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Dream of an Outlaw: Western Fiction Album
Dream of an Outlaw: Western Fiction Album
Dream of an Outlaw: Western Fiction Album
Ebook158 pages3 hours

Dream of an Outlaw: Western Fiction Album

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This work is a collection of Five fictional early west tales of uncommon nature of the 1870 era in Arizona and New Mexico. All written to bring an enjoyable unusual, sometimes violent but satisfying story from that period of our southwest history. A Mexican outlaw partners with a plain looking Indian girl to look for a rich treasure near Muskogee, Oklahoma. Thought fearsome himself, he was tame compared to the girl. A hard core mountain trapper’s daughter stops a robbery , but charged with murder was the wrong thing to do . You don’t mess with this girl. The ex- Ranger’s wife is killed and he takes the trail of vengeance, until he meets his Waterloo in a four year old girl and a fire eating Chinese laundry girl. Imagine waiting and training for ten years to kill a man that assauled this twelve year old girl and brutally killed her Mother. “I’ll never rest until that evil Bastard is dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Billy I’ve got a hundred forty four bullets with his name written on every stinkin one!”Then a silver cross bearing a treasure map causes the death of a mother . An unwilling ex-boyfriend makes a home for her three kids and stands in the way of Mexican Raiders. “ Any man wearing that Turbusio tattoo is a murderer many times over and shooting him will save his family the disgrace of a son’s hanging.” Thank you for reading this description. Tom Leftwich
Release dateDec 17, 2022
Dream of an Outlaw: Western Fiction Album

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    Dream of an Outlaw - Tom Leftwich

    Copyright © 2022  By  Author :

    Tom Leftwich

    ISBN: 978-1-387-39365-7

    lulu Publisher ID ke2yd8

    All rights reserved

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Dream of an Outlaw


    It is my desire with every story I write, to bring enjoyable, realistic,  and interesting reading with satisfying short stories for today’s hectic life style.  A long novel is often  too lengthy to read during a commute or lunch break and a lot of the time you lose the spirit or life of the story overnight. Within these Western Fiction stories I have endeavored to include suspense, mystery , unusual incidents, some violence if necessary,  light humor and romance where possible. I hope you enjoy the read as much as I did the writing.


    It is my opinion that the introduction of a book should warn you of it’s contents and In doing so prepare you for things that may be unusual or surprising in nature. A number of my stories originate from actual events in our early west particularly in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. I have been an avid student of pioneer and Indian activities in those areas. I sincerely hope that my fictional stories do not offend or embarrass any nationality or lifestyle. I have endeavored to put realism in my narratives without overly offensive language, or fantasy. My characters are drawn from the characteristics and lifestyle of men and women depicted in historical writings and diaries from the 1840 to 1885 era. This was the time of Indian wars, Renegade pillaging, Wagon Trains and major Gunfighter tales. Any student of early west settlement knows that these narratives are mild compared to the raw horrifying acts  perpetrated in many conflicts . Most times the wife was the one to avoid unless you were looking for trouble. Some of these women spent very isolated and lonely lives. Loving, brave and resourceful , but their ragged edge was sharp, short tempered, and their aim deadly.


    It is my pleasure to dedicate this work to Diana Bladen, a good friend and fellow working member of the Air force Mission Control Center at Edwards Air Force Base. Her years of service and engineering support for programs such as the Space Shuttle, F22, F35 ,B1, B2 and the Test Pilot School would fill a book of it’s own. As a dedicated horse lover, she shared my enthusiasm for horse riding and on many occasions we participated in trail riding competitions and many horse related activities. As a strong minded and forceful personality, she typifies  the women in this collection of western fiction. Just my way of saying Thank You for the many years of our friendship.

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\diana 2 (9).jpg

      Real love is your horse.

    Always let him know.

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\image2022-10-31-075110 (2).jpg

    Triton, Guess what ? Another endurance race.

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\image2022-10-31-074920 (3).jpg

    Were gonna go down there Triton! His reply , You go, I’ll stay right here and wait for you.

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\image2022-10-31-075353 (2).jpg

      Draggin it In.

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\image2022-10-31-075233 (2).jpg

    Hey don’t look so tired Diana, remember I did all the work . You just came along for the ride.

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\image2022-10-31-115709 (3).jpg

    Grabbing a big hug from the man Denzel Cameron , Horse master and trainer for the movie Man from Snowy River We bloodthirsty Indians had to chase his stage coach at the  East/ West Foot ball game at Stanford  during half time.My fifteen minutes of fame on National Television- we had a blast!

