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Foul Lady Fortune
Foul Lady Fortune
Foul Lady Fortune
Ebook604 pages9 hours

Foul Lady Fortune

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends comes the “equal parts intoxicating and dazzling” (Roshani Chokshi, New York Times bestselling author of The Gilded Wolves) first book in a captivating new duology following an ill-matched pair of spies posing as a married couple to investigate a series of brutal murders in 1930s Shanghai.

It’s 1931 in Shanghai, and the stage is set for a new decade of intrigue.

Four years ago, Rosalind Lang was brought back from the brink of death, but the strange experiment that saved her also stopped her from sleeping and aging—and allows her to heal from any wound. In short, Rosalind cannot die. Now, desperate for redemption for her traitorous past, she uses her abilities as an assassin for her country.

Code name: Fortune.

But when the Japanese Imperial Army begins its invasion march, Rosalind’s mission pivots. A series of murders is causing unrest in Shanghai, and the Japanese are under suspicion. Rosalind’s new orders are to infiltrate foreign society and identify the culprits behind the terror plot before more of her people are killed.

To reduce suspicion, however, she must pose as the wife of another Nationalist spy, Orion Hong, and though Rosalind finds Orion’s cavalier attitude and playboy demeanor infuriating, she is willing to work with him for the greater good. But Orion has an agenda of his own, and Rosalind has secrets that she wants to keep buried. As they both attempt to unravel the conspiracy, the two spies soon find that there are deeper and more horrifying layers to this mystery than they ever imagined.
Release dateSep 27, 2022

Chloe Gong

Chloe Gong is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the critically acclaimed Secret Shanghai novels, as well as the Flesh and False Gods trilogy. Her books have been published in over twenty countries and have been featured in the New York Times, People, Cosmopolitan, and more. She was named one of Forbes’s 30 Under 30 for 2024. Chloe graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in English and international relations. Born in Shanghai and raised in Auckland, New Zealand, she is now located in New York City, pretending to be a real adult. 

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Series Info/Source: This is the first book in the Foul Lady Fortune series. I borrowed this on ebook from my library.Thoughts: I really enjoyed Gong's "These Violent Delights" duology and was really looking forward to this new series. I am not very familiar with Shakespeare's "As You Like It" (which is what this is supposed a retelling of) and wasn't that fond of Rosalind as a character in "These Violent Delights". While I appreciate the historical detail in this book I ended up finding it very dry and boring and almost stopped reading it numerous times.This book follows Rosalind, who is somewhat immortal because of the medical treatment she received in These Violent Delights. She is now working for the Nationalists as an assassin to take advantage of her fast-healing, etc. With the Japanese Imperial Army set to invade and strange murders happening in the streets of Shanghai, Rosalind is asked to take on a new role, that of a spy. She is paired with Orion Hong and supposed to pose as his wife while they two of them try and figure out who or what is behind the Shanghai murders.I just didn't enjoy this book nearly as much as the These Violent Delights duology. This is incredibly focused on the politics in Shanghai at the time and I don't enjoy reading politically heavy books at all. Gong does an excellent job providing historical detail around the Communists, Nationalists, and Japanese Imperialists if you are in to that sort of thing. I don't have a lot of interest in this area and mostly found it boring and slightly confusing. Rosalind and Orion were both fairly unlikable as characters and their relationship felt forced. The most interesting character in the book was Roma's younger sister, Alisa, who we hear from quite a bit. Additionally, there aren't as many exciting, fantastical elements in this book as there were in the last series. Yes, Rosalind is basically indestructible and yes, there are strange murders happening. However, the creepy madness and strange insects in the first duology were way more intriguing and compelling.This was basically a political story with some murder mystery elements and a lackluster romance. I just wasn't a fan. There were multiple points while I was reading this where I would just set it down and think "Why do I keep reading this? I just don't care." However, I liked These Violent Delights so much I really want to finish this and give it a chance.My Summary (3/5): Overall I didn't like this book very much. It was too heavy on complex politics with not enough mystery or fantastical elements to make the story interesting to me. I found it incredibly boring and slightly confusing (probably because I kept glazing over when they were talking about all the spying between the different factions). The characters were not all that engaging and the relationship between Rosalind and Orion felt forced. I will not be continuing with this series and don't plan on picking up more Gong books unless they sound really, really intriguing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Complex, deftly woven, with enough action and intrigue for several books. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to finding out what comes next.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Foul Lady Fortune. I wanted to enjoy it more than I did, to be honest.The first half of the book felt slow, but by the second half, I got attached to the characters and setting and wanted to know what happend.OK, let’s dig deeper. I have mixed feelings about the writing style. Overall, it’s pleasant to read, but there were a few sentences that pulled me off the narration. Plot-wise, I had a lot of questions about the plot and spy network that didn’t get fully answered and a couple of plot points felt… plot-hole-y, unless I didn’t understand. Because of this, I wasn’t feeling fully immersed in the world.That said, I liked the historical Shanghai setting and history, between the different factions of the time, and we see it through individual lenses - people that don’t have strong opinions, people who do... I enjoyed the diversity of the characters and the building slow-burn between Orion and Rosalind. The novel has cool concepts and twists and manages to make us understand the world, even though lots of characters already appeared in previous books, which I haven’t read. I wonder how different my experience would have been, but you can definitely read this book even if you haven’t read Chloe Gong’s other novels. I felt like the setting, the ambition of this historical fantasy Shakespearian retelling and the dialogues were a strength of this book, and the second half warmed me up to the idea of reading the next book.I want to thank Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great palate cleanser, fascinating historal story about Shanghai, loved the multiculuralism and 4 languages used in the book
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Interesting and unusual. I think that reading her prior duology first would have helped me with context and made this book easier to parse.

