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Legends and Warriors: The Chosen One
Legends and Warriors: The Chosen One
Legends and Warriors: The Chosen One
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Legends and Warriors: The Chosen One

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Virmont Taylor is a teenaged boy who wakes up one day and finds out that he is the Chosen One to a prophecy regarding Seven Realms he never knew existed. In a kingdom known for their legends and warriors, he meets a young warrior named Anthony Taus, who tells him about this prophecy and the role Virmont is to play in it. Virmont is understandabl

Release dateFeb 9, 2023
Legends and Warriors: The Chosen One

Mandy Lynn

The Legends and Warrior series is based on a dream Mandy Bates had in the 7th grade in Nebraska. Due to having vision problems, throughout her life she has been told she would never be able to write anything decent since she couldn't read books. But Mandy didn't care and wrote her series anyway. She believes a great story teller can arise from anywhere in the world. As a personal goal, she is now taking the chance to have it published.

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    Legends and Warriors - Mandy Lynn

    Chapter One


    he afternoon in the small kingdom of Vernum was warm and bright as people came from across the land to commemorate the kingdom’s 100th anniversary as an independent country and take part in the annual celebration festival. Vernum was also believed to be the land where the Ahmainian of Souls, locked and sealed away by the Great Mother Creatia, was under its very soil. Despite that and its status as the smallest kingdom, Vernum’s population did not lack in size.

    It was also the first kingdom to boast a high-level training academy where young male warriors could attend once they reached eighteen. It also remained the only kingdom to have such a training academy where a young man, either by selection or by family ties, could start basic training as young as sixteen. As the number of warriors grew, Vernum became one of the strongest kingdoms to ever rule over a small portion of land. This gave the people, who still had faith in the legend, hope that they would become powerful enough to fight and defend their land. The kingdom became known as the land of Legends and Warriors.

    Despite the legends, however, the only time travelers came to Vernum was to train in its academy or to check out the land to see for themselves if the legend about the Soul Ahmainian was real. Otherwise, Vernum was not a place people liked or wanted to call home. It was thought by some that because of the legend and its stigma no one wanted to live there, but the locals could tell you the legend had nothing to do with it. The reason was the king. King Jay Admen, a man who had reigned for a few decades, was fifteen when he came to the throne after his father, the old king, was killed in battle over an area of land they now claim as part of the kingdom.

    As an immature teen, and a spoiled one at that, Admen made some unwise decisions that led a lot of his people to their doom. Some would argue that he intentionally made those decisions to purge the weak and bring in only the strong. Others would say he was just lazy and chose not to respond in crises, giving only favorable attention to events that would later benefit him.

    Throughout his reign, the people of Vernum had to live with an unstructured king who ruled out of pure randomness; never knowing what the next day would bring. The only good thing about having Admen as king was that if any man had what it took to pass the warrior academy training and become a member of his army, that man and his family would be blessed with privileges for as long as he reigned. Those in less fortunate circumstances were forced into poverty, making it harder for them to leave Vernum and start a new and better life elsewhere.

    Even before the academy was built, life in Vernum was not always this way. The main reason why Vernum wanted to be an independent kingdom was because a group of individuals believed in having a kingdom where its people were as important as the king himself. John Senti and his followers wanted a place where its leader would fight alongside its people, and walk among them rather than stay hidden away behind castle walls. It was risky, since it meant exposing the king to attacks, but the king knew he could trust his people. He knew them as though they were friends, and those who loved and respected him would defend him. John Senti made it possible to rule in love when he picked up and took his family to discover a land where he could build his kingdom. Thus Vernum was born.

    As time passed, Vernum lost its purpose and the core values from when it had first been established. Those who stuck it out through the generations craved for Vernum to be restored to its former glory. Yet no matter how different things had become, the annual celebration festival was the one event everyone looked forward to; the one event no one had dared to change or to take away. It was all that remained from when Vernum was known as The Land of Promise, even if today the only good value left of that promise was the warriors who served to protect; not because they had to but because they wanted to.

    With the sun at its peak and the day at its busiest, everyone participating in tonight’s festival was in the marketplace gathering anything and everything needed to put on the best celebration the kingdom had ever seen. Even those coming from afar made it a tradition to stop by and pick up souvenirs of local handmade crafts, artificial element stones, artefacts and more, as well as tasty treats, like candies that looked like element stones for their children. Each year there was always something different to taste and collect.

    There were games like archery, element-ring toss, horse racing, and sword play fights that gave out assortment of prizes for all ages, even events specifically for children. They could dress up as either the king or the princess and bob for apples as this was an extra special event for them to experience. It also gave their parents a break to do some shopping without having little ones nagging for every little trinket. This was also a special time for the elders of the kingdom as well; the ones who had been around from the very beginning to witness the first celebration. There were only a few remaining between the ages of ninety and one hundred.

