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Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
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Sewerage and Sewage Treatment

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"Sewerage and Sewage Treatment" by Harold E. Babbitt often goes overlooked as simply a manual about sewage and drainage protocol during the late 1800s and early 1900s. However, that is far from the truth. Babbitt, a university professor, manages to make the topic not only informative but also fascinating. By illustrating the ways in which cities' drainage systems functioned, in fact, allows modern readers to learn about society during the time the text was written. Thus, even if the information contained within the pages of the book is outdated, the interest in reading it still remains.
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    Sewerage and Sewage Treatment - Harold E. Babbitt

    Harold E. Babbitt

    Sewerage and Sewage Treatment

    EAN 8596547060635

    DigiCat, 2022

    Contact: DigiCat@okpublishing.info

    Table of Contents




    Methods of Financing

    Preliminary Work


    Quantity of Storm Water



    Design of a Storm Water Sewer System




    Workmanship and Finish

    Placing Concrete






    Work of the Engineer


    Sheeting and Bracing

    Line and Grade


    Explosives and Blasting

    Pipe Sewers

    Brick and Block Sewers

    Concrete Sewers






    Plain Sedimentation

    Chemical Precipitation







    Electrolytic Treatment






    Table of Contents

    This book is a development of class-room and lecture notes prepared by the author for use in his classes at the University of Illinois. He has found such notes necessary, since among the many books dealing with sewerage and sewage treatment he has found none suitable as a text-book designed to cover the entire subject. The need for a single book of the character described has been expressed by engineers in practice, and by students and teachers for use in the class-room. This book has been prepared to meet both these needs. It is hoped that the searching questions propounded by students in using the original notes, and the suggestions and criticisms of engineers and teachers who have read the manuscript, have resulted in a text which can be readily understood.

    The ground covered includes an exposition of the principles and methods for the designing, construction and maintenance of sewerage works, and also of the treatment of sewage. In covering so wide a field the author has deemed it necessary to include some chapters which might equally well appear in works on other branches of engineering, such as the chapter on Pumps and Pumping Stations. Special stress has been laid on the fundamentals of the subject rather than the details of practice, although illustrations have been drawn freely from practical work. The quotation of expert opinions which may be in controversy, or the citation of examples of different methods of accomplishing the same thing, has been avoided when possible in order to simplify explanations and to avoid confusing the beginner.

    The work is to some extent a compilation of notes and quotations which have been collected by the author during years of study and teaching the subject. Credit has been given wherever due, and at the same time references have pointed out the original sources whenever possible. These references, which have been supplemented by brief bibliographies at the end of certain chapters, will be useful to the student and engineer interested in further study. Occasionally the original reference has been lost or the phraseology of a quotation has been so altered by class-room use, as to make it impossible to trace the original source, so that in some few instances full credit may be lacking.

    The author is indebted to many of his friends for their criticisms and suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript; but he desires particularly to acknowledge the assistance of Professor A. N. Talbot, Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering at the University of Illinois, and of Professor M. L. Enger, Professor of Mechanics and Hydraulics at the University of Illinois, in the entire work; also that of Mr. T. D. Pitts, Principal Assistant Engineer of the Baltimore Sewerage Commission during the construction of the Baltimore sewers, for his suggestions on the first half of the book; and to Mr. Paul Hansen, consulting engineer, of Chicago, and to Mr. Langdon Pearse, Sanitary Engineer of the Sanitary District of Chicago, for their help on the section covering the treatment of sewage; and to Professor Edward Bartow, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Iowa, for his review of the chapter on Activated Sludge; in general his thanks are due to all others who have furnished suggestions, illustrations, or quotations, acknowledgments of which have been included in the text.

    H. E. B.

    Urbana, Illinois, 1922.




    Table of Contents

    1. Sewerage and the Sanitary Engineer.—Present day conceptions of sanitation are based on the scientific discoveries which have resulted so much in the increased comfort and safety of human life during the past century, in the increase of our material possessions, and the extent of our knowledge. The danger to health in the accumulation of filth, the spreading of disease by various agents, the germ theory of disease, and other important principles of sanitation can be counted among the more recent scientific discoveries and pronouncements. Experience has shown, and continues to show, that the increase of population may be inhibited by accumulations of human waste in populous districts. The removal of these wastes is therefore essential to the existence of our modern cities.

