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Basics of Drug Analysis
Basics of Drug Analysis
Basics of Drug Analysis
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Basics of Drug Analysis

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The Textbook 'Basics of Drug Analysis' is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Pharmaceutical Sciences and students pursuing studies in Drug Analysis and Assay. It is an ideal compendium for an introductory study on Pharmaceutical Analysis.Lots of new analytical techniques have saw light in the recent decade. This book gives a lucid exposition of theoretical principles, instrumentation and Pharmaceutical applications of various fundamental and basic topics of drug analysis like gravimentry, titrimetry, qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques.In writing this book, much care has been taken to use simple language to explain complex concepts and include easy drawing diagrams. Several chapters have been dealt elaborately well suited for analysts, quality control chemists and those employed in Pharmaceutical industry.
Release dateAug 27, 2022
Basics of Drug Analysis

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    Basics of Drug Analysis - Prof. Dr. G. Vidya Sagar


    A. Statistical Quality Control


    It has been the constant endeavor of Pharmacists to strive at higher and higher accuracy but absolute accuracy is unattainable. No two things can be made exactly alike. In Pharmaceutical production, no attempts are made to attain absolute perfection but to control the degree of variability of production so that the variation is within the prescribed statutory tolerance limits. There are two types of causes responsible for the variation of Pharmaceutical product manufactured.

    (i) Inherent source of variation (Indeterminate or accidental variation)

    (ii) Assignable causes of variation (determinate or constant variation)

    (i) Inherent Source of Variation

    These variations or errors manifest themselves by the slight variations that occur in successive measurements by the same observer with the greatest care under as nearly identical conditions as possible. This natural variability can’t be controlled and it occurs even under the best of methods and circumstances. These variations cannot be predicted and hence cannot be eliminated.

    (ii) Assignable Causes of Variation

    These are the variations which can be avoided or whose magnitude can be determined and hence can be checked and controlled. The assignable variations if present must be detected and corrected before defective results and products are produced. Some of the determinate errors are:

    1. Operational and personal errors: these mostly physical in nature. These errors are due to factors for which the individual is responsible and are not connected with the method or procedure. These errors may arise from the constitutional inability of an individual to make certain observations accurately. An example for this kind is – some persons are unable to judge color changes sharply in visual titrations which may result in slight overlapping of the end point.

    2. Instrumental and reagent errors: these variations arise due to defective instruments and improper chemicals.

    3. Errors of method or variations due to the process: these arise from the incorrect sampling and from the incompleteness of the reaction.

    4. Additive and proportional variations: the absolute value of an additive error is independent of the amount of the constituent present in the determination. Some examples of additive errors are loss in weight of a crucible in which a precipitate is ignited and errors in weights. The absolute value of a proportional error depends upon the amount of the constituents. An example of proportional error is impurity in a primary standard which leads to an incorrect value for the normality of a standard solution.

    The science of quality control is largely statistical in nature. The statistical quality control technique is based on the theory of probability and sampling and is extensively used in Pharmaceutical industries and quality control labs. Quality control is a powerful productivity technique for effective diagnosis of lack of quality or conformity to settle standards in any of the materials, processes, machines or end products. Statistical quality control is a key factor in process validation and the manufacture of Pharmaceutical products. The technique attempts to locate the variability or error while the Pharmaceutical work is in process or progress.

    In statistical quality control techniques, the actual physical measurements are first secured by inspection. Then the degree of variation among the measurements is analysed by statistical methods in terms of a standard value of variation among acceptable limits. By such comparisons, quality control is made to predict the significance of the variation analysed. This type of prediction can then be used to exert a positive influence over the control of product quality by studying the assignable causes. The quality control is thus directly associated with inspection and for statistical quality control, control charts are maintained. In order that things may be economical and quick, 100% inspection is not desirable. Rather 100% inspection leads to fatigue of human brain and faulty results are likely to be accepted. Control charts tell immediately whether the product is satisfactory or not.

