several families to roast marshmallows with their kids at the same time. We could dig a pit about ten feet square and fill it with concrete.

    Why concrete?

    Well, I was thinking that it would be easier to clean up later while providing a stable surface for the fire.

    I can contact a friend on the board to get his input.

    That would be great. I was also thinking about setting the pit about a foot or so below ground level. The dirt removed could be piled up around the perimeter as a way to ensure the fire is well contained.

    That’s a great idea. How much digging do you think we need to do?


    If I can get the okay, I can get the dozer and help.

    "That would be wonderful. If the town agrees, then we need to find out how big the pit needs to be to support a ten-foot square fire. I can envision people sitting at least one row around the perimeter just

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