    The greatest need of a modern city is its water supply. Without it city life would be impossible. The next most important need is the removal of waste matters, particularly wastes containing human excreta or the germs of disease. To exist without street lights, pavements, street cars, telephones, and the many other attributes of modern city life might be possible, although uncomfortable. To exist in a large city without either water or sewerage would be impossible. The service rendered by the sanitary engineer to the large municipality is indispensable. In addition to the service necessary to the maintenance of life in large cities, the sanitary engineer serves the smaller city, the rural community, the isolated institution, and the private estate with sanitary conveniences which make possible comfortable existence in them, and which are frequently considered as of paramount necessity. Training for service in municipal sanitation is training for a service which has a more direct beneficial effect on humanity than any other engineering work, or any other profession. W. P. Gerhard states:

    A Sanitary Engineer is an engineer who carries out those works of civil engineering which have for their object:

    (a) The promotion of the public and individual health;

    (b) The remedying of insanitary conditions;

    (c) The prevention of epidemic diseases.

    A well-educated sanitary engineer should have a thorough knowledge of general civil engineering, of architecture, and of sanitary science. The practice of the sanitary engineer embraces water supply, sewerage, and sewage and garbage disposal for cities and for single buildings; the prevention of river pollution, the improvement of polluted water supplies; street paving and street cleaning, municipal sanitation, city improvement plans, the laying out of cities, the preparation of sanitary surveys, the regulation of noxious trades, disinfection, cremation, and the sanitation of buildings.

    The need of the work of the sanitary engineer in the provision of sewers and drains is thrust upon us in our daily experience by the clogging of sewers, the flooding of streets by heavy rains, filthy conditions in unsewered districts, increased values of property and improved conditions of living in sewered districts, and in many other ways. The increasing demand for sewerage and the amount of money expended on sewer construction is indicated by the information given in Table I.

    2. Historical.—An ordinance passed by the Roman Senate in the name of the Emperor about A.D. 80, states:

    I desire that nobody shall conduct away any excess water without having received my permission or that of my representatives; for it is necessary that a part of the supply flowing from the delivery tanks shall be utilized not only for cleaning our city, but also for flushing the sewers.[1]

    Neither the sewers mentioned nor the distributing pipes of the public water supply were connected to individual residences. The contributions to the sewers came from the ground and the street surface. The streets were the receptacles of liquid and solid wastes and were often little more than open sewers. A promenade after dark in an ancient, medieval, or early modern city was accompanied not only by the underfoot dangers of an uneven pavement or an encounter with a footpad, but with the overhead danger from the emptying of slops into the streets from the upper windows. Sewers were used for the collection of surface water; the discharge of fecal matter into them was prohibited. The problem of the collection of sewage remained unsolved until the Nineteenth Century.

    The development of the London sewers was commenced early in the Nineteenth Century. The sewerage system of Hamburg, Germany, was laid out in 1842 by Lindley, an English engineer who with other English engineers performed similar work in other German cities because of their earlier experience in English communities. Berlin’s present system dates from 1860. The construction of storm-water drains in Paris dates from 1663.[5] They were intended only as street drains but are now included in the comprehensive system of the city. The first comprehensive sewerage system in the United States was designed by E. S. Chesbrough for the City of Chicago in 1855. Previous to this time sewers had been installed in an indifferent manner and without definite plan. The installation of a comprehensive sewerage system in Baltimore in 1915 marks the completion of installation of sewerage systems in all large American cities.

    In the early days of sewerage design it was considered unsafe to discharge domestic wastes into the sewers as the concentration of so much sewage was expected to create great nuisances and dangers to health. That the fear that the concentration of large quantities of sewage would create a nuisance was not ill founded is proven by the conditions on the Thames at London in 1858–59. Dr. Budd states:[6]

    For the first time in the history of man, the sewage of nearly three millions of people had been brought to seethe and ferment under a burning sun in one vast open cloaca lying in their midst.

    The result we all know. Stench so foul we may well believe had never before ascended to pollute this lower air. Never before at least had a stink risen to the height of an historic event.... For months together the topic almost monopolized the public prints.... ‘India is in revolt and the Thames stinks’ were the two great facts coupled together by a distinguished foreign writer, to mark the climax of a national humiliation.[7]

    The problem of sewage disposal followed the more or less successful solutions of the problem of sewage collection. In England the British Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal was appointed in 1857 and issued its first report in 1865. The first studies in the United States were started in 1887 by the establishment of an experiment station at Lawrence, Massachusetts, where valuable work has been done. The station is under the State Board of Health, which issued its first report containing the results of the work at the station, in 1890.

    Various methods of sewage treatment preparatory to disposal have been devised from time to time. Some have fallen into disuse, such as the A. B. C. (alum, blood and clay) process, and others have taken a permanent place, such as the septic tank. The unsolved problems of sewage collection, and the number of persons still unserved by sewerage and sewage disposal opens a wide field to the study and construction of sewerage works.

