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The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A–Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments
The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A–Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments
The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A–Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments
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The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A–Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments

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The holistic healing handbook for a homeopathic household. “This book is a beautiful integration of Eastern and Western healing disciplines.” —Scott Rigden, MD, author of The Ultimate Metabolism Diet
Heal your body naturally using an array of well-researched and long-practiced techniques. This easy-to-understand holistic healing library provides multiple healing approaches to the most common ailments, so you’ll have access to the best approach for you and will be feeling better in no time.
Our lives are intertwined with the unexpected. We are bound to become ill or get hurt, probably multiple times in our lives. When that happens, The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing makes healing your body easy by providing an A-Z reference guide of over 100 health issues, each with healing options using different types of holistic medicine, so you’ll be sure to find the best approach—or approaches—for you.
See real results through trusted techniques. A perfect holistic healing gift or addition to anyone’s natural health kit, The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing seamlessly blends new-world science with old-world knowledge. With her deep understanding of both the medical and the spiritual side of healing, author Deanna Minich, PhD, translates her medical knowledge to simple holistic healing techniques that anyone can use and that have been shown to work.
Inside, you’ll find:

  • An A-Z list of over 100 common ailments
  • Seven self-healing options for each ailment including herbal medicines, essential oils, crystals, and more
  • Self-healing quotes, meditations, and healing energy exercises to restore the body and the soul

If you like natural healing books such as The Modern Herbal DispensaryMedical Medium, or When the Body Says No, you’ll love The Complete Book of Quantum Healing.

Release dateFeb 15, 2022
The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A–Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments

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    The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing - Deanna Minich


    Praise for

    The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing

    "Dr. Minich’s book is one of the most important books you’ll ever read. More than just a ‘wellness book,’ The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing describes how to apply the ancient wisdom of the energy centers called Chakras to everyday life in ways that can radically improve your health immediately. From the very start, she shows you how to achieve a whole new level of transformation physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You will marvel at how the small shifts and incremental changes she offers produce authentic health and healing. Dr. Minich is simply brilliant."

    —Dr. Sheila Dean, author of

    Nutrition & Endurance: Where Do I Begin

    "If you want to take back the power to control your own health, then you’ll want Quantum Healing on your nightstand.  With wisdom and intelligence, Deanna Minich shines the light on how we all have the ability to use our mind and spirit to heal our bodies."

    —Christine Arylo, cofounder of Inner Mean Girl Reform School 

    This book is a wonderful integration of Eastern and Western healing disciplines. It is beautifully organized with tables, questionnaires, and diagrams to facilitate use by healers or those who need healing.

    —Scott Rigden, MD, author of The Ultimate Metabolism Diet

    "Whether your need for healing relates to a physical condition such as cancer or an emotional one such as worrying, this handbook will give you an incredible seven-part approach to regaining the balance and health you want in your life. The explanations for everything have been made very accessible, easy to understand, and clear to implement. The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing needs to be in every home and healing office for quick and easy access. It truly is an amazing body of work and we are fortunate to have it."

    —Krysta Gibson, publisher, New Spirit Journal

    Copyright © 2011, 2021 by Deanna M. Minich, PhD

    Published by Conari Press, a division of Mango Media Inc.

    Cover Design: Morgane Leoni

    Layout Design: Dutton and Sherman

    Part I and II illustration: Anna Kong

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    The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A­–Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments

    LCCN: 2021947682.

    ISBN: (p) 978-1-64250-748-5 (e) 978-1-64250-749-2

    BISAC category code HEA020000, HEALTH & FITNESS / Reference

    Printed in the United States of America

    The Complete Handbook of



    An A­–Z Self-Healing Guide for

    Over 100 Common Ailments

    Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS

    Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves

    come when life seems most challenging.

    —Joseph Campbell

    For Ian


    Note to Readers


    Foreword: How Do We Heal?


    Part I

    Introducing Quantum Healing

    Chapter 1     What Is Quantum Healing?

    Chapter 2     The Seven Spokes of the Wheel of Quantum Healing

    Chapter 3     The Tools of Quantum Healing

    Part II

    Your A to Z Guide to Healing Common Ailments


    Appendix A     Emotional Continuums

    Appendix B     Animals and Their Significance

    Appendix C     Anatomical Sketch of the Human Body

    Appendix D     Positive Emotion Weekly Tracking Checklist



    About the Author

    Note to Readers

    This book is intended as an introductory, informational guide to general healing techniques and is not meant to treat, diagnose, or prescribe. The tools described herein are not for the purpose of replacing standard-of-care treatment prescribed by healthcare professionals. For any medical condition or symptom, always consult with a qualified physician or appropriate healthcare professional. Neither the author nor the publisher accepts any responsibility for your health or how you choose to use the information contained in this book.


    Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Each of us is part of the immense, intricate web of existence. We are but a mere strand, and at the same time, we are the web. When you write a book, you weave together information that becomes part of a larger pattern. During the time I spent writing this book, I have been overcome with the realization of the profundity of my past and present interactions, and within my heart, I bow in humble gratitude to those who have contributed to the greater whole of who I have become; the essence I carry has been uncovered, unleashed, and cultivated by a multitude of individuals. I could never capture everyone in a few short paragraphs, but I’ll make an attempt to acknowledge the individuals who have rippled my web or helped me to be the synthesizer of intuitive and scientific knowledge.

    I dedicate this book to my brother, Ian, and to him I extend a bouquet of gratitude from the inner reaches of my heart. Ian was gifted in connecting with his intuition, his soul, and his deepest side, and because of him, I learned about authenticity and exploration. Now that he is in spirit form, I feel him gently guiding and helping me find the answers I seek.

    Healing is definitely in my blood, and I acknowledge and respect its origins. These origins probably go way back, but I am most familiar with the compassionate healing and grace extended through the reach of my grandmother, Elizabeth, who taught me integrity and standing one’s ground. My parents, John and Sharon, have been two beautiful mentors to me and have influenced my life path greatly. I am blessed to have had their fire and air elements to bring my earthy self to life. I thank my sister, Brenda, for being the patient listener she is; she has become a force of great support for everyone in my family.

    Aside from family, I thank the ripples of friends that I have met through the years—Laurie, Shonai, Ketan, Scott R., Ann, Annette, Andy, Peter, Tibor, Wieger (Spider), Soumya, Barbara, Brian, Nicole, Kenny, Barb S., Donna, Scott W., Epiphanio, Lyra, Kristi, Mink, Bob, Joe, Jeff B., and Jack, to name just a few. Thank you for sharing your hearts with me and letting me share my dreams with you.

    I thank all the (spiritual) teachers I have met, studied with, or been influenced by: Paramahansa Yogananda, Patrice Connelly, Caroline

    Myss, Cyndi Dale, the teachers of the Pathways organization in Minneapolis, Louise Hay, Char Sundust, and Robin Carter. Thank you all for opening me to your techniques and wisdom, which have been woven in the collective of my spirit, heart, and body.

    I thank my everyday, in-person teacher, Mark, for the lessons of love, balance, and support he graces me with during our time together.

    And I give thanks to you, the reader, for choosing to heal, be open, and take the high road even when you may feel lost in the depths of confusion, pain, fear, or anger. Remember to call forth that spark within you which is good, true, and beautiful. It will light your way. Blessings!

    Foreword: How Do We Heal?

    That is one of the first questions that I remember ruminating over and over, to the point of obsession. Whenever I had a paper cut at school or a scraped knee, I washed it with soap and then witnessed it heal, as if by magic. I wasn’t consciously doing anything, I was just observing. After a while, it would stop bleeding and a crust would form. The swelling would go down day by day, until the scab fell and my skin was perfectly fine underneath. It simply regenerated itself. Wow.

    I really wanted to understand it, so I went to medical school. By then, I had already been taught that everything that exists, including our bodies, is made of atoms—small, indivisible building blocks. In medical school I learned what everything in the body was made of, down to the atom. We learned to accurately measure how many atoms of this or that are in our blood, urine, spinal fluid, etc. This gave us information that allowed us to introduce or remove certain atoms that could help the body endure or resolve certain issues. In the intensive care unit, if a patient’s blood has too many hydrogen atoms causing acidity of alarming levels, we intravenously introduce carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a different configuration (bicarbonate) to literally save that patient’s life. It is mind blowing what we can do with this understanding, mostly in emergency rooms, intensive care units, and surgery rooms. When this approach is extended outside the acute circumstances of ERs, ICUs, and ORs, it ain’t so amazing any more. It can be helpful to many, no doubt. But for many more, it is a trap from which they can’t escape—an expensive, high-risk, and self-worsening endless story. Take a pill for an ill that gives you a side effect that needs another pill to counteract it…repeat. When a doctor gives you a bunch of atoms to take every day for the rest of your life, this is probably what he thinks of your body: a bunch of atoms interacting in different ways that are somehow set in motion, that then respect the laws of physics and chemistry, where everything can be measured and seen. The how and why of these shapes and their interactions to form life are completely skipped over. It doesn’t matter whose body it is, a hydrogen atom is a hydrogen atom and there’s no more to it. The physicists informed the doctors of this and they ran with it. An entire science was developed, which led to an entire system that generates trillions of dollars around the world. Something like that is very difficult to change.