    The important objectives of statistical quality control in Pharmaceutical practice are as follows:

    (i) Better quality level

    (ii) Better uniformity of quality

    (iii) Better utilization of raw materials

    (iv) Most efficient utilization of equipments

    (v) Less scrap and rework

    (vi) Better inspection

    (vii) Improved producer consumer relations and

    (viii) Better specifications

    Attributes and Variables


    Those measurements in which a quality characteristic is present or absent or falls into a limited number of discrete categories are referred to as attribute measurements. Here the examination leads to the result being satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Measurements by attributes are generally less expensive but many more measurements have to be taken in such cases as there is no way of telling to what extent an item fails to meet the desired quality level when it is rejected on a attribute basis.


    Two things are said to be alike when the differences among them are so small that we do not care about them. But generally two things are considered to be identical vary from each other when sufficiently precise measuring equipment or process is available. Measurement by variable involved the use of a scale which can be theoretically subdivided infinitely and the results of the quality can be expressed quantitatively i.e. in numbers. The measures of size, weight, surface etc. are the examples of measurement by variables.

    Control Charts

    The statistical quality control is mainly classified into process control and product control. The aim of process control is to maintain satisfactory quality level in production. The process control should ensure that the product conforms with the specified quality standards. The process control is achieved through the technique of control charts. Controlling the quality of product by critical examination at strategic points is known as product control and is achieved through sampling inspection plans. Random samples of work in process are taken and inspected, data collected are then presented graphically in chart form and chart method is an essential part of quality control systems.

    A control chart is a statistical device principally used for the study and control of repetitive processes. It is a device to measure the extent of variation or defects in a process and to identify where there is an assignable cause for the variation. Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, its originator suggested that control chart may serve, first to define the goal or standard for the process that the management might strive to attain and secondly it may be used as an instrument to attain that goal and thirdly it may serve as a means of judging whether the goal is being achieved. The charts provide a very simple but powerful graphic method or finding whether a process is in statistical control or not. The control charts are simple to construct and easy to interpret and they tell the manager at a glance whether the process is in control or not. It is a graphic device for presenting data so as to directly reveal the frequency and extent of variations from established standards of goals.

    The control charts help to easily identify the assignable causes of quality variation and these should be controlled or eliminated economically whenever detected. In gathering data for preparation of control charts the following points should be borne in mind:

    1. We should be sure that we are measuring the thing we want to measure.

    2. Measuring equipment and computing equipment should be operated properly.

    3. The operator should be properly trained and instructed and free from bias.

    4. Transcription errors should be avoided by adequate checking.

    5. At least 40 to 100 observations should be taken.

    It is necessary that the control chart limits be based on only the variability that is inherent in the process. If the standard deviation is computed on the basis of individual measurements, it will include the determination of all the assignable causes as well as chance causes of variation.

    Important Points to be Observed in Drawing the Quality Control Chart

    As the quality control charts form important documents and have to be examined by senior personnel, these should be drawn in convenient manner and the following points should be considered:

    1. The size of the chart should be handy one.

    2. The chart should be as neat as possible.

    3. There should be provision for accommodating additional information on the charts in future.

    4. The chart should be labeled properly and sufficiently.

    5. When it becomes necessary to draw revised control chart limits on the basis of additional data, they should not be drawn over the original limits but after these.

    6. Plotted point should be legible.

    7. The average lines are drawn by solid and control limits by dotted lines.

    8. There should be minimum number of background lines on the graph paper selected for drawing the control charts. Such charts are often plotted on rectangular cross section paper. Some times profile paper may also be used. The vertical scale is used for the statistical measures and the horizontal scale is used for subgroup numbers, dates, hours or lot numbers etc.

    Objectives of Control Charts

    1. To determine whether a process can meet the specifications or to collect further information for establishing or changing the specifications.

