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Why I Can't Be A Conservative
Why I Can't Be A Conservative
Why I Can't Be A Conservative
Ebook64 pages53 minutes

Why I Can't Be A Conservative

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In the worlds of education, media, politics, employment, entertainment and sports, any liberal who refuses to accept the race-and-gender authoritarianism that has taken over 99% of our institutions, is immediately branded as an evil conservative. Most people are so thrown off by this that they are bullied into silent compliance or even join in with the woke racializing, genderizing and medicalizing of every issue (if for no other reason than vocational and social survival). And thus the average Democrat is found scrambling to even keep up with the new rules (all of them mandatory) and new terminology (all of it mandatory) required to even maintain their jobs and their friendships. In this environment, the average liberal would hardly know were to begin to define what a real liberal or real conservative is anymore. This book helps clear these issues up.

If a liberal dissents on any woke issue whatsoever (whether that be Russia Collusion, MeToo, BLM, COVID or the Ukraine) they are then hopelessly, permanently and irredeemably branded as a conservative for whom there can be no forgiveness, fellowship or mercy. Then the question comes: What do you say if you're falsely accused of being a conservative when you consider yourself an ordinary liberal?

We've all been trained by insidious one-liners not to defend ourselves against false accusations. The famous one-liners that come from our odious universities are: "Just because you have a black friend doesn't prove you're not a racist," or, "Just because you're poor and disabled doesn't prove you don't have white privilege," or, "Just because you're homeless and hooked on drugs doesn't mean you're not a misogynist." We've all been convinced that defending ourselves is "defensiveness" which allegedly has as its object "holding onto your power" because your "white fragility" causes you to be "afraid to give up your power."

Well, I'm here to say that all of us true liberals should defend our liberal credentials at every turn and assert that real aid to the poor and marginalized, in the form of housing, medical care, tuition assistance, psychiatric care, substance-abuse care and expanded mass transit, are the way forward for any truly liberal party. And, I assert, every true liberal who believes in real equality — not the sexist, racist identity politics that dominates college admissions offices and human resources departments — must insist that investments in upward class mobility will elevate people of all identities far faster than dehumanizing straight, white, downwardly-mobile, low-income males.

Because real liberals have forgotten how to defend themselves, I've created this short tract to remind people what our main goals traditionally were, and what they really should be now, and how to point out to people that we must embrace things that are truly and honestly liberal. We must take our institutions and political processes back from the insufferably phony, sanctimonious frauds who now control them. Toward that end, let this book serve as a political self-defense manual.

True liberals must work toward bringing free speech back to the public square and advocate for the full restoration of human rights to ordinary people, most of whom have been shamed into silence. And the only way to do this, as liberals, is to argue with the conformist wing of the Democratic party; and to argue with them, we must become experts at proving that we are the real liberals, not them. You will find, as I have, that once they can't pin the conservative label on you, they're literally helpless and unable to defend any of their bad ideas. After all, they have no practice at debating and haven't done it for years. And once they're moved out of their false-accusation comfort zone, they're the lousiest and laziest debaters on earth. So we can do this. We can defeat the race-hustler / gender-grifter wing of the Democratic Party and make it a party we're proud ...

Release dateMar 5, 2023
Why I Can't Be A Conservative

Mel C. Thompson

Mel C. Thompson is a retired wage slave who survived by working through temp agencies and guard agencies. Unable to survive in the real world of full-time, permanent work, he migrated from building to building, going wherever his agencies sent him, doing any type of work he could feign competency in and staying as long as those fragile arrangements could last. He somehow managed to get a B.A in Philosophy from Cal-State Fullerton in spite of his learning disorders and health problems. Unable to sustain family life due to depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, lack of transportation and lack of income, he lives alone in low-income housing and wanders around California on buses and trains. He began writing at the age of 14 and continues till the current day. (He turns 64 in June of 2023). In his early years he wrote pathetic love poetry until, in his thirties, he was engulfed by cynicism and fell in with a group of largely antisocial poets who wrote about the underground life of drugs, sex, alcohol, poverty, prostitution, heresy, isolation and alienation. In his fortes he turned to prose and began to write religious fiction with an emphasis on the comedic aspect of theology and philosophy. He now writes short novels focusing on the attempt to find meaning in a economic world beset with money laundering, unethical marketing, contraband smuggling, human trafficking, patent trolling, corrupt contracting and every manner of spiritual and psychological desperation and degradation. When he is not writing, he wanders from hospital to medical clinic to surgical room attempting to sustain what little health he has left after a lifetime of complications resulting from birth defects and genetic problems. When he is able, he engages in such hobbies as reading, walking, yoga and meditation; and whenever there is any money left over from his healthcare-related quests, he goes to wine tastings and searches for foodie-related bargains. Before the pandemic, he spent many years gaming various travel-points systems and wrangled many free trips to Europe. He is divorced and has no children, no pets, no real estate, no stocks nor any other assets beyond the $550 in his savings account. His career peaked in the early 2000s when he did comedy gags for a radio station and had about 10,000 listeners per week. However, currently, he may have as few as five active readers on any given day. He no longer has the stamina to promote his work and only finds new readers through ran...