    3. Methods of Collection.—The method of collection which involves the removal of night soil from a privy vault, the pail system which involves the collection of buckets of human excreta from closets and homes, indoor chemical closets, and other makeshift methods of collection are of extreme importance where no sewers exist, but they are not properly considered as sewerage systems or sewerage works. These methods of collection are generally confined to rural districts and to outlying parts of urban communities. They require constant attention for their proper conduct and little skill for their installation, the principal requirements being to make the receptacles fly-proof.

    The pneumatic system was introduced by Liernur, a Dutch engineer.[8] It is used in parts of a few cities in Europe, but it is not capable of use on a large scale. It consists of a system of air-tight pipes, connecting water closets, kitchen sinks, etc., with a central pumping station at which an air-tight tank is provided from which the air is partly exhausted. As little water as possible is allowed to mix with the fecal matter and other wastes in order not to overtax the system. Solid and liquid wastes are drawn to the central station when the waste valve on the plumbing fixture is opened.

    The collection of sewage in a system of pipes through which it is conducted by the buoyant effect and scouring velocity of water is known as the water-carriage system. This is the only method of sewage collection in general use in urban communities. In this system solid and liquid wastes are so highly diluted with water as either to float or to be suspended therein. The mixture resulting from this high dilution follows the laws of hydraulics as applied to pure water, or water containing suspended matter. It will flow freely through properly designed conduits and will concentrate the sewage wastes at the point of ultimate disposal.

    4. Methods of Disposal.—Sewage is disposed of by dilution in water, by treatment on land, or occasionally by discharging it into channels that contain no diluting water. Some form of treatment to prepare sewage for ultimate disposal is frequently necessary and will undoubtedly be required in a comparatively short time for all sewage discharged into watercourses. The solid matters removed by treatment may be buried, burned, dumped into water, or used as a fertilizer.

    If the volume of diluting water, or the area and character of land used for disposal are not as they should be, a nuisance will be created. The aim of all methods of sewage treatment has so far been to produce an effluent which could be disposed of without nuisance and in certain exceptional cases to protect public water supplies from pollution. Financial returns have been sought only as a secondary consideration. A few sewage farms and irrigation projects might be considered as exceptions to this as the value of the water in the sewage as an irrigant has been the primary incentive to the promotion of the farm.

    It is to be remembered that since the aim of all sewage treatment is to produce an effluent that can be disposed of without causing a nuisance, the simplest process by which this result can be attained under the conditions presented is the process to be adopted. No attempt is made to purify sewage completely, or on a practical scale to make drinking water.

    5. Methods of Treatment.—Screening and sedimentation are the primary methods for the treatment of sewage. By these methods a portion of the floating and settleable solids are removed, preventing the formation of unsightly scum and putrefying sludge banks. Chemicals are sometimes added to the sewage to form a heavy flocculent precipitate which hastens sedimentation of the solid matters in the sewage. The process in these methods is mechanical and the solid matters removed from the sewage must be disposed of by other methods than dilution with the sewage effluent. More complete methods of treatment are dependent on biologic action. Under these methods of treatment complete stabilization of the effluent is approached, and in the most complete treatment an effluent is produced which is clear, sparkling, non-odorous, non-putrescible, and sterile. Sterilization of sewage, usually with chlorine or some of its compounds, has been used, not to reduce the amount of diluting water necessary, but to reduce the number of pathogenic germs and to minimize the danger of the transmission of disease.

    6. Definitions.—Sewage and sewerage are not synonymous terms although frequently confused. Sewage is the spent water supply of a community containing the waste from domestic, industrial or commercial use, and such surface and ground water as may enter the sewer.[9] Sewerage is the name of the system of conduits and appurtenances designed to carry off the sewage. It is also used to indicate anything pertaining to sewers.

    A difference is made between sanitary sewage, storm sewage, and industrial wastes. Sanitary sewage, sometimes called domestic sewage, is the liquid wastes discharged from residences or institutions, and contains water closet, laundry and kitchen wastes. Storm sewage is the surface run-off which reaches the sewers during and immediately after a storm. Industrial wastes are the liquid waste products discharged from industrial plants.

    A sewer is a conduit used for conveying sewage.

    The names of the conduits through which sewage may flow are:

    Soil Stack.—A vertical pipe in a building through which waste water containing fecal matter or urine is allowed to flow.

    Waste Pipe.—A vertical pipe in a building through which waste water containing no fecal matter is allowed to flow.

    House Drain.—The approximately horizontal portion of a house drainage system which conveys the drainage from the soil stack or waste pipe to the point of discharge from the building.

    House Sewer.—The pipe which leads from the outside wall of the building to the sewer in the street.

