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Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans: Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping
Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans: Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping
Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans: Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping
Ebook282 pages2 hours

Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans: Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping

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Energetically reprogram your animal’s behavioral, emotional, and health patterns with EFT

• Explains the fundamentals of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and how to apply it to animals

• Illustrates the tapping points for dogs, cats, and horses on separate maps

• Includes EFT tapping sequences for dogs, cats, and horses for emotional and behavioral challenges, relationship enhancement, wellness, and end-of-life care

Who has not experienced a dog who just won’t stop barking or a cat that seems to strike out without apparent reason? Relief might be at hand with the simple yet effective point-tapping practices of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that provide an excellent hands-on tool for treating behavioral, emotional, and health challenges in animals.

In this practical guide, expert animal communicator and healer Joan Ranquet shows how to apply this energetic bodywork method on animals such as dogs, cats, or horses. As you tap on certain acupressure points with a specific intention in mind, the animal will experience energetic release on the levels of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. For easy access, you will find maps clearly illustrating the specific EFT acupressure points on dogs, cats, and horses; in addition, Joan provides sample point sequences and intention scripts geared to specific ailments, conditions, and behavioral challenges as well as end-of-life care. Targeted to work with and relieve difficult emotions, the points used in EFT sequences each have a feel-good aspect to them, either a calming or releasing effect, and the scripts work to help break up old behavioral or emotional patterning.

Presenting a way to cut straight to the energetic source of the problems the animal experiences and provide relief even if you don’t know the cause of their pain, this guide will help you not only become closer to your animal companions but also improve their well-being as well as your own.
Release dateJun 27, 2023
Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans: Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping

Joan Ranquet

JOAN RANQUET is an animal communicator and energy healer who teaches basic and advanced workshops nationwide. She is the author of Communication with All Life. Joan is the founder of Communication with All Life University. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Animal Planet. For more, visit joanranquet.com.

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    Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans - Joan Ranquet


    Ihad always been the type to take a nap in a busy airport. If I needed sleep, there was nothing coming between us. I was first introduced to EFT because I had been the victim of a heinous crime and aside from injuries and PTSD to overcome, I was not able to sleep. I did this weird little technique called Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, with a hypnotherapist, and the next thing you know, I was able to sleep. And I am back to sleeping in random places if need be!

    In the late 1980s, when I first started using animal communication, it brought such peace and joy to me that someone witnessed so completely the profound silent connection I had with another being. Finally, someone else was putting words to something I felt, and I knew to my core that my beloved horse, Pet One, experienced this same profound silent connection. I felt seen and my horse felt heard. It was truly magical.

    Energy healing had that same sort of magical feeling. Sometimes the shifts were subtle and sometimes the shifts were remarkably obvious. Energy healing was both tangible and mystical, a very delicious combination. I love any place where it is quiet, vast, divinely connected, and full of possibility. That’s how I feel when I’m with animals, nature, my creative space, and with people I love. Both animal communication and energy healing for animals elevate that space and possibility.

    In 2002, when I was introduced to EFT because of my sleep issue, I had a very busy animal communication and energy healing practice. After years of private practice, in 1998, I started teaching animal communication and energy healing (scalar wave) and by 2002, I was teaching all over the country. I had a waiting list for clients. I was busy. I was like a kid in a candy shop. It was all fascinating, and everything was such an opportunity to serve and learn. Thanks to that hypnotherapist, through EFT, I was able to sleep again.

    That prompted me to take a class, with the thought Oh, the things I could clear on myself! I recognized immediately the value of EFT for my clients and went on to get certified. I learned several more versions of EFT in the following years and got another certification in 2012 after a year-long program. In the beginning, I wasn’t trying it on animals quite yet. You will hear in Chapter 1 how it came to be that I started trying it on animals in 2004! And there was no looking back.

    In 2008, I started Communication with All Life University (CWALU), a program for people to learn animal communication or energy healing for animals or become a professional animal communicator and/or energy healer and commune with and advocate for nature and wildlife. EFT is a very big part of the school. As students go through the program, they get to help their own animals and have an incredible skill set to build an animal communication and/or energy healing practice.

    Two other significant things happen. First, the people going through the program meet their tribe. They find like-minded people who have the same loves and passion and have probably never fit in completely elsewhere. Second, they go through a true soul’s journey as they master these courses. EFT is a big part of the long and winding path. The more this work gets into the mainstream, the faster we could see more harmonious households. When a household has peace, it is as the acorn seed relates to the oak tree, a microcosm of what is possible in the world.

