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Earl, Honey
Earl, Honey
Earl, Honey
Ebook335 pages6 hours

Earl, Honey

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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“Ever since Pa hit him in the head with the two-by-four, Earl had lived with blinders on. Not real blinders, of course, because that would be foolish. It was his own brain that blinkered him.”

EARL HAHN is slow, the last one to catch on to things. Since the day his father hit him in the head with a 2x4 of loblolly pine, he’s struggled with a “thickness in his brain.” It takes him longer to make the connections others arrive at easily. When his father is prosecuted for the crime of incest, it feels like deliverance for Earl, his mother Lizzie Belle, and the entire Hahn family. Unfortunately, his father’s abhorrent actions are not done exacting a price. Everyone in the household will pay for their patriarch’s crimes – no one more than Earl.

So begins a powerful coming-of-age tale about a shy, damaged boy who must overcome unimaginable personal tragedy – both as its victim and its perpetrator. Raw, honest, and filled with heart, Earl, Honey recounts an extraordinary search for redemption amid the perilous world of the 1920s American South.

Release dateMay 24, 2022
Earl, Honey

D.S. Getson

D.S. Getson was born in North Carolina and grew up hearing snippets of Earl’s story whispered at family gatherings. Online research and interviews with relatives fleshed out the details of an extraordinary tragedy which the author then fictionalised “in between the lines.” A graduate of Duke and Southern Methodist Universities, the author resides in Texas.

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    Book preview

    Earl, Honey - D.S. Getson


    Part I:    Common Chickweed














    Part II:    Sourwood









    Part III:    American Holly


















    Author’s Note


    Part I:

    Common Chickweed

    STELLARIA MEDIA: A low weed common along roadsides and fields, often consumed by chickens and wild birds. Although it possesses numerous benefits, chickweed is considered undesirable within horticultural landscapes and great effort is expended to eradicate it.


    Summer 1970 / Summer 1921

    Ever since Pa hit him in the head with the two-by-four, Earl had lived with blinders on. Not real blinders, of course, because that would be foolish. It was his own brain that blinkered him.

    When he was a boy, his ma told him carriage horses wore blinders to keep from panicking on account of all the dangerous things they had surrounding ’em. That made sense to Earl. The world could be a terrifying place. Like a cart horse trotting a well-worn path, he preferred to keep his eyes down, looking neither right nor left to see what might be lurking in the shadows. That didn’t mean he couldn’t learn from his history. A letter from his sister Lucy could tug on his memory in unexpected ways and send him peeking, squinty-eyed, into the past.

    ‘I’ve bought you a plot,’ she writes in her spidery cursive. ‘It’s in the Piney Plains Cemetery, next to Ma. I think she would want you there, close to her heart. (Or whatever is left of her.)’

    He snorts then chokes, leading to a coughing fit that brings tears to his eyes. Dang, that girl can make him laugh. Chuckling, he removes a tattered blue handkerchief from his pocket and blows his nose. His sister Rose used to say Lucy had no couth. Lucy spoke what was on her mind and to hell with folks who judged her for it. Ma preferred other words. She told him once the Hahns were not a squeamish people. They were constructed of mud and straw and, like the earth, unrefined. At the time, he hadn’t known that word. He knows it now. ‘Unrefined’ is April 22nd in the word-of-the-day calendar Harold give to him on his last birthday. He’d read the word and the definition that come with it and knew it to be a description of him and all his kin.

    Setting the letter aside, Earl lights the flame beneath a burner and puts a pot of water on to boil. While he waits for the water to bubble, he pours himself an iced tea and stands at the window overlooking the garden. Maybe he’s of the earth, too, he thinks. There’s nothing he likes better than putting his hands into the dirt, burying a seed in a tiny pocket of soil and watching it grow. There’s no question in his mind that if he and Lucy are unrefined, it’s on account of their pa. He prays every day it’s the only thing that man passed down.

    The day his pa went on trial, Earl hadn’t known many words. He’d barely understood a thing the attorney men were saying. One word in particular buzzed around his head in search of a meaning. He tried using his imagination. Even now, years later, he could picture his pa, mouth wrenched in a grimace, a swarm of black beetles spilling onto Carolina clay. As a boy, the vision scared him and he’d squinched his eyes shut to block it. Which is why, when Pa slammed his fist to the table, Earl hadn’t been prepared. His eyes flew open, a startled yelp erupting from his mouth.

