Whatz In Your Womb?
Personal Growth
Love Triangle
Divine Intervention
Spiritual Awakening
Coming of Age
Hero's Journey
Chosen One
Wise Mentor
Journey of Self-Discovery
About this ebook
As women we have the amazing and divine capacity to mimic the creation process in the womb. Our wombs are receptacles for holding and cultivating the most precious energy...life. With that in mind, also know that our wombs can hold and even act on any type of energy we allow to enter it. This is one of the reasons women are deemed emotional. In this very down-to-earth, entertaining, and interactive book, you will find out what or who is in your womb. Then, learn how to, "Get Craig & 'Nem" out of your womb, "Put Your Inner White Girl in Check", and "Bring Your Deity Back". Have fun working through your issues as you follow this unique guide full of interactive exercises, and "interludes", that assist you in getting to the core of What's in Your Womb. Enjoy your journey!
Maat em Maakheru Amen
High Priestess, Maat em Maakheru Amen Ma’at em Maakheru Amen is a Brain Balanced, Kemetic & Olmec High Priestess, Yoruba Initiate, author of the books: UnWOMBded: Unlocking the Universal Uterus and Whatz In Your Womb. She is a trained and experienced veteran in many healing modalities. However, her continued expertise at providing evolutionary communication is her claim to fame. She is the originator of the Womb Evolution program which is an evolution of a program that Ma’at began over 13 years ago with her first business, the URban Energy Center. Now with over 15 years of experience with a variety of women’s lifestyle situations including her own, she is divinely equipped and expertly trained to guide an individual through a total evolution of what we think of as the Womb. She currently offers training through a consortium in which she co-founded, Melanated Immortals Making Evolutionary Changes (MIMEC). Ma’at has focused her energy on clearing womb energy and beliefs in order to restore the true function and frequency of the womb in Black Women. Out of this movement, she has developed a technique called A.W.E. (Ancestral Womb Elevation), in which the participants identify and elevate the traumatized womb energy of their first enslaved ancestor. This technique along with many others are now a part of her Womb Evolution program. Her new book UnWombded: Unlocking the Universal Uterus answers the question of Whatz In Your Womb from a Mental/Spiritual perspective using newly revealed ancient ancestral knowledge and insights. The book begins where we left off with Whatz In Your Womb with designing your own deity. Now we know that deity is you and this book uncovers how to become what you already are by revealing some little known functions of the womb, full insight into the inner workings of the brain and womb and the solution maintaining your highest level of being. Websites: www.wombevolution.com www.melanatedimmortals.com Womb Evolution Podcast: www.wombevolution.com/podcastseries/
Read more from Maat Em Maakheru Amen
Birth of the Melanin Frequency Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5UnWombded: Unlocking the Universal Uterus Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5
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Whatz In Your Womb? - Maat em Maakheru Amen
From the beginning of modern civilization, our ancestors knew that women held the key to life and mimicked the power of the Creator. Over 6000 years ago our ancestors left us a symbol, the ANKH, to help us to remember our feminine power. This symbol is an illustration of the womb and the birth canal which the male has to enter to co-create life and exit to begin life. This ANKH was carried by both male and female and was a symbol of the creative power of the Divine embodied in us on earth.
That’s deep ain’t it? It even gets deeper than that when you go into the cosmology of the original African human energy systems. But, I’m not going no deeper in this book. Right now, I will reserve that expertise for my elders, mentors, and other authors who are referenced in the index. However, just knowing that your womb is a representation of the Creator’s gift to humans makes you think a little more carefully about what’s in your womb and what type of energy you really hold as a woman. Are you using it? Could this be the energy that needs to radiate through us to get this entire planet straight? Before we go there, let’s deal with what we are dealing with now—the hurt and pain of failed relationships, self image, brothas with white girls, and finding ourselves. How do we renew ourselves and begin radiating our true feminine power that will be passed on to future generations? Begin with renewing yourself and start the revolution!
This book will guide you through your own revolution as a black woman through a unique series of exercises, interludes, and discussion. You’ll find it easy to read as long as you don’t mind my deliberate butchering of the Queen’s English
at times and the use of cultural terms. But, let’s be real, sometimes to drive the point home, you gotta go there. Plus, when you are done, you’ll want to holla at yo girl,
cause I be breaking it down.
I’ve analyzed my own life experience and combined it with my holistic training to come up with a unique approach to healing myself as a woman and radiating true feminine energy. You’ll see my transition from a fake-ass Bourgeois sister to a real Sista. Basically, I found myself. This text will not only take you through my journey and transformation but your own. You’ll create your own Wombstory. But, get ready to expose all your stuff. Don’t worry, the book will lead you through it interactively, through exercises. You’ll even have little breaks or interludes
that give you time to absorb and integrate the energy and information you released and realized. Hopefully, my experiences will relate to your own and open up the pathways to healing. Once the healing begins, we will bring our Deity back by joining forces as black women and reclaim our position as the matriarchs of this earth.