    2. To get information for changing the production procedures.

    3. To get information for changing the inspection techniques or acceptance procedures.

    4. Determination as to when to find causes of variation and take action to correct them and when to leave the process alone.

    5. To take decision on acceptance or rejection of manufactured or purchased products.

    Types of Quality Control Charts

    Broadly speaking, control charts can be divided under tow heads:

    (i) Control Charts for attributes

    (ii) Control Charts for Variables

    (i) Control Charts for Attributes

    Control charts for attributes can be used for quality characteristics which can be observed only as attributes by classifying an item as defective or non defective, i.e. confirming to specifications or not. The following are the three main attribute charts:

    1. p-chart or chart for fraction defectives

    2. np-chart or chart for number of defectives

    3. c-chart or chart for number of defects per unit

    (ii) Control Charts for Variables

    Control charts for variables are used for any quality characteristic that is measurable. Usually X and R charts used to control the mean (location) and standard deviation (dispersion) respectively of the quality characteristics.

    (i) Control Charts for Attributes

    1. The Shewhart control chart for fraction defective : This is also described as p-chart in technical language. In most of the routine inspection work (either 100% inspection or sampling inspection), the products are classified as either accepted or rejected. In such inspection it is a common practice to make a record of the number of items rejected. The ratio of the number of items rejected to the number of items inspected is the fraction of defective which is commonly expressed as a decimal fraction. The control limits of the chart which easily detect the presence of assignable and chance causes are set by simple statistical calculations. The p-chart is somewhat less sensitive than X and R charts and it does not have a great diagnostic value, but it serves to point out those situations needing diagnosis of trouble by the control chart for variables.

       Nevertheless, it is an extremely useful to production supervision in giving information as to when and where to exert pressure for quality improvement. It results in the reduction of the average fraction defective and in the improvement of inspection practices by disclosing erratic fluctuations in the quality of inspection. The p-chart serves as a very good tool in dealing with outside vendors by pointing out whether the vendors differ in quality level or in the variability of quality level.

    2. The Shewhart control chart for number of defectives: This chart is also described as np-chart or the chart for the number of defectives in the sample. The control chart for this is drawn by taking m samples, each of size n are drawn at regular intervals of time from a production process and for each sample the number of defectives d is found out. d follows the binomial distribution with parameters n and p , where n is total the total number of items in the sample and p is the fraction defectives of the sample.

    The control limits for np-chart:

    CL = n p

    LCL = n p – 3 [n p (1– p)]¹/²

    UCL = n p– 3 [n p (1– p)]¹/²

    3. The Shewhart control chart for defects per unit: In technical language of the subject, it is described as c-chart. This type of chart applies to a limited number of manufacturing situations involving quality, e.g., inspection of a fairly complex assembled unit in which there are a great many opportunities for occurrences of defects of various types, and the total number of defects or all types found by inspection are recorded for each unit.

       In c-chart also, the control limits are set in a way to detect the presence or absence of assignable causes of variations; thereby telling when to take action on the process

    (ii) Control Charts for Variables ( X Chart and R Chart)

    These charts help in trouble shooting of the manufacturing process by providing information on three matters, all of which need to be known as a basis for action.

    (a) Basis variability of the quality characteristic.

    (b) Consistency of Performance.

    (c) Average level of the quality characteristic.

    No production process can produce identical objects. Some variability is unavoidable which depends upon the various characteristics of the production process such as the machines, the materials, the operators. When both upper and lower values (e.g. dimensional tolerances) are specified and control chart shows that the process variability is great, then it is necessary to make change in the process or to take the trouble of sorting good product from bad. Sometimes it may be observed that tolerances are tighter than necessary for the functioning of the product and they can be widened instead of choosing a very precise and costly process.

    The control limits on the charts are so placed as to disclose the presence or absence of the assignable causes. The control charts tell when to leave process alone and when to take action to correct trouble. The elimination of assignable causes of erratic fluctuation is described as bringing a process under control and is responsible for many of the cost savings resulting from statistical quality control.

