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Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence
Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence
Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence

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About this ebook

Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence will speak truth to the hearts of those guided by the Holy Spirit, but it will also be a fascinating read for anyone in search of a deeper discussion of spiritual influences. This book builds upon the vital foundation of experiencing a personal relationship with God and examines barriers that can distract from this relationship. It explores the spiritual forces of this world by observing the personality traits of God versus Satan. Better recognizing these personalities will equip the reader to see their power in his or her own life.
This book will deepen your relationship with the triune God and help develop your discernment of spiritual influences. If you are an out-of-the-box thinker, you will enjoy the expansive spiritual thoughts grounded in Scripture.
Release dateJan 11, 2023
Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence

Brent D. Bailey

Brent D. Bailey has a fervent passion for helping others develop an ongoing relationship with God. This led him to develop LookUp2Him ministry, to teach Bible studies and parenting classes, to support his wife through her doctorate of ministry, and more recently to pen Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence. Brent can often be found basking in God’s creation in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains while spending time with his wife of thirty-eight years, their married children, and precious grandkids.

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    Book preview

    Jump! Exploring Our Spiritual Existence - Brent D. Bailey


    One would think the easiest part of writing a book would be the introduction, but I have written multiple introductions and none of them seemed appropriate. The challenge of writing this introduction is due to the nature of the book’s content and the broad scope of what it covers related to our spiritual existence. The spiritual world is one of the things both religion and our own minds tend to put into a box to make it containable and safe. The truth is that all of our boxes are too small and limit an unlimited God while at the same time ignoring other spiritual forces afoot on this earth. I hope the contents of this book are an adventure for your mind and insightful to your spiritual walk no matter what your belief system is.

    When you hear people say they don’t believe in coincidences, it means they believe something else is in control of the events that appear to be perfectly placed and timed. I am certain there are random coincidences in our lives, but I also believe God is the Great Orchestrator who weaves into our lives not-so-random meetings, events, and even lifelong relationships that direct our paths. As we will discuss in chapter one, God is our Abba (Daddy) who takes care of his children, especially those who are actively seeking a relationship with him.

    As you read this book, you should know I prayerfully wrote this, composing a chapter each month. I then brought it to a monthly gathering of Christian brothers to study the contents and gain the wisdom and insights from others because I do not want to misrepresent Scripture nor the God who gives us breath. Each night before these gatherings, I actually felt the need to prayerfully and reflectively review what was written because the content that I had penned was often new to my mind as well. This may sound a little odd, but when it comes to spiritually inspired thoughts they do not ultimately belong to us. Put another way, if the thoughts we receive are put into our minds by the Holy Spirit then they were not our thoughts to begin with. We may transfer these thoughts on, but we are not the originator of them. Also, all thoughts should be balanced against Scripture to verify what is truth. I do believe there will be things within these writings you will find completely or somewhat new to your typical thinking and it is my intent to check these new and intriguing ideas with the truth of Scripture.

    Within the chapters, I have written about experiences in my own life that I believe reflect God’s activity, some in dramatic ways. God works in our lives far more often than we are aware. Unfortunately, many of us may miss God’s activity because we are too caught up in ourselves, or we are too overwhelmed by other factors in life. When this happens, we may simply miss seeing and hearing God’s presence.

    Though this book has been written with a sequential progression of thought for you to follow, the chapters can also be read independently of one another and then used for personal reflection or group study. However, the first three chapters form a foundation for understanding the chapters that follow, so I encourage you to engage with these first.

    Before going forward, let me also point out that I often treat interchangeably the members of the triune, Christian God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). I may refer to speaking or praying to God the Father, at other times to Jesus, and at other times I refer to this communication through the Holy Spirit. Chapter 6 expresses more about our interaction with the Trinity, but as far as the book is concerned, they are all equal. Yes, they are all separate persons, yet they are equal, of one mind, and unified in will/purpose. Because the Father, Son, and Spirit are one, they are all listening to us; all three know our hearts.


    Doc B

    chapter 1

    Jumping Faith

    Introductory Thoughts

    Whether you are a devout Christian or simply seeking to learn more about a spiritual existence that goes beyond what your physical eyes can gather, then this first chapter is critical to the level and degree you will experience God’s presence in your life. I assume some will write off the concept of this first chapter because they feel they are somehow beyond a childlike posture or belief. However, I believe Jesus makes clear that unless we become like children in how we approach our beliefs and God himself, then we risk truly knowing Jesus on a personal level. I also feel that everything else we cover in this book in regard to experiencing our spiritual existence largely hinges on our ability to surrender many falsely conceived religious and secular ideas that all of us gather as time passes. Our adult minds tend to trap us into things that are not accurate when it comes to our relationship with God, so unless we can become as freely open-hearted as children are, we will likely shut out the truth. It is my hope that you can read this chapter like a child, with an openness that allows you to hear what God might be saying to you right now, and throughout this book. Before reading on, I also encourage you to ask God to speak to and soften your heart as you read and reflect, since it should be our desire to understand God’s perspective of reality rather than our own.