    Heads swiveled to stare, then pivoted back so as not to miss a single second of courtroom drama.

    I di’nt fornicate with no donkey. Es ist eine dirty lie!

    From the back of the darkly paneled room, he feels his pa’s rage like a ground tremor rippling its way through the crowd to the spot where he sits, surrounded by family. Well, except for Rose. She’s up front in a special seat. Oh, and Welcome and Faith, who Ma sent away after Rose got knocked up. But Wilhelm, Frieda, Kurt and Orbry fill one end of the pew. No, not a pew, he decides, cause they ain’t in church. A bench. A plain ol’ bench. Next is his ma. And beside him, his little sister fidgets like a jumping bean. Lucy gets anxious when Pa loses his temper. Besides which, they’s all hot as blister bugs. He can feel sweat tears trickling down his ribs. He gazes longingly at the closed window. Judge ordered for windows to stay shut on account of neighbors and newspapermen malingering outside, hoping to hear a bit of juice.

    And what about the other charge, Mr. Hahn? Is it true your daughter, Rose, is carrying your child?

    His pa never looks at Rose. He keeps his eyes hard on the man seated in the high box. Earl looks at his sister and notices the way her fingers tremble every time she lifts them from her lap. She’s grown large since he saw her last. Her belly enters the room before she does, making her seem strange to him. She’s always been a tiny thing. She looks different in other ways, too. She’s replaced her overalls with a proper dress. Where’d she get the dress? he wonders. Maybe the solicitor got it for her.

    Vat’s my rights, Judge? His pa points at the man in the black robe then seems to think better of it. The German accent he never lost after arriving in the country thickens each word. Venn I get sent to da penitentiary, vat vill ’appen to mein property?

    While you’re away, someone can be appointed to take charge of your affairs.

    His pa paces the courtroom, the little finger on his right hand twitching in a rhythm you could set a watch by. Usually, that’s a sign he’s getting ready to punch someone. Earl glances around to see who’s within striking distance. No one he knows. He isn’t sure his pa would hit a stranger.

    Then again, he isn’t sure he wouldn’t.

    The night before, Earl visited him in the jailhouse, delivering a clean shirt and a plate of ham and pinto beans. He found his pa ranting to the officers. The topics were endless but boiled down to one thing: the world had conspired against him. He couldn’t pay the money for his bond. He couldn’t afford an attorney to represent him in court. Earl had stepped back from the bars of the cage, glad his pa’s ire wasn’t directed at him. He stayed silent when his pa began mumbling darkly to himself. Finally, the man calmed, noticing the plate of food set before him and attacking the meal with animal appetite.

    In no hurry to be elsewhere, Earl lingered at the jailhouse so he could return the empty plate to his ma, knowing she needed every dish to feed their family. He may not have been able to put his thoughts into words, but deep down was an instinctive awareness of something his pa wasn’t saying. Something everyone but Pa seemed to know. There wasn’t a man within a hundred miles of Sampson County who would stand up for Reinhardt Hahn.

    Returning his attention to the action before him, he watches his pa grip the edge of the judge’s bench.

    Und ven I plead guilty, mein kinder – dey… dey vill not haf to listen to a trial. Ist das korrekt?

    For one swift second, Earl believes something like compassion flashes across the judge’s face. Perhaps he imagines the look, for it comes and goes so quickly, and he’s seated at the back of the room where tiny details can be mistaken.

    Mr. Hahn, you’ve been charged with four counts of buggery. In addition, you’ve been accused of forcefully and feloniously having carnal relations with your daughter. I have sworn affidavits from your wife and three of your children attesting to these accusations. Even if you plead guilty, I’ll need to learn more regarding the nature of the case in order to determine the extent of the punishment. However, the judge scans the courtroom as though daring anyone to disagree, in light of the delicate nature of these accusations, I could be persuaded to hold the penalty hearing privately in my chambers.

    In dat case, Your Honor, I vill sacrifice myself for the sake of mein kin.

    The judge turns to an elderly woman seated at the table below him. Mrs. Watson, please note for the record the defendant has entered a plea of guilty. He looks at Pa and motions toward the table across the room. Since you have forsworn representation, you may take your seat, Mr. Hahn.

    Your Honor?

    Major Butler, who’s seated between his sister and the solicitor, stands and clears his throat. Before adjourning the court, I would like to have entered into the record the testimony of Mr. Hahn’s neighbors. They can speak to the accused’s general character and behavior. I think it’s important for their statements to be heard before the penalty phase.

