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Signal Fires
Signal Fires
Signal Fires
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Signal Fires

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I know that Erin's new book, Signal Fires, will bless and inspire all who read it. I believe you'll be encouraged and challenged to welcome the working of the Holy Spirit in your lives in brand new ways.

- REVEREND TONY COOKE Bible Teacher, Author

This book is fire! Erin made it super easy and tangible to unders

PublisherErin Francis
Release dateJul 11, 2022
Signal Fires

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    Signal Fires - Erin Francis

    A Note From The Author

    One day in prayer the Lord spoke to me, Erin, I want you to write your next book about the Holy Spirit.

    I said, Lord, He’s a BIG topic!

    Erin, I’m not asking you to write a theological summary of the Holy Spirit. I’m not asking you to intellectually explain Him on paper. What I want you to do is to relay to every reader the sweet yet powerful relationship they can have with Him. I trust you to do this.

    What you are holding in your hand is my obedience to His request.

    It is no coincidence you’ve picked up Signal Fires. He led you! You want more of the Lord. The good news is that He loves you deeply, and He greatly desires an intimate relationship with you.

    While reading this book, please read your Bible along with it. Each chapter corresponds in some way to the same chapter in the book of Acts. It was written that way on purpose to be a study of the Holy Spirit throughout the book of Acts. There are also summary notes on Acts at the beginning of each chapter if you would like further study and clarification.

    Pay close attention to how the Holy Spirit ministered and the reaction of the people when He did. The book of Acts is a doorway where the rest of the New Testament unfolds and the Holy Spirit is revealed. Moving too quickly will cause you to miss nuggets of wisdom He has been longing to show you. I pray for you to grow more intimately acquainted with our dear friend, the Holy Spirit.

    Thank you for reading Signal Fires.




    Romans 8:14, For all who are being led by God, these are the sons of God.

    The book of Acts can come alive to you as if you were standing by watching the events unfold. Throughout the whole book, there is a Silent Director, who is present in every story, every word, every miracle, and His name is the Holy Spirit.

    Feel the adrenaline as the apostle Peter comes down from the upper room, and with the growing crowd in the street, begins to boldly preach. This uneducated fisherman suddenly finds himself leading a group of three thousand people to give their hearts to Jesus.

    A few chapters later read about Stephen, who remained calm even though he sensed the crowd was turning on him. There was a moment while he was preaching where he didn’t care anymore about his earthly life. While the crowd was throwing stones, he totally lived out the words, For me to live is Christ and to die is gain! He looked up into Heaven and could see Jesus standing at the right hand of God, looking down, ready to greet him.

    Saul was on the road to Damascus, intent on killing Christians. A terrorist’s anger was burning inside him only to be abruptly stopped by the power of God through a shining light and a voice from the sky asking him, Why are you persecuting Me? Saul immediately fell to the ground hollering out, Lord, Lord! The experience was so supernatural it changed him forever. The anger was gone, and now a passion to preach Christ consumed Saul, now known as Paul.

    We wonder what it would’ve been like to have lived in those days. We may think, Would I have the courage to stand up and do what they did? The answer is yes, but only with the Holy Spirit! We have been chosen to live in these last days, and it causes us to ask questions: What would I be willing to give up for the Lord? How do I yield to the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that signs and wonders follow me? How do I study the Bible so that it comes alive on the inside of me?

    It is time for the Body of Christ to know the Holy Spirit in a more intimate way. We talk to Him, and He speaks to us. He is calling us deeper.


    Cracks Of Gold

    Acts is a letter written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by the hand of a doctor named Luke. He is the same author of the Gospel of Luke, and many believe he was a Gentile. He wrote both books to a man named Theophilus, writing in Luke 1:4, So that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.

    Luke was led to write these two accounts to explain in detail the coming of the Lord, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the impact both brought to humanity. Luke believed a thorough understanding of the Gospel would so bolster one’s faith they would compel many others to believe. He was right; look at you reading his letters so many years later! Luke’s faith in God, and his confidence in his assignment to give a written account, are still evangelizing the world!

    Summary of the first chapter of Acts:

    Acts 1:4 Jesus asked the apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the gift the Father had promised (Holy Spirit)

    1:5 Jesus said they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit

    1:8 Jesus told them they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them and they will be witnesses of Christ in the city and continuing to the uttermost parts of the world

    1:9 Jesus ascended into Heaven

    1:10-11 Two men in white clothing told them He would come again just how they saw Him leave

    1:12-14 All who were in the upper room were in one mind in prayer; Eleven of the disciples are here compared to the list from Matthew 10 which Jesus selected to be His twelve disciples; Let that sink in: Everyone kept believing in Jesus! Judas had committed suicide after he betrayed Jesus. God did not select him to betray Jesus and kill himself because every man has free will. And don’t judge where you think he’s spending eternity based on his actions, as only God knows a man’s heart

    1:15-26 Peter stood up and told them they needed to pick an apostle to replace Judas, based on Psalms; they prayed, cast lots, and picked Matthias (he is only mentioned in the Bible again as in a group, never by name) (Note: none of the other apostles were chosen by casting lots; Jesus chose them. However, Matthias met all the qualifications listed in verses 1:21-22: Someone who accompanied them the whole time Jesus was with them beginning with baptism of John until the day He was taken up; Paul did not meet these qualifications)

    For Jesus’ followers right after His crucifixion, there must have been anguish and questions such as - How do you keep believing when everything you thought you understood comes crashing down? How do you keep moving forward trusting someone who has just been crucified? How could this happen?