    But by the time I was finishing medical school, the word was out from physicists that things may not be exactly as we thought. As it turned out, the atom was not indivisible. It was made of yet smaller particles called protons and electrons that are moving around other particles in the center known as neutrons, much like planets around the sun. And in between them was mostly space. What we thought of as one little solid piece turned out to be 99.9999999999996 percent just space. Nothing. It was more like an optical illusion—the smaller particles were thought to be orbiting around the nucleus so fast that it seemed solid, but it was really mostly space. Physics had evolved to nuclear physics. Doctors were told of this and they used the information well, but only in one way: to develop more accurate instruments and better ways of affecting the physical world. We invented MRIs and laser sharp scalpels that cut with light. We invented stronger drugs with better delivery systems. But we didn’t think much differently of the body—a giant conglomerate of billiard balls bouncing against each other in a tridimensional space.

    In the meantime, while doctors were busy developing more chemicals and instruments to apply in the care of their patients, nuclear physicists had not rested. They now wanted to understand what the smaller particles were in turn made of. Okay, the atom was divisible, but were protons, neutrons, and electrons just smaller indivisible pieces of something? And if so, what is that something? And then a giant leap in the understanding evolved: when measured with certain instruments, those smaller pieces seemed to be made of even smaller particles. However, when measured with a different set of instruments, they were actually just units of light. And when measured with particle measuring instruments, the results weren’t what you normally expect. These particles actually appeared and disappeared, almost as if everything was just light or sound turning on and off so fast that we can’t process it. This is when quantum physics was born, and this understanding changes everything. It gives your thoughts and emotions a different meaning and explains how they can be as important as how many hydrogen atoms are circulating in your blood. Quantum physics actually gives us a way to explain how thoughts and emotions can directly or indirectly shift the quantity of hydrogen atoms in your blood.

    This is only new information if you live in the bubble of the modern world, but our ancestors knew it. It is described in texts that are thousands of years old, like Ayurvedic Medicine and Chinese Medicine texts. This information was also known by the great spiritual teachers. The physical world is just intelligent light, all interconnected, dancing and playing in infinite forms.

    And this information is now seeping into modern Western medicine, little by little, against the huge resistance of big business. But it is happening. More and more doctors and scientists are paying attention to ancient systems of medicine. Even hospitals are starting to open up to these things. While the practices that turn profit are still the ones gaining big traction, this is an advance.

    That is why I get so happy when I read a book like Quantum Healing. Since most scientists need to understand things before they try them, they need a book like this to start wrapping their minds around the fact that we don’t know everything in modern medicine, and that we need to bring ancient knowledge together with the knowledge of quantum physics into our systems of healing.

    Even if you are just trying to understand your own body better and learn how to heal, Quantum Healing is a gem full of powerful tools.

    Dr Deanna Minich’s contribution to the healing arts with this book is huge. I hope it reaches all corners of our planet.

    —Dr. Alejandro Junger, New York Times bestselling

    author of CLEAN: The Revolutionary Program to

    Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself


    The wound is the place where the light enters you.


    When you get sick, how do you get well? What is your process for healing yourself? Is your first inclination to get a drug prescription from your medical doctor? Or perhaps you take a couple days off work to rest? Do you rush to the library for books or jump on the computer, surf the Internet, and start reading everything you can to see how you can conquer this major inconvenience? Do you join support groups and start talking to everyone you know about the condition to see what you can learn?

    For the most part, I have observed that many people view healing as a nuisance, an unnecessary bump in the schedule of all the other things that need to be done. As a result, they take an approach to healing that revolves around quickly ending the physical symptom in a calculated way. In fact, like many other aspects of our lives, such as eating, driving, or working, our process for healing can often be an automatic one—one that we haven’t questioned because we’ve grown accustomed to a certain way of going about it. We may visit a medical professional, get a prescription for a pharmaceutical drug, and hope for the best. Sometimes this approach works perfectly, while other times it may not.

