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For I Am Fearless
For I Am Fearless
For I Am Fearless
Ebook314 pages2 hours

For I Am Fearless

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About this ebook

Sometimes the only way to progress in life is to be fearless. 

From a small town actress and author who has never been afraid to take chances and get messy comes an anthology of personal poetry and fantastic short stories that dive into the things we fear. This anthology covers life, love, loss, and everything in between, in our world and the worlds we create.

This exclusive anthology includes:

  • Poems from Between Spaces, Ghost, The Fading of the Day, and The Symmetry of Falling Leaves
  • Short Stories from The Clockwork Figurine and Fruits and Finery
  • Insight into the author's writing process for each book, from creating the works to her favorites and the inspiration for the covers
  • Brand new poems and short stories, never before published
PublisherCat Webling
Release dateSep 30, 2022
For I Am Fearless

Cat Webling

Cat Webling is an actress and author based in Kansas. She started writing professionally in 2018 when she published her first novel, Artificial Intelligence. Since then, she has released several poetry collections, two short story collections, and a wide variety of articles and blog posts on her website. She continues to write from her home, which she shares with her loving partner, adorable son, a very small lion, and a one-eyed wonder cat.

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    For I Am Fearless - Cat Webling


    Several years ago now, I took one of my stories, the likes of which I’ve been making up since I was a small child, and stuck it in an unformatted Word document, which sat on my computer being fiddled with and muddled for a year before it finally composed itself into my first novel.

    Before I trusted myself to publish it, though, I had to figure out how the platform worked. So, I took a little collection of poetry I’d written in grade school and stuck it, again with no formatting, online, just to see how it worked. I sold a single digital copy to my mother, and I was so proud.

    Now, with seven publications under my belt and a dream of a career in the writing world well underway, I can look back at those first projects and cringe with a smile on my face. I’ve grown a lot since then – in my style and formatting, in the stories I tell, and in the life I draw them from – and looking back at my old work often feels like waving at my younger self and telling her that she’s going to be okay.

    The title of this anthology is For I Am Fearless. It’s pulled from a famous Mary Shelley quote:

    Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful.

    It’s from Chapter 20 of Frankenstein, and it’s one of my favorite literary quotes. In that particular scene, the Monster is screaming out in anguish and fury – Victor Frankenstein has just destroyed the wife he was making to appease the monster because he feared what would come next. Victor feared a race of monsters spawned from his creations, but the Monster feared nothing at all. That, as he explains, makes him all the more powerful; where Victor’s fears held him back from giving in to the Monster's demands, the Monster’s fearlessness meant there were no rules he needed to follow.

    Though significantly less morbid in the context of my life, I believe this is a powerful sentiment. Being fearless doesn’t mean that you’re perfect or making the right choices; it means that you can’t be held back from making choices that others wouldn’t consider. It means being open to the possibilities presented to you and being willing to take leaps of faith when you need to. Fearlessness encourages growth, and growth as a person is seldom a bad thing.

    Wherever you are in life, I hope that you are able to find your fearlessness. Whether it’s asking that cute guy out on a date, applying for that job you don’t know if you qualify for, buying tickets to that country where you don’t speak the language, or whatever other adventure your life throws at you, I hope that you are able to look it in the eye and grin. For you are fearless, and therefore powerful enough to make your life what you want it to be.

    Fearlessness has brought me a lot. I hope that I can continue to carry it with me.



    Between Spaces

    Creating Between Spaces

    Between Spaces is my earliest still-available collection of poetry. This was written while I was working in a bookstore in my hometown. In fact, the cover of this work is a photograph I took just outside the door of the store in Perry, GA. The lovely little cobblestone street with its classic main-street-style shops always struck me as beautiful, and I found that I adored how it looked in black and white.

    The name came from one of the poems included in the work, Between Spaces. This poem was inspired by the idea of liminal spaces. Liminal is defined by Merriam-Webster as being of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold; barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response, or of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition; in-between, transitional. So, it follows to reason that a liminal space is where you are when you’re on your way somewhere else. This might be a physical place – an airport, a bus stop, a 7/11 just off the highway – or it might be an emotional one – the days before you graduate from school, your final interview for a new job, deciding to move in with a partner.