    Though for many as this was a special time to celebrate, there were others of a different opinion. For them, this was a time to protest their thoughts and feelings about the king, whom they did not admire. They got away with it since the king and his guardsmen did not want to waste their time chasing those people down. Therefore, they continued to rant about how things used to be before the king took the throne. Others went around prophesizing about the legends, warning that someday the seal would break, bringing chaos.

    Despite all this, only one thing troubled the king. That was his daughter Betha, whom he had raised on his own after the queen died in childbirth. Betha had taken to sneaking off with a commoner named Anthony Taus.

    From the princess’s point of view, Anthony was a man who had shown great respect and feelings toward her. Other suitors to her hand were of royal blood, interested in her simply because of her status. They never showed any love for her. They simply wanted to be king after her father. Because Betha was the king’s only child and heir, he wanted the best for her; the finest prince royal blood could offer.

    Betha knew it was her duty as a princess to marry a prince, but after meeting Anthony, whom she met after sneaking away for a taste of freedom, she began to feel what she thought was true love and learned how much negative change her father had made to this beautiful kingdom. She now felt that if this kingdom could endure such a drastic change and still function, then she should be free to choose her own husband.

    She deliberately brought these thoughts to her father, and quickly regretted it. Now that he was aware of her actions and ideas, he had threatened to banish the man if he was ever caught with her. This did not seem to faze Anthony, as he already had plans of leaving. He wanted Betha to go too, which excited her to hear.

    They had planned to meet up during the evening’s celebration festival to run away together in secret.

    Betha couldn’t wait; she wanted to leave now, so as soon as she was able to get away from the castle after charging her faithful maid to say she was bathing, she sneaked out her balcony window, climbed down a tree and went to find her beloved Anthony.

    As soon as she found him, so did her father’s guardsmen and like a game of cat and mouse, Anthony and Betha took off running through the dusty streets of the kingdom to try and lose the guards. Despite their efforts to blend into the thick crowd at the marketplace, another guard spotted them from behind and shouted, Halt right there!

    As quickly as he saw them, they were gone.

    Blast it! shouted the guard who saw them last.

    Where’d they go? asked another guard.

    I don’t know! replied the first guard.

    Well find them, or the king will have our necks! stated the other guard as he ran off.

    His haste sparked someone’s attention, as that person sensed what was going on using psychic powers.

    When the Ahmainian of Souls cursed the land with its Dark Energy, an elemental power called Psychic was created. This affected every unborn child of that time period. After that, the curse was passed down through the generations to only the first-born child of those bloodlines. These people could produce a supernatural power, along with a sixth sense, that was not easy for many to control. Those with psychic powers were not very well trusted or liked, but in this situation, having those powers came in handy. It gave one man a very insightful hint that the man those guards were chasing was someone important to someone else, besides of course to the princess.

    When the chase appeared to be over, Betha and Anthony emerged from their hiding place within the marketplace. Just as Betha took Anthony’s hand to head for the kingdom’s harbor and board a boat, another guardsman spotted them, and they were running again.

    This time the guards were smarter and before Anthony and Betha knew it, they were cornered.

    Anthony quickly pulled out his sword as Betha hid behind him.

    Stop! I order you in the name of the king to disarm yourself! shouted a guard as he and several others whipped out their swords in defense.

    I don’t take orders from you! Anthony yelled as he reached back to grab Betha’s hand.

    That’s when the king himself and his guards rode up to them on horseback.

    The first set of guards moved aside to make way.

    Once Betha caught a glimpse of her father she broke down and cried, holding onto Anthony for dear life.

    Father, please! Betha cried. Please don’t take him away!

    Enough! the king shouted as he rode up next to them. I will not tolerate your rebellious behavior any longer. You have dishonored me! As for you, he added, addressing Anthony, you are hereby banished from Vernum, but first, I shall have you punished for your crimes. Take him away!

    As the guards swooped in to take Anthony down, he did not resist, which made Betha cry even more as she was pulled away from him.

    No, Father no, please. I beg of you not to hurt him. I love him!

    Silence, my daughter, for you do not have the power to choose who you love. I have chosen you a prince from the eastern lands and you will marry him! the king shouted.

    What? No! Anthony shrieked in disbelief. Why would you do that? You cannot just force someone to be in love with someone else; that’s crazy!

    It’s not about love, it’s about finding the right man who has what it takes to rule a kingdom! the king replied.

    This kingdom doesn’t need any more sodden-witted knaves taking the throne, you corrupted piece of––

    Before Anthony could finish a guard silenced him by punching him in the stomach. He dropped to his knees, coughing and spitting up from the impact.