    Earl scratches his nose, leaning forward to see which neighbors have come to speak against Pa. He doesn’t see Farmer Tate. It would take a lot to pull him away from his daily labor. But he observes with interest as a tall, string bean man named Stanley Strickland makes his way to a seat at the front of the room. Earl has a bad feeling about this, on account of his pa poisoning Mr. Stan’s well last year. Earl was with him when he done it, taken a rotted chicken carcass and thrown it into the water with an audible splash.

    A few days later, Mr. Stan’s family took sick, one daughter dangerously so.

    Healthy now, and full of ire, their former neighbor glances toward the back row. Earl responds with a smile and lifts his arm to wave. His ma, catching the movement, presses his hand back to his side and holds it there. He turns to see what’s on her mind, but she continues to face forward, her expression impossible to read.

    One of the attorneys makes his way to the front and pauses beside Mr. Stan. Earl doesn’t know the man and watches curiously as he rocks back on his heels, thumbs hooked through tan suspenders. He hears Frieda whisper about how this man is from Raleigh, brought in to help with the case.

    Can you tell me how you know the accused? the man asks.

    I lived within a hundred yards of Hahn during his first year in Sampson County. I asked him how he came to be in the area. He told me he answered an advertisement posted in a newspaper up north. He took a train down to work for Mr. Sam Tate and lived in one of the sharecropper cabins. Mr. Tate let him work a small piece of land in exchange for tending to the farm.

    And what were your observations of Mr. Hahn during this time?

    It was concerning, Your Honor. The man clearly didn’t know anything about farming. He couldn’t hitch a horse or set a plow. He stares at Pa, who hangs on every word, his eyes spitting black fury at the man witnessing against him.

    I was trying to be neighborly, Mr. Stan continues. I showed him what to do and had opportunity to observe his manner of life.

    And did he demonstrate an ability to learn? the attorney man asks. At any time, did he appear to be crazy?

    Oh, Hahn has plenty of sense of some kind, but not a bit of another kind.

    I’m not sure I’m following. Can you be more specific?

    Well, he’s got good sense about some things, but he don’t have common sense, see? Like, Hahn bought these two mules at auction, but he didn’t know how to feed his stock to keep ’em hale. He lost both animals cause of careless handling, plain and simple. He worked ’em till they plumb gave out. Then he shot ’em in the head and took the skirt off.

    I beg your pardon?

    He skinned them and sold their hides.

    I see.

    Hahn told me he canned the meat. Only the meat spoiled. His boy back there tried to eat it and vomited it out every time.

    Earl’s eyes widen when Mr. Stan points his way. His stomach flips in remembrance and a sour taste fills his mouth. That had been some bad meat.

    Hahn threw the rest of it in the dirt. I guess he thought it would be good for his garden. Some dogs must have smelled it ’cause they dug up every piece.

    And how would you say the man treated his family?

    He was harsh, sir, very harsh. I recollect a time his wife, Lizzie Belle, she came to the tobacco barn one morning and I was in there with Hahn. She asked if she might spend the Sabbath. Hahn swore something at her in German. I don’t speak German, sir, but I could tell it was something ugly. And he said… these are his exact words… he said, ‘you can spend it, woman, but spend it tilling new ground’. Later, I saw her going out to the cropper’s field with a hoe and shovel. Also, he showed no regard or affection for the presence of his daughters. He’s a hard man and that’s a fact. Mr. Tate sacked him before he’d worked there a year.

    Earl nods his head in agreement. He may not recall much but he remembers that day. When Pa got sacked, everyone took the brunt of his anger. His violence was sweeping and irreversible. He glances down as Ma covers her right hand with the left, hiding her own reminder of that day: a jagged line that connects her pointing finger to a puckered spot on her wrist.

    Sensing his attention, she gives him a look he can’t decipher. Neither says a word.


    Earl is surprised at how many stories Mr. Stan knows about Pa. When their neighbor finally falls silent, the judge stares at Pa where he sits at the long wood table, his body vibrating with emotion.

    Mr. Hahn, since you are representing yourself, you have the right to cross-examine.

    Ist my turn to speak?

    His pa’s voice contains a tone Earl recognizes. Danger-danger. His heartbeat picks up speed. Time to duck and hide. Or run. Run and run. He casts his eyes around the unfamiliar room seeking a way out. Panic tightens his belly. Reflexively, he grabs hold of his ma and scooches closer. She gives his hand a pat.