    In some instances the process variability is such that the natural tolerance range is narrower than the specified tolerance range, still the products are unsatisfactory because the average level of the quality characteristic is too high or too low. This will also be disclosed by control charts and correction of the average level can be taken by changing machine setting or taking some suitable action.

    Once the control chart shows that a process is brought under control at a satisfactory level and with satisfactory limits of variability, one may feel confident that the product meets specifications. This suggests the possibility of basing acceptance procedures on the control charts and thereby result in substantial savings in costs related to inspection.

    X chart is used to show the quality averages of the samples drawn from a given process. Let X denote the quality characteristic of a manufactured product. m samples each of size n are drawn from the production process at regular intervals of time.

    Let Xi be the mean and Ri be the range of the ith sample, (I = 1, 2, …, n).



    i and R using

    The control limits of X chart are set at

    Central line (CL) = X

    Lower control limit (LCL) = X – A2 R

    Upper control limit (UCL) =


    – A2 R

    The values of the constant A2 are computed and tabulated for different values of n.

    The control limits for R – Chart are set at

    Central line (CL) = R

    Lower control limit (LCL) = D3 R

    Upper control limit (UCL) = D4 R

    Here D3 and D4 are constants which depend on the sample size n.

    For X chart the sample numbers are taken on the X-axis and the values of X are taken on the Y-axis. The central line and both the control limits are drawn parallel to the X-axis. The value of X for each sample is plotted on the graph paper. On joining these points in order, X chart is obtained.

    For R – chart the sample numbers are taken on the X-axis and the values of R are taken on the Y-axis. The central line, LCL and UCL for R – chart are drawn parallel to the X-axis. The values of R obtained from each sample are plotted on the graph paper. On joining these points in order, R – chart is obtained.

    Acceptance Sampling

    Acceptance inspection (generally done by sampling techniques) is a necessary part of manufacturing and is applied at various stage in a factory, e.g. it can be applied to incoming materials, to partially finished products at various intermediate stages of the manufacturing process and to final product, by the purchaser of the product.

    It may be emphasized here that the best protection against the acceptance of defective product is in having the product made right in the first place and that the good sampling acceptance often contribute to this objective through more effective pressure for quality improvement which can be exerted with 100% inspection.

    The modern sampling acceptance producers are based on the laws of probability and through much superior but some defectives are likely to be passed by it if a part of the stream of product submitted for acceptance is defective. It attempts to evaluate the risk assumed with alternative sampling procedures and to make a decision as to the degree of protection needed in any instance. It is then possible to choose a sampling acceptance scheme that gives a desired degree of protection with due consideration for the various costs involved.

    B. Validation – Analytical Instruments & Analytical Methods


    The pharmaceutical industry relies on the precision and accuracy of analytical instruments to obtain valid data for research, development, manufacturing, and quality control. Indeed, advancements in the automation, precision, and accuracy of these instruments parallel those of the industry itself. Through published regulations, regulatory agencies require pharmaceutical companies to establish procedures assuring that the users of analytical instruments are trained to perform their assigned tasks. The regulations also require the companies to establish procedures assuring that the instruments that generate data supporting regulated product testing are fit for use. The regulations, however, do not provide clear and authoritative guidance for validation/qualification of analytical instruments. Consequently, competing opinions abound regarding instrument validation procedures and the roles and responsibilities of the people who perform them. On the latter point, many believe that the users (analysts), who ultimately are responsible for the instrument operations and data quality, were not sufficiently involved when the various stakeholders attempted to establish criteria and procedures to determine the suitability of instruments for their intended use. The objectives of Analytical Instrument Qualification are:

    •Review and propose an effective and efficient instrument validation process that focuses on outcomes, and not only on generating documentation.

    •Propose a risk-based validation process founded on competent science.

