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Disconnection From God
Disconnection From God
Disconnection From God
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Disconnection From God

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We believe that we are living when many of us are just merely existing. This book highlights the disconnection that led to our existing status. It explains the difference between living and existing and guides the reader on the path to reconnection, so that he or she may start living. This book may be the last God-given opportunity to us to reconnect.

Release dateJun 8, 2023
Disconnection From God

Kevin K. Herbert

Kevin K. Herbert has been a student of the word of God for over thirty years. He was mentored by Pastor Berrisford Charles, Pastor Lionel Douglas, Apostle Dr. J. Vernon Duncan, Apostle Vivian Duncan, Apostle Joycelyn Duncan and above all, the Holy Ghost. He studied Live Sound Engineering (Stage Sound) at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. He also studied Operating Systems Management at N.I.H.E.R.S.T. (now C.O.S.T.A.A.T.) at Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt. Hope, Trinidad, West Indies. Thereafter, he studied Industrial Management at the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. However, his passion was always writing. Mr. Herbert has already penned countless songs and poems, along with a couple manuscripts. Some of his songs were released commercially on compilation albums with Kisskidee Records, as a member of the group Boyz 'N The Road, between 1993 and 1997. In 2019, he released a 12 track album entitled "Represent" which was published online by CDNow. Now, purposefully driven and inspired by God, he is publishing his manuscripts as books. And rest assured, there is more to come.

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    Book preview

    Disconnection From God - Kevin K. Herbert

    Dedicated to every one who is disconnected from God and does not have a personal relationship with Him.




    Begin to Appreciate God

    Begin to Appreciate Life  

    Disconnection From God

    The Foe-To-Us and The Real Enemy

    Re-connection To God     


    I would really like to thank:

    Almighty God, Jehovah, for choosing me as a vessel through which He can share His knowledge and revelation to you, on this issue.

    My wife, my Angel, my manager, Mrs. Alicia Ramdath – Herbert for always believing in me. For always supporting me. For the extra push whenever I needed it. For helping me stay focused and on track. I thank you. God forever bless you.

    My father, Mr. Ronald Michael Herbert, for my first lessons in computer literacy many years ago and for the gift of my first computer that allowed me to begin  typing of the original manuscript for this work.

    My mother, Mrs. Christina Rose-Herbert, who endured the pain of my birth and gave me the chance to be me in the earth. My chief intercessor after Jesus. May we meet again in New Jerusalem.

    Apostles Dr. Joseph and Vivian Duncan, for being my spiritual fathers and my school masters of the Word of God even before the season of writing this book. Thank  you for being the great mentors and sources of inspiration that you both have been.

    The women whose lives crossed paths with mine, who were courageous enough, over time, to share in depth with me their acts of abortion, along with the pain and challenges that experienced as a result. I pray that God richly blesses you!


    We all believe that we are alive, while some of us are just existing. Many of us who are only existing are ignorant of this fact, and the fact that our mare existence is as a result of our disconnection from God. Those of us who are merely existing mistake our mere existence for living. Many of us will challenge and even disregard this content, and that is understandable. Because we still breathe and go about each God-given day as nobody’s business, the natural tendency will be to think that we are living. So it appears to us that there is no change. Hence, it would appear as if there is no truth to my claim.   Similarly, if we were all on a journey to a particular destination on a ship on the ocean and the engines ran out of fuel, we would all share the same notion, because the ship would maintain its momentum for some period of time.  Only when the ship loses that momentum and comes to a stop, and the captain announces that we’ve run out of fuel and our radio is dead so we can not communicate or call for help, is when we will all know that we are in a crisis situation.

    Only when we get to this point we will switch into survival mode. This is when we would desperately begin to think about: if we will make it; do we have enough food; how do we ration the food; would anyone ever find us and rescue us; how much time do we have before we eventually, die. Sadly, if nobody comes to our rescue, that is exactly what would happen, we will die.

    The same is our position if we are among those who are merely existing. Our existence is the momentum from the life we had. This existence  will come to an end in the earth, at some period of time, unless we are rescued. The good news for us is we do have a rescuer. His name is Jesus. Through Jesus, we can reconnect to God.

    Perhaps, for this same reason, Eve may have been convinced that everything was still okay, after she ate from the forbidden tree in the garden of Eden, after the serpent deceived her (Genesis 3:6). However, her life ended and she was now just existing in what I refer to as the momentum of life. The momentum of life is what I consider to be the experience where the death process takes it course. However, because of the grace of God, we have an opportunity to reconnect to Him, before all phases of the death process are complete.

    Interestingly, Eve was not the only one who was disconnected. After her husband,  Adam, ate of the fruit of the tree also, all of humanity had surely died. Mankind

    transformed from incorruptible to corruptible; from immortal to mortal; we moved from eternity to time. From that moment, all of humanity embarked on a journey in the momentum of life.

    What caused disconnection from God? ABORTION! Abortion has been an issue of great contention for many years and it is still a growing cause for concern. It continues to affect relationships between men and women, husbands and wives, adults and adolescence, governments and the church. Just about all walks of life have been affected and continue to be affected by this issue.

    Feminist and other rebellious groups continue to lead many campaigns for the right for women to have dominion over their bodies. Their quests have gone to the point of battling for the legalization of lesbian marriages with child adoption rights, and teenage girls having the right to have abortions without the consent

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