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Heaven: A Novel
Heaven: A Novel
Heaven: A Novel
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Heaven: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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“A raw, tender portrait of adolescent misery, reminiscent of Elena Ferrante’s fiction.” —NPR

From the bestselling author of Breasts and Eggs, a sharp and illuminating novel about the impact of violence and the power of solidarity.

Tormented by his peers because of his lazy eye, Kawakami’s protagonist suffers in silence. His only respite comes thanks to his friendship with a girl who is also the victim of relentless teasing. But what is the nature of a friendship if your shared bond is terror?

Unflinching yet tender, intimate and multi-layered, Heaven is yet another dazzling testament to Kawakami’s uncontainable talent.

“An argument in favor of meaning, of beauty, of life.” —The New York Times Book Review

“If you enjoyed Mieko Kawakami’s brilliant Breasts and Eggs, you’re certain to be astonished by her latest novel exploring violence and bullying with fierce, feminist and damning candor.” —Ms. Magazine

“This is the real magic of Heaven, which shows us how to think about morality as an ongoing, dramatic activity. It can be maddening and ruinous and isolating. But it can also be shared, enlivened . . . and momentarily redeemed through unheroic acts of solidarity.” —The New Yorker

“Quietly devastating.” —TIME Magazine

“Keen psychological insight, brilliant sensitivity, and compassionate understanding.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Raw and eloquent. . . . An unexpected classic.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“An incredible literary talent.” —Booklist, starred review

“Kawakami writes with jagged, visceral beauty.” —Oprah Daily

“Kawakami never lets us settle comfortably, which is a testament to her storytelling power.” —Los Angeles Review of Books

“One of Japan’s brightest stars.” —Japan Times
Release dateMay 25, 2021
Heaven: A Novel

Mieko Kawakami

Mieko Kawakami is the author of the internationally bestselling novel Breasts and Eggs, a New York Times Notable Book of the Year and one of TIME’s Best 10 Books of 2020, and the highly-acclaimed Heaven, her second novel to be translated and published in English, which Oprah Daily described as written “with jagged, visceral beauty.” Born in Osaka, Japan, Kawakami made her literary debut as a poet in 2006, and in 2007 published her first novella, My Ego, My Teeth, and the World. Known for their poetic qualities, their insights into the female body, and their preoccupation with ethics and modern society, her books have been translated into over twenty languages. Kawakami’s literary awards include the Akutagawa Prize, the Tanizaki Prize, and the Murasaki Shikibu Prize. She lives in Tokyo, Japan.