Book preview

Foul Lady Fortune - Chloe Gong



Out in the countryside, it doesn’t matter how loud you scream.

The sound travels through the warehouse, echoing once over in the tall ceiling slats, booming through the space and into the dark night. When it escapes, it merges into the howling wind until it is only another part of the storm that rages outside. The soldiers shuffle nervously toward the warehouse entrance, pulling at the heavy door until it slides closed, though the rain falls heavily enough that it has already soaked onto the flooring and stained the concrete in a dark semicircle. The faintest whistle of a train comes from the distance. Despite the infinitesimal chance they will be caught by any soul passing by, their instructions were clear: Guard the perimeter. No one can know what is happening here.

What is the final verdict?

Successful. I think it is successful.

The soldiers are spread out across the warehouse, but two scientists stand around a table at the center. They stare impassively at the scene before them, at the test subject strapped down by thick buckles, forehead beaded with sweat. Another convulsion tears through the subject from head to toe, but their voice has grown hoarse from shrieking, and so their mouth merely pulls wide and soundless this time.

Then it works.

It works. We have the first part complete now.

One of the scientists, putting a pen behind their ear, signals to a soldier, who approaches the table to release the buckles in turn: all those on the left, then all those on the right.

The buckles drop, metal clanking to the floor. The subject tries to roll over, but they panic, jerking too hard and tipping off the table instead. It is a terrible sight. The subject lands in a sprawl at the scientists’ feet and heaves for breath—heaves and heaves like they cannot fill their lungs properly, and perhaps they never will again.

A hand comes down upon the subject’s head. The touch is gentle, almost tender. When the scientist peruses their work, smoothing at the subject’s hair, their expression is set with a smile.

It’s all right. You mustn’t struggle.

A syringe appears. Under the tall lights, the needle glints once as the plunger goes down and again as the red substance inside disappears right into soft skin.

The pain is immediate: a liquid blaze, overwhelming every nerve nestled in its path. Soon it will reach where it needs, and then it will feel like being unmade.

Outside, the rain pours on. It drips through cracks into the warehouse, puddles growing larger and larger.

The first scientist gives the subject one more affectionate pat. You are my greatest achievement, and greater still is yet to come. But until then…

The subject cannot keep their eyes open anymore. Weakness turns every limb heavy, each thought in their mind fleeting like ships sighted in fog. The subject wants to say something, scream something, but nothing will form. Then the scientist leans in to whisper into their ear, landing the final strike and piercing the fog as cleanly as a blade:




The train corridor was quiet except for the rumbling underfoot. Dusk had already fallen, but the windows flashed every three seconds—a pulse of illumination from the lights installed along the tracks and then gone, swallowed by the speed of the train. Elsewhere, the narrow compartments were crowded with light and noise: the soft golden chandeliers and the rattling of silverware against the food trolleys, the clink of a spoon tapping against a teacup and the glowing crystal lamps.

But here in the passageway into first class, there was only the sudden whoosh of the door as Rosalind Lang pushed it open, stepping into the semi-darkness with her heels clicking.

The paintings on the walls stared as she walked by, their beady eyes aglow in the dark. Rosalind clutched the box in her arms, careful to keep her leather gloves delicate around its edges, her elbows held out to either side of her. When she came to a stop outside the third door, she knocked with her shoe, tapping delicately at its base.

A beat passed. For a moment, only the chugging of the train could be heard. Then the softest shuffling came from the other side, and the door swung back, flooding the hallway with new light.

Good evening, Rosalind said politely. Is this a good time?

Mr. Kuznetsov stared at her, his brow furrowing as he made sense of the scene before him. Rosalind had been trying to secure an audience with the Russian merchant for days. She had bunkered down in Harbin and suffered the frigid temperatures without success, then followed him to Changchun, a city farther south. There, his people had failed to respond to her requests too, and it had almost seemed like a lost cause—that she would have to go about everything the rough way—until she caught wind of his plans to travel by train with a booking in first class, where the compartment rooms were large and the ceilings were low, where hardly anyone was around and sound was muffled by the thick, thick walls.

I will call my guard—

Oh, don’t be foolish.

Rosalind entered without invitation. The private first-class rooms were wide enough that she could have easily forgotten she was aboard a train… if it weren’t for the quivering walls, its papered floral pattern trembling each time the tracks grew rough. She looked around a while longer, eyeing the hatch that went up to the top of the train and the window to the far side of the room, its blinds drawn to block out the rapidly moving night. To the left of the four-poster bed, there was another set of doors that either gave way to a closet or a toilet.

A firm thud summoned Rosalind’s attention back to the merchant as he closed the main compartment door. When he turned around, his eyes darted along her person and then to the box in her hands, but he was not examining her qipao, nor the red flowers clipped onto the fur throw around her shoulders. Though Mr. Kuznetsov tried to be subtle about it, he was concerned about the box in her hands and whether she had brought in a weapon.