    You may stand and address the witness, the judge says, his tones measured, his eye sharp on Pa.

    Lucy pokes Earl in the ribs and he leans down to hear her words. I want to go home, she says, clearly agitated. She heard the same tone.

    Earl pulls on his ma’s sleeve until she tips her head, her eyes never leaving the action at the front of the room. Lucy wants to go home, he says. He doesn’t say ‘me, too’ but he’s thinkin’ it. He knows his pa’s explosions. If one’s coming, he don’t want to be anywhere near.

    Later. Not yet. You need to hear this. You both do. She turns to look at him, her eyes full of feelings he’s unsure how to read. She lowers her voice so only Earl can hear. You’re safe here, hon, but you need to pay attention. Someday, you may want to remember this.

    Yes ma’am. He glances at Lucy and gives his head a shake. She releases a puff of breath and sits back on the bench with her head pressed against the wood. Her face has the same long-suffering expression she wears in church. Like all the grown-ups in the world exist simply to thwart her.

    Earl gathers his attention and focuses on Pa. He’s dressed in his overalls with the oil stain on the bib, but the shirt is clean. Ma insisted her husband shouldn’t shame her further than he already had. The least he could do was show up in court looking presentable. Earl isn’t sure a clean shirt could make his pa presentable. Still, it’s hard to look away from the wiry man as he strides to where Mr. Stan sits in the witness box. Even from a distance, the rage he carries inside shimmers the air around him. He wastes no time lightin’ into his former neighbor.

    Sir, you haf perjured yourself. I di’nt fornicate vith no jackass. You’re a damn liar.

    I saw you with my own eyes. So did your boy.

    You lie!

    Then why were you chasing him through the cornfield with your ass hanging out of your britches?

    Several men break into coughing fits. Hahn’s face flushes like a scalded tomato.

    Eyes never wavering from his pa, Earl chews one finger, remembering his narrow escape. He’d seen something he weren’t s’posed to see, somethin’ that made his skin crawl. He’d tried to back out of the barn without makin’ a noise. He failed. He decided to break for it when he realized Pa had heard his footstep, his head swiveling to pin him with a furious stare. He outran his pa that day – he could outrun just about anyone – but it only delayed the punishment. His pa was waitin’ with a fresh switch when Earl slipped into the house later. He never did tell his ma what that whipping was for and one look at her husband’s face had discouraged questions.

    Now he watches closely as Pa goes nose-to-nose with Mr. Stan. Earl continues to worry his finger, silently assessing the strength of the slender wood barrier separating the two men.

    I’m gonna shoot you twixt the eyes. Pa’s voice is low and mean.

    Judge, did you hear that? Did you hear? Hahn threatened me. Stanley Strickland gestures toward the packed room. Y’all heard it.

    Kvatch! So ein misthaufen! You’re a lily-livered chicken shit! shouts Pa, delivering a sharp kick to the witness stand.

    We’ll take this outside and settle it once and for all, Mr. Stan growls back, matching his volume. He rises to his feet with hands fisted.

    I’ll vip you vere you stand, Pa snarls. He lifts both arms and crouches into his favorite fighting stance, his right fist and right foot forward. As folks in the courtroom inch toward the edge of their seats, Earl sinks back into his, waiting for Pa to launch his left cross right hook.

    The judge motions to an officer by the wall, who reaches his pa in four strides, gripping the man’s shoulder like he means business. Feeling the ambush behind him, his pa swirls with an automatic jab to the officer’s midsection. The man expels a loud whoof then wraps strong arms around Pa.

    That’s enough! The judge gives Pa a stern look then faces the witness. Mr. Strickland, sit down. Mr. Hahn, you’re supposed to cross-examine the witness, not hurl threats and accusations. I won’t have you making a mockery of this courtroom.

    I don’t know vat you mean, his pa mutters sullenly, squirming in the officer’s embrace. His eyes are hot.

    Can you control your temper? the judge demands. And I’ll thank you not to abuse county property. Not unless you’re prepared to make reparations.

    After a minute, his pa shrugs off the guard and wipes a hand down his face. He drops his head, staring hard at the floor. Earl knows the man can be wily. He might be readying for another attack.

    The judge waits a beat to ensure order has been restored. When it seems as though further violence will not be forthcoming, he motions the officer back to his position beside the flag. Now, Mr. Hahn, would you like to ask the witness questions regarding his testimony?