    Everything you thought you believed in is gone. This Man who you followed the last three years, or in Mary‘s case this Man whom you birthed, was prophesied that He was the Messiah. But now what do you do in the terror and aftermath of what has happened?

    How in the world could anyone, especially Yahweh, pick up these pieces?

    God had a plan!

    Elohim, God the Creator, had a plan! Genesis 1:26

    Jehovah Jireh, God who provides, had a plan! Genesis 22:14

    Jehovah Rophe, God who heals, had a plan! Exodus 15:26

    Jehovah Nissi, God our banner, had a plan! Exodus 17:15

    Jehovah Shalom, God our peace, had a plan! Judges 6:24

    Jehovah Tsidkanu, God our righteousness, had a plan! Jeremiah 23:6

    Jehovah Shammah, God is ever-present, had a plan!

    Ezekiel 48:35

    God unfolded the great mystery of who He was throughout His marvelous Bible. A book written by approximately 40 men over approximately 1,500 years inspired by the Holy Spirit. He had shown Himself in the entire Bible through prophecy that He had a plan. Jesus was the plan! Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, Revelation 13:8. Before anyone was created, Jesus was, Jesus was crucified, Jesus was raised from the dead. Before there was anyone to save the plan was complete.

    However, the disciples, Jesus’ family, and His friends had to believe for three days after His death that He was the Messiah. They had no outward promptings other than what they believed in their own spirits. On the third day, when Jesus rose from the dead, He began to show Himself to His friends and disciples over the next 40 days. Each time was meaningful and significant. The disciples had to believe just like we have to believe. For a brief time, they were scattered and broken like discarded pottery that has no more usefulness. However, God mended this pottery with gold.

    There is an ancient tradition of mending pottery with gold. The very cracks in the pottery which have been mended make the piece more beautiful than it was before it was broken. This is exactly how all of Jesus’ followers were mended with gold! More beautiful than they ever were before!

    What was the gold? It was their faith! They overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. They took every doubtful thought captive to the obedience of Christ. They pulled down every lofty imagination and every dart from the enemy set against their faith that Jesus was the Son of God. They had faith when they couldn’t see. This faith pleased the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    They had all privately come to their own breaking point. Their belief system was completely shattered. They found a way to their Christ, to their Messiah. Their faith was the gold.

    Now they were beautiful! Now they were stronger than ever before! They were broken, refined in the fire, and repaired by gold. Shining seams of gold bound them in one common belief: Jesus was alive, and now God could live inside them, empower them and speak through them.

    God was pleased with them. On the day Jesus was baptized, a dove descended from Heaven and landed on Him. In Matthew 3:17 a voice from Heaven said, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased! Now their Heavenly Father was saying to them, This My beloved son, this is My beloved daughter, in whom I am well pleased.

    And that is why the title Signal Fires. He’s in us signaling the world to His glorious light. He wants to help us build a signaling fire for the lost so they can come to the light! They need Christ!

    Maybe you are the one who needs Christ. It is no coincidence you are reading this sentence: Jesus wants to be your Savior, forgive you of your sin and be Lord of your life. He loves you. Jesus has been relentlessly seeking you for a long time. He led you to these words. If you need Jesus, repeat this prayer, Jesus, please forgive me of my sin. Please come into my heart and make me clean. I confess with my mouth Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. I trust You have forgiven me because I asked. I make you Lord of my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

    Now the Bible says you are a new creation, the old things have passed away and behold all things have become new, 2 Corinthians 5:17. The Bible says the angels in Heaven rejoice over your decision of repentance, Luke 15:10.

    Question: Have you believed when you felt broken and shattered? Have you trusted when you didn’t understand? What faith stories does your gold represent? Share them with others!

    Scripture: 1 Peter 1:7, So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.