Rosalind was already gingerly lifting the lid from the box, presenting the contents inside with a flourish.

A gift, Mr. Kuznetsov, she said pleasantly. From the Scarlet Gang, who have sent me here to make your acquaintance. Might we chat?

She pushed the box forward with a flourish. It was a small Chinese vase, blue and white porcelain lying upon a bed of red silk. Adequately expensive. Not expensive enough to verge onto the point of outrage.

Rosalind held her breath until Mr. Kuznetsov reached in and picked it up. He examined the vase by the lights dangling from the ceiling, turning its neck this way and that, admiring the characters carved along the side. After a long while, he grunted what sounded like approval, walked over to a coffee table between two large seats, and set the vase down. There were already two teacups upon the table. An ashtray lay nearby, dusted with a smattering of black.

The Scarlet Gang, Mr. Kuznetsov muttered beneath his breath. He folded into one of the chairs, his back stiff against the upholstery. I have not heard that name for some time now. Please, take a seat.

Rosalind walked to the other chair, fixing the lid back onto her box and setting the box beside the chair. When she dropped into the seat, she only perched upon its edge, casting a glance once more at the closet doors to her left. The floor jolted.

I assume you are the same girl who has been harassing my staff. Mr. Kuznetsov switched from Russian to English. Janie Mead, yes?

It had been four years, but Rosalind was still unaccustomed to her alias. Sooner or later she was going to get in trouble for that split-second delay, that blank look in her eyes before she remembered her name was supposed to be Janie Mead, that pause before she lengthened out her French accent when she was speaking English, pretending to be American-raised and one among the many new returnees in the city registered in the Kuomintang’s ranks.

That’s correct, Rosalind said evenly. Perhaps she should have made a joke, kicked her feet back and declared that it would be wise to remember her name. The train rumbled over a bump in the tracks and the whole room rocked, but Rosalind said nothing more. She only folded her hands over each other, crinkling the cold press of leather.

Mr. Kuznetsov frowned. The wrinkles in his forehead deepened, as did the crow’s feet marking his eyes.

And you are here for… my properties?

Correct, Rosalind said again. That was always the easiest way to buy time. Letting them assume what she was there for and going with it rather than spitballing some strange lie and getting caught in it too soon. I’m sure you have heard that the Scarlets don’t deal much in land anymore since we merged with the Nationalists, but this is a special occasion. Manchuria holds vast opportunity.

It seems rather far from Shanghai for the Scarlets to care. Mr. Kuznetsov leaned forward, peering into the teacups on the table. He noted that one was still half-filled, and so he brought it to his lips, clearing his throat for dryness. And you seem a little young to be running Scarlet errands.

Rosalind watched him drink. His throat bobbed. Open for attack. Vulnerable. But she did not reach for a weapon. She was not carrying any.

I am nineteen, Rosalind replied, peeling off her gloves.

Tell the truth, Miss Mead. That’s not your real name, is it?

Rosalind smiled, setting the gloves down on the table. He was suspicious, of course. Mr. Kuznetsov was no simple Russian mogul with business in Manchuria, but one of the last White Flowers in the country. That fact alone was enough to land on Kuomintang lists, but he was also siphoning money to Communist cells, supporting their war effort in the south. And because the Nationalists needed to snuff out the Communists, needed to break their every source of funding as smoothly as possible, Rosalind had been sent here with orders to… put a stop to it.

Of course it’s not my real name, she said lightly. My real name is Chinese.

That’s not what I mean. Mr. Kuznetsov had his hands resting at his sides now. She wondered if he would try to retrieve a concealed weapon. I looked into you after your previous requests to meet. And you look an awful lot like Rosalind Lang.

Rosalind did not flinch. I shall take that as a compliment. I know you must be tuned out of Shanghai’s happenings, but Rosalind Lang has not been seen in years.

If anyone claimed they sighted her, they were surely sighting phantoms—catching remnants of a faded dream, a memory of the vision that Shanghai used to be. Rosalind Lang: raised in Paris before returning to the city and rising in infamy among the best of the nightlife cabaret dancers. Rosalind Lang: a girl whose whereabouts were presently unknown, presumed dead.

I did hear about that, Mr. Kuznetsov said, leaning in to examine his teacup again. She wondered why he didn’t drink out of the second one if he was so thirsty. She wondered why there was a second cup poured to begin with.

Well, she knew.

Mr. Kuznetsov looked up suddenly. Though—he continued—there were rumors from the White Flowers that Rosalind Lang disappeared because of Dimitri Voronin’s death.

Rosalind froze. Surprise dropped a pit into her stomach, and a small whoosh of breath escaped her lungs. It was already too late to pretend like she had not been caught unaware, so she let the silence draw out, let the anger roil to life in her bones.

Smug, Mr. Kuznetsov picked up a miniature spoon and tapped it to the edge of the teacup. It sounded far too loud for the room, like a gunshot, like an explosion. Like the explosion that had rocked the city four years ago, which her own cousin Juliette had set, giving her life just to stop Dimitri’s reign of terror.