    •Define the roles and responsibilities of those associated with an instrument’s validation

    •Determine whether differences exist between validations performed in laboratories that adopt Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) regulations vs those that adopt Good Manufacturing Practice regulations (GMP).

    •Establish the essential parameters for performing instrument validation.

    •Establish common terminology.

    •Publish a white paper on analytical instrument validation that may aid in the development of formal future guidelines and submit it to regulatory agencies.

    Components of Data Quality

    Analytical instrument qualification helps justify the continued use of equipment, but it alone does not ensure the quality of data. Analytical instrument qualification is 1 of the 4 critical components of data quality. Analytical Instrument Qualification forms the base for generating quality data. The other essential components for generating quality data are the following:

    Analytical Methods Validation, System Suitability Tests, and Quality Control Checks. These quality components are described below.

    Analytical Instrument Qualification (AIQ) is documented evidence that an instrument performs suitably for its intended purpose and that it is properly maintained and calibrated. Use of a qualified instrument in analyses contributes to confidence in the veracity of generated data

    Analytical methods validation is documented evidence that an analytical method does what it purports to do and delivers the required attributes. Use of a validated method should instill confidence that the method can generate test data of acceptable quality.

    Various user groups and regulatory agencies have defined procedures for method validation. Among some common parameters generally obtained during method validations are the following:







    •analyte stability

    Typically conducted before the system performs samples analysis, system suitability tests verify that the system works according to the performance expectations and criteria set forth in the method, assuring that at the time of the test the system met an acceptable performance standard.

    Most analyses are performed using reference or calibration standards. Single- or multipoint calibration or standardization correlates instrument response with a known analyte quantity or quality. Calibrators/standards are generally prepared from certified materials suitable for the test. Besides calibration or standardization, some analyses also require the inclusion of quality control check samples, which provide an in-process assurance of the test’s performance suitability. The extent of system suitability tests or quality control checks varies for individual analyses. For example, chemical analyses, which are largely subject to GMP regulations, may require more system suitability tests than bioanalytical work. The bioanalytical work, largely subject to GLP regulations, requires more quality control checks during sample analysis. In summary, AIQ and analytical method validation assure the quality of analysis conducting the tests. System suitability tests and quality control checks assure the high quality of analytical results immediately before or during sample analysis.

    Analytical Instrument Qualification

    The following sections address in detail the analytical instrument qualification process. The other 3 components of building quality into analytical data—analytical methods validation, system suitability tests, and quality control checks—are not within the scope of this report.

    Qualification Phases

    Qualification of instruments is not a single, continuous process but instead results from many discrete activities. For convenience, these activities have been grouped into 4 phases of qualification.

    •Design Qualification (DQ)

    •Installation Qualification (IQ)

    •Operational Qualification (OQ)

    •Performance Qualification (PQ)

    These qualification phases were used for AIQ because of their wide acceptance within the community of users, manufacturers, and quality assurance. Some of these qualification phases have their roots in manufacturing process validation. Note, however, that adoption of process validation terms does not imply that all process validation activities are necessary for AIQ. Some AIQ activities could arguably be performed within one or the other qualification phase. It is important that required AIQ activities are performed, but it should not be important under which qualification phase the individual activity is performed or reported.

    Design Qualification (DQ)

    The Design Qualification activity is most suitably performed by the instrument developer/manufacturer. Since the instrument design is already in place for the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems, the user does not need to repeat all aspects of DQ. However, users should ensure that COTS instruments are suitable for their intended applications and that the manufacturer has adopted a quality system for developing, manufacturing, and testing. Users should also establish that manufacturers and vendors adequately support installation, service, and training. Methods for ascertaining the manufacturer’s design qualification and an instrument’s suitability for its intended use depend on the nature of the instrument, the complexity of the proposed application, and the extent of users’ previous interaction with the manufacturer. Vendor audits or required vendor-supplied documentation satisfy the DQ requirement. The required scope and comprehensiveness of the audits and documentation vary with users’ familiarity with the instrument and their previous interactions with the vendor.

