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Truly Mated
Truly Mated
Truly Mated
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Truly Mated

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Kailee's life is perfect until a few weeks before her birthday when her parents announce she and only she is moving. Not only is Kailee moving but they also tell her she is getting married. To make everything worse the man is a stranger in a strange city on the other side of the country. Will Kailee be able to cope with being so far away from her friends and family that she loves so dear. What will happen if Kailee falls in love with the man she must marry. He is mysterious and alluring to Kailee but will she still want him when she finds out, him and his family are hiding secrets. The secrets that may change Kailee's life forever.

PublisherLindsey Owens
Release dateOct 27, 2018
Truly Mated

Lindsey Owens

Lindsey is the author of the erotica fiction novel In the Dark as well as The Chocolatier and the new adult novel Fated Love. She also writes werewolf books, romance genre, some teen fiction, new adult fiction, fantasy, and paranormal stories. She has many more novels to come! She's just a girl who wants fun romance novels! Is that so much to ask? Not the same ol' same ol'? Not all love is slow and casual, some are fast paced and nearly overwhelming. Not all paranormal books have vampires! Not all stories have been told!  Seriously!? Lindsey took it upon herself to begin her stories for her own entertainment in the beginning of early 2000. She had not struggled with finding books that captivated her, no, instead stories began to form in her head. The more she read, the more she loved to write. Her romance stories began with her desire to write things down! More romance! More Paranormal Romance!  She lives in the South with her husband and children where she continues to put her thoughts to paper.

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    Book preview

    Truly Mated - Lindsey Owens

    Chapter One

    Where do to start? Well... no... maybe.. ah no how about... nah. Well here it goes. Kailee woke up this morning to her parents acting kind of strange. Well really strange. Her mother came home late the night before with a huge pink luggage bag. Then when she walked down stairs for breakfast this morning her mother had made her favorite breakfast of fried red potatoes, French toast, and bacon along with some fresh squeezed orange juice. It was a little strange. It wasn’t her birthday or any other special day, but what the heck; she loved it and she wasn’t going to complain.

    Make sure your home for dinner by 6 pm dear. Her mother, Sarah cooed waving as she began her walk to school. She usually walked the two miles to school every day happily because her friend Jade walked with her; together they talked and laughed as the boys tried to get them to ride in their cars. Kailee preferred to walk especially since she had no particular interest in the boys at her school. Why, because they were immature, stuck up, and most were jerks. They lusted for her. She was gorgeous, well that’s what Jade told her but she didn’t believe it.

    At the end of the school day together the best friends walked back home together every day. Ever since they were little they were practically joined at the hip. Today they went back to Kailee’s house since her mom had plans for her later.

    They came through the door to a nearly silent home and walked up to Kailee’s room and began their daily overview of how school went and what homework they could work on together, along with what they had planned on doing for the rest of the week. When five thirty rolled around Kailee’s mother tapped on the door.

    Kailee it’s time for dinner, Jade needs to go home, now. her mother said flatly.

    Can she stay? Kailee asked.

    No her mother’s reply somewhat cold. She normally was friendly, and loved Jade; she treated her like part of the family, but today was different. She was mean and cruel.

    Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow. Jade sighed as she hugged her friend goodbye at the door.

    Of course, Sweetie, Kailee said as Jade half smiled. After she shut the door she hurried toward the dining room she froze at the entry way at her parent’s solemn expressions. What is up with them? She wondered.

    After dinner, you need to pack. John, Kailee’s father grimaced. He tried to cover it up with a small smile but Kailee caught it.

    Why dad what’s up? Kailee asked curiously.

    You are moving, Sarah replied coolly.

    We are moving? What, when, where, most importantly, why? Kailee’s words tumbled out in a slurry of word vomit. She couldn’t control it; she didn’t want to leave her friends, especially Jade.

    Not we. YOU. Her father was harsh with his words but he knew he didn’t have a choice. If he didn’t be harsh Kailee would resist and that wouldn’t be good for anyone especially his family.

    WHAT! By myself? Don’t tell me you are putting me in a boarding school or something because I have good grades, I... don’t... get... in trouble. By the end of her babble her father held up a hand to his now crying daughter to silence her.

    You’re not going to a boarding school, you’re moving in with your fiancé. He lives in North Dakota with his family. He wants you there in a few days so you are leaving. He growled a loud menacing noise which scared Kailee.