    Pa wags his head. His movements appear slow and halting as though he’s making his way through mud. Vat’s da use, Your Honor? I’m not a lawyer. Vat’s da use?

    Noting the slumped shoulders, it occurs to Earl he’s never seen his pa like this, beat down and uncertain. If folks are to be believed, his pa is something called a moral. That’s another word he doesn’t know. What he does know is that it takes a lot to break a Hahn.

    His next thought is about heat and the misery of sitting still in such a place. The trial’s takin’ a long time. Sharp light coming through the near window is hard to bear. It will ease his listening if he rests his eyes, only for a second.

    He doesn’t stir until he feels a sharp elbow in the ribs. Struggling to come awake, he stares about with confusion. Wh… what’s goin’ on?

    Take Lucy, his ma says briskly. Go outside. Wait for us.

    Yawning, he wipes the grit from his eyes and stares bemusedly at the bank of windows. He can tell from the altered slant of sunbeam that a considerable amount of time has passed. That was a good nap, he thinks with satisfaction. He notices Lucy. She’s on her feet, watching him expectantly.

    Where’re we going? he mumbles.

    Take your sister outside. The rest of us are going to speak with the judge.

    As he processes the words, his brows draw together in a scowl. He doesn’t like the idea of her goin’ off without him. I need to speak with the judge, too.

    Go on, now. Look after your sister like I asked. Take her hand.

    Lower lip jutting, he opens his hand. Lucy slips hers into it.

    If the judge wants to speak with you, I’ll come fetch you myself.

    What are you going to do? he asks. Why can’t I come?

    She places rough hands on either side of his face and makes him look at her directly.

    What do you ask me every night before you go to bed?

    He doesn’t have to think about it. Am I safe? he whispers.

    And since your pa’s been in the jailhouse, what’s my answer?

    Yes. And it was true. He’d felt safe for the first time in his life. Safe from ugly words and harsh blows; safe from the need to be invisible.

    You and Rose are going to get justice, she says softly. Ladies and children got rights now. It’s the law. It won’t make up for what he did. But it’s a start. Your pa’s going to get what he has coming.

    Like a present?

    She nods. Like a present for you and me and for your sisters.

    For Lucy, too?

    Most definitely for Lucy. A look comes over her face that he recognizes. It signals a step back in time, a visible shift from the damp, Southern summer to another century and an old-world upbringing she’d never shaken. Leviticus says, ‘none of you shall approach to any that is kin, to uncover their nakedness’. She stares him hard in the eyes. Do you understand?

    He doesn’t but nods anyway.

    ‘Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself.’ It’s a perversion. Your pa is a perversion.

    Yes ma’am.

    Now, watch your sister. Mind yourself, hear?

    Yes ma’am.

    She motions to his brothers and to Frieda and they head toward the front of the room, where the judge stands waiting with Rose. Earl glances down at his sister.

    Come on then.


    Sampson County is known for three things: flue-cured tobacco, grand champion hogs and epic heat and humidity. Even late in the day, the air glimmers with a veil of moisture. Earlier, Earl had craved a bit of breeze. Now that he’s outside the courthouse, he feels submerged in the air. He wants to peel his shirt and race for the river.

    Loitering in the shade of a brick side porch, he peeks at his sister. Tiny droplets bead on her forehead and above her lip.

    I’m heat-struck, she whispers.

    Pooh. This is nothin’. Last summer was hotter.

    I’m gonna melt right here in a puddle of Lucy, you watch.

    Want me to fan you?


    He flaps his hands around her head till she shoos him off, giggling.

    Come on. Wrapping his large hand around Lucy’s delicate one, he steps down to the sidewalk. At the corner, three kids play a tagging game. He glances their way then tugs on his sister to follow him. He tries to figure the best place to wait for Ma and finally heads across Main Street to the five-and-dime. He doesn’t have a penny for candy but the two of them can take a slice of shade beneath the awning and maybe catch up on gossip.

    Hi there, Mr. Purvis, he says, stepping up to the storefront. Mr. Purvis has his head down, looking thoughtful as he walks home from the office. He’s a deacon at the church, and he’s kind to their ma. As the children approach, he lifts his head and gives them a smile that is reassuring in its sincerity.

    Good afternoon, Earl. The trial still going on?

    No sir. But the judge needed to speak with Ma, so Lucy and I are to wait outside.

    The man reaches

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