What’s in Your Womb?
For starters energy. We all know that we are not just made up of flesh and bones. There is some kind of funky circuitry going on. You know this because if you’ve been walking on carpet for a long time and then touch someone, you can give them a little electric shock. Or we’ve all seen the hospital TV shows where they yell clear!
and then send an electric pulse through a person’s heart to make them start breathing again. Well, all of that stuff is the funky energy I’m talking about.
I learned during my holistic training that these funky energy circuits are called Chakras and they differ in characteristics depending on where the energy is located on the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means energy wheel and it’s represented by a Lotus Flower. However, before the Dravidians and then Hindus became the caretakers of this knowledge, our African ancestors called the Chakras Arits or Orishas and they were named for the Divine attribute (Deity) it represented. Now don’t go and get all spooked out! Deities are just attributes or functions of the Creator broken down into personas. For example, we have a body but our hands have a different purpose than our stomach. If we need to digest food then our brain sends a signal to our stomach not our hands. Therefore you can say that the deities are the hands, feet, organs, etc., of the Creator.
Makes sense to me. Let’s move on...
The Chakras are broken down into seven basic energy circuits located on the body from the pelvic area to the top of the head. Here is the breakdown:
Note: Check the back of the book for information on our extensive online Chakra Opening Course.
The Root Chakra
This Chakra is the basis for who we are; our basic needs, our survival, our will to live, ancestry, and grounding in life. This Chakra is probably the most important; however, it is the most neglected and taken for granted. It is the foundation for manifestation, which we all want to do. We attempt to manifest through many ways: prayer, affirmations, positive thinking, etc. However, in order for all of these matters of the spirit to happen, they must come through the flesh. The root chakra represents just this process. For example, we all know that once we put something out to the Universe, pray, or do an affirmation, that we get a response. However, most of the time the response is waiting for us to allow it to manifest in the physical world.
This Universal Law is prevalent in almost everything we do. For example, when we are hungry we may imagine what our next meal is going to look like or taste like and to the spirit, the goal has been achieved. However, for us to manifest the meal physically, we must eat!
Balanced energy in this Chakra can be demonstrated by:
Vitality & Physical fitness
Manifestation of goals
Ambition & Drive
Grounding in your Ancestry/Knowing your roots
An Imbalance in this Chakra can be demonstrated by:
Venereal, Urinary tract, or Prostate disease
Drug addiction
Denial of heritage/ancestry
Not having basic needs met
The Sacral Chakra (Where my Sistas at?)
Located just below the navel, this chakra is called the center of creativity and emotional center. It is called the center of creativity because for women, it is located in the womb or uterus where life is created. When intercourse happens, a man doesn’t just deposit semen in the uterus, he also deposits a burst of energy used to create life. When this energy is not used to create life, it is stored in the uterus, which is why, in general, women still feel a connection to an ex-lover well after they are gone. This is why men are usually depleted and want to go to sleep after ejaculation because they just gave us all of their energy. It is also what makes women emotional; we are storing another person’s energy in our bodies. I’m going to break this down some more later.
Balanced Energy in this Chakra can be described as:
Able to balance emotions
Energetic and Creative
Healthy interpersonal relationships
Imbalanced energy in this Chakra can be described as:
Unable to control emotions (i.e., temper tantrums, rage, excessive crying)
Insecurity, jealousy
Lack of energy and will to create
Detached, lonely
Co-dependent relationships
Un-resolved family or childhood issues.
Weight problems
The Solar Plexis (Power Center)
This energy center is located above the navel in the stomach area. It is the basis for your personal power. Ever notice how when you are nervous or like someone that you get butterflies in your stomach? Or when you are angry your stomach tightens? This is because all of these things relate to your personal power and the control you have over it. So when you are scared, nervous, or angry your Chakra responds and attempts to regain balance, which causes you to feel the butterflies
or tightening. Okay, put your ego aside, and go back to a time when you had an argument with someone and you were completely shut down. Perhaps, a parent or someone who got you told. Don’t you feel like they stole something from you energetically? They make you sick, don’t they? That’s because they successfully zapped your power center and made you sick to your stomach.
That’s a trip ain’t it?
Balanced Solar Plexis Energy is indicated by:
Confidence in your personal power
Focus and mental clarity
Will and Ambition
Strong leadership
An Imbalanced Solar Plexus:
Ulcers, digestive problems, food allergies, skin disorders, diabetes, lower back problems
Low self-esteem
Feeling or allowing others to control you
Lack of Focus
The Heart Chakra
Located in the center of the chest, also called the seat of the soul,
deals with compassion and unconditional love. This chakra is also the balancing chakra because there are three energy physical chakras below and three spiritual chakras above. It is the balance between heaven(above)