    Lateral Sewer.—The smallest branch in a sewerage system, exclusive of the house sewers.

    Sub-main or Branch Sewer.—A sewer from which the sewage from two or more laterals is discharged.[10]

    Main or Trunk Sewer.—A sewer into which the sewage from two or more sub-main or branch sewers is discharged.[11]

    Intercepting Sewer.—A sewer generally laid transversely to a sewerage system to intercept some portion or all of the sewage collected by the system.

    Relief Sewer.—A sewer intended to carry a portion of the flow from a district already provided with sewers of insufficient capacity and thus preventing overtaxing the latter.[12]

    Outfall Sewer.—That portion of a main or trunk sewer below all branches.

    Flushing Sewer.—A conduit through which water is conveyed for flushing portions of a sewerage system.

    Force Main.—A conduit through which sewage is pumped under pressure.



    Table of Contents

    7. Division of Work.—Engineering work on sewerage can be divided into four parts, namely: preliminary, design, construction and maintenance. An engineer may be engaged during any one or all of these periods on the same sewerage system, and should therefore be acquainted with his duties during each period.

    8. Preliminary.—The demand for sewerage normally follows the installation or extension of the public water supply. It may be caused by: a lack of drainage on some otherwise desirable tract of real estate; from a public realization of unpleasant or unhealthful conditions in a built-up district; or through the realization by the municipal administration of the necessity for caring for the future. In whatever way the demand may be created the engineer should take an active part in the promotion of the work.

    The engineer’s duties during the preliminary period are: to make a study of the possible methods by which the demand for sewerage can be satisfied; to present the results of this study in the form of a report to the committee or organization responsible for the promotion of the work; and so to familiarize himself with the conditions affecting the installation of the proposed plans as to be able to answer all inquiries concerning them. This work will require the general qualities of character, judgment, efficiency and the understanding of men in addressing interested persons individually and collectively on the features of the proposed plans, and the exercise of engineering technique in the survey and the drawing of the plans. The engineer should assure himself that all legal requirements in the drawing of petitions, advertising, permits, etc., have been complied with. This requires some knowledge of national, state, and local laws. Although none the less essential their description is not within the scope of this book.

    The engineer’s preliminary report should contain a section devoted to the feasibility of one or more plans which may be explained in more or less detail with a statement of the cost and advantages of each. A conclusion should be reached as to the most desirable plan and a recommendation made that this plan be installed. Other sections of the report may be devoted to a history of the growing demand, a description of the conditions necessitating sewerage, possible methods of financing, and such other subjects as may be pertinent. The making of the preliminary plan and the design of sewerage works are described in subsequent chapters.

    9. Estimate of Cost.—In making an estimate of cost the information should be presented in a readable and easily comprehended manner. It is necessary that the items be clearly defined and that all items be included. The method of determining the costs of doubtful items such as depreciation, interest charges, labor, etc., and the probability of the fluctuation of the costs of certain items should be explained.

    The engineer’s estimate may be divided somewhat as follows:



    Overhead. This may include construction plant, office expense, supervision, bond, interest on borrowed capital, insurance, transportation, etc. The amount of the item is seldom less than 15 per cent and is usually over 20 per cent of the contract price.

    Contingencies. This allowance is usually 10 to 15 per cent of the contract price.

    Profit. This should be from 5 to 10 per cent of the sum of the four preceding items.

    The contract price is the sum of these items. To this may be added:

    Engineering. 2 to 5 per cent of the contract price.

    Extra Work. Zero to 15 per cent of the contract price; dependent on the character of the work, the completeness of the preliminary information, the completeness of the plans, etc.

    Legal expense.

    Purchase of land, rights of way, etc., etc.

    The cost of the sewer may be stated as so much per linear foot for different sizes of pipe, including all appurtenances such as manholes, catch-basins, etc., or the items may be separated in great detail somewhat as follows:

    Earth excavation, per cu. yd.

    Rock excavation, per cu. yd.

    Backfill, per cu. yd.

    Brick manholes, 3 feet by 4 feet, per foot of depth.

    Vitrified sewer pipe with cement joints, in place,

    ... inches in diameter, 0 to 6 feet deep

    6 to 8 feet deep

    8 to 10 feet deep

    Repaving, macadam per sq. yd.

    asphalt per sq. yd.

    Flush-tanks,... gal. capacity, per tank.

    Service pipes to flush-tanks, per linear foot., etc., etc.

    These methods represent the two extremes of presenting cost estimates. Each method, or modification thereof, may have its use, dependent on circumstances.