    Informal personal communications and networking with peers at technical or user group meetings significantly inform users about the suitability of instrument design for various applications and the quality of vendor support services. Informal site visits to other user and/or vendor facilities to obtain data on representative samples using the specified instruments also are a good source of information regarding the suitability of the instrument design for intended use. In many instances an assessment of the quality of vendor support, gleaned from informal discussions with peer users, significantly influences instrument selection.

    Installation Qualification (IQ)

    Installation Qualification is a documented collection of activities needed to install an instrument in the user’s environment. IQ applies to a new, pre-owned or an existing on-site—but not previously qualified—instrument. The activities and documentation associated with IQ are as follows:

    •System Description: Provide a description of the instrument, including its manufacturer, model, serial number, software version, etc. Use drawings and flowcharts where appropriate.

    •Instrument Delivery: Ensure that the instrument, software, manuals, supplies, and any other accessories arrive with the instrument as the purchase order specifies and that they are undamaged. For a pre-owned or existing instrument, manuals and documentation should be obtained. Verify that the installation site satisfactorily meets vendor-specified environmental requirements. A commonsense judgment for the environment suffices; one need not measure the exact voltage for a standard-voltage instrument or the exact humidity reading for an instrument that will operate at ambient conditions.

    •Network and Data Storage: Some analytical systems require users to provide network connections and data storage capabilities at the installation site. If this is the case, connect the instrument to the network and check its functionality.

    •Assembly and Installation: Assemble and install the instrument and perform any initial diagnostics and testing. Assembly and installation of a complex instrument are best done by the vendor or specialized engineers, whereas users can assemble and install simple ones. For complex instruments, vendor-established installation tests and guides provide a valuable baseline reference for determining instrument acceptance. Any abnormal event observed during assembly and installation merits documenting. If the pre-owned or unqualified existing instrument requires assembly and installation, perform the tasks as specified here, and then perform the installation verification procedure described below.

    •Installation Verification: Perform the initial diagnostics and testing of the instrument after installation. On obtaining acceptable results, the user and (when present) the installing engineer should confirm that the installation was successful before proceeding with the next qualification phase.

    Operational Qualification (OQ)

    After a successful IQ the instrument is ready for OQ testing. The OQ phase may consist of these test parameters:

    •Fixed Parameters: These tests measure the instrument’s nonchanging, fixed parameters such as length, height, weight, etc. If the vendor-supplied specifications for these parameters satisfy the user, he or she may waive the test requirement. However, if the user wants to confirm the parameters, testing can be performed at the user’s site. Fixed parameters do not change over the life of the instrument and therefore never need redetermining.

    •Secure Data Storage, Backup, and Archive: When required, secure data handling, such as storage, backup, and archiving should be tested at the user site according to written procedures.

    •Instrument Functions Tests: Test important instrument functions to verify that the instrument operates as intended by the manufacturer and required by the user. The user should select important instrument parameters for testing according to the instrument’s intended use. Vendor-supplied information is useful in identifying specifications for these parameters. Tests should be designed to evaluate the identified parameters. Users, or their qualified designees, should perform these tests to verify that the instrument meets vendor and user specifications.

    OQ tests can be modular or holistic. Modular testing of individual components of a system may facilitate interchange of such components without requalification and should be done whenever possible. Holistic tests, which involve the entire system, are acceptable in lieu of modular testing. Having successfully completed OQ testing, the instrument is qualified for use in regulated samples testing.

    The extent of OQ testing that an instrument undergoes depends on its intended applications. We therefore offer no specific OQ tests for any instrument or application. Nevertheless, as a guide to the type of tests possible during OQ, consider these, which apply to a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) unit

    •pump flow rate

    •gradient linearity

    •detector wavelength accuracy

    •detector linearity

    •column oven temperature

    •peak area precision

    •peak retention time precision

    Routine analytical tests do not constitute OQ testing. OQ tests specifically designed to determine operation qualification should verify the instrument’s operation according to specifications in the user’s environment. OQ tests may not be required to be repeated at a regular interval. Rather, when the instrument undergoes major repairs or modifications, relevant OQ tests should be repeated to verify whether the instrument continues to operate satisfactorily.