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Rating: 3.744185953488372 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Started out liking it a lot, but I had more mixed feelings in the second half or so. Partly it seemed a bit repetitive and partly a bit random. But there were definitely some good parts all the way through.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Once I started this book, I couldn't set it down -at the same time both touching and horrifying - at times I felt physically ill. After just reading about the tragic real-life suicide of transgender activist Henry Berg-Brousseau, this really had even more of an impact on me. So much hate in this world, hate without any real source other than difference. Sad that it is the sensitive and caring that are most likely to kill themselves then the monsters that drive them to it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Exceeded my expectations! This story is told through the eyes of two bullied middle school students who bond over their shared experience. This beautiful written and translated book explores deep philosophical and religious themes about weakness vs. strength, intention, free will, and more. And though all of these are difficult topics the book pulls you along making you want to keep reading.Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A heartbreaking tale of middle school bullying. Two students are bullied relentlessly and find solace in their secret friendship outside of school. The prose is exquisite. I ached all through the novel, ached for the characters and all the children who suffer silently. Some writers just capture the essence of human emotion, and Kurakami is one of those. Read it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is great. Hard to read about the bullying but taken as a whole - just incredibly great.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A coming-of-age story of sorts, this book looks at several months in the life of a middle-school boy "Eyes" with a lazy eye. He is tormented by his male classmates--mentally and physically. His only friend is a girl Kojima, who is similarly bullied by the girls. Their friendship is largely secret, as they commiserate and try to wait it out. But is this a true friendship? Kojima does not want Eyes to have surgery to fix his eye, clearly afraid she will be abandoned even though he will gain depth perception. And he does nothing about her continued weight loss. They are two very lonely kids who pour out their hearts in letters but are, nonetheless, very selfish in their relationship.This book made me very uncomfortable as the parents and teachers do nothing. The kids are cruel, but the adults are worse. Kojima comes to school unbathed, in dirty clothes, clearly depressed as she mourns the breakup of her family. And then she becomes anorexic? And her mother and teachers just do...nothing? Eyes is teased and regularly beaten? I find this all a little too unbelievable and the excessive continuing cruelty both unnecessary and unbelievable.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Mieko Kawakami’s 2009 novel Heaven has now been translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd and has been published in a Europa edition. It follows the success Kawakami enjoyed last year when her novel Breasts and Eggs became the first of her books to be published in English. Because of its heartbreaking plot, Heaven is not an easy novel to read. It tells the story of two middle school students, one male and one female, who are so tormented and abused by their classmates that their lives are no longer their own. Everything that happens to the two of them is recounted by the unnamed boy who is being so badly bullied. He is the target of a small group of boys led by class favorite Ninomiya, a handsome, charismatic, but extremely cruel young man. Another gang member, a boy called Momose, is always around when our narrator is being bullied, but never gets his own hands dirty, preferring simply to stare from the outskirts of the action with a blank look on his face and his arms crossed. “Without school, I could get by without seeing anyone or being seen by anyone. It was like being a piece of furniture in a room that nobody uses. I can’t express how safe it felt never being seen. I knew the peace could never last, but it was immensely comforting to know that, if I never left my room, no one in the world could lay a finger on me. The flip side was I had no way of engaging with the world, but that was how it had to be.” - Narrator Kojima, a girl who comes to school everyday unwashed and having taken no care at all to her personal appearance, suffers a similar fate from a gang of girls who delight in tormenting her both emotionally and physically. She and the boy, despite their common suffering, have never acknowledged each other in the classroom, much less spoken about what is happening to them. Then one day, Kojima leaves an unsigned note hidden in the boy’s pencil case saying, “We should be friends.” The boy is almost certain that this is just another trick and that he is being set up for a new embarrassment at the hands of his bullies, but the notes keep coming and his curiosity keeps growing. Finally, more desperate for a friend than he knows, the boy agrees to meet the note-writer in the stairwell after school. And he and Kojima become each other’s only friend.For the rest of the school year, through the summer, and into the new school year, the boy with the lazy eye and the “dirty” girl exchange letters and notes, and even meet occasionally to share their lives. They are still mercilessly bullied by their peers, but their lives are a little better for the friendship they share. But, of course, that will not be tolerated by either set of bullies when they finally figure out that Kojima and the boy have become friends behind their backs.Bottom Line: Heaven is a disturbing novel that shines a spotlight on bullies and their victims. Kojima and the boy justify to themselves their own passiveness to everything they suffer, but the bullies sense their unwillingness to defend themselves and continue to escalate their cruelty. That is hard to watch, and I kept wondering where the adults were while all this was happening — realizing of course, that this kind of silent suffering at the hands of peers often goes unnoticed by parents and teachers until it is too late to do anything about it. This is a coming-of-age novel from Hell, and Hell would have, perhaps, been a more suitable title for this one than Heaven (the title has a specific meaning to the boy and the girl).