    Before the king could say anything further, a man in a bright red tunic with golden blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, ran up in a panic, hailing Anthony as if he knew him.

    Oh, Great Mother of Guardians, there you are, you foolish boy! he wailed out as he tried to catch his breath. I have been looking all over for you!

    Everyone turned to face him in confusion.

    I told you never to run off like this, but do you ever listen to me, no! Whatever I say goes in one ear and out the other of your hollow head!

    Hawkti? the king shouted in surprise. What is your acquaintance with this man?

    Hawkti looked up at him with a smile as he forcibly pulled Anthony to his feet.

    He’s my student! Hawkti grinned confidently.

    Anthony started to realize this man named Hawkti must have high connections with the king in some way or another in order to be talking to him like this. He had never met the man before, but he held his tongue.

    Your student? the king questioned.

    Yes, Your Majesty, he is one of my students and is helping me with my research. Therefore, he is very much needed to be kept around. So please, Your Excellency, I would love it if you would reconsider your decision of punishing or banishing him. I will see to it that he gets just as much punishment from me as he would from you! Hawkti replied.

    Are you aware of his crimes? the king asked.

    Not entirely, but I can only assume what they may be, Hawkti answered as he lightly bowed before the princess.

    Very well. The king turned his horse as if to head back to the castle. I will revoke my decision, under one condition! You will hereby take his place in regard to punishment if he ever decides to try and come near my daughter again. Otherwise, I will have you both banished!

    Fair enough, but if she comes near my student first, then your condition will be overridden, Hawkti said with a calm yet stern voice, which seemed to actually penetrate the king’s tough exterior.

    I will see to it that my daughter never leaves the castle unescorted again, the king responded. Then, without saying more, the king and his guardsmen took Betha and rode off back toward the castle.

    Once they were far enough away, Anthony pushed angrily away from Hawkti.

    Hawkti turned to look at him with irritation. You’re welcome! he snapped.

    I’m welcome? You should not have interfered, acting as though you know me! he yelled with frustration.

    Excuse me? I just saved your skin from getting beaten to within an inch of your life before getting shipped off into exile! So you should be grateful, Anthony Taus!

    I never asked for you to…wait, how do you know my name? Anthony asked, confused. All Hawkti did in response was turn and start walking away, which made Anthony storm after him yelling, Halt, I demand that you answer me!

    I do not answer to ungrateful people, Hawkti replied spitefully as he continued to walk away.

    Fine, then allow me to start over! Anthony said as he quickly moved ahead to step in front of him. This finally got Hawkti to stop. Thank you, for saving my skin. Now, would you be so kind as to explain to me how it is that you know my full name?

    Hawkti looked at him with an eyebrow raised before saying, It’s a small kingdom. Names get around pretty easily, especially if you are constantly getting chased around by the king’s guards.

    All right, fair enough, but explain to me this; why did you choose to go out of your way to save me by telling the king that I was your student?

    That is an explanation for a later time, but if you want that answer sooner, rather than later, then you will do yourself and me, a favor by staying away from the princess. She is of royal blood, and you are not, therefore, whatever feelings you may have for her, you need to let them go. Otherwise, the king will come after me instead of you and if that happens you will never get the explanation you seek, Hawkti snapped.

    His words pierced Anthony’s heart.

    Hawkti softened his tone, adding, I know what you so desperately desire, but if you keep going as you’re headed, you’ll never succeed at accomplishing that task! Trust me when I tell you this, Anthony; you will be better off not getting yourself involved with the princess.

    So, what are you saying? Anthony snapped. How do you know what I desire? What are you not telling me?

    Meet me tonight during the festival, and then I will tell you all that you wish to know. Until then, stay away from the king’s daughter or else I will follow through with my word to the king and punish you myself. I will also tell you nothing, do you understand? Hawkti, understanding exactly how the young man felt, smiled with a smirky grin as he stepped past to leave. Good, I’ll see you tonight.

    Anthony spun around. Whoa, wait a minute! Hang on there, how will I find you?

    You won’t, because I will find you! Hawkti replied and before Anthony knew it, he was gone.

    Chapter Two


    s Anthony traveled along a path near an open meadow of golden rye, leading toward a thickened area of woods, which hid much of Vernum’s western lands and villages, he couldn’t stop thinking about Hawkti’s words. How did the man know his full name? It was as if he’d known him for years. It couldn’t have come from Betha because surely, he had given her only his first name. Or had he? He honestly couldn’t remember, yet even if he had told her, that still didn’t explain the encounter with Hawkti—or the man’s claim to know what he so desperately desired.