    A blank look of confusion washed over Kailee’s delicate features as she shoved her chair back angrily leaving her plate full of food on the table and stiffly walked back to her room. She slammed the door with as much force as she could muster. The words of her father did not fully sink in until she closed her bedroom door. She began to cry harder as she fell ungracefully onto her bed.

    She would turn nineteen in a few weeks so she would have tried to get out of it but right now she didn’t know what else to do. What her father said went, she doesn’t really know why but she couldn’t disobey him if she tried. It almost felt impossible to disobey his words. Some unknown voice in her head said you must obey him. She continued to cry into her pillow until she heard a knock on the door.

    Chapter Two

    Kailee, I am going to pack your bag now, Sarah told her pushing her door open. You’ll be leaving if in a few hours. She half smiled at the girl.

    Sarah pulled in with her the large pink suitcase she had purchased the other day and began placing items in it. When she was finished she smiled wearily at her daughter as she zipped it shut. She loved her daughter and would miss her. She didn’t want this but it was for the better good she kept reminding herself. Now get up young lady and fix yourself up, the car will be here in twenty minutes.

    Kailee dragged herself off her bed and into the bathroom. After she left Sarah laid a bag on Kailee’s bed and hoped she would wear what was inside it. Kailee took a quick shower and brushed out her long naturally red hair as she blow dried it. When she was through she pulled her hair into a messy ponytail then wrapped her towel tightly around her slim body.

    She quickly noticed a black designer bag sitting like a delicate flower on her bed. Rushing over to it she found a note taped to its side.

    Honey, I thought you would like a new outfit wear when you meet him. These are for you. Please wear them.

    Love MOM

    Her eyes lit up when she found inside a small pink bag with white handles on it. Inside was a very skimpy light pink lace bra and panty set. Holding them up the only thing she thought was ‘Oh My. God. I’m only seventeen for peats sake.’

    Carefully she slipped on the lacy pieces and peered inside the larger bag. She pulled out a beautiful short cream colored summer dress. It was pretty. Pulling on the dress she realized it had a soft empire style waist and after her breast, it softly flowed down to just past her butt. Its sleeves were a three-quarter length. She loved it. Her mom knew she would she was sure and this made her smile. Her mother really did care even though she was part of the two people in this house that were shipping her off to some unknown guy.

    She was pulling on her tan suede cowboy boots when the doorbell rang. Within a few moments, there was a knock on her bedroom door which didn’t surprise her at all.

    Kailee. Another knock on the door and her mother’s familiar voice. When she didn’t answer the door slowly opened revealing her mother and an average height middle aged woman. She had a small athletic build and short blond hair, her head was held high and she walked with confidence as she entered Kailee’s room.

    Oh my, what a beauty! She smiled excitedly. This brought a smile to Kailee’s face as the woman looked into Kailee’s bright blue eyes. And look at those eyes! Oh my goodness, Trenton is such a lucky man! She gushed. She walked closer to Kailee and gently wrapped her into a hug. My name is Michelle Mars, I am Trenton’s mother, she smiled genuinely.

    Kailee couldn’t help but hug the woman back. This woman seemed gentle, kind, and loving. Maybe her fiancé would carry some of his mother’s personality as well. She’s more beautiful than I remember. She cooed while looking back toward Sarah, Kailee’s mother.

    This confused Kailee she did not remember ever meeting this woman before and the confusion caused her brow to furrow slightly.

    I don’t recall ever meeting you. Kailee frowned slightly trying to remember.

    Of course not sweetheart, the last time I saw you, you were only what... Sarah a year or two old?

    Three years old, I believe, Michelle, Sarah replied.

    Oh. Was all Kailee could think to say as she smiled slightly at least she wasn’t crazy for forgetting this woman.

    Are you ready my dear? Michelle asked. Kailee nodded sadly and kissed her family goodbye well just her parents. Her brother as far as she knew didn’t even know she was going. Oh, he would be a sight to see when he found out she had moved and not said goodbye.

    Kailee and her brother Jordan were close, as close as they could be, practically best friends, that was until he moved into his college dorm in the city. He only visited now on the weekends and was usually too busy to call that often but they still tried to keep in touch.