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A young teenage boy is horrendously bullied in his middle school. Because of a lazy eye, he is regularly called “Eyes”. He thinks this is the reason he is picked on. A young teenage girl, Kojima, is also horribly bullied. Kojima sends the boy a series of short notes, convinced that they will become friends. And a friendship does develop, though they keep it entirely secret. Meanwhile the bullying continues in frighteningly violent ways. Kojima sees a kind of nobility in their suffering. The boy is not so sure. What does it all mean, he wonders. And this question of meaning comes to the boil when the boy confronts one of his persecutors, Momose. Momose professes an almost pure nihilism declaring that there is no meaning at all in the world. He doesn’t feel bad about what he does when picking on the boy because there is no such thing as good or bad. The boy defends the view that meaning infuses everything, perhaps convinced by Kojima. Their somewhat out-of-place and unresolved argument serves as the fulcrum of the novel. After this point the boy is less convinced of the virtue in his suffering. Moreover, Kojima suspects him of losing faith and her response is rejection. Nothing, however, prevents the continued bullying. But without their hidden solidarity it becomes much harder to cope. The decline reaches an unfortunate but perhaps predictable extreme. And then life changes again for the boy.On the surface this is a novel about teen suffering with a scaffolding of conflicting philosophical worldviews lending it significance. Nevertheless, at some point the scaffolding becomes more substantial than that which it surrounds and it really does become a challenging novel of ideas. That the contrast between the views presented is so stark does not prevent a kind of subtlety to arise as the boy struggles to navigate through these waters. Periodically adults contribute to his thinking but ultimately the question remains open despite the near apotheosis of the boy’s “vision” at the end. As his doctor suggests in a different context, after one’s life changes one often cannot even remember what it was like previously. Perhaps.Gently recommended.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    HEAVEN is anything but a lighthearted coming-of-age-in-middle-school tale. Instead, it has the feel of a Stephen King horror story about children trapped in a nightmare filled with the threat of gratuitous violence. Kawakami raises some basic questions about teenage bullying. Who gets bullied? Why do some people torment others? Why do the victims tolerate it? Unfortunately, she offers few answers. Instead, she superficially jumps between a host of more subtle themes, including non-conformity, adolescent angst, breakdowns in familial communication, common issues around violence, and the limitations of societal norms for coping with cruelty and weakness.Kawakami’s nameless 14-year-old protagonist is surrounded by silence at home from his stepmother and at school where no adult seems to be aware of or even care about his constant struggle with intense bullying. It is hard to see how these settings can be construed as even remotely heavenly. Instead, they seem more like a living hell. In the final analysis, Kawakami leaves this young man confused, isolated, vulnerable and exposed.Kojima is a fellow traveler, who seeks to connect with the boy through a series of cryptic notes that eventually grow into a clandestine friendship. Her background resembles his—distant mother and absent father who has his own set of societal challenges. The teens bond in safe places with a shared sense of victimhood. Their conversations start by dancing around their experiences with bullying, but eventually address them directly. Neither seems to fully understand their predicament. The boy tries to make sense of his plight by attributing the bullying to his “lazy eye”, an explanation Kawakami seems ambivalent about accepting. When a kindly physician suggests that he get a rather simple procedure for his eye, the boy and Kojima are not so sure he should follow this advice since his eye is part of his identity. Kojima, on the other hand, has confusing thoughts about her own bullying experience reasoning that giving in actually is some form of resistance.Kawakami’s plot seems simple enough. The bullying is unrelenting and escalates as the story moves forward. She is unflinching in her graphic depictions of the depravity, while also evoking insight and compassion depicted by Kojima and the doctor who treats the boy’s injuries. Despite this level of control, Kawakami’s narrative is not flawless. There seems to be much introspection with little resolution to show for it. The characters are all teenagers, yet they sound like worldly adults. Although not as gruesome as Stephen King’s prom scene in “Carrie,” the inevitable revenge is riveting. Yet, it may be too subtle to resolve much. Are the tormentors at bottom really only cowards or just displaying common teenage embarrassment by nudity? What were Kojima’s motivations for behaving as she does in this scene? In the final analysis, one wonders if Kawakami is saying that confrontation is the only viable solution to bullying?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Although it started with the dark theme and plainly stated descriptions of brutal bullying, it is full of charm that makes you want to keep reading. Mieko handles the subject with feeling and characters that full pull you into this gripping story that throttles to a can't put it down ending.With Heaven, Mieko Kawakami manages once again to describe to us a difficult aspect of Japanese society, and the way of thinking so particular of his people in certain situations. It is certainly a harsh and violent novel, but it also brings a certain beauty thanks to the two main characters, who, even if they can not help it, are no longer alone in the face of the violence they must endure.