If it weren’t for Rosalind, Juliette Cai and Roma Montagov would still be alive. If it weren’t for Rosalind’s treachery against the Scarlet Gang, Dimitri never would have gained the power he did, and perhaps the White Flowers never would have fallen apart. Perhaps the Scarlet Gang wouldn’t have merged with the Kuomintang and become one with the Nationalists’ political party. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps—this was a game that haunted Rosalind late into her eternal nights, a useless exercise of cataloging everything she’d done wrong to end up where she was today.

You would know all about the White Flowers, wouldn’t you?

The curtain had come down. When Rosalind spoke, her real voice came out, French-accented and sharp.

Mr. Kuznetsov set his spoon down with a grimace. The funny thing is, the surviving White Flowers also have enduring connections that feed us warnings. And I was long prepared, Miss Lang.

The door to her left swung open. Another man emerged, dressed in a Western suit, a simple dagger in his right hand. Before Rosalind could move, he was in position behind her, a firm grip on her shoulder keeping her in the chair and the dagger positioned against her throat.

Do you think I would travel without bodyguards? Mr. Kuznetsov demanded. Who sent you?

I told you already, Rosalind answered. She tested whether she could crane her neck away. There was no chance. The blade was already piercing into her skin. The Scarlet Gang.

The blood feud between the Scarlet Gang and the White Flowers ended, Miss Lang. Why would they be sending you?

To make nice. Didn’t you like my gift?

Mr. Kuznetsov stood up. He put his hands behind his back, lips thinning in annoyance. I will give you one last chance. Which party sent you?

He was trying to feel out the two sides of the civil war currently moving through the country. Gauging whether he had landed on the Nationalist lists or if the Communists were betraying him.

You’re going to kill me anyway, Rosalind said. She felt a bead of blood trickle down her throat. It ran along her collar, then stained the fabric of her qipao. Why should I waste time on your questions?

Fine. Mr. Kuznetsov nodded to his bodyguard. There was no hesitation before he switched to Russian and said: Kill her, then. Bystreye, pozhaluysta.

Rosalind braced. She took a breath in, felt the blade whisper a benediction to her skin.

And the bodyguard slashed her throat.

The initial shock was always the worst—that first split second when she could hardly think through the pain. Her hands flew unbidden to her neck to clamp down on the wound. Hot, gushing red spilled through the lines of her fingers and ran down her arms, dripping onto the floor of the train compartment. When she lurched off the chair and fell to her knees, there was a moment of uncertainty, a whisper in her mind telling her that she had cheated death enough and there would be no recovery this time.

Then Rosalind bowed her head and felt the bleeding slow. She felt her skin knitting itself back together, inch by inch by inch. Mr. Kuznetsov was waiting for her to keel over and collapse, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

Instead, she lifted her head and moved her hands away.

Her throat had healed over, still stained with red but looking as if it had never been cut.

Mr. Kuznetsov emitted a strangled noise. His bodyguard, meanwhile, whispered something indecipherable and advanced toward her, but when Rosalind held a hand out, he complied, too stunned to do anything else.

I suppose I’ll tell you now, Rosalind said, slightly breathless. She wiped the blood from her chin and rose onto one foot, then the other. Haven’t you heard of me? The Nationalists need to do a better job of their propaganda.

Now it was dawning on the merchant. She could see it in his eyes, in that expression of disbelief to be witnessing something so unnatural before him, connecting it with the stories that had started spreading some few years ago.

Lady Fortune, he whispered.

Ah. Rosalind finally straightened upright, her lungs recovering. "That’s a misnomer. It’s just Fortune. Catch." In a smooth motion, she retrieved one of her gloves to clasp the lip of the vase and swipe it off the table. The bodyguard caught the vase quickly when she tossed it at him, likely preparing for some attack, but the vase only landed in his palms softly, nestled like a wild animal made of porcelain.

Fortune, the rumors whispered, was the code name for a Nationalist agent. Not just any agent: an immortal assassin who could not be killed despite multiple attempts, who didn’t sleep or age, who stalked the night for her targets and appeared in the guise of a mere girl. Depending on how much flourish was added to the stories, she was specifically a menace for the surviving White Flowers, going after them with a coin in hand. If it landed on heads, they were killed immediately. If it landed on tails, they were given the chance to run, but no target had yet managed to escape her.

Abominable creature, Mr. Kuznetsov hissed. He lunged back to give her a wide berth between them—or at least he tried. The merchant had yet to take three steps before he crashed abruptly to the floor. His bodyguard stood stock-still in shock, freezing with his hands around the vase.

Poison, Mr. Kuznetsov, Rosalind explained. That’s not such an abominable way to die, is it?

His limbs started to twitch. His nervous system was shutting down—arms going soft, legs turning to paper. She took no pleasure in this. She did not treat it like vengeance. But she would be lying if she said she didn’t feel righteous with each hit, as if this was her way of sloughing away her sins layer by layer until she had answered entirely for her actions four years ago.

You… Mr. Kuznetsov heaved in. You didn’t… touch the… tea. I was… I was watching.

I didn’t poison the tea, Mr. Kuznetsov, Rosalind replied. She turned to his bodyguard. I poisoned the vase that you touched with your bare fingers.

