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JavaScript Introduction
JavaScript Introduction
JavaScript Introduction
Ebook273 pages1 hour

JavaScript Introduction

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About this ebook

In addition to HTML and CSS, JavaScript represents one of the main tools web developers use to create rich, responsive web and mobile applications. It's use has expanded with the use of jQuery and AJAX and has evolved JavaScript to become much more than just a scripting language used to manipulate the user interface. This coursware is intended for use as a three-day course, or can be used by students who wish to study on their own to learn JavaScript. Readers will learn how to create basic statements in JavaScript, how to declare and use primitive and complex variables and data types (including objects), how to create and use Functions and Expressions and how to match patterns using Regular Expressions. In addition, students will see how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), how to handle keyboard and screen events, how to validate form input with JavaScript and how to debug and handle errors in their JavaScript code.

This book will help students learn to:

Use features of the most recent version of JavaScript
Use complex and primitive variables and data types
Work with Objects in JavaScript
Use Regular Expressions for pattern matching
Handle and respond to screen and keyboard events
Validate form input with JavaScript

A copy of the exercise files used in this course can be obtained by emailing info @ skillforge.com
Release dateNov 21, 2022
JavaScript Introduction

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    JavaScript Introduction - Lisa Saldivar

    Lesson 1:  Introduction to JavaScript

    Unit time: 75 minutes

    In this lesson, you will learn about:

    1   Versions of JavaScript

    2   Scripting Terminology

    3   Language Fundamentals

    4   Built in Objects

    5   User Input Methods

    Versions of JavaScript

    JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape Navigator in 1995.  It was developed to interact with HTML pages. It was originally called Mocha, then LiveScript before being renamed JavaScript. 

    JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language, rather than a compiled programming language.

    ECMAScript is the standardized specification of a few similar client-side scripting languages including JavaScript and Microsoft’s implementation, JScript. In 1999, edition 3 of ECMAScript added regular expressions and try/catch statements. In 2009, edition 5 added strict mode. ECMAScript edition 6 introduces significantly new syntax, including Python-like features. ECMAScript edition 6 was published in June 2015, but is not yet fully supported by browsers. This course will focus on edition 5.1.

    JavaScript has grown more popular in recent years because of its contribution to rich internet applications and AJAX. This has led to an increase in JavaScript libraries such as jQuery for Document Object Model (DOM) scripting and JavaScript Model-View-Controller (MVC) frameworks such as AngularJS and Backbone.js. A main use of JavaScript is to manipulate the DOM through user events, providing immediate interaction and giving the server a break. JavaScript is also used in HTML5 Application Program Interfaces (APIs). 

    Each browser has its own engine for interpreting JavaScript, which occasionally leads to browser differences in how JavaScript is interpreted. Several JavaScript libraries provide an abstraction layer to deal with browser differences behind the scenes.     

    JavaScript isn’t only used in web browsers. MongoDB and CouchDB are two databases that use JavaScript as their query language. Node.js is a platform that allows JavaScript beyond the browser, and it is even used to create dynamic HTTP servers.

    Creating your first JavaScript page

    JavaScript can be added to an HTML page in two different ways.  It can be added between tags that are inside the HTML page, or in a separate file of only JavaScript. Most applications will use a separate JavaScript file.  Using a separate file allows the script to be be re-used and updated efficiently by developers.  It also allows the browser to cache the script. 

    Exercise 1-1 Add a script to your page

    Complete the exercise below to add a script to your page using tags and a separate file.

    In an editor, open Lesson 1/Exercises/exercise1-1.html.

    Add a set of

    Inside the

    Save exercise1-1.html.

    Open the file in your browser.

    Open exercise1-1.html in your editor.

    Move only the JavaScript code between the

    Save the file as exercise1-1.js in the Lesson 1/Exercises/js folder.

    In the exercise1-1.html file, add a src attribute to the

    Save exercise1-1.html.

    Open it in your browser.

    It should look the same as in step 5.

    Scripting Terminology

    Before we begin, we need to cover some terms to assist with the learning process. 


    In scripting or programming, an expression produces a value. Any value written literally such as a number or string is an expression.

    An expression can assign a value to a variable, or just have a value. JavaScript expressions can evaluate to a number, character string or true/false.

    Below is an example of an arithmetic expression.  It evaluates to 3 without an assignment. 

    1 + 2;


    A variable captures and holds values.  It can be updated. 


    Operators are unary, binary or ternary with one, two or three operands.  Operators can be different types including arithmetic, string, logical, assignment and comparison. Most JavaScript operators are binary, requiring an operand on either side of the operator.

    In this example, the assignment operator (=) is a binary operator and so is the addition (+) operator. 

    var x = 1 + 2;

    The operand is the part of the expression being manipulated by the operators. Above, the numbers 1 and 2 and the variable x are the operands.

    There are a few unary operators with one operand to the left or right of the operator. The minus sign (-) can be used to subtract one number from another in a binary operation, or to negate a value in a unary operation. 

    var x = -3; //x is negative 3

    JavaScript has one ternary operator that has two operators between three operands. It is a shortcut for a true/false test and will be demonstrated later.


    A statement can consist of expressions, variables and operators. A statement is a complete instruction that contains an expression, to be executed by the web browser. Statements should have semicolons separating them. 

    var x = 1 + 2; //statement

    x = 3; //statement

    1 + 2; //not a statement

    Language Fundamentals

    The below section will introduce you to the JavaScript syntax and concepts.

    Declaring Variables

    In JavaScript, variables are local or global. Local variables are declared with the keyword var. Variables that are set without being declared are global by default. When variables are declared within a function, they are local to that function and unavailable outside the function. JavaScript generally has C-style operators that have hierarchy and associativity.

    Below is an example that declares the variable x.

    var x;

    The declared variable x can be set later in the code.

    x = 1 + 2;

    Or a variable can be set and declared on one line with the keyword var:

    var y = 10 * 2;

    Best practice is to declare variables at the top of the JavaScript page in alphabetical order. Note that you use the keyword var once to declare the variables.

    var x, y, z;

    x = 10;

    y = 20;

    z = 10;

    Assigning or Setting Variables

    Variables are assigned or set using the equal sign (=). JavaScript has C-style assignment shortcuts: +=, -=, *=, /= and %=.   Below are examples of the various assignment options.

    //assign the string hello to the variable str

    var str = hello;

    //concatenate world to the variable

    str += world;

    //+= is a shortcut for

    str = hello;

    str = str + world;

    var x = 5;

    x *= 10;

    //*= is a shortcut for

    x = 5;

    x = x * 10;

    Case Sensitive

    JavaScript is case-sensitive. Variables, built-in objects, keywords, functions and methods must use the correct case. 

    JavaScript convention is to use camelCase to name identifiers (variables and functions). JavaScript's camelCase means putting multiple words together and capitalizing all but the first word:

    var userName = ;

    function calculateTotalProfits(){}

    Hungarian notation is also popular, where the name of the identifier indicates its type and/or intended use.

    var intAge = 100; //integer value

    var strDept = IT; //string value

    var boolFullTime = true; //Boolean value

    var arrEmployeeList = []; //enumerated array

    Note that using camelCase is not required, and that Hungarian

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