    The approach to healing cultivated in the twentieth century has become outdated. It has clutched to the ideas that disease meant that the body was under attack and defending the body with external substances like pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, or other therapies

    was the only way of becoming well. What we didn’t realize until the twenty-first century was that this paradigm isn’t all that effective. Rates of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and mental illness continued to climb despite attempts to address these conditions with the pill for an ill mentality. Ironically, despite technological advances in medicine, we aren’t making ourselves healthier. Probably the best we are doing is extending our disabilities into a greater part of our lifespan.

    Something is going on beneath the surface. Where is (are) the blind spot(s)? Where haven’t we looked just yet? The real question is, how do we truly heal?

    What science is currently telling us is that the body doesn’t work in such a simplistic fashion. Terms like network medicine are appearing in top-tier medical journals, diseases are being connected through clusters of genes, and common mechanisms are underlying seemingly disparate diseases. The complexity of the body is emerging. Rather than being a series of linear biochemical pathways, the body is now being viewed as an interrelated web of genes, proteins, pathways, and messengers. We now know that medicine doesn’t work in silos. Rather, the once-separate systems of the body envisioned by allopathic medicine are now being lumped together, as they have been in traditional medicine like Ayurveda. Instead of the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system operating as distinct entities, they are being referred to collectively, in some cases, as the neuro-endocrine-immune system.

    The physical layers of medicine are coalescing into a unified whole. Along the same lines, the connection between all the layers of a human being, including both the visible and nonvisible parts of the self in the healing process—the emotions, the mind, the spiritual aspects—is being increasingly recognized. When we have dis-ease or feel imbalanced in some way physically, the entirety of who we are is affected, in addition to our physical body. Therefore, by addressing illness through one approach alone, we may miss the complexity of what is confronting us. For example, it is not uncommon to get sick right after a stressful event. If, rather than just taking an antibiotic for the resulting infection, we also examined the thoughts and emotions we had leading up to the event, we might see that there were some changes of note.

    Similarly, what are our thoughts, our emotions, and state of our spirit when we are ill? Do we harbor dismal thoughts of doom and gloom, resorting to the pull of negativity, or do we hoist ourselves out of the thick of the disease enough to get perspective on what the greater lesson is? What if we saw illness as a gift, something to sink into in order to reflect on deep levels? What if we danced with our symptoms rather than feared them? How would that change our healing process?

    This book came into being when I saw that people needed more than one way to heal. We are complex, multidimensional beings who require complex, multidimensional solutions. In working with others and also in my own healing process, I noticed that not everyone responds to the same modality, and some may even require myriad approaches for different conditions at select time points. Some clients would need straight nutritional advice, while others would want to see me to talk about the events going on in their lives as those events related to their physical complaint. Both groups of clients had engaged the healing process in their own unique, valid ways.

    This book provides a menu of options so you can experience quantum healing on all levels for something as small as a symptom or as chronically manifest as a disease. You will be presented with a number of options, ranging from nourishment (food and dietary supplements), emotional identification and release, replacing limiting beliefs and working with animals and flower essences, along with ideas for visualization and meditation. The reason for these particular healing modalities is that they are aligned with the various facets of the human being: the physical body, emotions, thought patterns, voice, imagination, and interconnection.

    Keep in mind that this book does not present to you a comprehensive list of all the healing therapies known for the conditions indicated. I have selected the modalities based on my personal and professional experience with them and their ability to resonate with the symbolism of the energy centers (chakras). You may find that you like one therapy more than the other, which is perfectly fine. Proceed with trying it out. During your healing journey, be sure to keep a journal so you can list any subtle and profound changes that occur for you. Your sense of awareness will heighten tremendously.

    Sometimes it’s best to stick with just one modality and take your time with it, like the slow-moving snail, experiencing the modality

    to the fullest and diving deep within its confines. Other times, you may want to see what it would be like to dabble in a multitude of healing arts simultaneously (the grasshopper approach). I would encourage you to follow your intuition, or your inner voice. Listen to your body, emotions, mind, heart, and spirit as you embark upon this path. Work with a healthcare practitioner if you feel the need to have more guidance or if you want to share with another person on a confidential level.

    Remember that physical changes or signs can be a ticket to go on an exquisite journey filled with learning, growth, and inner unfolding. I had a client tell me that illness is the Western form of meditation. Therefore, it is up to you to enjoy the process of healing and to use it as a means of discovery. Wherever you are along the healing spectrum, I know that within the pages of this book lie new paths to quantum healing that can be of special benefit to you.