The bodyguard tossed the vase away with a sudden viciousness, smashing it to pieces by the four-poster bed. It was too late; he had been holding on to it for longer than Mr. Kuznetsov. He lunged for the door, perhaps to seek aid, perhaps to wash his hands of the poison, but he, too, crumpled swiftly to the floor before he could make it out.

Rosalind watched it all with a blank stoniness. She had done this many times. The rumors were true: she did sometimes carry around a coin to give the Nationalists fuel for their propaganda. But poison was her weapon of choice, so it didn’t matter how far they ran. By the time her targets thought they were being let free, they had already been hit.


Rosalind walked closer to the merchant, placing her gloves into her pocket.

Do me a favor, she said dully. Send Dimitri Voronin my regards when you see him in hell.

Mr. Kuznetsov stopped wheezing, stopped moving. He was dead. Another assignment had been fulfilled, and the Nationalists were one step closer to losing their country to imperialists instead of Communists. Moments later, his bodyguard succumbed too, and the room fell into a hollow silence.

Rosalind pivoted for the sink by the bar, spinning the faucet as far as it would go and rinsing her hands. She splashed the water down her neck next, scrubbing with her fingers. All this blood was her own, yet disgust was bitter on her tongue when she saw the sides of the sink staining while she cleaned, as if specks of a different poison were dropping off her skin, the kind that contaminated her soul instead of her organs.

It’s easier not to think about it, her cousin used to say, back when Shanghai had a blood feud between two rival gangs, back when Rosalind was the right hand of the Scarlet Gang’s heir and watched Juliette kill people day after day in the name of her family. Remember their faces. Remember the lives taken. But what’s the point in mulling on it? If it happened, it happened.

Rosalind breathed out slowly, turning the faucet off and letting the rust-colored water swirl down the drain. Little had changed in the city’s attitude toward bloodshed since her cousin’s death. Little except swapping gangsters for politicians who pretended there would be some semblance of law and order now. An artificial exchange, nothing different at its core.

A rumble of voices echoed from the hallway outside. Rosalind stiffened, making a scan of her surroundings. While she didn’t think she could get prosecuted for the crimes committed here, she did need to make her escape before she could test out that theory. The Kuomintang had put itself in charge of the country, positioning its governance as an upholder of justice. For the sake of its image, its Nationalist members would throw her to the wolves and disown her as an agent if she were caught leaving dead bodies outside the city, even when their secret covert branch gave every instruction.

Rosalind tilted her chin up, flexing the new smooth skin at her throat while she searched the compartment ceiling. She had studied the blueprints of the train before she boarded, and when she spotted a thin, barely visible string dangling near the light fixture, she pulled a panel of the ceiling free to reveal a metal hatch leading directly to the top of the train for maintenance.

As soon as she had the hatch down, the wind rushed into the room at a roar. She gave herself a foot up using the nearby drawers, removing herself from the crime scene with nimble speed.

Don’t slip, she told herself, climbing through the hatch and emerging into the night, teeth chattering against the frigid temperature. "Do not slip."

Rosalind closed the hatch. She paused for the slightest moment, gathering her bearings on top of a speeding train. For a dizzying moment, she was struck with a sense of vertigo, convinced that she would tip over and fall. Then, just as quickly, her balance adjusted, her feet planted steadily.

A dancer, an agent, Rosalind whispered to herself as she started to move across the train, her eyes on the end of the carriage. Her handler had drilled the mantra into her head during her earliest training days, when she had complained about being unable to move fast, unable to fight as traditional agents might—excuse after excuse for why she wasn’t good enough to learn. She used to spend every night on a brightly lit stage. The city had built her up as its dazzling star, the dancer that everyone had to see, and talk moved faster than reality ever could. It didn’t matter who Rosalind was, or that, really, she was only a child dressed up in glitter. She swindled men and beamed at them like they were the world until they passed over the tips she wanted to see, and then she switched tables before the song could even change.

Let me slink around in the dark and poison people, she had insisted at that first meeting with Dao Feng. They stood in the courtyard of the university where Dao Feng was working undercover, rather begrudgingly on Rosalind’s part because it was hot and the grass was itching her ankles and there was sweat gathering at her armpits. They can’t kill me anyway. Why do I need anything else?

In response, Dao Feng punched her in the nose.

Jesus! She felt the bone crunch. She felt blood rush down her face and burst in the other direction too, running hot and metallic liquid into her throat and onto her tongue. If anyone had seen them at that moment, it would have looked a scene. Fortunately, the hour was early and the courtyard was empty—a time and place that became her designated training ground for months afterward.

That’s why, he answered. How are you going to set your poison if you’re trying to heal a broken bone? This country didn’t invent wǔshù for you not to learn any. You were a dancer. Now you are an agent. Your body already knows how to turn and bend; all you need to do is give it direction and intention.

When he threw his next punch at her face, Rosalind ducked indignantly. The broken nose had already healed with her usual rapid speed, but her ego stayed bruised. Dao Feng’s fist landed in air.

And her handler smiled. Good. That’s more like it.

In the present, Rosalind moved faster against the roaring wind, mumbling her mantra beneath her breath. Each step was an assurance to herself. She knew not to slip; she knew what she was doing. No one had asked her to become an assassin. No one had asked her to leave the burlesque club and stop dancing, but then she had died and woken as an abominable creature—as Mr. Kuznetsov had so kindly put it—and she needed purpose in her life, a way to upset each day and night so they did not blur together monotonously.