    Kailee tugged her suitcase out the front door and up to a tall nicely dressed muscular guy who was standing near the car which Michelle headed to.

    Kailee this is Mason, he is my younger son, he will be accompanying us today. she told Kailee with a bright full of pride smile that gleamed from ear to ear.

    Hello, Kailee smiled softly. If this guy was any inclination of how her fiancé would look she could definitely get used to his god-like features. Mason’s hair was a dark brown and cut short which emphasized his amazing brown eyes. His face was clean shaven with a well-defined jaw line.

    Mason entered the bright red BMW’s driver’s side door while Michelle entered the back seat next to Kailee. Kailee fiddled with the bottom of her dress absentmindedly until she noticed Michelle staring at her smiling.

    I just can’t believe how beautiful you are, Trenton is going to be thrilled. She smiled proudly.

    Yes, she is smokin’, Mason grinned. Michelle just shook her head at her immature son.

    Ignore him. Now would you like to ask me any questions? Michelle asked.

    I don’t want to be here. Kailee rolled her eyes.

    Well let’s start with that. Michelle shrugged.

    What? Kailee asked glancing over at Michelle.

    You’re here because a long time ago... when you were born your parents made an agreement with my husband and I. You were bought, dear. Michelle said.

    What! Kailee grimaced. What kind of monster is your son to want to marry me because you bought me? Kailee hissed.

    You were bought into an arranged marriage deal, Michelle replied calmly ignoring parts of Kailee’s question. You have no choice.

    Kailee rolled her eyes and turned toward the far side of the car not looking at Michelle any longer. She was determined she would try her best to run away once she had the chance.

    After a while, Michelle began to speak again, calmer and less agitated. Would you like to know anything about your betrothed?

    Why hasn’t he came for me... if I am that important to take? Kailee growled.

    Business Mason answered from the front of the car.

    Kailee frowned and looked over at Michelle’s expectant face. How about what is he like? Michelle prompted.

    What is he like? Kailee asked quietly.

    You will like him dear; he is kind and gentle with a strong personality. He looks similar to Mason here, in looks. He loves children. She winked.

    Wait did she just wink. Did she just say she thought she heard? Kailee grimaced. This woman wanted her to carry her grandchildren. She was only seventeen and she hasn’t even met the guy yet. GREAT! She thought sarcastically.

    Chapter Three

    When the car pulled up next to a large jet with an amazing mural of wolves and absolutely no words on it, Kailee’s eyes went wide. The car’s engine died and Kailee looked at Michelle with disbelief. Private jet? she stuttered.

    Ah. Yes, dear, Michelle replied simply and shook her head as Mason stifled a chuckle.

    Mason lifted Kailee’s suitcase out of the car’s trunk and carried it onto the plane with one hand. He carried it and placed it into another room. When he returned he smiled at nobody in particular and said that he had told the pilot they were ready to take flight then sat down to buckle.

    Kailee watched Mason scrutinizing his every move but what she didn’t expect was when Mason looked up at her and grinned. He unbuckled himself and leaned toward her. Reaching for her, he chuckled softly. You need to buckle up, let me help you, he whispered softly in her ear. His hand slid across her body and buckled the strap around her. Then he pulled away and buckled himself again. Kailee’s eyes were wide. He was so close to her that she could feel his body heat radiate from him and she flushed looking back up at him nervously.

    Once in the air Mason unbuckled and began walking around. He grabbed a pop for himself and Kailee then a tea for his mother before he bent down near Kailee and spoke huskily. Would you like to watch a movie? It’s a long flight. He smiled.

    Yes please, she nearly felt like begging, she had been bored stiff ever since she sat down.

    Mason smiled as he placed a DVD in the player and pressed the button. A large TV screen rolled down the wall in front of the three people. Kailee curled up in her soft comfy chair and as the movie began to play she fell asleep.

    When Kailee awoke she looked around slightly startled. Last she knew she was on a plane now she was staring at the dark leather interior of what looked like a limo.

    Where... she began as she sat up quickly.

    It’s okay, Michelle murmured softly pressing a hand onto Kailee’s shoulder. You were sleeping so Mason carried you to the car. We are almost home.

    Kailee relaxed slightly and peered out the car’s tinted windows. They were driving through a forest. Trees lined both sides of the road which was very narrow. It

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