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Fundamental Analysis For Dummies
Fundamental Analysis For Dummies
Fundamental Analysis For Dummies
Ebook705 pages9 hours

Fundamental Analysis For Dummies

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



Read preview
  • Fundamental Analysis

  • Stock Market

  • Financial Analysis

  • Financial Statements

  • Income Statement

  • Mentor

  • Knowledge Is Power

  • Hero's Journey

  • Mentorship

  • Quest

  • Underdog

  • Power of Knowledge

  • Power Dynamics

  • Underdog Story

  • Ticking Clock

  • Investment Strategies

  • Balance Sheet

  • Proxy Statement

  • Dividends

  • Profitability

About this ebook

Become familiar with the key concepts of fundamental analysis and learn how to put them into action in the real world

Fundamental Analysis For Dummies is a valuable guide for investors who want to know the future. Okay, it’s not a crystal ball, but fundamental analysis will help you gain insight into a company’s staying power, as you evaluate revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, competitors, management, interest rates, and other key business details. This Dummies resource makes it easy to get a handle on the underlying forces that affect the well-being of the economy, industry groups, and companies. You’ll explore the tools and strategies of fundamental analysis, and you’ll get easy-to-follow examples of how they’re used in relation to stock and commodity investing. This latest edition is fully updated with coverage of today’s investment landscape.

  • Apply fundamental analysis techniques to your investments and increase your profits
  • Learn strategies for making smart investments in stocks, currency, bonds, and commodities
  • Harness the same tools used by Warren Buffett and other successful investors
  • Protect your investments during an economic downturn

Investors looking to become proficient in using fundamental analysis will love this plain-English breakdown of all the must-know information.

Release dateMar 28, 2023
Fundamental Analysis For Dummies

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I know little about stocks but they quite fascinate me. My husband knows a great deal and as I began to look at some reports he gave me on a few equities that I thought I might like to own a share or two of, I began to pepper him with questions: what's an EBIT? an ROA? an ROIC? What should the P/E be (see, I did know what P/E was, just not how to interpret it). So he gave me Fundamental Analysis for Dummies which I'm about half-way through and which answers many of my questions but has so much information and formulas that I feel as if I'm drowning. Still, it's a great resource and the explanations are clear enough so I don't ask him as many questions. I'm not sure I'm any closer to knowing what stocks to buy--but then again maybe the second half of the book will help!

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Fundamental Analysis For Dummies - Matthew Krantz


If someone gave you a dollar for every newfangled stock-picking method invented every year, well, you probably wouldn’t need a book on investing. You’d already be rich.

Investors are constantly barraged with new ways to pick stocks and buy stocks. There’s no shortage of pundits, professional investors, bloggers, and traders who all claim to know the best ways to invest. The trouble is, most of their advice is conflicting and often confusing.

Maybe it’s this constant swirl of investment babble that tempted you to pick up this book. If so, you made a wise decision. This book will help you get back to the basics of investing, understand business, and measure how much that business is really worth. Rather than chasing hot stocks that inevitably crash, Fundamental Analysis For Dummies will show you how to study the value of a business. You’ll then use that information to make intelligent decisions about how to invest.

While faddish stock-picking systems come and go, fundamental analysis has been around for decades. The ability to pore over a company’s most basic data and get a good idea of how a company is doing, how skilled the management team is, and whether or not a company has the resources to stay in business is a valuable skill to have.

History is full of examples where just knowing a little fundamental analysis would’ve saved you from a massive financial hit. The dot-com boom in 2000 followed by the bust in 2001 was easily sidestepped by investors who knew these young Internet stocks were grossly overvalued and many companies’ business models were flawed.

And even the bear market of 2022 wasn’t as painful for students of fundamental analysis. If you read companies’ financial statements, instead of following the stock tips of complete strangers on Reddit, you likely avoided some of the brunt of the market’s pain.

In other words, taking the time to learn about fundamental analysis will actually help you make, and keep, more money. Following the fundamentals of companies keeps you rooted in reality. And that’s very valuable when other investors lose their heads and go chasing after stocks they see featured in Internet memes or eye-catching posts on social media.