    Part I

    Introducing Quantum Healing

    Chapter 1

    What Is Quantum Healing?

    The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.

    —Carl Sagan

    The very moment we make the choice to heal, the process is set in motion. At that point, we have many healing paths to choose from. Because of the complexity of who we are as people, sometimes it takes more than just one modality to engage the healing process. If we are trying to get to the heart of a particular issue in our lives, like combating stress or boosting our immunity, we can go at it by opening a variety of different doors—maybe by increasing physical exercise, journaling consistently, and repeating powerful affirmations daily. Or maybe just one way will work. The bottom line is that we have a multitude of options when it comes to healing, whether we’re dealing with warts or arthritis, diabetes or cancer. At this point, we come to quantum healing.

    Quantum is a word packed with meaning, particularly within physics: as a noun, it’s the smallest quantity of radiant energy, and as an adjective, it refers to a sudden and significant change. Quantum healing is about making small changes that produce large, radiant results. Those results may be subtle or huge, but they both give us a significant push in the direction of healing.

    Quantum healing can start with something as minute as a thought, an act, a memory, an image. This seemingly small event creates a huge internal ripple effect. Take a positive thought—I am loved. Thinking this thought can instantly change our brain chemistry. It could likely lead to changes in the flux of electrolytes (potassium, sodium) at the site of a nerve cell, stimulating the flow of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that has mood-altering effects) between nerve cells. The subsequent release of serotonin in the brain may be amplified throughout the body by triggering a network of reactions. The thought set in motion a ripple of physiological responses.

    Current science tells us that the body doesn’t quite work like a biochemistry flow chart, going from A to B to C in a structured, linear fashion. Rather, the human body is an organic web that interconnects all organs and systems, so that with the flip of a serotonin switch, we see changes in other systems: heart (our heart relaxes), lungs (we breathe less shallowly), gut (we are able to digest food better), and immune system (our white blood cells respond).

    The interconnecting web within the body.

    When an electrical response is triggered in a part of the body, such as in the brain, the heart, or the gut, tiny cells move into action, usually starting with a change in the shape of the proteins in the cell membrane (which surrounds the cell like a wall, letting substances in and out). This change subsequently leads to proteins within the cell signaling a relay race of communication, and the message travels from protein to protein. Finally, the message makes it to the finish line, into the heart of the cell—the nucleus. The energy of this signal ultimately leads to proteins, which sit on the DNA bench, generating more proteins that will eventually be sent out of the cell and into the body at large.

    Depending on the messages we feed our cells, those proteins are going to make us into glowing, radiant beings or inflamed, stressed individuals. At the end of the day, we will either have health or disease, depending on the cumulative balance of the actions taken. This internal flow of events is transformative. To think that every single thing you do is shifting you at the cellular level in the direction of your wellness or disability is utterly astounding! It speaks to the profound quote by nutrition pioneer, Adelle Davis, As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.

    The path to manifestation of health or disease.

    Of course, most of us are plenty familiar with our physical bodies, and any biochemical or physiological explanations, like the inner cascade described above, can be rather easy to digest intellectually. However, we are so much more than our physical bodies.

    We are composed of a rainbow variety of layers, some which are not even visible to the human eye.

    And here is another aspect of healing that involves thinking along quantum lines.

    The Body-Mind-Spirit Revolution

    In the past three decades or so, people have been speaking and writing about the body-mind or body-mind-spirit, implying that (1) we are more than our bodies, and (2) the body, mind, and spirit of a person are unified. There are different schools of thought on this distinction between the layers of our being, but what they all agree on is that there is more than one layer. We are multidimensional beings that have built into us varying degrees of activity. It is almost as though we are a continuum of vibration. We are woven together with different frequencies that give us our collective energy field. When we affect the mind (a part of us that moves quickly), we change the emotions (which also move quickly, but perhaps not as fluidly as mental activity; in fact, some emotions can be quite sticky and hang around for extended periods), and we alter the body (probably the slowest in its ability to change).

    The systems that will be discussed in this book address the onionlike nature of our being, tapping into the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Therefore, if they are practiced regularly, they are potent medicines for transforming your life and shifting your awareness.

    These different ways to penetrate the heart of a disease—whether you are using colors, gems, or visualization—may not seem as foreign as they did decades ago. A survey indicates that almost 17 percent of American adults use body-mind therapies like deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and

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