    In all my years as an animal communicator and energy healer, the fastest path to shifting behavior has been EFT. The self-examination required for this work makes us accountable for our behavior with our animals. Through the investigation process of figuring out what to say as you tap (creating a script) on behalf of your animal, a true discovery happens about the animal. Sometimes, that moment of recognizing them creates a softness and compassion that truly starts the healing. You don’t even have to be an animal communicator to do this. I have readymade scripts in this book that ask the right questions!

    I truly believe to my core that animal connection, communion, and communication are part of creating global peace. Being heard at a core level and seen for who we really are is one of the most healing things we can do with and for each other. If we all were to truly listen to animals, we would develop a deeper compassion for them and could start to share that compassion and listening with other animals—humans. We would see peace and compassion around the world.

    After pouring my heart into this work and now this book, sharing stories dating back to the early 2000s, it’s like I’m reliving all these experiences and am reignited by the idea that the possibilities are endless. I have worked with so many rescues, shelters, wildlife centers, therapeutic riding centers, guide dogs, emotional support animals, zoos, and, of course, private individuals to help move energy, create balance, shift behavior, bring healing about to health challenges and assist in a beautiful transition out of this world. EFT has been an essential part of all of the above.

    As you embark upon the expedition this book will take you on, I encourage you to pack light and bring with you an ability to be quiet and listen. Even if you have never done any healing work and are doing this for your own animal, you are now stepping into the role of healer.

    When I think of the profile of a healer, I think of someone who exudes healing. They don’t have to do anything, say anything, and there’s no Google. It is being rather than doing or knowing. A healer leans into discomfort and is totally comfortable being uncomfortable. While there, they don’t do anything but hold space. By just being with the other being, no matter what technique or modality you use, you are offering them the greatest peace of all: an opportunity to be seen and heard. A healer is a fly on the wall that allows the other, the seeker, to experience their own possibilities with minimal guidance and/or facilitation. Sometimes, I think of healing as merely witnessing and celebrating.

    I’m humbled and honored to share this journey of healing with you.

    Part One



    What Is EFT and Why Do Our Animals Need It?

    A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.

    ― Albert Einstein

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), aka tapping, is an energy healing modality created by Gary Craig in the 1990s. Craig was inspired by Dr. Roger Callahan and his work with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a technique used in psychotherapy to release trauma.

    Fundamentally, the theory behind EMDR is that many feelings and experiences we have are the result of unprocessed emotions trapped or stored in the body. By using bilateral movement—for example, moving the eyes from side to side—you engage both sides of the brain (the left and right hemispheres) and the emotional processing needed to release trauma can begin. EMDR has a limitation, however: Only a licensed psychologist is authorized to do this work.

    In creating EFT, Craig drew on the principles of brain science that underlie EMDR, making this healing technology accessible to all. Anyone can do EFT—including you! You’ll learn the basics and more in this book, and will be able to immediately put Emotional Freedom Technique to work to bring relief and comfort to the animals in your life. And who knows? If you find yourself getting hooked on EFT like I did, you might even decide to pursue certification training in this powerful and flexible healing technique, one that has helped countless individuals, humans and animals alike.

    The Practice in a Nutshell

    To practice Emotional Freedom Technique, you lightly tap on a sequence of acupressure points on the body with the intention of releasing trapped emotions.

    What are acupressure points, you ask? Let’s do some time travel. Thousands of years ago, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) discovered a system of meridians, or energetic pathways that run throughout the body. These meridians map to the physical systems of the body, and each has a specific theme.

    There are 14 meridians in total, and 10 of them are associated with organs. Each of these organ-based meridians has a physical function as well as an associated emotion. Let’s take the Lung Meridian as an example. In TCM, the lung is the main organ for the respiratory system, as you’d expect, but it is also connected to skin—or in an animal’s case, the skin and/or coat. Emotionally, the lung is associated with grief. So tapping or acupressure on the Lung Meridian will shift energy connected to the breath, the skin/coat, and sadness or grief.

    Each acupressure point has a very specific duty in healing the whole system: mentally, physically, and emotionally. And each acupressure point that has been chosen for EFT work has a specific purpose and potency. If you want to describe how EFT works in a single sentence, you could say this:

    Emotional Freedom Technique releases triggering emotions through lightly tapping on feel good acupressure points.