Or maybe she was lying to herself. Maybe she had chosen to kill because she didn’t know how else to prove her worth. More than anything in the world, Rosalind Lang wanted redemption, and if this was how she got it, then so be it.

Coughing, Rosalind waved at the smoke gathering around her. The steam engine chugged loudly, dispersing an unending stream of dust and grit. Up ahead, the tracks ran long, disappearing into the horizon farther than her eye could see.

Only then—movement in the distance interrupted the still picture.

Rosalind paused, leaning forward curiously. She wasn’t sure what she was seeing. The night itself was dark, the moon only a thin crescent hanging daintily from the clouds. But the electric lights installed alongside the tracks did their job perfectly to illuminate two figures running away from the tracks and disappearing into the tall fields.

The train was perhaps twenty, thirty seconds from approaching the tracks where the figures had been lurking. When Rosalind moved to the end of the train carriage, she tried to squint and focus her vision, certain that she had to have been mistaken.

Which was why she didn’t notice that dynamite had blown an explosion on the tracks until the sound roared through the night and the heat of the blast hit her face.


Rosalind gasped, lunging down to grip the top of the train for balance. She thought to shout out a warning, but no one inside the train would hear her; nor could they do anything when the carriages were hurtling forward at such speed, heading right for the site of the explosion.

The flames on the tracks, however, faded quickly. As the train careened nearer and nearer to the explosion site, Rosalind braced for a sudden derailing, but then the front approached the dwindling flames and drove right onward. She glanced over her shoulder, grimacing against the wind. The train rumbled over the blast site. In seconds, it had left the site behind entirely, the blast too weak to affect the tracks with any significance.

"What was that?" she asked the night.

Who were those people running into the fields? Had they been intending to cause damage?

The night gave her no answer in return. Biting back another cough from the train’s relentless smoke, Rosalind shook herself from her stupor and slid down the side of the exterior, landing in the walk space between two carriages. Once she brushed her stray hair out of her face, she opened the door and stepped inside the train, returning to the warmth of an economy-class hallway.

It was busy. Though she had entered the carriage into the company of three people wearing waitstaff uniforms, they didn’t pay her any attention. One boy pushed a tray into the hands of another, snapped a few words, then hurried into a compartment. With his departure, the door behind her opened again, and five more servers came through.

One of them gave Rosalind a sidelong glance as he hurried by. Though the eye contact was exceedingly brief, it prickled her skin with a warning nonetheless, ill ease making an instant home in her stiff shoulders. As soon as the server retrieved a tablecloth off the shelf, he pivoted in his step and broke away from the other train staff to proceed forward in the carriages.

Rosalind made to follow. She was heading for the front of the train anyway, though she hadn’t decided yet if she was getting off at the next stop—Shenyang—or riding closer to Shanghai. She supposed it depended on how quickly they found the bodies. Or if they found them at all. If she was lucky, they would sit pretty until the train hit the very end of its line and someone thought to clean the rooms.

With a grimace, Rosalind reached into the inside of her sleeve, where she had tucked her train ticket. JANIE MEAD, they had printed on it. Her alias, publicly known for being Scarlet-associated. The best way to hold up a false identity was to keep it as close to the truth as possible. It was harder to mess up the details, harder to forget a past that ran almost parallel to your own. According to their invented story, Janie Mead was the daughter of a former Scarlet Gang member who had turned hesitant Nationalist business partner. Dig any closer into who her parents were—into what her legal Chinese name was underneath this English one she had adopted for her alleged years spent studying in America—and everything would dissolve into dust.

A conductor passed her. Again, there came a glance askew, this one lasting a second too long. Had Rosalind left a bloodstain somewhere? She thought she’d cleaned her neck well. She thought she was doing a perfectly fine job of acting normal.

Rosalind scrunched her ticket tightly in her palm, then stepped into another carriage, where the windows showed their surroundings slowing. The train was nearing the station, green fields turning to small township buildings and electric lights. All around her, the mumble of conversation got louder, individual snippets floating from seat to seat.

Every little hair at the back of her neck was standing upright. Though there seemed nothing amiss, only other passengers hurrying to pull their luggage down and flock closer to the exits before the train stopped, Rosalind had spent years now working as an assassin. She had learned to trust her senses first and let her brain catch up second. She needed to be on the lookout.

Two attendants hurried by, bundling blankets in their arms as they collected them from departing passengers. Rosalind leaned away cautiously to let the women pass, her shoulder pressed to the walls. She almost pushed a loose-leaf calendar right off its hook, but before it could jostle too hard and hit the carpeted floor, Rosalind righted it, brushing against the page it was opened to: 18 September.

The attendants bustled past again, their arms freed of the previous blankets and ready to collect more. There was a tut, both of them ignoring Rosalind in their path—thankfully.

We’re stopping in Fengtian? one asked the other.

Why are you using the Japanese name? They haven’t invaded yet—we don’t need to change it back.

Rosalind proceeded forward, trailing her hand along the intricate wooden beams running lengthwise on the walls. Fengtian. It had been changed to Shenyang almost two decades ago, after the Chinese took back control of the land, but when she’d studied the region with her tutors, they had used the English she was more familiar with: Mukden.