Fundamental analysis is best known as a tool for investors trying to get a very detailed assessment of what a company is worth. But you might be surprised to learn you don’t have to be an investor to use fundamental analysis. If you buy a warranty from a company and want to know if the company will be able to honor it, that calls for fundamental analysis. You should know how solid a company is prior to entering any kind of long-term contract with it.

If you just want to know how well a company is doing before you take a job offer, you might also want to use fundamental analysis. Just think of the young people hired by small, underfunded firms in 2022 who had their offers rescinded. Journalists, too, can use fundamental analysis to find stories that will interest readers. Fundamental analysis also helps you figure out whether what you read about companies makes sense. Knowing how companies are truly performing is an important part of being informed about the economy. If you’re at a cocktail party and the talk is about a popular company like Tesla, fundamental analysis will help you know what’s really the score with the company. It’s similar to how you might want to study the performance of teams before talking sports.

The aim of this book is to show you what fundamental analysis is and help you use it as a way to better understand business and investment.

About This Book

Fundamental Analysis For Dummies is one of the most approachable texts to tackle this somewhat complex topic. Rather than bog you down with the nitty-gritty details that academics pull their hair over, I’ve attempted to lay out all the main topics and techniques you’ll need to apply fundamental analysis to a variety of business tasks.

While fundamental analysis is useful for anyone with genuine interest in learning more about business, I appreciate the fact you are likely hoping to make some money from fundamental analysis. For that reason, the book is largely targeted toward investors who are either hoping to use fundamental analysis to manage their portfolios or to enhance their current system of selecting stocks.

As the author, I can share the tricks, tips, and secrets I’ve learned from a career writing about online investing for readers just like you.

Fundamental Analysis For Dummies gives you all the tools you need to access fundamental data, process it, and make decisions. The book, however, stops short of showing you how to actually buy or sell stocks by choosing a broker and entering orders. If you’re interested in the actual process of buying or selling stocks, that topic is covered exhaustively in my other book, Investing Online For Dummies, 10th Edition (Wiley).

Icons Used in This Book

When you’re flipping through this book, you might notice several icons that catch your attention. That’s done on purpose. I use several distinct icons to alert you to sections of the book that stand out. Those icons are as follows:

Remember These icons highlight info that you should etch on the top of your brain and never forget, even when you’re getting caught up in the excitement of fundamental analysis.

Tip Read these sections to quickly pick up insider secrets that can boost your success with fundamental analysis.

Technical Stuff Some of the things covered in the book get a bit hairy and complicated. This icon flags such sections for two reasons. First, you may decide to avoid the headache and skip over them, because the info isn’t vital to your understanding of fundamental analysis. Second, the icon is a heads-up that the paragraph is a little complicated. Don’t be embarrassed if you need to read the section a second or third time. Hey, you didn’t want this book to be too easy, did you?

Warning Avoid the land mines scattered throughout Wall Street that can decimate your good intentions at building wealth with these sections.

Beyond the Book

In addition to what you’re reading right now, this product also comes with a free access-anywhere Cheat Sheet that clues you in to stuff like knowing the key Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, goes over financial ratios to know and love, and offers a financial analyst’s mini-dictionary. To get this Cheat Sheet, simply go to www.dummies.com and type Financial Analysis For Dummies Cheat Sheet in the Search box.

Where to Go from Here

If you’re a new investor or just curious about fundamental analysis, you might consider starting from the beginning. That way, you’ll be ready for some of the more advanced topics I introduce later in the book. If you’ve already been using fundamental analysis or wondering if fundamental analysis might enhance a strategy you think is working for you, you might skip to Part 2. And if you’re dying to know about a specific topic, there’s nothing wrong with looking up those terms in the Index and flipping to the appropriate pages.

Part 1

Getting Started with Fundamental Analysis


Find out how understanding the way a company makes money can help you make money.

See how fundamental analysis compares with other ways of investing.

Check out how some successful investors put fundamental analysis to work.

Understand the accounting procedures companies use to record their fundamentals for all to see.