    Reliable cost data are difficult to obtain. Lists of prices of materials and labor are published in certain engineering and trade periodicals. The Handbook of Cost Data by H. P. Gillette contains lists of the amount of material and labor used on certain specific jobs and types of construction. The price of labor and materials on the local market can be obtained from the local Chamber of Commerce, contractors and other employers of labor, and dealers in the desired commodities. Contract prices for sewerage work published in the construction news sections of engineering periodicals may be a guide to the judgment of the probable cost of proposed work, but are generally dangerous to rely upon as full details are lacking in the description of the work. A wide experience in the collection and use of cost data is the desirable qualification for making estimates of cost. It is possessed by few and is not an infallible aid to the judgment.

    Having completed the design and summary of the bills of material and labor necessary for each structure or portion of the sewerage system, the product of the unit cost and the amount of each item plus an allowance for overhead will equal the cost of the item. The total cost will be the sum of the costs of each item. The items should be so grouped that the cost of the different portions of the system are separated in order that the effect on the total cost resulting from different combinations of items or the omission of any one item may be readily computed.

    A method for estimating the approximate cost of sewers, devised by W. G. Kirchoffer[13] depends upon the use of the diagram shown in Fig. 2. The factors for local conditions are shown in Table 2. For example, let it be required to find the cost of a 15–inch vitrified pipe sewer at a depth of 9 feet, if the unit costs of labor and material and the conditions are the same as shown in Table 3.

    Fig. 2.—Diagram for Estimating the Cost of Sewers.

    Eng. News, Vol. 76, p. 781.


    First: To find the factor depending on local conditions, enter the diagram at the 10–inch diameter and continue down until the intersection with the depth of trench at 8.2 feet is found. Now go diagonally parallel to lines running from left to right upwards to the intersection with the vertical line through a cost of 45 cents per foot. The diagonal line running from left to right downwards through this intersection corresponds to a factor of about 11.

    Second: To find the cost of 15–inch pipe at a depth of 9.0 feet, enter the diagram at a diameter of 15 inches and continue down until the intersection with a depth of trench at 9 feet is found. Now go diagonally parallel to lines running from left to right upwards to the intersection with the diagonal line running from left to right downwards corresponding to the factor of 11 found above. The vertical line passing through this point shows the cost to be 67 cents per foot.

    Methods of Financing

    Table of Contents

    The construction of sewerage works may be paid for by the issue of municipal bonds, by special assessment, by funds available from the general taxes, or by private enterprise.

    10. Bond Issues.—A municipal bond is a promise by the municipality to pay the face value of the bond to the holder at a certain specified time, with interest at a stipulated rate during the interim. The security on the bond is the taxable property in the municipality. The legal restrictions thrown around municipal bond issues, the value of the taxable property in the municipality, all of which may be used as security for municipal bonds, and the fact that a municipality can be sued in case of default, make municipal bonds desirable and provide a good market for their sale. The funds available from a municipal bond issue are limited by the amount that the legal limit is in excess of the outstanding issues. The legal limit varies in different states from about 5 to 15 per cent of the assessed value of the property in the municipality. In some cases the amount available from municipal bonds has been increased by forming a municipality within a municipality such as a sanitary district, a park district, a drainage district, etc., which comprises a large portion or all of an existing municipal corporation. This case is well illustrated in some parts of the City of Chicago where the municipal taxing powers are shared by the City government, the Sanitary District, and Park Commissioners. The right to create a new municipal corporation must be granted by the state legislature. Knowledge of fixed bonds, serial bonds, life of bonds, sinking funds, etc. is an important part of an engineer’s education.[14]

    Bond issues must usually be presented to the voters for approval at an election. If approved, and other legal procedure has been followed, the bonds may be bought by some of the many bonding houses, or by private individuals, and the money is immediately available for construction. The bonds are redeemed by general taxation spread over the period of the issue.

