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Finding Kintsukuroi
Finding Kintsukuroi
Finding Kintsukuroi
Ebook80 pages1 hour

Finding Kintsukuroi

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About this ebook

An autobiographical collection of short stories which weave into my life and have touched my spirit in a positive way. The things we go through that try to break is, only make us stronger. As demonstrated by the Japanese art of mending broken things by adding gold or silver. Ultimately making it more beautiful for being broken. 

PublisherJ Lynn
Release dateSep 5, 2022
Finding Kintsukuroi

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    Finding Kintsukuroi - J Lynn


    My scars will not look like yours.

    Even if we go through the same things,

    they may not hurt the same.

    But I do understand pain.

    And I know that as long as you walk with me,

    I'll be there to walk beside you.

    And we will never be alone.

    To Adam and Luke, for loving me through the tough times. Daisy and  Naomie for helping to return my hope and faith in people.

    To Denver thank you for inspiring me to be better.

    The idea of being put back together

    after being broken is intriguing.

    Especially when you add

    silver or gold to it.

    I was looking for a Christmas gift

    for my son.

    A Japanese teapot to be exact.

    I kept seeing these repaired

    ceramic teapots.

    Which of course flowed into all kinds

    of dishes and ceramics

    that were repaired with gold.

    When I looked it up,

    I read

    "the art of repairing broken

    (ceramics) with silver or gold."

    Ultimately, this makes it more

    beautiful for having been broken.

    This hit home for me.

    I feel like I’ve been broken.

    And I don’t want to be thrown away

    Just because I am no longer

    What I used to be.

    The poetic translation would be

    golden joinery.

    It was called Kintsukuroi.

    Chapter 1

    As  I lay here, counting the seven   sets of seven dashes, thinking   of all the shitty things that have happened. Not only the things that have happened to me, but also to the people that I cherish. And I wonder what happened after the last dash.... you know, the dash that would have come after the seventh of the seven.

    I've laid up on this top bunk, day after day, wondering what I did wrong. Why I deserved this. Why is this happening to me. (Pretty typical, huh?!) I try to do what's right (For the most part) Sometimes, I have done some shitty things out of spite, some on accident. But those shitty things made me feel bad. So, I try not to do those things again.

    I believe that so much of other people's opinions and thoughts have sunk into my head so deep, that I can't uncover my own. It’s like having to weed out what is mine, and what is theirs. Then, trying to decide if it is right or wrong. Then, is this appropriate? Hell, if I know. But I do know that it has been one hell of a challenge being in my own head. Then there is the added benefit of how difficult it is to write this down. Much less, the possibility that my words don’t matter. It feels like I’ve been struggling for decades to shake off of me what I feel has been broken.

    I'm not so sure if this little bendy pen I found in my bunk was the same one that made those marks on the wall, but I feel like there was a larger purpose here. So, I do think that maybe they are connected.

    I have laid here so much. Thinking and thinking about all sorts of things. I have seen some very ugly memories, and I have seen some beautifully amazing new ideas all in the same sitting. I have cried, I have laughed, and I have gotten inspired by some of the things I’ve seen. Who gets inspired by their own hallucinations?! I guess.... I DO!  I have always had a fairly vivid imagination. It is at this point that I can truly appreciate having one. If not, I do believe that I would be going crazy. Well, crazier than I already feel.

    I am praying (to whatever is out there) that I am on the back end of the emotional roller coaster. I hope that I can keep this belief that what I have gone through and what I have to say does matter. That I matter. That I am enough.

    I used to get so jealous of people who held onto what they believed in with such conviction that even the people who knew the sky wasn’t green started to question how they saw it. I wanted to believe in something myself, or to believe in myself. And for it to feel so true, that nothing would knock down my belief or make it where it could be untrue in my mind.

    I have looked in books. I have taken classes. I have asked hundreds of people about what they believe, what they want, their fears, and what makes them happy. Sometimes, you could see their hearts were so full that: yeah! I would want to believe in that too. I wasn’t thinking that it just wasn’t supposed to be part my story. Well, I guess. Sort of; part of my story because even the thought of it has made it this far with me. Whether relevant or not; it all is relevant and yet none of it is... Ok; enough yogi stuff.

    The way I see it, every small thing does influence the next in one way or another. I would always assume that if I could make just one person happy, just one person smile, even for a second, that was enough to change the world... Well very small like, very slowly, change the world. But then again, it was selfish. And here is my train of thought on that one: If I could get them to smile, if I could make them happy, I was happy too. Even for just that moment. I would say that it became a heart-breaking way of life. It got me through, but I kept getting more lost and further from finding myself and who I was. 

    I remember thinking when I was younger, "If I just had kids, then I'd know what I was supposed to do, who I was supposed to be. Well, let me just tell you, that idea was just straight BULLSHIT. I still didn’t know who I was. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn’t even know what to be.

    What is it that they told me in therapy.... I did the best that I could do with what tools I had at the time. Ok so not really therapy... group session in rehab. So, rehab

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