    Baptism In The Holy Spirit

    Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place

    2:2 The Holy Spirit comes; rushing wind enters room

    2:3 Tongues as of fire rest on each of them (Genesis 1:1-5)

    2:4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues

    2:5-8 Holy Spirit had them speak in tongues to others in the city to be a sign to them for salvation; men in the city heard the commotion and were dumbfounded hearing all of these Galileans speak in their native languages the wonderful deeds of God and they knew there was no way the Galileans spoke their languages

    2:14 Peter starts to explain to the large crowd what is happening; prophecy from Acts 1:8 was fulfilled when Jesus told them they would be witnesses in Jerusalem

    2:16 Peter points out that more prophecy is being fulfilled from when the prophet Joel prophesied about this very event in Joel 2:28-32

    2:17-36 Sons and daughters shall prophesy; more explanation; Peter preaches that the Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead; the same Jesus they crucified

    2:37 The crowd was genuinely convicted and asked what they should do

    2:38-40 Peter preached to them to repent, and they too could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

    2:41 Approximately 3,000 people were born again and baptized; in Luke 3:16-17, John the Baptist said, As for me, I baptize you with water; but One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the throng of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. And His winnowing fork will be in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. John was prophesying about this day. Basically, the book of Acts summed up in these two verses said by a man under the anointing of the Holy Spirit who never got to see it. John’s call was a general in wartime, and he was literally like the palm branch put under the donkey Jesus was riding on (Mark 11:7-8, Zechariah 9:9). He knew his life was to honor Jesus and pave the way for the Messiah to be received. He ministered like someone from the book of Acts more than any other person up until the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:15, And he (John) will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb. He was filled with the Holy Spirit before the Holy Spirit was poured out on other men and women. This was to be a sign. Luke 3:19-20, John is imprisoned for speaking against Herod’s sin.

    2:43 The Holy Spirit was performing signs and wonders through the Apostles

    2:44-46 All believers were together and sold possessions sharing the money with all believers; taking meals together

    2:47 They were praising God, had favor with the people; Lord added to their number day by day those getting saved

    The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost as Jesus had told His disciples. He told them to go to Jerusalem and wait on the promise. Acts 2:2-4, And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.

    When the Holy Spirit came into the room, He came in like a rushing mighty wind and flames of fire. The Holy Spirit is not wind nor fire but a third of the Godhead. It was a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit by the working of miracles sent from God. The fascinating part is that it ignited three things: a fire resting on each of them, the ability to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance, and a supernatural boldness to preach the gospel.

    People from many nations lived in Jerusalem and were preparing to celebrate the Day of Pentecost. As the believers left the room, they were speaking in tongues about the mighty deeds of God by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. These men and women were not linguists, but the people heard them speaking in their own languages. This was a miracle to display the power of God so unbelievers would be compelled to listen to the Good News. It is important to note that the women actively participated here as well, even Mary.

    The Bible says that it is by preaching man gets saved. If this sign of speaking in tongues alone could have saved those men and women that day, then Peter would not have had to preach. We would read that as soon as the group in the upper room came down speaking in tongues, the men of the city fell to their knees and repented. But no, it says that Peter got up and began to preach Jesus to them. So the miracle was meant to intrigue the sinners to cause them to question their relationship with God. As soon as Peter preached to them and gave an altar call, they responded. And not only to salvation but to being baptized with the Holy Spirit.

    This day fulfilled the prophecy that the prophet Joel had received even before Christ came in the flesh. He penned, And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even on My bondslaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit and they shall prophesy. And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:17-21

    We are in this with them! The New Covenant, written in His blood; the blood of the Bridegroom paying the price for His bride. Jesus, the Bridegroom, has gone to prepare a place for us and for all who believe and become born again.

    When you ask the Holy Spirit to baptize you, He will. He is a perfect gentleman. He will never force His way on you or overtake you. You have to yield to Him just like you had to yield to the water when you got baptized in water. His baptism is in the Spirit. He will come to you in this way: words or syllables or sounds will begin to come up from your spirit. These are not in English or any language you know. And as you speak them out in faith, you will receive more words. Your mind will not know them, but your heart will rejoice in them. Romans 8:26, In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. When we pray in a tongue, our mind is unfruitful, but our spirit man is praying. Jude 1:20 says we build ourselves up on our most holy faith when we pray in the Spirit. We don’t get faith by praying in tongues, but by listening to and believing in the Word of God. But we can encourage our faith by praying in tongues.

    When you are new to this, you might think that what you are saying can’t possibly be it; it’s just you speaking gibberish. But if you have asked in faith, then you have received. Those words, syllables, and sounds that make no sense to your head are speaking in tongues. You’re doing it! It will become more natural to you as you pray more.

    One time I was at a revival. The auditorium was full of people, and the love of God surrounded me as the altar call was given for anyone who wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I was only a young lady, but I knew I wanted to know the Holy Spirit in this dynamic way. If there was something more in God, I wanted it! They prayed over us; I fell onto the stone floor under the power of God. I heard someone asking me if I would like to be prayed with to speak in tongues. I exclaimed, Yes!

    The gentleman explained what it meant to be Spirit-filled and how it would sound when I spoke in tongues, then he prayed for me. He was very enthusiastic. I said out loud some sounds that came to me, but I felt uncertain.

    Over the next several weeks, my mind continued to doubt I had really received, but I did not mention this to anyone. Not long after this, my father ministered at a meeting.

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