Chapter 1

Understanding Fundamental Analysis


Bullet Getting a solid overview of why fundamental analysis is worth your time

Bullet Stepping through some of the main concepts that are critical to fundamental analysis

Bullet Understanding the ways that fundamental analysis can fit into many investment strategies

Bullet Grasping how to use this book to further your understanding of fundamental analysis

Before you gulp down that neon-colored energy drink or pour yourself a bowl of super-sweetened cereal that looks like it was made by Willy Wonka himself, you probably do something first. It’s usually not a bad idea to take a glance at the nutrition label that spells out what ingredients are in the box.

You might not know what guar gum, guarana, or other ingredients that often show up on the labels of such processed foods are, but you can get a pretty good idea of what’s good for you and what’s not. If a bottle of apple juice, for instance, has a list of ingredients longer than your arm and is filled with stuff you can’t pronounce, you know you’re not drinking squeezed apples. Being aware of what’s in a food may or may not sway your decision to eat it, but at least you know what you’re putting into your body.

Companies and stocks, too, come with similar labels. All companies that are publicly traded, or that allow investors to buy and sell their shares on public marketplaces, are required to disclose what they’re all about. Just as food processors must list all the ingredients that go into their products, companies must tell investors what they’re composed of.

Unfortunately, all the information investors need to know about a company doesn’t fit inside a tiny rectangle — like it does on a food label. Instead, the key elements that make up a company are broken down at length in a series of financial statements and other sources of fundamental data.

Reading these critical financial statements and gleaning insights from them are the most basic goals of fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is the skill of reading through all the information companies provide about themselves to make intelligent decisions.

Why Bother with Fundamental Analysis?

You might wonder why you need to hassle with fundamental analysis. Why bother with technical things like net income or discounted cash flow analysis when you can just turn on the TV, write down a couple of stock symbols, buy the stocks and hope for the best?

You might also figure learning how companies operate is just needless information. After all, you don’t need to know about fuel injection systems, suspensions, and car battery technology to drive a car. And you don’t need to know what’s going on behind the curtain to enjoy a play. Some investors figure they can just pick a couple of hot stocks, buy them, and drive off to riches.

Remember If the bear market that began in 2022 taught investors anything, it’s that blindly buying stocks just because you might like a company or its products was hardly a sound way to tune up a portfolio. Chasing hunches, online posts, personal opinion, stories, and memes about stocks is often not a great way to invest, as you’ll find out in Chapter 20. Many of these meme investors who followed their guts lost half, or much more, of their money invested in these stocks. This isn’t the first time hype punished investors for not paying attention. The financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 pounded many investors, who assumed financial stocks and real estate would never fall.

Some of the real values of fundamental analysis

Ever notice how there’s always a new wonder diet promising to make you healthier? More times than not, though, it seems these things never work. Getting healthy comes back to the basics — a balanced diet and exercise.

The same goes with investing. Believe it or not, investing can be full of fads. There’s always a new investment pundit or economist with a novel way to pick winning stocks. And just as an hour on the treadmill will do you more good than a miracle diet, successfully choosing stocks often comes back to fundamental analysis.

Fundamental analysis is the classic way to examine companies and investments for a variety of reasons, including the fact it is:

Based on fact, not opinion: It’s easy to get caught up in general enthusiasm about what a company is doing or the products it’s selling. Fundamental analysis blinds you to this investment hype and gets you focused on cold-hard business realities. It doesn’t matter if all the kids in your neighborhood are buying a company’s products if the company isn’t making any money at selling them.

Good at pinpointing shifts in the business’s health: If a company’s success is starting to fade, you’ll see it show up in the fundamentals. No, there won’t be a giant sign saying Sell this stock. But there are clues if you know how to look, as you’ll discover in Chapter 18. Companies are required to disclose key aspects of their business, so if there’s a problem, a fundamental analyst will often be early at spotting some trouble.

All about execution: Companies’ CEOs are usually good at getting investors focused on the future and how things are going to get better next quarter. But fundamentals are based in reality. Just think of children who say how hard they’re working at school. The report card is still the tangible evidence of how things are actually going. The numbers don’t lie — if you know where to look.

