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Mind Your Business
Mind Your Business
Mind Your Business
Ebook98 pages46 minutes

Mind Your Business

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About this ebook

Despite watching his father pursue and attain his entrepreneurial dream, Ekinnard Moss was once afraid to take the leap into launching and leading a company. Yet as he cautiously began to put one foot in front of another, take risks, and recognize his potential, Moss soon realized that will is more important than know-how, and that anything worth having is worth working toward.
In a motivational guide, Moss shares encouraging affirmations, quotes, and personal stories intended to lift up and provide strength and positivity to anyone desiring to become an entrepreneur. His guidance includes words of wisdom about staying humble, always being productive, achieving greatness despite mistakes, investing time and energy into building extraordinary things, leading with integrity no matter the challenges ahead, and channeling energy in the right direction. Included is a glimpse of the lessons surrounding the Black Wall Street Massacre of 1921, one of the most shocking single incidents of racial terrorism in US history, as well as the historical events surrounding Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Mind Your Business is a motivational guide that shares affirmations, quotes, and personal stories to provide wisdom to those wishing to step into the exciting world of entrepreneurship.
Release dateJun 7, 2022
Mind Your Business

E.Kinnard Moss

Ekinnard Moss is the founder of Emerald Enterprise Corporation and author of There’s A Good Brother Right Around The Corner and Striving 4 Perfection. Through his mentorship and leadership, he has provided jobs to many across the US as well as encouragement to youth and others to believe there is greatness inside each of them. Moss is a motivational speaker and a proud father of four who lives in Orlando, Florida.

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    Mind Your Business - E.Kinnard Moss

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    Published by AuthorHouse  06/07/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-4638-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-4637-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021924521

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    Chapter 1     The Task at Hand

    Chapter 2     Black Entrepreneurship

    Chapter 3     Make It Happen

    Chapter 4     Possibilities

    Chapter 5     The Future Is Now

    Chapter 6     Mental Health Is Wealth

    Chapter 7     Lessons

    Chapter 8     The World Is Yours

    Chapter 9     Energy

    Chapter 10   That Part

    The Conclusion of the Matter

    About the Author


    Time is valuable and purpose fulfilled is rewarding. Don’t bury your talent; live your life to its full potential. Fear can be your number-one enemy, but with hard work and determination, you can reach that dream. What you do today determines your future. Nothing happens overnight, so patience and endurance are must haves when you are trying to become successful. Think positive thoughts, and use your time and energy wisely as positive energy activates constant elevation. The world belongs to the optimistic; nothing good comes from negativity. Continue to build, and one day you will feel the thrill of victory, not the agony of defeat. Channel your energy in the right direction, and you will continue to make progress. Analyze life in a respectable mindset and be great.

    Once you accomplish all that you have set out to do, you achieve immortality. Your greatness will forever be spoken of. Be all that you can be, and you will inspire others to do the same. There’s always somebody watching you. Be accountable for your choices, and never doubt your abilities. Not everyone will be proud of you, but they will wonder how you make it happen. Success is the greatest middle finger of all. Become the best version of yourself, and to hell with the rest.


    In honor of my father, Mr. Donald Moss.

    You instilled in me so much. You were the first person who said to me, Boy, everything you touch turns into gold. I have always admired you for your business mind. While growing up, I watched you begin three businesses. Because of you I went to plenty of professional football, basketball, and baseball games. You taught me business and how to invest in myself. You challenged me to be creative and to find out what I liked to do. You never cared what people thought of you. You just did you. You taught me to look like money even if I was broke. You taught me that one thing always leads to another. You taught me to dance with my woman and to be a family man. You taught me what it is to be a man. You taught me what is important in life and what isn’t. Because of you I am a man, a businessman. You are my Superman. I honor, respect, and love you, man.



    STARVE YOUR DISTRACTION, AND FEED your focus. In order for you to do big things in life, you must be willing to sleep outside and come out from your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. You can either work nine to five your entire life or bring forth your own ideas. If you are passionate about something, then that is what you are supposed to be doing. And with hard work and determination, you can make it come to pass. You must be willing to sacrifice unless you have a lot of money. Everything takes money, and I don’t think it’s going to happen overnight. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day (or night). It’s always good to have support and someone who believes in you, but it’s your vision, and everybody wasn’t meant to see things like you do. It’s up to you to be true to yourself and believe in what you are doing. Be confident and know without a shadow of a doubt that you can bring your vision to pass. Write the vision down on paper and make it plain so you will chase after it.

    Anything worth having is worth working for. You will surely face obstacles, so have a little faith. But faith alone is not going to do it. Faith without works is dead. Business is not for everyone. If this is something you can see yourself doing, then it’s for you. If you can see yourself being a boss, then you can be one. You must be self-motivated and focused on what’s important. You must use your time wisely. You’re not going to make it to the family reunion or a night out on the town with your homies because you have work to be done.

    Remember, it takes money to make money, so you can’t afford to be wasteful. It takes constant investment in order to run a business. Just because you have money doesn’t mean you can spend it. Don’t think that someone is going to give you anything because you are doing something good. People don’t care if you succeed or not. Some hope that you don’t. Try not to deal with your family or friends until you have completed what you have set out to do. Some will try and make you feel like what you are doing is not important. To them it’s not. People have their own lives, and so do you. There will be times that you wish you could do more. Don’t beat yourself up; just keep on building. Be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished thus far.

    If one door closes, knock on the back door. It’s all about information, and there are different ways of doing things. Research is a must when trying to start a business.

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