    I’ve loved the idea of liminal spaces since I learned of their existence, oddly enough, through a Tumblr post long since lost in the depths of the website. The post showed pictures of different liminal spaces during times when they were completely empty and commented on the fact that it was somewhat unnerving to see these places so still, and more unnerving to stay in places like that for too long. These places, different blogs decided in conversation, were meant to be passed through, and so your brain doesn’t like trying to process an extended stay there. It’s jarring. It’s not supposed to be.

    I’ve spent a good portion of my life in liminal spaces. I’ve traveled overseas often enough to remember the international terminal of Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson airport well, and domestically often enough to know that the Denver airport is too long to traverse comfortably between flights.

    More importantly, though, I’ve made lots of decisions that left me emotionally in-between; I’ve pursued a chancy career (more than once!), quit jobs because I felt unvalued or morally compromised, and moved halfway across the country to be with the man I love. In each of these cases, there’s a moment just before you commit that’s utterly terrifying. You can see that everything is about to change. You can see where you might go next. You can see the plane and boarding has begun.

    Between Spaces is a celebration of those moments that we tend to forget about in the aftermath – those moments of not yet. Here’s to remembering our liminal spaces.

    Sitting there outside the door

    Sitting there outside the door

    I wonder if there’s something more

    I could have done to keep my place

    Within the room I dream to face

    As my foot tap tap taps the floor

    The hall is silent as the night

    I try to be calm with all my might

    As the clock ticks forward, on and on

    At the same time I wonder where time has gone

    Did I do something, was I wrong or right?

    I can hear footsteps, moving around

    Normally that’d be a calming sound

    Yet my heart decides to race

    A bead of sweat rolls down my face

    Suddenly my eyes are glued to the ground

    You can do this, you’ve done your best

    I tell myself, just the same as the rest

    We’re all playing just the same

    The same routine, the same old game

    Yet still the heart thumps on in each chest

    The sound of a click, watch the handle turn

    I can feel my stomach churn

    The creak of the hinges and

    The door opens, we all stand

    I can’t bear to look, can’t wait to learn

    Ode to Notre Dame

    So fly the wings of ancient holy practice

    Where on the weight of history resides

    The spires tall and gracious beauty sits

    A point of national and worldly pride

    Where through the windows stained with blessed image

    The sun of radiant gold and silver light

    Shone like a gift from their high patronage

    Which thence became a famed and lovely sight

    Bring there your lowly sinners cruelly shunned

    Bring there your faithful child who seeks relief

    Bring there your pale hidden faith to be sunned

    Bring there your hollow sufferers of grief

    What wonders that we might have only learned

    What wonders are lost now that it has burned

    I am home

    I am home

    I am wrapped in your arms

    I am wrapped in your scent

    I am wrapped up in you

    I am home

    I am warm in your arms

    I am warm in your eyes

    I am warm in your laugh

    I am home

    I am safe in your arms

    I am safe in your smile

    I am safe in your hello

    I am home

    I am happy when you whisper

    I am happy when you pull me close

    I am happy when you kiss me

    I am home

    I am alone

    I am cold

    I am awake

    I am not home

    We fit like gloves in winter chill

    We fit like gloves in winter chill

    Protected from the frost’s sharp bite

    We gaze into each other’s eyes

    And smile in the stillness of night

    Your hand in mine is a song’s baseline

    Without it, it all falls apart

    Your kiss on my lips is a symphony

    The drums kicking in are my heart

    You pull me close and whisper to me

    That you love me, that you want me near

    And my god, if that’s not my perfect dream

    Just you, holding me, saying this in my ear

    So I’ll whisper back, and you’ll laugh at me

    And soon enough we’ll start our day

    But I know that too soon I’ll be alone

    And my god I want only to stay


    The harshest mistress closes her hand

    Upon the waiting wrist

    The aching world so powerless stand

    To shake her fearsome grip

    She does not stir for cries of fear

    Nor pause her steady gait

    For those who wail and shed their tears

    Know naught can alter fate

    Sovereign matron, healer old

    That bested every wound

    The hand that pulled us from the cold

    And plucked us from the womb

    The guard who keeps the rearward front

    And marshals forward still

    From richest man to poorest runt

    The maid of iron will

    Press, oh press, and press in kind

    Your ruler most sublime

    For not one man has yet to find

    The means to best her: Time.