    When it comes to ways you can apply EFT to help your animals, there really is no end to its uses. The EFT healing method can quiet the nervous system while releasing old thought patterns that create fears, phobias, and anxiety. It can heal emotional wounds, as well as help alleviate physical pain. It is great for enhancing performance in the show ring, and it also helps animals in training and/or working environments slow down and focus.

    The Heart of the Matter: Emotional Well-Being

    Imagine that the body has great wisdom and the ability to heal itself, if it is set up properly to do it. This includes healing the emotions, which, as you’ll soon learn, have a huge influence on animal (and human) behavior. Sometimes what we perceive as a behavioral challenge with our animal companion is actually something that is deeply rooted in emotional pain and/or trauma.

    As an animal communicator and energy healer, I first started using EFT for the human side of the trauma that results from horseback riding accidents. Riders who have experienced an accident can hold tremendous fear about getting back in the saddle. That creates tension in the horse—you can’t hide your fear from a horse—and the horse and rider wind up in a vicious cycle of mutual fear with no way out. In a circumstance like that, whether it takes one session or three or even more sessions, I have found that EFT is always worthwhile for the rider in bringing relief from difficult emotions.

    An event like a riding accident generates more than just fear. Often, riders also experience:

    Loss/grief/sadness, because their situation has changed (sometimes dramatically).

    Anger toward themselves, because they failed to listen to their gut that day.

    Guilt, because they put their horse in a compromising situation.

    When I work on a thorny problem like this, I listen to the rider describe the event and then have a communication session with the animal. That gives me a full perspective on all the feelings involved. From there, I can create a series of statements that address the emotions each is struggling with, to be recited while tapping the points.

    When I first applied my knowledge of EFT to relationships between people and their animals, people with horses were an easy fit. Our working partnership with horses goes back millennia, and the emotional ties between horse and rider are strong. But then I realized that the same dynamic was at work for someone whose dog had been attacked by another dog, or whose dog had been the aggressor in a fight.

    After an experience like that, when the human walks out the door with their dog on the leash, that person becomes ultra-vigilant. And then, just as happens with horse and rider, the dog picks up on that person’s energy and instantaneously goes into fight-or-flight mode, alert for danger, too.

    When I started listening to the person’s side of the experience, I learned that they were experiencing, guess what:

    Loss/grief/sadness, because their situation has changed (sometimes dramatically).

    Anger toward themselves, because they failed to listen to their gut that day.

    Guilt, because they put their dog in a compromising situation.

    And again, just as with the horses, I learned that the dog experienced a whole different set of emotions leading up to and following that same event.

    My Shift to Tapping with Animals

    In my early days with EFT, I only did tapping for the human side of the equation, and this actually worked very well, because when the person gained a sense of relief, ease, peace, or purpose, it changed the outcome for the animal, too.

    Then, in 2004, in an urgent moment when I was fresh out of other tools, I started tapping directly on animals. I was floored by how well it worked! It all started with a horse named Shakespeare, and I’ll share that story at the end of this chapter.

    Because I had been doing energy healing for many years, when I made the jump to animals, I knew the signs to look for when a technique was working: animals releasing, relaxing, and letting go of their stuff. I was amazed to see that the more I tapped on animals, the more release—and relief—I witnessed. It didn’t matter what kind of animal I was working with: a horse, a bird, a dog, a cat. Not only did I see immediate results but I also saw sustained, long-term success, too. I watched, maybe a little mind-boggled at first, as horses started to have more confidence, cats quit fighting, dogs were more at ease with each other, and much, much more.

    An Overview of Energy Healing

    Now I want you to look at Emotional Freedom Technique through the wider lens of energy healing, because you need that big-picture view in order to understand what you’re doing when you practice EFT. There is a basic truth at the heart of all energy healing transformation: Everything in our world is made up of energy. Every living being, every form of life, is a force of energy. We humans—and the animals who are our traveling companions on this journey—are just that: energy.

    The world around us is also made up of different forms of energy that create various forms of power: chemical power, electrical power, heat, light, mechanical, nuclear, wind, solar, and hydro power, and more. Western medicine utilizes chemical power in the form of medications, and it also relies on surgery, a precisely targeted mechanical power. Western healing methods are also based in science, research, and deductive reasoning.

    Energy healing, also called energy medicine or vibrational medicine, is different. It can be quite formal in its structure, or it may have no structure at all. It can even happen by accident! Because of its long history, this energetic or vibrational approach is sometimes called traditional medicine.

    The practice of acupuncture, which is over 6,000 years

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