A way to put price tags on companies: What’s a painting worth? What’s a used car worth? The price of an asset with a subjective value is generally what someone else is willing to pay for it. The stock market, an auction of buyers and sellers, does a good job putting price tags on companies. But fundamental analysis gives you another way to see just how much investors, by buying or selling stock, are paying for a stock.

Driving home an example

One of the best examples of how fundamental analysis can help you and your portfolio is General Motors. It’s one for the history books of capitalism. For decades, GM represented the might of U.S. industriousness, know-how, and creativity. GM commanded a massive market value of $3.5 billion in 1928, says Standard & Poor’s. I’ll step you through what market value means in more detail in Chapter 3, but for now, just know that GM was the most valuable company by far in 1928.

For decades, investors figured a dollar invested in GM was money in the bank. The company slugged through upturns and downturns and was a lasting power that helped drive the U.S. economy. The company kept paying fat dividends and kept powering profits higher. There was even an expression: As GM goes, so goes the nation.

But investors who blindly bet GM would remain a lasting force and ignored the fundamental signs of trouble suffered a brutal blow on June 1, 2009. On that day, which will forever remain one of the lowlights of capitalism, GM became the fourth-largest public company to seek bankruptcy protection, according to BankruptcyData.com. Shares of GM stock collapsed to just 75 cents a share, down 97 percent from their level just three years before.

Fundamental analysis may not have helped you predict just how shocking GM’s fate would be. But concrete elements from the company’s financial statements could have tipped you off to how challenged GM was well before it became a penny stock and was liquidated. GM was ultimately reborn when a new company was created and bought many of the old company’s assets, including the GM name. You can be sure that investors in the new GM paid much closer attention to the fundamentals.


Even months before GM filed for bankruptcy protection, fundamental analysis could have served you well.

Back in January 2009, seeing both GM and Ford facing intense financial strain, many investors wondered if either one was worth taking a bet on. Some helpful fundamental analysis tools, including an analysis of the statement of cash flows, could have determined whether you lost a fortune or enjoyed a big gain.

I’ll show you how to read the statement of cash flow in detail in Chapter 7. But for now, I’m just giving you a real example of why fundamental analysis matters to whet your appetite. At the beginning of 2009, both Ford and GM were constantly in the news. Both faced a tough business climate and both had depressed stock prices: Ford began 2009 at $2.46 a share and GM $3.65. The market clearly saw big-time troubles at both firms.

But a quick fundamental analysis showed Ford was the much better bet. Ford ended the quarter with $27.5 billion in cash and burnt $600 million in cash. Don’t let the numbers scare you at this point. I’m just exposing you to a basic free cash flow analysis, as you’ll learn about later. Just for now, know that at the quarterly rate, Ford had enough cash to last nearly 46 quarters.

Over at GM, however, the company ended the quarter with just $15.9 billion in cash. Meanwhile, it burnt through $8.9 billion during the quarter. A fundamental analyst knew right away the company wasn’t going to make it through the year at that rate. That’s critical information to have known.

Knowing how to do this one type of fundamental analysis made a world of difference for investors. In the following six months, shares of Ford jumped 149 percent to $6.13. Ford also did not accept government funding assistance during the financial crisis. By the end of 2014, Ford’s shares bounced back to about $15 a share. Meanwhile, shares of GM crashed roughly 80 percent to 75 cents, the company was renamed Motors Liquidation Company, its assets were sold off, and investors were decimated.

Makes you want to read the rest of the book, doesn’t it?

Putting fundamental analysis to work

It’s easy to get consumed with the fast-money trading aspects of stocks. TV reports about stocks on the move and companies that have new products practically turn investing into a sporting event. If you listen to some traders talk, they rattle off companies’ ticker symbols in rapid-fire delivery just as sports fans talk about teams. Flashing arrows and rapid trading can become an addiction.

Fundamental analysis is trying to help you avoid this insanity. Stocks rise and fall each minute, day, and week based on a random flow of news. That’s mostly noise to a fundamental analyst. The constant ups and downs of stocks can sometimes confound logic and reason. Trying to profit from these short-term swings is a game for gamblers and speculators. It’s futile on a long-term basis.