    Faith of a Child

    A gleeful child approaches the edge of a swimming pool and stops with her toes positioned just inches away from the edge. She has never jumped in the pool before, and the deep water looks scary. In front of her, just a few feet away, with his feet planted on the bottom of the pool, is her father. With outstretched arms, he encourages his precious child to jump. Suddenly, with delight in the child’s eyes, a look of complete confidence comes over her precious face, and without further hesitation she jumps out over the water and into her father’s arms. The child’s initial fears were overcome by an unquestionable faith that Daddy will take care of me.

    Have you considered that God wants us to be that child? Scripture makes it clear that He wants us to have unshakeable faith in him. He wants us to believe the following verse in the book of Romans:

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans




    God wants us to know that he can, and will, work all things for good. He does not expect us to believe in bad luck where shit happens. He wants us to believe that even when difficult situations in life occur, he is there to make good come from it. We will rarely see the good that comes out of what appears to be bad if we shut down our expectation of good being revealed. In other words, if we close our eyes out of disbelief, we will rarely be open-minded enough to see what happens from God’s perspective. We miss seeing God’s presence in things because we are not looking for his activity with a childlike faith. Full faith in God will reveal things we would never see if we shut down our hearts and eyes out of disbelief. Let me be clear that living in a childlike state of belief does not mean we abandon our discernment, thought processes, and good judgement. It does mean that we trust, believe, and hope with much greater emphasis than most of us tend to do. It does mean that we have to step out of our hindered adult minds and live with greater faith. In a sense, we have to jump into his presence.

    Faith vs Worry

    Consider that many of us exercise a negative form of faith. Interestingly, worry is actually faith perverted into a self-destructive and self-prophesying form of beliefs. Worry is dwelling on negative outcomes, while faith is believing good will prevail. How many times have you heard someone say they were worrying about this or that, and sure enough, just as they believed, it came to pass? Faith puts control in our Father’s hands while worry puts outcomes into the hands of people, the world, and potentially into the realm of Satan’s influence. Faith believes in positive outcomes, even if you can’t see the full conclusion, while worry believes in the negative and removes the potential power of faith.

    Difficult things can happen to us, and it’s okay to ask God why, but our next words should be, God help me to see the good that you will do in the midst of this. God is a responsive father, and he wants to be a part of our lives. When we request to see things from his perspective, he is likely to allow us to see outcomes that we will miss if we are not in a faith-filled relationship with him. Frankly, the only way we will know the power and freedom of a life filled with God’s presence is when we live life with a faith that is characterized by positive expectancy. If we want an uncommon joy, peace, and fullness of life, we need to believe God’s goodness is going to be revealed in all situations. We need the faith of a child believing that Daddy is working good into all things. When we hold onto this belief, the passing of time will reveal his work, but we blind ourselves to seeing his work when we lack an enduring faith.

    Positive Expectancy

    A childlike faith at its core is reflected in an attitude of positive expectancy. This type of faith is remaining expectant of positive outcomes, even if those outcomes are not evident at the moment. Faith says we are so sure about the loving character of God that we only expect good from him. This is what propels us into the type of faith a blessed child of God has, and this is the type of faith that Jesus says we need in order to see the Kingdom of God. As he told his disciples,

    I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt.




    At the very heart of experiencing an active and alive faith has to be the belief that God wants to be in relationship with us. Through a relationship with Jesus by means of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, God is prepared to bring us into relationship as a son or daughter and walk with us in this life.

    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matt.




    In this verse, Jesus is saying that if we seek God and knock on his door, he will not let us down. This request needs to come from the heart, and fortunately God knows our hearts and will respond to sincere requests for a relationship with him. With a heartfelt request, God opens the door so that we can receive his spiritual input. God is always faithful, and since God is faithful, we can live a life characterized by a childlike, positive expectancy.

    Freedom in Faith

    Scripture tells us we need faith to please God. Many things can disrupt our faith if we operate our lives with anything less than a wholehearted and far-reaching faith.

    And without faith it is impossible to please God. . . Heb.




    We can’t please God without faith because it is only through faith that we will most clearly experience the life he would like us to have. Around every bend, God wants to show us new aspects to life that we can’t see when we have eyes blinded by unbelief and/or a life disconnected from God. When we have eyes that see only what our physical senses allow us to, we miss the bigger narrative of life that God is potentially orchestrating all events in our lives. If he is orchestrating things, then they will turn out as designed.

    We should also consider that we live in a broken world with an opposing force of evil, and bad things will happen, but God can use the bad to weave a greater good. Patience is a virtue that allows us to wait and see how events will unfold, knowing we will see God’s positive hand of involvement as time moves forward. We need the eyes of a child willing to believe the father is present and active in all things.

    Jesus said: ‘I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ Luke




    In this verse Jesus is emphasizing that we need the heart of a child to enter the kingdom of God. Have you

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