    C:\Users\lefty\Pictures\2000-07 (Jul)\Diana 1 (2).jpg

    A dog is Man’s best friend, but a Horse is mine. Saddle up!


    All of the stories and material written in this fictional collection is of my own conception. All other entries reside in public domain. A big thank you to Public Domain’s provision of the front cover and to the close friends of Diana for taking the pictures


    1 Dream of an Outlaw

    A feared Mexican outlaw escapes Mexico to seek a Spanish treasure hidden on the Musgoee river in Oklahoma Territory. Pursued by a territory Marshal and deputies, his life is saved by a very plain Indian girl working in a saloon as a waitress. Their adventure leads them to the treasure as man and wife following a gunfight in which the outlaw loses an arm . violence, action , human interest and mystery.            That tall man was not someone to push. He would have slapped Pierce dead in a heart beat. I’m glad he enjoyed my whiskey and didn’t wanna spoil it with a shooting.

    2 Don’t Mess with Sam

    An action adventure when Mountain man’s daughter Sam, is shot during a store robbery. Life saved by a livery worker who’s interest in her leads to major gun fighting and violence. Sam is Indian raised, trapper trained and deadly with guns. The sheriff crosses the line when trying to charge her with murder The livery worker is a gun fighter, but tame compared to Sam and her Father. Sheriff, I’m telling you right to your face , you’re wearing a gun and so am I . I’m ready to end it right here! Mister , you better damn well be listening! I’m gonna shoot you dead if you touch that gun!

    3 Deal the Cards

    When Ex- Ranger’s pregnant wife is killed in a saloon shootout, It turns him into a bitter angry vagrant hell- bent on vengeance. It was the murder of another young woman leaving a four year old girl abandoned, that began to turn his life around. A fire eating Chinese laundry girl aids in cleaning him up.

    4 To Kill a Man

    The attempted assault of a gunshot, man hating, young woman begins an adventure in a desperate quest for vengeance involving the release of a prisoner she has to kill. Her whole life over a ten year period  dedicated in training for killing a man. Aiding a broken legged cow hand and a shocking event makes for a strange twist at the end of her journey . I’ll never rest until that evil Bastard is dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Billy I’ve got a hundred  forty four bullets with his name written on every stinkin one!

    5 The Cuatro Cross

    Former jailbird, Rig, unknowingly drives the stage when his former girl friend is killed. He is forced into caring for her three orphan kids . Protecting them  and solving the mystery of a map carved on a silver cross the mother was carrying. Unknowingly defending himself from the threat of the murdering renegade Turbusio and his outlaw son Cortez. They were desperately trying to get the silver cross inscribed Cuatro, which was the one Rig held in his hand. Rig stated, Any man wearing that Turbusio tattoo is a murderer many times over and shooting him will save their family the disgrace of a son’s hanging.

    Chapter  1 Dream of an Outlaw

    Yah-haho kotza ! this  Seminole Indian exclamation coming from a deputy sheriff in El Paso who exclaimed,. Stand up half breed you’re under arrest ! The man spoken to looked like a tall Mexican , but of darker complexion than most. He slowly pushed his drink away and came to his feet turning to meet the Deputies command. The deputy was facing a heavy bearded and dirty looking range hand, that was fully armed with gun belt and knife. A forty four cross draw holster  and pistol nested close to his hand. The deputy quickly said, Sorry  Mister, miss took you for Gopher John the Fixico . You sure resemble that outlaw killer, but you’re not black enough to be him. Who are you; Where you from?  The man in question  just gave the Deputy a cold stare and said,  You seem to have all the answers Deputy. Why you asking me. The deputy’s manner turned hot saying, Mister I asked you a civil question. As the law in El Paso, we like to know the people that come through here. You don’t strike me as some one welcome . The man replied, Man at the bar took my money ;I take that as a welcome. He don’t want me here, he shoulda said so. I’m gonna finish my drink mister Law in El Paso. I’m not ready to make up my mind . I’ll be sure and let you know if I’ll be staying. Deputy sharply replied,  ‘ Mister I’ll make it plain. You’re not welcome here. Leave or risk arrest as a vagrant and undesirable. We’ve got enough of your type here already.’"

    The man replied, Deputy , I’ll agree with you on that undesirable. There’s a deputy here that fits that description and he’s pushing me. I’m tired and don’t wanna be bothered with  your opinion of me. With that answer the man turned his back and sat down pulling his drink to him. The Bartender overhearing them came rushing over sayin, Damnit Deputy Pierce, leave the man alone. He ain’t done nothing , but buy a drink.’ Pierce replied, Stay out of it Barley, I’m just doing my job. He’s one of those Seminole Indian, negro and Mexican cross breeds just like that Heartless Wolf Fixico. Probably got a string of murders behind him. We don’t need his kind in El Paso. I think Sheriff Thompson will agree with me and want him gone. Barley replied, Pierce you’re taking on something over your head. You better go get Thompson and let him take care of things. We’ve got three Deputies in Boot Hill already."