    These questions had no answers or explanations…at least not yet. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shriek caught his attention. He turned sharply to look out across the wide area of rye. The grain blew in waves, like a golden ocean, against the breeze that had unexpectedly picked up in conjunction with the sound he heard. It was as if someone with the elemental power of wind was practicing but had suffered an accident. That could easily happen. Those who reached sixteen would soon discover the kind of element they were born to possess, as that was the age when Tyren Energy activated within the body. Those lucky to begin basic training learned the steps needed to control the power and use it to benefit their kingdom. Others tried training on their own, and this often led to trouble.

    Anthony, still watching, saw a young man with long black hair pop his head up out of the tall fields of rye, looking utterly confused. Something about him felt off. Perhaps he wasn’t trying to train himself at all; perhaps someone or something had attacked him? Without even thinking, Anthony shouted and waved, hoping to get his attention.

    The young man turned to stare at him in fright.

    Hey! Anthony shouted cheerfully as he waved his arm, but the boy just stood looking almost uncertain as to where he was. That concerned Anthony, so he headed toward him, using his sword to cut through the thick rye.

    As he approached, the young man reacted desperately in fear as if he thought Anthony was going to slice him with his blade.

    Yo, whoa! Hey, don’t hurt me, please! he yelled, which stopped Anthony in his tracks.

    Hurt you? What makes you think I was going to do that? Anthony asked, as he pushed his way through the remaining rye. I was only coming to see if– He stopped dead as he took in the young man’s attire which looked like nothing he had ever seen before.

    The young man looked even more confused. To him, it looked as if Anthony wore a brown dress that came just above the knee, with a brown belt, along with brown knee-high boots to match his brown eyes and long brown hair. Guess this guy really liked brown, since he also had a brown-handled sword and a brown colored sheath.

    He himself had on an orange T-shirt with a red zigzag design on it, and blue jeans with orange and white tennis shoes. The only thing he noticed that they both had in common, was their long hair; everything else was just bizarre!

    To Anthony, everything about the young man’s attire appeared foreign, yet there was something about it that gave off a casual vibe of comfort as though he was able to dress freely without judgment.

    In Vernum, most people dressed according to cultural traditions, gender, or more commonly their jobs. If someone were a warrior or a knight in the king’s army, they would mostly wear armor or a well-fitted tunic. Anthony was dressed according to his gender, given that all men wore tunics of various styles and colors, while the women wore dresses to represent their status.

    The young man finally made solid eye contact with Anthony, but when he began to speak the tone in his voice sounded fearful with a hint of irritation. Where the hell am I? he asked, and who are you?

    Anthony looked at him with those noticeably brown eyes and smiled as he moved his right hand to his chest. My name is Anthony Taus, he greeted the stranger, using his full name. …And you, sir, are in Vernum, the kingdom known for its legends and warriors! He raised his brow. Why do you ask? Do you not know already where you are?

    If I knew where I was, I wouldn’t have asked the question, don’t you think? the young man replied.

    This surprised Anthony. How does one not know where they are, if they are already here? He pondered that, rubbing the back of his head.

    Well, um, you are in Vernum Kingdom, known for its legends and strong warriors, he repeated. So then who might you be and why or how did you get here without knowing where you are? Surely you must have gotten here by walking from a place somewhere around this area, did you not?

    Um no, I did not. I just suddenly found myself here after walking home from the park where I’d been skateboarding with my friends, the young man answered.

    Anthony froze, wide-eyed. You mean to tell me that you’re not from here at all, as in, you’re not from this realm entirely?

    Realm?…Say what! the young man gasped in horror Yo, hold up, rewind everything you just said right there and stop. What do you mean ‘not from this realm’? Did I get sucked into a portal or something? You’re saying things like, legends, warriors, and kingdoms, so does that mean I fell back in time to the Middle Ages?

    I don’t know what you mean by any of that…but first, what is your name and where are you from? Anthony asked.

    My name is Virmont Taylor, but my friends call me V, for short. I’m from a small town called Vinson, known for its modern-day people and futuristic technology, the young man replied.

    That was all Anthony needed to hear to verify that there was no mistaking it; the legend about the Ahmainian of Souls was true and this boy was the prophecy’s predicted hero, who had come to save this realm from destruction.

    He was clearly in his youth, and it was certain Anthony didn’t know where he came from, but he was supposed to be the one with great power. Yet how could that be? His stature did not fit the image of a strong man who would hold a great power of salvation.

    Anthony frowned with concern as he examined him more intently. Perhaps he was only feeling this way because he was one of the many people who wasn’t quite sure if the legends were real, given that he always had his doubts even as a child.

    In any case, Anthony decided to spare the man from all those details, since he was clearly already confused. He decided to help him feel comfortable so that when the time came to break the news regarding the prophecy, he would be in a much better state of mind to hear him out.

    He was lucky to have shown up when he did or else he would have had

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