But that’s not to say investing is gambling. When you buy a stock, you’re buying a piece of ownership in companies that make and sell products and services. You’re buying a claim to the companies’ future profits. Owning a piece of a real business over time isn’t gambling, it’s capitalism.

Remember Fundamental analysis forces you to focus on investing in businesses, not stocks. You’re not buying a lottery ticket, but a piece of ownership in an actual company. Sometimes this gets lost by investors who pay more attention to stock charts than to financial statements.

If jumping in and out of stocks at the right time isn’t the way to riches, then what is the trick to successful investing? The answer is to stop thinking of stocks as just symbols that gyrate each day. The goal of fundamental analysis is to help you step away from the short-term trading and gambling of stocks. Instead, you approach investing as if you’re buying a business, not rolling the dice.

Fundamental analysis ideally helps you identify businesses that sell goods and services for more than what they paid to produce them. Fundamental analysis is your tool to evaluate how good a company is at turning raw materials into profits. If there’s an investor who best personifies fundamental analysis over speculation, it’s famed investor Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett is one of the best-known users of fundamental analysis — in fact, he’s so confident in his analysis of a business he’ll often buy very large stakes and hold on to it for decades. You will read more about how Buffett applies fundamental analysis to investing in Chapter 3.

Tip No matter how you choose investments currently, you can likely apply fundamental analysis. Even if you’re the kind of investor who likes to buy diversified mutual funds and hold onto them forever, called a passive investor, it can be helpful to understand basic financial characteristics of the companies.

Knowing what fundamentals to look for

Knowing what makes a company tick isn’t as convoluted as it may sound. Companies are so regulated and scrutinized, all the things you need to pay attention to are usually listed and published for all to see. Generally, when you hear about a company’s fundamentals, the key elements to be concerned will fall into several categories including:

Financial performance: Here you’re looking at how much a company collects from customers who buy its products or services, and how much it keeps in profit. Terms you probably hear quite a bit about, such as earnings and revenue, are examples of ways fundamental analysts evaluate a company’s financial performance.

Financial resources: Companies don’t succeed long term simply selling goods and services. It’s not even enough to turn a profit. Companies must also have the financial firepower to invest in themselves and keep their businesses going and growing. Aspects of a business, such as its assets and liabilities, are ways to measure a company’s resources.

Management team: When you invest in a company, you’re entrusting your money to the CEO and other managers to put your cash to work. Fundamental analysis helps you separate the good managers from the bad.

Valuation: It’s not enough to identify which companies are the best. What’s a good company anyway? Definitions of good can run the gamut. You also need to consider how much you’re paying to own a piece of a company. If you overpay for the best company on the planet, it’s still likely you’ll end up losing money on the investment. You’ll read more about valuation in Chapter 10 and Chapter 11.

Macro trends: No company operates in a vacuum. A company’s performance is highly influenced by actions of competitors or the condition of the economy. These broad factors need to be incorporated into fundamental analysis, as you’ll discover in Chapter 15 and Chapter 16.

Knowing what you need

One of the great things about running as a hobby is all you need is a pair of decent shoes. And basketball? Just grab a ball and find a hoop. No fancy equipment is required. The same goes with fundamental analysis. Much of the data you need is provided free by companies and can be accessed in seconds from any device connected to the Internet.

Fundamental analysis can get pretty involved. But in its most basic form, fundamental analysis has just a few basic ideas behind it, including:

Awareness of the benefits: Because fundamental analysis takes some know-how and time spent learning a bit, you’ll want to know ahead of time why you’re going to the trouble. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 highlight the payoff of fundamental analysis. Even if you’re a passive investor, or one who simply buys a basket of stocks and holds on, there are reasons why fundamental analysis might be worth your while.

Retrieval of financial data: Getting all the key data you need to apply fundamental analysis is easy, if you know where to look. Chapter 4 gives you quick tips on how to round up all the company financial data you’ll need.