    Pierce turned and stomped out of the saloon. The tall man enjoyed his drink and had a  bottle brought to his table. When Sheriff Thompson arrived the tall man was gone and so was the bottle.  No one had seen him leave. Barley said,   No Sheriff, I don’t know who he was, but you better rein in Pierce. You almost had another hole to dig in Boot hill! That tall man was not someone to push. He would have slapped Pierce dead in a heart beat. I’m glad he enjoyed my whiskey and didn’t wanna spoil it with a shooting. Sheriff Thompson said, ‘ There’s been some raiding activity  across the Border just this month. He has to be part of that murdering gang. If he resembled Fixico, it could easily be him. Pierce may have something. I’ll get the Federal Marshall and posse on  his tail. At best he don’t belong in our country. Barley shook his head. Blood will be running." It was later that Barley would say the same to the Federal Marshal.

    It was a month later when  the dirty tall man walked into the lower class Lady Bird saloon in Muskogee, Oklahoma territory. He had discovered he was being followed, but by what Law group, he didn’t know. A desperate ride through the desert for four days and it appeared , he’d lost them. Two young saloon girls looked him over deciding he wasn’t worth their time. Probably broke needing to trade bullets for whiskey. He did seem to have a full gun belt, though. One girl laughed saying, ‘’Call Mona down , she’s our two o’clock beauty queen. Let her take him. A little later as the man found an empty seat in the corner,  a plain dressed girl came over saying, Hi, I’m Mona, can I get you a drink? The man looked up and began to wave a hand no!, but the girl’s expression caught his eye and he hesitated and replied, Yeah , get me a whiskey and what’ll you have?’ The girl stammered saying, A bar glass costs twelve cents. I’ll just get water. You probably don’t have a lotta money. The man said.  Sweetie, get anything you want. I like you . He slapped a gold double eagle on the table and said, Little girl, we might have a good time tonight. You’re just what I need ! Mona said, ‘ No, Mister you’ll want  one of the pretty girls. I never get called upstairs, I just wait on men down here. The man said, Sweetie , I didn’t say anything about going upstairs, that’s even better. I want you right here. You’re just what I need, I told you that.’ Mona said ,‘Ok, but Kelly won’t like it. I’m supposed to keep everyone served.   the man said , My names Tomas. Give Kelly a half eagle. He’ll be glad to let you stay with me. I don’t wanna be bothered .Sweetie,  I’m placing my gun on this table. You bring that drink on over and get what you like. No one’ll bother us.

    One of the two girls at the bar said, when seeing the double eagle. ‘ What did he want, Mona I’ll take his drink over. He might be a good customer. Mona replied, He wants whiskey and he wants me to stay at his table. I think, I’ll get some sweet wine The girl said , No, I know how to treat a man and show him a good evening .You see what ol’Gus wants. He just came in.  Mona said, ‘’ I cain’t do that. He paid for the evening, said I’m just what he needs. I’m to give Kelly a half eagle. The girl exclaimed, What the hell! Is he blind? Mona you better take me over. You’ve never been upstairs. You wouldn’t know what to do with a man like him. I’ll go over. She grabbed a whiskey and walked over to the man’s table. He looked half asleep.

    She spilled the whiskey when he grabbed up his gun pointing it at her and sharply said, ‘Where’s Mona? she stammered saying, ‘ She’s busy, I’ll take her place. I’ll get you another whiskey. The man Tomas exclaimed,No! I want Mona! You take her job, she’s what I need , now git! The girl rushed back to the bar telling Mona, Go ahead you can have the Bastard. He deserves you." Mona had given Kelly ,the bar keep, his money and poured the drinks. Returning to the table , Tomas stood up and pulled her chair out for her and placed it close to his. Two astounded Saloon girls and Kelly watched open mouthed at his courtesy.

    Tomas said, Why do you work here and be treated like dirt, if you’re not a whore? Mona said.  It’s the only job I could get. They gave me the name Mona, I’m Cherokee. My name is  Napi Horseman but they didn’t like it. Said I was too ugly. What do you want me to do. Tomas replied , ‘’  I want you to sit right here and watch people coming in. My gun is ready to shoot. Do you know how to use a gun?’ I like your name Napi.   she said,  Mister Tomas I’ve shot a pistol and rifle to kill game for

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