    Performance Qualification (PQ)

    After the IQ and OQ have been performed, the instrument’s continued suitability for its intended use is proved through performance qualification. The PQ phase includes these parameters:

    •Performance Checks: Set up a test or series of tests to verify an acceptable performance of the instrument for its intended use. PQ tests are usually based on the instrument’s typical on-site applications. Some tests may resemble those performed during OQ, but the specifications for their results can be set differently if required. PQ tests are performed routinely on a working instrument, not just on a new instrument at installation. Therefore, PQ specifications can be slightly less rigorous than OQ specifications. Nevertheless, user specifications for PQ tests should evince trouble-free instrument operation vis-à-vis the intended applications. PQ tests should be performed independent of the routine analytical testing performed on the instrument. Like OQ testing, the tests can be modular or holistic. Since many modules within a system interact, holistic tests generally prove more effective by evaluating the entire system and not just the system’s individual modules. Testing frequency depends on the ruggedness of the instrument and criticality of the tests performed. Testing may be unscheduled—for example, each time the instrument is used. Or it may be scheduled to occur at regular intervals; eg, weekly, monthly, yearly. Experience with the instrument can influence this decision. Generally, the same PQ tests are repeated each time so that a history of the instrument’s performance can be compiled. Some system suitability tests or quality control checks that run concurrently with the test samples also imply that the instrument is performing suitably. However, though system suitability tests can supplement periodic PQ tests, they cannot replace them.

    •Preventive Maintenance and Repairs: When PQ test(s) fail to meet specifications, the instrument requires maintenance or repair. For many instruments a periodic preventive maintenance may also be recommended. Relevant PQ test(s) should be repeated after the needed maintenance or repair to ensure that the instrument remains qualified.

    •Standard Operating Procedure for Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance: Establish standard operating procedures to maintain and calibrate the instrument. Use a logbook, binder, or electronic record to document each maintenance and calibration activity.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Users are ultimately responsible for the instrument operations and data quality. Users group includes analysts, their supervisors, and the organizational management. Users should be adequately trained in the instrument’s use, and their training records should be maintained as required by the regulations. Users should be responsible for qualifying their instruments. Their training and expertise in the use of instruments make them the best-qualified group to design the instrument test(s) and specification(s) necessary for successful AIQ. Consultants, validation specialists, and quality assurance personnel can advise and assist as needed, but the final responsibility for qualifying instruments lies with the users. The users must also maintain the instrument in a qualified state by routinely performing PQ.

    The quality assurance (QA) role in AIQ remains as it is in any other regulated study. QA personnel should understand the instrument qualification process, and they should learn the instrument’s application by working with the users. Finally, they should review the AIQ process to determine whether it meets regulatory requirements and that the users attest to its scientific validity.

    The manufacturer is responsible for DQ when designing the instrument. It is also responsible for validating relevant processes for manufacturing and assembly of the hardware and for validating software associated with the instrument as well as the standalone software used in analytical work. The manufacturer should test the assembled instrument prior to shipping to the user.

    The manufacturer should make available to the users a summary of its validation efforts and also the results of final instrument and software tests. It should provide the critical functional test scripts used to qualify the instrument and software at the user site. For instance, the manufacturer can provide a large database and scripts for functional testing of the network’s bandwidth for laboratory information management system (LIMS) software. Finally, the manufacturer should notify all known users about hardware or software defects discovered after a product’s release, offer user training and installation support, and invite user audits as necessary

    Software Validation

    Software used for analytical work can be classified into following categories:


    •instrument control, data acquisition, and processing software

    •stand-alone software

    The computerized analytical instruments

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