About this ebook
A New Life is written as a fantasy with heart. It portrays the author's love of God, nature, and family. It is my hope that you, the reader, will be transported to a simpler time and place. You may even see a bit of yourself in the characters of the story, but they are actually fashioned after my own family.After suffering a great loss, the characters in the story have to leave the home they love and everything familiar as they begin a new life, in a new place. Facing the unknown, the four sisters in the story use their faith in God and dependence on each other to overcome the obstacles they encounter.During their adventures, the sisters make new friends and form lasting friendships with others that are very different than themselves. They also face inner struggles as each one has to examine their personal weaknesses and shortcomings. Their new friends help them face their fears, build their fortitude, and find forgiveness. In return, the four sisters give their friends a special gift that changes their lives.So come away from the cares of this world. Step into the woodlands where you can find yourself surrounded by green trees, inhale the fresh fragrance of the earth, feel the mist of a beautiful waterfall, and watch the woodland creatures. Come be a part of our adventures. You may just find your life is changed for the better, and you too may begin a new life.
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A New Life - Debra Beveridge-Scott
A New Life
Debra Beveridge-Scott
Copyright © 2020 by Debra Beveridge-Scott
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
832 Park Avenue
Meadville, PA 16335
Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents
Saying Goodbye
Flying West
Searching for a Home
New Friends
Unwelcome Visitor
A Lesson of the Spirit
An Adventure
Seek and You Shall Find
The Storm
God Works In Mysterious Ways
The Storm’s Aftermath
Visiting Uncle Phil
Search Party
Tales of Humans
Harvesting Cattails
The Last Harvest
The Fall Celebration
The Walk Home
The Carpenter
Sweet Dreams
Author’s Note
This story is written as a fantasy with heart. It portrays my love of God, nature, and family. It is my hope that you, the reader, will be transported to a simpler time and place. You may even see a bit of yourself in the characters of the story, but they are actually fashioned after my own family.
So come away from the cares of this world. Step into the woodlands where you can become a part of our adventures.
Chapter 1
Saying Goodbye
The shadows were growing long. A cloud of worry and fear filled the room. The four sisters were waiting for their parents to return from a trip to the meadow.
This wasn’t an ordinary family. They lived deep in the woods where man seldom dared to venture. They had made their home in a hollowed oak tree. Some called them wee folk. Some called them fairies. They looked like small humans, but they were gifted with wings. This gave them the ability to see things from a different vantage point and move quickly.
The four sisters were all very different. They had each been blessed with gifts and talents that made their spirits unique. Their differences made them stronger when they worked together.
Neenie was the oldest of the four sisters. She often took charge of a situation, and her sisters looked to her for guidance. But today she wasn’t feeling in control. She said to her sisters shakily, Mother and Father must be in trouble. They have never been this late! They know the dangers of the night. They are the ones who have always cautioned us!
Dawn was next in line. She was often impatient and impulsive. She had great knowledge of herbs and was gifted with the ability to heal. Dawn didn’t like the idea of waiting any longer. She wanted to help.
We should go find them,
Dawn chimed in. They might be hurt!
Emma came next. She was the adventurous one. She loved to flirt with danger and push her body to its limits. I should go,
said Emma. I can move the quickest and fly the fastest. It would be safest if I go alone.
For a moment, no one spoke. Then Kiki broke the silence. Kiki was the youngest. As Kiki grew older, she grew in wisdom and inner strength which allowed her to face any adversity with quiet confidence.
We should wait till morning,
Kiki said with a firm, quiet voice. That’s what Mother and Father would want. They wouldn’t want us to risk our lives for them. They are both wise and know how to survive in the worst conditions. We can get what we need ready tonight and leave at first light. Let’s—
Before she could finish her sentence, there was a thud at the door.
It was Mother and Father. Their skin was ashen. Their eyes were rimmed in red. They were so weak, they could barely stand. They clung to each other as they fell inside on the floor.
The room exploded with questions.
Can you walk?
What happened?
What’s wrong with your skin?