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    Book preview

    Why I Can't Be A Conservative - Mel C. Thompson

    Why I Can’t Be A Conservative

    Mel C. Thompson

    Copyright © 2023

    Mel C. Thompson Publishing

    3559 Mount Diablo Boulevard, #112

    Lafayette, CA 94549



    Cover Photo Credits

    Wikimedia Commons photo: Texas Longhorn in the prairie grass, Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, SW Oklahoma. Author: Larry Smith, August, 2014.


    MCTP Book Design and MCTP Artists

    For information about Mel C. Thompson’s graphic design work for book covers or page design work for book interiors, or for any other inquiry regarding other MCTP artists and writers, please use the contact information above.


    Table of Contents

    What This Book Is And Isn’t

    I’m Not A Religious Conservative

    I Believe In High Taxes

    I’m A Big Government Liberal

    I Totally Support Gay Marriage

    I Love Green Energy

    I Love The California High-Speed Rail Project

    I Don’t Even Own A Car

    My Voting Pattern Is Anti-Conservative

    I Support The Decriminalization of All Drugs

    I Always Loved The Idea of Universal Health Care

    I Believe In Luck More Than Hard Work

    I Believe In Death-With-Dignity Legislation

    I Support The Legalization of Sex Work

    I Don’t Believe In Patriarchy Or Ethnostates

    I Don’t Believe In Creationism Or A Flat Earth

    Become A Real Liberal

    Preface As An Afterword


    What This Book Is And Isn’t

    Return To Table of Contents

    This book probably won’t be of much assistance to anyone’s effort to rhetorically defeat conservatism or the GOP. While it’s true that I’ve spent a lot of my life, if not most of it, attempting to convince others not to be politically, religiously or culturally conservative, this book is not a part of that effort. (To the extent that the book sometimes veers into being actively critical, it disproportionately targets all things DNC-related.) And so it’s not likely anyone can use this book to help them make conservatives see the light and become DNC voters. There are books which attempt to aid in such efforts, but this book isn’t one of them.

    The purpose of this book is not to argue with conservatives or to give DNC voters any pointers on how to gain the moral high ground over conservatives. As far as this book goes, the bulk of it will consist of describing what conservatives believe and why I can’t have those beliefs. And while I might have good conservatives friends, the contents of this book outlines why it would be impossible for me to vote with them.

    This book exists to clear up a consistent point of confusions which, I admit, may be partly, or even largely, my fault. I have accidentally given some Democrats the impression that I’m conservative, and I’ve accidentally given some conservatives hope that I might be converting to their world-view, therefore it’s incumbent on me to show, in explicit terms, why my belief system directly contradicts the core economic, political and religious beliefs of most conservatives. One could think of this document this way: It’s a policy platform which would immediately lead to my defeat were I ever to run in a GOP primary (and don’t worry; readers right and left need not fear my ever running for office because such a spectacle would be sheer madness).

    Like all full-time, progressive critics of the Democratic Party, I’m confronted with the question, on a regular basis, Well, if you dislike the Democratic Party so much, why don’t you just become a Republican? If you think the DNC, and everything associated with it, is so odious, why don’t you just become a registered Republican and be done with it?

    Now such questions don’t just come from Democrats, but also from conservatives of all stripes, including Republicans. If you dislike the mainstream media so much, why don’t you go ‘the whole Dave Rubin’ or do ‘the whole Tim Pool?’ If you’re so miserable about woke media, why not just get away from all that and come on over and join us conservatives? (You know in your heart you want to, ect.)

    At the heart of the matter is the fact that I won’t be voting this year. But this is not for petty reasons, or due to undue pickiness or perfectionism, but simply because my particular belief system has ceased to have any official representation at the party level (and I have come to nickname my belief system something

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