Basic math: There it is: The M word. There’s no way around the fact there will be some number crunching involved in some aspects of fundamental analysis. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you to help keep the math as painless as possible.

Knowing the Tools of the Fundamental Analysis Trade

You can read all sorts of books on home repair and even take a trip to your hardware store and buy lots of screws, nails, and glue. But none of that effort will benefit you unless you have a tool belt and the knowledge of how to get started and put your plan into reality.

The same importance of execution is part of fundamental analysis. You may appreciate the importance of fundamental analysis and may even be able to download fundamental data from websites or from a company’s annual report. But you need to have the tools to analyze the fundamentals to get any real value from them.

Staying focused on the bottom line

If there’s one thing investors may agree is of upmost importance, it’s the company’s profitability. When it comes down to it, when you invest in a stock you’re buying a piece of the company’s earnings. Knowing how to read and understand how much profit a company is making is very important when it comes to knowing whether or not to invest.

The income statement, described in full detail in Chapter 5, will be your guide when you’re trying to determine how profitable a company is. What might also surprise you is that the income statement can tell you a great deal about a company, in addition to just how much income it brings in.

Sizing up what a company has to its name

During times of intense financial stress, investors often make a very important mental shift. They’re not so concerned about making money as they are about just getting their money back. Similarly, when things get tough in the economy, investors are less interested in how profitable a company is and are more mindful of whether a company will survive the economic downturn.

When you’re trying to understand the lasting power of a company, fundamental analysis is of great value. By reading the company’s balance sheet, you can get a rundown of what a company has — its assets — and what is owes — its liabilities. Monitoring these items gives you a very good picture of how much financial dry powder a company has to endure a tough period. Chapter 6 explores the balance sheet in more detail.

Burn baby burn: Cash burn

One of the biggest killers of companies, especially smaller firms just starting out, is poor cash flow. While a company might have a great product concept, excellent management, and even dedicated financial backers, timing is everything. If a company is using up cash to pay its bills and employees but not bringing in enough cold, hard cash from customers, it can run into a giant financial headache very quickly and not have enough cash to reach its potential.

Tip If there’s one thing I hope you pick up from this book, it’s how fundamental analysis helps you keep a close eye on how much cash is coming into and out of a company. Monitoring cash flow is critical to know if a company is running perilously empty on cash, which you’ll dig into in more detail in Chapter 7. Tracking a company’s cash flow is also a very important way fundamental analysis helps you put a price tag on that company, as you will find out about in Chapter 11.

Financial ratios: Your friend in making sense of a company

As you flip through this book and jump around to different topics that interest you, you might be a bit bewildered by just how many pieces of financial data fundamental analysts must deal with. You’ve got the financial statements that measure just about every aspect of the company. It can be intimidating to decide what numbers matter most and which ones can be ignored.

Financial ratios will be a great help here, as you’ll see in Chapter 8. These ratios draw all sorts of fundamental data from different sources and put them into perspective.

Financial ratios are also important because they form the vocabulary of fundamental analysts. If you’re ever at a cocktail party where analysts are talking about gross margins and accounts receivable turnover, I want you to be prepared. By the way, that sounds like a pretty boring party.

I’ll show you a whole host of financial ratios in Chapter 8 that are the favorites used by many fundamental analysts. You’ll soon be using seemingly unrelated pieces of financial data about a company to glean some very important conclusions about the company.

Making Fundamental Analysis Work For You

Imagine a young child who memorized an entire dictionary, but can’t use a single word in a sentence. That’s a basic analogy of some investors’ fundamental analysis knowledge. You might, too, know some things about the income statement and balance sheet and have a great knowledge of what’s contained in the statements. But when it comes to applying your know-how, that can be a bit trickier.

Putting fundamental analysis in action requires taking everything you know about a company and mixing in some estimates and best guesses about the future to arrive at a decent expectation of whether or not to invest in a company.

Using fundamentals as signals to buy or sell

Buying a stock at the right time is very difficult. But knowing when to sell it is even tougher. And while fundamental analysis won’t tell you the exact best time and day to buy or sell a stock, it can at least give you a better understanding of things to look out for when it comes to making decisions.