Book preview

Heaven - Mieko Kawakami



One day toward the end of April, between classes, I unzipped my pencil case and found a folded triangle of paper between the pencils.

I unfolded it to see what was inside.

We should be friends.

That’s all it said. Thin letters that looked like little fishbones, written in mechanical pencil.

I quickly folded it up and slid it back into my pencil case. Taking a breath, I paused a second before looking around the room as casually as possible. The same group of classmates joking around and howling, the usual break between classes. I tried to calm myself down by repeatedly straightening my textbooks and notebooks, then I sharpened a pencil, taking my time. Before long, the bell rang for third period. Chair legs screeched across the floor. The teacher walked into the room and class began.

The note had to be a prank, but I had no idea why those guys would try something so subtle after all this time. I sighed in my mind, settling into the usual darkness.

Only that first note was left inside my pencil case. After that, they were taped to the inside of my desk, clinging to the underside, where my hand would easily detect them. Whenever I found a note, I got goosebumps. I scanned the classroom, careful not to get caught, but it always felt like somebody noticed my reaction. I was overtaken by a strange anxiety, at a loss for how to act.

What were you doing yesterday, when it was raining?

If you could go to any country in the world, where would you go?

Pieces of paper the size of postcards with simple questions written on them. I always went to the bathroom to read them. I would’ve thrown them away, but unable to decide where, I ended up stuffing them behind the dark blue cover of my planner.

Nothing seemed different after the notes started.

Almost every day, Ninomiya and the others made me carry their backpacks, or kicked me like it was nothing, or whacked me on the head with their recorders, or made me run around for them. But the notes kept showing up, and the messages grew longer. They never used my name, and they were never signed, but when I took a good look at the handwriting, I started wondering if maybe it wasn’t Ninomiya or any of those guys, but someone else entirely. But I knew it was a dumb idea, and all my other thoughts crowded that one out of my mind, leaving me feeling even worse.

All the same, checking each morning for a new note became my little ritual. I started coming in early, when there was no one in the classroom, and it was quiet, a faint smell of oil in the air. It made me feel good to read those little letters. I never lost sight of the possibility that this might be a trap, but something in those notes made me feel safe, however briefly, even with all my distress.

At the start of May, just before vacation, I got a note saying, I want to see you. Meet me after school. I’ll be there, from five to seven. There was a date and a simple, hand-drawn map. I could hear my heart throbbing in my ears. I read the note so many times that I could see the words before me, even when I closed my eyes. I spent the rest of the day wondering what to do and thought of nothing else during recess, to the point that my head started to hurt and I lost my appetite. There was no doubt in my mind that when I showed up at the spot, Ninomiya and the others would be there waiting, ready to deliver the beating of a lifetime. Seeing me show up, they’d circle around and revel in their latest game at my expense. Things were only going to get worse.

But I couldn’t just forget it.

When the day came, there was nothing I could do to settle down. The whole day in class, I kept an eye on Ninomiya and his friends as best I could, but I couldn’t detect any significant change in their behavior. Eventually one of them noticed and said, Hey, what’re you looking at? and whipped one of his classroom slippers at me. It smacked me in the face then dropped to the floor. He told me to pick it up, so I did.

By the end of the day, I was so worked up that I was feeling queasy. As soon as last period was over, I ran almost all the way home. As I was running, I asked myself if I was really going, what the hell I was doing, but no matter how I thought it through I couldn’t say for sure. I had the feeling that anything I chose to do would turn out wrong.

When my mom saw me come home, she said hi from the couch where she was sitting and then turned back to the TV. I said hi back. A voice on the TV was delivering the news. It was the only sound in the house. Every room was quiet, same as always.

I’ve been in the kitchen all day, my mom said.

I grabbed the carton of grapefruit juice from the fridge, poured a glass, and drank it at the counter. My mom looked over and told me to drink it at the table. A few seconds later, I heard the sound of fingernails or maybe toenails being clipped.

You mean making dinner?

Uh-huh. Can’t you smell it? My first pot roast, tied up with string!

I wondered if my dad was actually coming home for once, but decided not to ask.

You want to eat soon?

No. I need to go to the library for a bit. Later is fine.

My town has a big tree-lined street that goes on for blocks and blocks.

This is the route I took to school. To get to the meeting place, you turned left exactly halfway down the street with the trees, onto a side street leading to a sandy lot that barely qualified as a park.