    There is Sound in Silence.

    There is sound in silence

    The rustle of the leaves

    The birds that swim in water dark

    The birds that chirp from trees

    The cricket chirps and cicada songs

    The buzz of bumbling bees

    There is sound in silence

    In silence music breathes

    A breath of beauty golden

    Reflects on water grey

    That shimmers, ripples onward

    In the stillness of the day

    The fowl inhabitations

    That honk and gloat their song

    A breath of beauty golden

    Life learns to stand up strong

    Staring down the path to the fork in the road

    Staring down the path to the fork in the road

    Where footsteps tread leave little dent in the underbrush

    Further one, greens and yellows taunt and goad

    Like hands of flower maiden in the fruits she rushed

    There another were trodden black with age and rot

    The leaves left by the fates themselves

    Far better worn by frequent travelers’ trot

    Where true the least adventurous delves

    Such I considered both options at my hand

    My head should have fallen from my shoulders with each turn

    And neither option were as I had planned

    One might lead to joy while the other might burn

    Yet the burning path has sparks of excited light

    That could be what I had needed all along

    For I cannot see to the end where it is too bright

    I cannot hear more than the first bar of its song

    Paralyzed here in indecision and slight strain

    I looked again to the other, merrier way

    It was soft and perfect and expected and plain

    It is where I will go if I choose to stay

    So stare I now, now having reached the fork in the road

    And my heart flutters to and from and too much

    And compose therein its simple ode

    Two roads diverge in a yellow wood, and such

    Between Spaces

    The funny thing about airports is just how timeless everything is inside.

    Everyone is both in a rush and waiting,

    hurrying and standing still,

    speaking in quick, clipped tones over the soft clatter of rolling suitcases while their immaculate while business dress shirts stay perfectly pressed.

    People catch naps wherever they can,

    on the sleek modern seats of the main veranda,

    curled up beside electrical sockets by walls,

    and huddled in the sparse plastic of waiting gates,

    trying desperately to maintain their usual schedule of rest

    while the world revolves tirelessly around them.

    New York City may be the City That Doesn’t Sleep,

    but Hartfield-Jackson Airport is the City That Doesn’t Exist.

    Three tiers of liminal space extend upward

    to the circular skylight

    that in the pre-dawn light

    might as well look on into the depths of the ocean.

    The high, transparent glass clocktower

    in the center of this crossway

    floats above troubled commuters

    like the eye of Big Brother

    or an Angel watching souls in Purgatory

    patter on toward judgement

    while they mutter about schedules and deadlines and itineraries.

    In this place,

    slowly coming alive with the sounds of a new day

    and wishing the old one fair rest without a single pause,

    nothing seems to matter

    but getting from A to B as quickly as possible,

    leaving me to wonder

    if anyone else feels that they have stopped in the woods

    between worlds

    to glance at what eternity might feel like.

    Do Not Fear The Woods My Child

    Do not fear the woods my child

    Fear the beasts within

    Fear the wild looking eyes

    And boil-ridden skin

    Fear the screeching, screaming calls

    That echo in the night

    Fear that there may come a day

    When you must learn to fight

    Do not fear the woods my child

    For they house and contain

    All the things thus unexplained

    The things that bear no name

    For even as the trees confound you

    Your path runs knarl’d and bent

    The creatures that dwell far within

    Are not themselves exempt

    Do not fear the woods my child

    Do not fear the wood

    But do not heed its cries for help

    They offer nothing good

    Do not believe the lies it tells

    Of people just like you

    Do not leave the path my child

    For wilds I could not subdue

    Do not fear the woods my child


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