    11. Special Assessment.—A special assessment is levied against property benefited directly by the structure being paid for. Special assessments are used for the payment for the construction of lateral sewers which are a direct benefit to separate districts but are without general benefit to the city. In case the construction of an outfall sewer or the erection of a treatment plant, which may be of some general benefit, is necessary to care for a separate district, a part of the expense may be borne by funds available from general taxation. The legal procedure for the raising of funds by special assessment and the purpose to which the funds so raised may be applied are stipulated in great detail in different states and their directions must be followed implicitly. Illinois procedure, which is similar to that in some other states, is as follows: a meeting of the interested property owners is called by a committee or board of the municipal government, as the result of a petition by interested persons or through the independent action of the Board. At this preliminary meeting or public hearing arguments for and against the proposed improvement are heard. The engineer is present at this meeting to answer questions and to advise concerning the engineering features of the plan. If approval is given by the Board the plan and specifications are prepared complete in every detail and incorporated in an ordinance which is presented to the legislative branch of the city government for passage. If the project is adopted it is taken to the county court. An assessment roll is prepared by a commissioner appointed by the court. This roll shows the amount to be assessed against each piece of property benefited. A hearing is then held in the county court at which the owner of any assessed property may voice objections to the continuation of the project. The project may be thrown out of court for many different reasons, such as the misspelling of a street name, an error in an elevation, an error in the description of a pavement, but most important of all is definite proof that the benefit is not equal to the assessment. The many minor irregularities which may nullify the procedure in a special assessment differ in different states and in different courts in the same state, but in general no court can approve an assessment greater than the benefits given. After the project has passed through the county court and the assessment roll has been approved, bonds may be issued for the payment of the contractor. Special assessment bonds are liens against the property assessed and have not the same security as a general municipal bond. For this reason a city which has reached its legal limit of municipal bond issues can still pay for work by special assessment.

    The funds available from special assessments are limited only by the benefit to the property assessed. The amount of the benefit is difficult to fix and may lead to much controversy. It should not exceed the amount demanded for similar work in other localities, unless unusual and well-understood reasons can be given.

    12. General Taxation.—In paying for public improvements by general taxation the money is taken from the general municipal funds which have been apportioned for that purpose by the legislative department of the municipal government. This method of raising funds for sewerage construction is seldom used unless the political situation is unfavorable to the success of a bond issue or special assessment and the need for the improvement is great. It is usually difficult to appropriate sufficient funds for new construction as the general tax is apportioned to support only the operating expenses of the city, and statutory provisions limit the amount of tax which can be levied.

    13. Private Capital.—Private capital has been used for financing sewerage works in some cases because of the aversion of the public in some cities to the payment of a tax for the negative service performed by a sewer. Sewers are buried, unseen, and frequently forgotten, but knowledge of their necessity has spread and the number of privately owned sewerage works is diminishing because of the better service which can be provided by the municipality.

    Franchises are granted to private companies for the construction of sewers only after the city has exhausted other methods for the raising of capital. The return on the private capital invested is received from a rental paid by the city, or paid directly by the users of the system, an initial payment usually being demanded for connection to the system. To be successful the enterprise must be popular and must fill a great need. This method of financing sewerage works is seldom employed as favorable conditions are not common.

    Preliminary Work

    Table of Contents

    14. Preparing for Design.—Methods for the design of sewerage systems are given in Chapter V. Before the design is made certain information is essential. A survey must be made from which the preliminary map can be prepared as described in Art. 42. Other necessary information which is the basis of subsequent estimates of the quantity of sewage to be cared for must be obtained by a study of rates of water consumption and the density and growth of population, the measurement of the discharge from existing sewers, and the compilation of rainfall and run-off data. If no rainfall data are available estimates must be made from the nearest available data. Observations of rainfall or run-off for periods of less than 10 to 20 years are likely to be misleading. Methods for gathering and using this information are explained in subsequent chapters.

    Underground surveys are desirable along the lines of the proposed sewers to learn of obstructions, difficult excavation and other conditions which may be met. All such data are seldom gathered except for sewerage systems involving the expenditure of a large amount of money. For construction in small towns or small extensions to an existing system the funds are usually insufficient for extensive preliminary investigation. The saving in this respect is paid unknowingly to the contractor as compensation for the risk in bidding without complete information.

    15. Underground Surveys.—These may be more or less extensive dependent on the character of the district in which construction is to take place. In built-up districts the survey should be more thorough than in sparsely settled districts where only the character of the excavated material is of interest and no obstructions are to be met.

    Underground surveys furnish to the engineer and to prospective bidders on contract work information on which the design and estimate of cost and the contractor’s bid may be based and without which no intelligent work can be done. By removing much of the uncertainty of the conditions to be met in the construction of the sewer, the design can be made more economical and the contractor’s bid should be markedly lower, sufficiently so to repay more than the expense of the survey. The information to be obtained consists of the location of the ground-water level, and the location and sizes of water, gas, and sewer pipes, telephone and electric conduits, street-car tracks, steam pipes, and all other structures which may in any way interfere with subsurface construction. These structures should be located by reference to some permanent point on the surface. The elevation of the top of the pipes, except sewers, rather than the depth of cover should be recorded, as the depth of cover is subject to change. The elevation of sewers should be given to the invert rather than to the top of the pipe.

    A portion of the map of the subsurface conditions at Washington, D. C., is shown in Fig. 3. Many of the dimensions and notations are not shown to avoid confusion on this small reproduction.[15] Colors are generally used instead of different forms of cross hatching to show the different classes of pipe and structures. In addition to a record of the underground structures the character of the ground and the pavement should be recorded. A comprehensive underground survey is seldom available nor does time usually permit its being made preliminary to the design of a sewerage system. The character of the material through which the sewer is to pass should be determined in all cases.