Since I had left the house at four, there was no one at the spot when I arrived. I took the chance to catch my breath. There was a kind of bench made from tires on their sides, and a concrete whale, and between them a sandbox not much bigger than a mattress, littered with candy wrappers and plastic bags.

Among the trash, I could make out all these dry clumps of dog or cat crap. The way the sand stuck to them, they almost looked like tempura. I tried to count the individual nuggets, but new ones kept popping up. The whole sandbox was probably full of them. Then it hit me. Whoever called me here might force me to eat them. The back of my throat burned. I emptied my lungs, in an attempt to make the taste of the crap go away, but the thought alone made me sick.

The mouth of the whale was big enough for two people my size to fit inside. The paint had worn away so much you couldn’t tell what color it used to be. People had tagged its back and its head with permanent marker. The lot fell in the shadow of an old apartment complex, and the ground was almost black, like something rotting.

I had some time to kill, so I walked back to the tree-lined street. I sat down on a metal bench, let out a huge sigh and breathed in slowly. I kept thinking how I’d made a mistake coming here, but if I hadn’t, and Ninomiya and the others didn’t get their way, I’d pay for it in the end. I told myself it didn’t really matter what I did. Nothing would change.

I sighed again and looked up, feeling a little dazed. Not long ago, the trees were just a bunch of black trunks, but now their leaves were showing, and when the wind blew you could hear them rustle. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes, then looked up the street again. As usual, the world was flat and lacking depth. My eyes took in the scenery like a postcard, but when I blinked, it slipped from view, replaced by a new scene.

A little while later, still basically unable to think, I returned to the spot. I saw someone sitting on the tires with her back to me. A girl in her school uniform. This was a surprise. I looked around the lot for somebody else, but there was no sign of anyone.

I approached her cautiously. When I stopped near the mouth of the whale, she heard my footsteps and turned to face me. It was Kojima. From class. She stood up and looked me over, dropping her chin slightly. I did the same.

The letter?

Kojima was short, with kind of dark skin. She never talked at school. Her shirt was always wrinkled, and her uniform looked old. She never stood up straight. She had tons of hair, and it was totally black. So thick it never fell flat. The ends shot out in every direction. She had this dark spot under her nose, like dirt or maybe hair, and she got made fun of for it. The girls in class picked on her for being poor and dirty.

I didn’t think you’d come, Kojima laughed, smiling uneasily. Were you weirded out?

I couldn’t think of what to say, so I shook my head. For a minute both of us just stood there silently.

Sit down, Kojima said. I nodded and tried, but I couldn’t sit right on the tires.

It’s not like I have something to tell you. I just thought we should talk, the two of us. Honestly, I felt like we both needed it. I guess I’ve felt that way for a long time now.

Kojima stumbled every few words. I realized this was the first time I had heard her voice. The first time I had ever seen her face straight on. It was also the first time I had ever talked like this with a girl. My palms were moist. I was sweaty all over. I didn’t know where it was safe to look.

I’m glad you came.

Her voice wasn’t high or low, but it was firm, like there was something at its center, holding it together. I kept on nodding. Kojima noticed and seemed reassured.

You know the name of this park?

I shook my head.

Whale Park. See? The whale’s right there. Well, I guess I’m the only one who calls it that. She laughed. I imagined myself saying it. Whale Park.

Like I said, I’ve wanted to talk for a while. That’s why I wrote you those letters. But I didn’t think you’d really come. I’m kind of in shock right now. She was rubbing her nose and speaking faster than before.

I nodded at this.

I want to be friends, she said, looking at me. I mean, if you’re okay with that.

I didn’t understand what she was saying, but I agreed. I felt a surge of misgivings. What did it mean for us to be friends? What was a friend supposed to do? I couldn’t bring myself to ask. Sweat dripped down my back. Kojima smiled. She looked really happy to hear my answer. She let out a breath and told me she was glad. Then she stood up from the tires and brushed off the back of her skirt with both hands. Her skirt had these huge creases crossing the lines of the pleats. The pockets of her blazer were bulging with what looked like scraps of tissue.