Tip If you’re a passive investor and buy large baskets of stocks, such as those in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, you can afford to buy and hold the stocks as a group. Even if one company runs into big-time trouble, it’s just one holding in a large basket of stocks and not all that catastrophic. However, if you choose to invest in individual stocks, trying to pick companies you think will beat the market, monitoring the fundamentals is critical. If you start noticing a company’s trend deteriorating, you don’t want to be the last investor to get out.

The perils of ignoring the fundamentals

Blindly following a company and investing in the stock can be very dangerous — if you pick the wrong one. The dot-com bubble and subsequent financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 are still the best and most dramatic examples of how ugly things can get for investors who buy what’s popular and ignore the fundamentals. Table 1-1 shows a list of a few major U.S. stocks that were worth $100 a share or more at the beginning of 2000, but saw their share prices fall to below $10 a share by the start of 2009. Time will tell if the 2022 wipeout in meme stocks will end the same. Ouch!

TABLE 1-1 Watch Out! A Falling Knife!

Source: Data from S&P Global Market Intelligence

Tip Avoiding stock disasters like those in Table 1-1 is one thing that makes fundamental analysis so powerful. Losses that large are nearly impossible to recover from in a single person’s lifetime. You can read more about why avoiding investment disasters is so critical in Chapter 18.

Using fundamental analysis as your guide

As Table 1-1 shows, investing in individual stocks is very risky. That’s why if you’re going to buy individual stocks, you want to invest with your eyes wide open. Just as you probably wouldn’t dare fire a loaded weapon or jump out of an airplane without proper training, the same goes with investing in individual stocks. And it’s not just ancient history. Take GameStop, an online retailer whose shares investors pushed up to nearly $350 a share in early 2021. By mid-2022, GameStop shares lost half their value, falling to roughly $120 per share.

Luckily, fundamental analysis provides investors with a host of very specific tools to help them protect themselves. And while the tools of fundamental analysts aren’t foolproof, they give investors guidance of when a stock might be getting a little dangerous or the underlying trends might be changing.

Hopefully, by reading this chapter you’ll see why fundamental analysis is so important and be eager to see how the rest of the book can help you. You’ll find complete explanations of some of the most powerful tools used by fundamental analysts in this book. Chapter 11, for instance, will be very valuable to you because it shows you how to use a company’s cash flow as a way to measure its value. And in Chapter 12, you’ll discover how the pros spin through the annual reports they receive from companies.

Chapter 2

Getting Up to Speed with Fundamental Analysis


Bullet Comprehending what fundamental analysis is and how it can help your portfolio

Bullet Finding out what’s involved in using fundamental analysis

Bullet Comparing fundamental analysis with other ways of selecting investments

Bullet Getting an understanding of what tools are needed to analyze an investment

Try to remember what it was like being a beginner at something you’re good at now. Whether it was karate, ballet, or basketball, as a newbie, you may have been tempted to bypass all the basics and go straight for the advanced techniques. It’s natural to want to try breaking boards with your bare hands or doing pirouettes or slam-dunks on your first day of trying something new.

Good coaches, though, encourage you to slow down and start from the very beginning. It’s almost always best to start working on the basic karate stances, ballet poses, and basketball dribbling before even thinking about moving to the showy and advanced aspects of each sport.

Beginning investors often experience a similar overconfidence at first. Many hope they can skip mundane things — like reading accounting statements, understanding basic financial ratios, and calculating discounted cash-flow models — and get right to the exotic rapid-fire trading. It’s tempting to think you can trade complex securities, dabble in highly volatile stocks, and dart in and out of investments with ease right away. Realistically, though, investors usually lose money when they try to get too advanced too soon. And unfortunately, there’s no coach to cool off investors who are just starting out.

So, consider this book to be your coach as you begin. Starting with this chapter, this book will introduce you to the basic skills that make up fundamental analysis. The basics explained in this chapter will set you up for taking fundamental analysis to the next level in chapters deeper in the book.

What Is Fundamental Analysis?