Where have you been? We were so worried!
Help us to bed. Then we will answer your questions,
Father said in a raspy voice.
The fairies helped their parents to their bed.
We need water,
whispered Mother.
Dawn quickly brought them some water. After taking a sip, Mother began to explain.
As we were gathering herbs from the meadow, we heard a loud roar from the field beside the meadow. We saw a giant red bird with a man inside it! It was like nothing we had ever seen! A giant fog poured out of it. There was no way to escape it! We were trapped, gasping for air. We started flying home, but we felt sicker and weaker the farther we traveled. It took all the strength we could muster to make it home.
Father whispered, Neenie, come close. We don’t have much time.
Neenie moved closer, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"You are the eldest, and you know the land. I’ve taught you how to navigate the forest safely. I am so proud of you. I want you to lead your sisters west, away from the meadow. Go through the forest until you come to a creek. Beyond the creek, the land rises to a ridge. On the ridge, you will see a meadow below and then a river. There’s a forest near the river. That’s where you will find safety and a new home. I’ve taken you there before. You will remember the way. Your strength and determination will see you through the long journey.
When you get confused or aren’t sure of the way, all you need to do is take a moment, clear your mind, and ask for guidance. Help will come to you.
Neenie sobbed at the thought of leaving her parents and their home.
Father continued, One of your greatest strengths is your strong will, but it can also be one of your weaknesses. My greatest hope is that you will learn to be more flexible and forgiving of others. Now, gather the things you will need for your journey. Remember, even when I’m gone, all the knowledge and love I have given you will remain in your heart.
Neenie drew in a deep breath that ended in a sob. She kissed her father’s forehead for the last time and turned away.
Father’s deep blue eyes locked with Emma’s. She knew it was her turn to say goodbye and stepped forward. Father took her small hand in his rough, weathered hand.
You are my precious quiet one, always in the background watching and learning. I have never tired of watching your adventurous spirit grow and develop. You have a strong spirit deep inside. Don’t let the words and actions of others hurt you. Grow a tough skin!
They both smiled. Father took a sip of water before he continued. Your gift is your quick wit. Use it wisely. You know how to stay calm during troubled times, and you will be the one who can bridge the gap between others when they don’t see eye to eye. Others will be drawn to you because of your wisdom, honesty, and quick wit. I love you, Emma.
I love you too, Father,
Emma managed to whisper.
Then Father gently kissed her hand. The kiss was gentle, but it felt powerful as all the words he spoke filled her soul. She would never forget this moment. She always knew Father loved her, but he was not one to put his love into words.
Emma’s heart swelled with love and pride. She felt how special she was to her father. At the same time, her heart was breaking. She sat on the edge of the bed holding Father’s hand, quietly sharing the bond they shared.
Mother called Dawn to her side. "You are a ray of sunshine. You are my joy! You are so full of life! You are like a bee moving from one flower to the next, spreading joy and kindness. You have the ability to see and feel others pain. Use that gift to help others from being wounded. Be brave!
I’ve taught you about the herbs and plants in the fields and forest. Use your knowledge to heal others. Healing is a gift. Follow your instincts. They will serve you well. There is so much more I could teach you, but there isn’t time.
Without a word, they held each other for a long time as they shared the bond of mother and daughter. Slowly, they let go.
I’m feeling weaker.
Mother’s breathing was labored now. Kiki, come close,
Mother whispered. You’re my baby girl. Even though you are the youngest, you are strong and wise. You will be an anchor and a rudder for your other sisters. When their emotions and impulsivity begin to move them off course, you will help them find their way. Stay together. Use each other’s strengths. Help each other with your weaknesses. Above all, be strong in your faith. Pray… Believe… Wait… Thank.
One by one, each of the sisters said their final goodbyes to their parents.
Now, let us rest,
Father whispered. You have a long journey ahead of you in the morning. You need your rest too.
Sleep didn’t come easily. The four sisters lay quietly for fear of waking their parents.
When the first beams of light showed through the windows of their