This new carriage was far more crowded. Rosalind ducked closer to the middle aisle, weaving her way through the passengers. Right in the thick of the clusters, it was easy to tune in and out of the conversations she was passing, conveniently absorbing what her ears caught.

Have we arrived already?

—qīn’ài de, come here before Māma can’t find you.

You’d think there’s a fire somewhere with all this jostling—

—seen my shoe?

—member of the Scarlet Gang aboard. Maybe it is safer to give her to the Japanese until someone higher up can appease them.

Rosalind slowed. She didn’t make a visible show of her surprise, but she couldn’t stop herself from pausing just a beat to make sure she hadn’t misheard. Ah. There it was. She’d known something was off, and the instincts pounded into her during her training hadn’t led her wrong yet. Sometimes in her work she identified her target before consciously realizing it; other times she sensed that she herself had been made into a target before proper comprehension caught up.

Give me to the Japanese? she thought wildly. For what? Surely not the Russian merchant’s assassination. There weren’t police on board, to begin with, and even if there were, they wouldn’t have worked fast enough to have external departments to answer to already, never mind why the Japanese would be involved.

Her eyes made a sweep around the seats. She couldn’t pick out where the voice had come from. Most faces in the vicinity looked ordinary. Regular civilians wearing cloth buttons-ups and soft fabric shoes, which told her they were on their way home to their village instead of any big city.

Something larger than her was happening. She didn’t like this one bit.

When the train stopped in Shenyang, Rosalind joined the throngs of passengers for disembarking. She dropped her ticket as she stepped off the train carriage, littering the small scrunched ball onto the platform as easily as a coin tossed into a well. Noise surrounded her at every angle. The train’s whistle sang into the night, blowing hot steam around the tracks that drew sweat at Rosalind’s back. Even as she pushed through the crowds on the train platform and entered the station, the sweat remained.

Rosalind scanned the station. The platform display for arrivals and departures made a rapid click-click-click as it changed to show the most forthcoming trains. Shanghai was a popular destination, but the next departing train wasn’t for another hour. She would be a sitting duck lingering around the waiting area seats.

Meanwhile, the main exit was being guarded by a line of police constables, stopping every civilian who passed through the doors to make a quick check of their ticket.

Slowly, Rosalind pulled her necklace out from under her qipao, her steps steady while she made up her mind and walked toward the exit. If she made it past, she could situate herself in Shenyang first, then extricate herself in the morning, returning to Shanghai while drawing as little notice as possible. If she didn’t…

She put the bead of her necklace into her mouth, then undid the thin clasp and slid the string out. There hadn’t been time for a change of clothes. Maybe she could have blended in better if she had brought along something else, but now she was the most well dressed in this station, and clearly of some city stature. It didn’t take a ticket to mark her.

As soon as one of the constables sighted her coming, he nudged the man next to him, who wore a different pin on his lapel.

Ticket? the lapel pin man demanded.

Rosalind shrugged breezily. "I lost it. I don’t suppose you’re demanding a ticket for me to leave, are you?"

Another man leaned in to whisper into his ear. His voice was too soft for her to pick out anything other than passenger list, but that itself told her enough.

Janie Mead, is it? he confirmed when his attention turned back to her. We need you to come with us. You’re under suspicion for collaboration with the Scarlet Gang in conspiracy to cause large-scale damage.

Rosalind blinked. She moved the bead around in her mouth, tucking it from one side to the other under her tongue. So this had nothing to do with her work as Fortune. This was the Scarlet Gang being used as a scapegoat. This was another instance in a long series of happenings across the country, its city gangsters being blamed for incidents left and right because foreign imperialists kept trying to cast blame for failing infrastructure and rioting crowds. City gangsters had been taking the hit when the warlords in control needed a place to point the finger before the imperialists could say the Chinese couldn’t control their own people and installed intruder governments in the country instead.

It is safer to give her to the Japanese until someone higher up can appease them.

She should have figured. It was routine at this point: something goes wrong in a city, and the foreigners with interest stationed in that area use that as a reason for why the Chinese needed the land taken off their hands.

The only solution was scrambling to fix the problem before the imperialists could insert themselves, march in with their guns and tanks. For the Chinese authorities here, Janie Mead just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

She brought her hands forward, wrists together ready to be cuffed. Okay.

The men blinked. Perhaps they hadn’t expected it to be that easy. You understand the accusation?

The weak explosion, yes? Rosalind supplied. Never mind how I did it from inside the train, but I see how it must be easier to search the passenger list than hunt through the fields near the tracks.

Either they didn’t pick up on her ridicule or they pretended not to hear it. Her very knowledge of the explosion was evidence enough. One of the constables locked a cold set of handcuffs over her wrists and gave her a push, leading her out of the station. He took one arm; another constable took the other. The rest of the group followed closely, circled around her in precaution.

Rosalind shifted the bead once more under her tongue. Gave it a swirl around her mouth. Come on, she thought.

Though activity was filtering down at this hour, there were still plenty of civilians with business at the train station, some being subtle with their curiosity, others outright craning over their shoulder to see who the constables were arresting. She wondered if they might find her familiar, if any of them picked up newspapers from Shanghai and remembered when they used to print sketched renderings of her a year after the revolution, speculating that Rosalind Lang was dead.

This way.