    Fig. 3.—Record Map of Underground Structures, Washington, D. C.

    Eng. Record, Vol. 74, p. 263.

    The various subsurface lines are differentiated by colors as follows: A—Sewers, vermilion. B—Water mains, blue. C—Potomac Electric Power Co., carmine. D—Washington Railway and Electric Co., carmine. E—Capital Traction Co., violet. F—Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., green. G—Washington Gas Light Co., green. H—Western Union Telegraph Co., orange. I—Postal Telegraph Co., orange. K—Private vaults, black. L—City Electric Co., yellow.

    Fig. 4.

    Punch Drill.

    Underground pipes and structures are located by excavations, which may be quite extensive in some cases. Their position is fixed by measurements referred to manholes and other underground structures which are somewhat permanent in position. A city engineer should grasp every opportunity to record underground structures when excavations are made in the streets. The character of the material through which the sewer is to pass is determined by borings.

    16. Borings.—Methods used for the investigation of subsurface conditions preliminary to sewer construction are: punch drilling, boring with earth auger, jet boring, wash boring, percussion drilling, abrasive drilling, and hydraulic drilling. The last three methods named are used only for unusually deep borings or in rock.

    Punch drills are of two sorts. The simplest punch drill consists of an iron rod ⅞ of an inch to 1 inch in diameter, in sections about 4 feet long. One section is sharpened at one end and threaded at the other so that the next section can be screwed into it without increasing the diameter of the rod, as shown in Fig. 4. The drill is driven by a sledge striking upon a piece of wood held at the top of the drill to prevent injury to the threads. The drill should be turned as it is driven to prevent sticking. It is pulled out by a hook and lever as shown in Fig. 5. It is useful in soft ground for soundings up to 8 to 12 feet in depth. Another form of punch drill described by A. C. Veatch[16] consists of a cylinder of steel or iron, one to two feet long split along one side and slightly spread. The lower portion is very slightly expanded and tempered into a cutting edge. In use it is attached to a rope or wooden poles and lifted and dropped in the hole by means of a rope given a few turns about a windlass or drum. By this process the material is forced up into the bit, slightly springs it, and so is held. When the bit is filled it is raised to the surface and emptied. Much deeper holes can be made with this than with the sharpened solid rod.

    Fig. 5.—Lever for Pulling Punch Drill.

    Fig. 6.—Earth Augers.

    Types of earth augers about 1½-inches in diameter are shown in Fig. 6. They are screwed on to the end of a section of the pipe or rod and as the hole is deepened successive lengths of pipe or rod are added. The device is operated by two men. It is pulled by straight lifting or with the assistance of a link and lever similar to that shown in Fig. 5. The device is suitable for soft earth or sand free from stones, and can be used for holes 15 to 25 feet in depth. For deeper holes a block and tackle should be used for lifting the auger from the hole. It is not suitable for holes deeper than about 35 feet.

    In the jetting method water is led into the hole through a ¾-inch or 1–inch pipe, and forced downward through the drill bit or nozzle against the bottom of the hole. The complete equipment is shown in Fig. 7.[17] It is not always necessary to case the hole as shown in the figure as the muddy water and the vibration of the pipe puddle the sides so that they will stand alone. The jet pipe may be churned in the hole by a rope passing over a block and a revolving drum. In suitable soft materials such as clay, sand, or gravel, holes can be bored to a depth of 100 feet and samples collected of the material removed. An objection to the method is the difficulty of obtaining sufficient water.

    Fig. 7.—Jetting Outfit.

    U. S. Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper, No. 257

    1. Simple Jetting Outfit. 2. Jetting Process. 3. Common Jetting Drill. 4a and 4b. Expansion Bit or Paddy. 5. Drive Shoe.

    Methods of drilling in rock up to depths of 20 feet are described in Chapter XI under Rock Drilling. For deeper holes percussion, abrasive, or hydraulic methods as used for deep well drilling must be employed.



    Table of Contents

    17. Dry weather Flow.—Estimates of the quantity of sewage flow to be expected are ordinarily based on the population, the character of the district, the rate of water consumption, and the probable ground-water flow. Future conditions are estimated and provided for, as the sewers should have sufficient capacity to care for the sewage delivered to them during their period of usefulness.

    18. Methods for Predicting Population.—Methods for the prediction of future population are given in the following paragraphs.