Ask 20 people how they choose their investments, and you’ll hear 20 different methods. Some like to buy stocks recommended by a friend or broker. Others think it’s wise to invest in companies making products they personally enjoy and use. A few even consult with astrologers (seriously). What most people, though, have in common is that they feel they’re always paying too much for stocks and selling them when they’re too cheap.

Perhaps you swing between different investment strategies like some folks switch diets to lose weight. Experimenting with different ways of picking stocks may have worked fine as stocks made breathtaking advances in the 1990s. But the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, as well as the bear market of 2022 that crushed many popular stocks, changed everything, serving up another harsh reminder to many investors today that it’s possible to overpay for stocks. Not realizing that ahead of time can be hazardous to your portfolio, and perhaps after losing money a few too many times, you’re looking for a method with a little more science behind it.

That’s where fundamental analysis comes in. Fundamental analysis is one of the most sound and primary ways to evaluate investments. As a fundamental analyst, you carefully and thoroughly study every aspect of a company’s operations. Much of your analysis will be focused on financial statements companies provide, as described briefly in this chapter and in more detail later in this book.

Going beyond betting

If you’re like most investors, even the words fundamental analysis may turn you off a bit. Fundamental analysis sounds somewhat stuffy and academic. And it’s true that fundamental analysis finds much of its roots in academia. But you might be surprised to find you probably are using some basic forms of fundamental analysis in your life, perhaps even in places you wouldn’t expect.

One of my favorite examples of where a type of fundamental analysis is used is at the horse races. Before a race, you’ll notice groups of bettors doing some serious work trying to pick the day’s winning horses. Some may pore over the life histories of horses in the race, getting to know the jockeys and their techniques, and even studying how wet or dry the track is.

Although investing isn’t exactly like horse racing, the analogy is a helpful way to understand fundamental analysis. For instance, some fundamental analysts will study a company like a bettor will study a horse. How successful has the company been recently, and is it healthy and well-cared for? Next, in fundamental analysis you might study a company’s management like a bettor would consider the jockey. Is the management experienced, and has it competed against rivals before like the ones its facing now? Lastly, you must evaluate the broad economic climate, just like a bettor will consider the weather and condition of the track.

But here’s where things get even trickier. It’s not good enough to find the best company, or horse, to take the metaphor a little further. After all, if all the other bettors at the track did the same work and picked the same horse that you selected, you have a problem. The odds would be adjusted so that the payout on the favorite horse will fall. Bettors know that picking a favorite horse to win doesn’t pay off much. And you’re also taking a chance that the favorite will surprise almost everyone by losing and cost you money. Similarly, if you invest in a company that’s widely considered to be a darling with other investors, your payoff is reduced for reasons you can discover in Chapter 3.

Now that you see what fundamental analysis is, broadly speaking, consider how it can be applied to investing. Fundamental analysis is used to size up investments in several key ways:

Analyzing the financial statements: Fundamental analysts pore over public documents companies provide to understand how the business is performing. Many fundamental analysts’ starting point is digging into a company’s financial statements to see how profitable a company is, how rapidly it is growing, what kind of financial health it’s in, and whether it has the ability to withstand tough economic times.

Getting an idea of how solid a company is: Many fundamental analysts are fixed-income investors. These investors have loaned money to companies, usually by buying bonds. Bond investors give money to a company in exchange for an agreed-upon payment each month, quarter, or year. Because bond investors get a fixed amount of pay, they don’t care if a company is wildly successful. Bond investors, unlike stock investors, don’t get a share of future earnings and growth. Bond investors just want to know the company is healthy enough so it can keep paying interest and return the money it borrowed.

Understanding the value of a company: Stock investors use fundamental analysis to gauge whether a company’s stock is a good deal or not. By studying financial statements, financial analysts determine whether a stock’s price undervalues or overvalues the company. You can find out how to value a company using the discounted cash flow analysis — a favorite with fundamental analysts — in Chapter 11.

Going beyond the financials: Fundamental analysis goes beyond where accounting stops. Accountants’ goal is to precisely measure business activity. Fundamental analysts are looking for much more: They want to understand how a business actually works and what it’s worth. Using fundamental analysis, you will evaluate other factors that

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