In the courtyard outside the station, there was only one streetlamp, burning near a water fountain. Beyond, there was a car parked across the street, almost hidden near an alley.

The constables hurried her in that direction. Rosalind complied. Patiently, she walked with them—walked until they neared the police car, its sheen of black paint and the bars across its windows almost within reach.

Then—finally—the outer layer on the bead in her mouth melted away. Liquid burst inside her mouth so suddenly that Rosalind almost coughed from the sensation, struggling to control herself as the peppery taste swept across her tongue. A noise slipped from her throat. The constable on her left turned to her.

No funny business, he commanded, audibly annoyed. Xiǎo gūniáng, you’re lucky if—

Rosalind spat the liquid into his face. He reared back with a shout, letting go of her so that his hands could tend to his burning eyes. Before the one on her right could register what was happening, she had looped her arms over his head and pressed the chain of the handcuffs around his neck. The constable shouted out in alarm, but then Rosalind pulled hard enough to hear a crack, and he fell silent. Her knee shoved into his back. She untangled her hands from his neck.

The other constables lunged forward to close the openings on either side of her, but it was too late. Rosalind was darting away, making a fast scramble down the road.

A dancer, an agent. She would use every inch of the stage, every item in her arsenal. The bead was one of her own little trickster inventions, coated with the same substance that pharmacies used for its pills. The liquid inside was harmless if accidentally swallowed, but capable of blinding someone for a whole day if it got into the eyes.

She cast a glance behind her, sighting the constables falling behind. There were residential buildings lined up to her side, half-collapsed stoops and broken glass windows passing by in a blur. Just as Rosalind approached the turn of the corner, she jumped and hooked the chain between the handcuffs over a protruding light fixture off one of the houses. There would have been no firm grip for her bare hands, but the chain was almost perfect, giving her the prime opportunity to kick against one of the window ledges, then pull herself onto the balcony, the metal handcuffs clattering against the railing. With a stifled yelp, Rosalind rolled over the railing and slammed flat onto the tiled floor. The abrupt landing crushed the breath from her lungs. Below, the constables were already fanning out to find a way up.

I’m not in good enough shape for this, Rosalind wheezed to herself, rolling onto her side before stumbling upright and throwing open the balcony doors. She entered a dark and empty restaurant, her breath heavy as she navigated through the maze of tables. It didn’t sound like the constables had caught up yet when she emerged from the restaurant and ran along the building’s second-floor walkway, but they would be coming to search the restaurant because they had watched her climb in, and they would be guarding the ground level around the building because that was her only escape. She had very few viable routes out, and very few places to hide.

Block the second floor! Hurry up!

Their voices were entering the building’s inner courtyard. Rosalind searched her surroundings, then latched her gaze on a door thinner than the other shop entrances and residential corridors. A water closet.

Just as footsteps started thudding up to the stairs, Rosalind slipped through the door, unmoving on the other side. Someone had done their duty thoroughly in cleaning the squat toilets, so it only smelled like bleach in the small space. Rosalind gauged the width. Looked again at the hinges of the door, seeing that it opened inward.

She pressed up against the corner of the water closet and held her breath, counting one, two, three—

The door slammed inward, blowing back on its hinges before stopping a hairsbreadth away from her nose. Finding the water closet to be empty, the constable kept moving, calling out to the others.

All clear!

Slowly Rosalind released her breath. The door to the water closet creaked closed on its own, its knob giving a soft click while the constables dispersed and searched through the residences. She didn’t move. She didn’t even tend to an itch on her nose so long as she could hear movement.

Where could the girl have gone?

These operatives are tricky. Keep looking.

Operative? Isn’t she Shanghai’s Scarlet Gang?

Probably Communist too. You know how it is in that city.

Rosalind almost snorted. She was the furthest thing from being a Communist. Her sister, Celia, actually was. Unlike Rosalind, it had been easy for Celia to leave the Scarlet mansion one day and fall off the grid. She had been known as Kathleen Lang while they were in the household, having taken on their third sister’s name after the real Kathleen passed away in Paris, adopting an identity upon return to Shanghai that would keep her safe while living authentically. She had been assigned male at birth, and while their father hadn’t allowed her to openly be Celia, he had allowed her to take Kathleen’s place as a protection mechanism, sliding in as someone the city already thought they knew. When revolution swept through Shanghai, when power shifted and allegiances changed and their once-mighty family started to fracture apart, Celia had entered Communist circles with the name that she had chosen for herself rather than return to being Kathleen. If she wanted, she could pretend she was never a part of the Scarlet Gang; after all, the Scarlet Gang had only ever known their precocious heir, Juliette, and her two dear cousins, Rosalind and Kathleen.

While Celia told only a select few people in the organization about her past with the Scarlet Gang, Rosalind was being watched by the Nationalists at every moment as a Scarlet bomb ready to go off. There was a reason they sent her after White Flowers, after all. She and the Nationalists had an understanding about why she was working for them.

Rosalind pressed her ear to the door, listening to the constables as they searched. Their irritated commands to one another grew fainter and fainter, grumbling that she must have escaped unnoticed. Only once their voices had disappeared entirely onto another street did Rosalind dare ease herself out from the corner of the water closet, lifting her handcuffed wrists and nudging at the door with one finger to open it a crack.

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