    The method of graphical extension. This is the quickest and most simple of all. In this method a curve is plotted on rectangular coordinates to any convenient scale, with population as ordinates and years as abscissas. The curve is extended into the future by judgment of its general tendency. An example is given of the determination of the population of Urbana, Illinois, in 1950. Table 4 contains the population statistics which have been plotted on line A in Fig. 8 and extended to 1950. The probable population in 1950 is shown by this line to be about 21,000.

    The method of geometrical progression. In this method the rate of increase during the past few years or decades is assumed to be constant and this rate is applied to the present population to forecast the population in the future. For example the rate of increase of population in Urbana for the past 7 decades has varied widely, but indications are that for the next few decades it will be about 20 per cent. Applying this rate from 1920 to 1950 the population in 1950 is shown to be about 17,800. It is evident that this method may lead to serious error as insufficient information is given in the table to make possible the selection of the proper rate of increase.

    Fig. 8.—Diagram Showing Methods for Estimating Future Population.

    The method of utilizing a decreasing rate of increase. This method attempts to correct the error in the assumption of a constant rate of increase. After a certain period of growth, as the age of a city increases its rate of increase diminishes. In applying this knowledge to a prediction of the future population of a city the population curve is plotted, as in the graphical method and a straight line representing a constant rate or increase is drawn tangent to the curve at its end. The curve is then extended at a flatter rate in accordance with the rate of change of a similar nearby larger city. This method has not been applied to any of the cities included in Table 4, as none has reached that limiting period where the rate of increase has begun to diminish.

    The method of utilizing an arithmetical rate of increase. This method allows for the error of the geometrical progression which tends to give too large results for old and slow-growing cities. This method generally gives results that are too low. The absolute increase in the population during the past decade or other period is assumed to continue throughout the period of prediction. Applying this method to the same case, the increase in the population during the past decade was 2,000. Adding three times this amount to the population in 1920, the population of Urbana in 1950 will be about 16,000.

    The method involving the graphical comparison with other cities with similar characteristics. In this method population curves of a number of cities larger than Urbana but having similar characteristics, are plotted with years as abscissas and population as ordinates, with the present population of Urbana as the origin of coordinates. The population curve for Urbana is first plotted. It will lie entirely in the third quadrant as shown by the heavy full line in Fig. 8. The population curves of some larger cities are then plotted in such a manner that each curve passes through the origin at the time their population was the same as that of the present population of Urbana. These curves lie in the first and third quadrants. The population curve of the city in question is then extended to conform with the curves of older cities in the most probable manner as dictated by judgment. Such a series of plots has been made in Fig. 8. The results indicate that the population of Urbana in 1950 will be about 25,500.

    The last method described will give the most probable result as it is the most rational. For quick approximations the geometrical progression is used. The arithmetical progression is useful only as an approximate estimate for old cities.

    19. Extent of Prediction.—The period for which a sewerage system should be designed is such that each generation bears its share of the cost of the system. It is unfair to the present generation to build and pay for an extensive system that will not be utilized for 25 years. It is likewise unfair to the next generation to construct a system sufficient to comply with present needs only, and to postpone the payment for it by a long term bond issue. An ideal solution would be to plan a system which would satisfy present and future needs and to construct only those portions which would be useful during the period of the bond issue. Unfortunately this solution is not practical, because, 1st, it is less expensive to construct portions of the system such as the outfall, the treatment plant, etc., to care for conditions in advance of present needs, and 2nd, the life of practically all portions of a sewerage system is greater than the legal or customary time limit on bond issues.

    A compromise between the practical and the ideal is reached by the design of a complete system to fulfill all probable demands, and the construction of such portions as are needed now in accordance with this plan. The payment should be made by bond issues with as long life as is financially or legally practical, but which should not exceed the life of the improvement.

    The prediction of the population should therefore be made such that a comprehensive system can be designed with intelligence. Practice has seldom called for predictions more than 50 years in the future.

    20. Sources of Information on Population.—The United States decennial census furnishes the most complete information on population. Unfortunately it becomes somewhat old towards the end of a decade. More recent information can be obtained from local sources. Practically every community takes an annual school census the accuracy of which is fairly reliable. The general tendencies of the population to change can be learned by a study of the post office records showing the amount of mail matter handled at various periods. Local chambers of commerce and newspapers attempt to keep records of population, but they are often inaccurate. Another source of information is the gross receipts of public service companies, such as street railways, water, gas, electricity, telephone, etc. The population can be assumed to have increased almost directly as their receipts, with proper allowance for change in rates, character of management, and other factors.

    21. Density of Population.—So far the study of population has been confined to the entire city. It is frequently necessary to predict the population of a district or small section of a city. A direct census may be taken, or more frequently its population is determined

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