Happamine. She sounded like she was sighing, but never broke her smile as she looked down at her feet. In my head I was, like, happawhat? I wanted to ask her what she said, but I wasn’t sure of when or how to ask. I wound up saying nothing.

Can I write you another letter?

Yeah, I said. My voice cracked. My face was hot.

And give it to you?

Yeah. I nodded.

You’ll write back?

Yeah, I said. This time I spoke at the right volume. What a relief.

We stood there for a while, not saying anything. I could hear crows cawing somewhere far away.


Kojima smiled and looked at me, then gave me a tiny wave, spun around and booked it up the side street leading to the street of trees.

She didn’t look back. Not even once. In my eyes, it looked like there were two of her, almost overlapping, getting smaller and smaller. I wasn’t sure how long you were supposed to watch someone walk away, but I watched until I couldn’t see her anymore. I could still see the square bottom of her skirt swing like something heavy, swatting the backs of her calves. Even after she had completely disappeared, the bulky action of her skirt stayed with me.

Not so fast, Eyes.

Class was over, but I turned around, because I had no choice, as rotten as I felt. One of Ninomiya’s friends grabbed me by the neck and dragged me back into the classroom. This happened all the time. Ninomiya was in the middle of the room, sitting on a desk. That was his style. When he noticed me, he laughed, then said, Hey buddy. He told me to shove a stick of chalk up my nose and draw something hilarious on the blackboard with it, something that would make them shit their pants. His friends all cracked up. One of them dragged me to the blackboard and the rest of them circled around to watch.

I’d known Ninomiya since elementary school.

Even then, he was the center of attention. He was the best athlete in our grade, but he also got straight A’s, and he had a chiseled face that anybody would consider beautiful. We were all supposed to wear a navy sweater, but he wore whatever color he wanted. His hair came down to his shoulders. His older brother, three years ahead of us, was even more popular. The two of them were school celebrities. Ninomiya gave off a special aura. There was always a crowd of kids who wanted to be friends with him. When we entered middle school, he started wearing his hair tied back and making girls laugh with his jokes, but it wasn’t just the girls. When Ninomiya told a joke, everyone who heard it laughed. He was always at the top of the class and took upper-level classes after school while the rest of us were struggling with our homework. None of us could keep up with him. Not even the teachers.

Hurry up.

I stood there paralyzed and silent.

You never learn, do you? We’ve been doing this how many years now?

Ninomiya threw up his hands in disgust. His friends doubled over laughing. They couldn’t get enough of this. That’s when I saw Momose, standing with his arms crossed, a little behind the wall of kids.

Momose had shown up in middle school. His grades were just as good as Ninomiya’s, and I heard they went to the same advanced after-school classes. I had never exchanged words with Momose. He was always with Ninomiya, but he never said much, and I never saw him get worked up like the rest of the kids. For reasons I didn’t understand, he watched gym class from the bleachers. While he was no match for Ninomiya, he had a face that anyone would describe as handsome, and both of them were at least four inches taller than me. Momose always had this expression that told you nothing about what he was thinking. He never bullied me directly. He just stood off to the side, crossed his arms and stared.

We’ve got places to be, said Ninomiya. We’ll have to save your masterpiece for another day. Make all three pieces of chalk disappear and you can go.

Ninomiya told the others to stick two of the pieces of chalk up my nose. He waved the third piece in front of me like a sardine and said, Come on, Eyes, where’s your please and thank you? He kicked me right in the knee with the instep of his foot.

Whether they were kicking or punching or pushing me, Ninomiya and his friends were careful not to ever leave a mark. When I got home and saw I had no bruises, I always wondered where they could have learned this kind of trick.

They kicked me in the knees and thighs, but never hit the same place twice. One of them booted me in the chest, like he was checking to see how soft I was. They pushed me, threw me into a wall. I staggered and crashed into a desk. Happens all the time, I told myself. It’s nothing. It happens. I waited for it to end.

Pulling me up by my hair, they forced the chalk up my nose and made me eat the other piece. I bit it with my front teeth.

Ninomiya and his friends just watched, laughing like crazy.

Thus far I had been forced to swallow pond water, toilet water, a goldfish, and scraps of vegetables from the rabbit cage, but

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