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No Matter Where
No Matter Where
No Matter Where
Ebook193 pages2 hours

No Matter Where

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What do you do when your life changes overnight?

With two children under six, Abi Shaw got to find out. When an unexpected blot on the landscape altered things forever, she began a new adventure; one of brave faces, leaps of faith, and most

Release dateJun 8, 2023
No Matter Where

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    No Matter Where - Abi Shaw


    "A tale of adventure, strength and lightness, as Abi navigates the ups and downs of life with humour and honesty. Created to inspire, challenge and move us into living a life full of possibilities. "

    Poppy Delbridge, Best-selling Author, Wellness Educator

    and Founder of Rapid Tapping ®

    "Abi Shaw is brilliant. Every page of this book - and her life - invites you to keep turning. Be ready to wrap yourself up in her "warm, soothing blanket of truth."

    Cortney McDermott, bestselling author of Change Starts Within You

    and Give Yourself Permission

    "Beautiful sparks of magic and wisdom dance and leap from every line of Abi’s timeless storytelling. Stories of love told with sage like truth. Within Abi’s words are lessons on life, loss, forgiveness, reclamation and honesty that travel across oceans on a journey of connection to one’s true self."

    Kate Taylor, Life Design & Business Empowerment Coach

    "It’s really, well - real! Which in itself is incredibly refreshing."

    Pete Hunt, Founder & CEO theprivilegedman.com

    Author Bio

    Abi Shaw is an eternal optimist. She is first and foremost a mother to her two mini-adventurers. As a trio, they have ventured from the Midlands to the Côte D’Azur, from Cornwall to Bali – building their home from love and laughter instead of bricks and mortar. Her love of people and appetite for life have remained constant through the inevitable changing tides of life. As a passionate woman, ‘to settle’ is not an infinitive she prescribes to and so welcomes the surprises this predictably invites. Although pragmatic, she ensures these new chapters always have hints of elegance and glamour. Even in the most challenging of times.

    As the wise ones say, pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. ‘To love’ is her infinitive. ‘To love’ is Abi Shaw.

    The Biggest Thank You!

    To all the wise and brilliant goddesses at The Unbound Press who supported me on this incredibly stimulating, fulfilling and emotional adventure.

    To my beautiful girl for being the first person to read my memoir – you are brave like your Mum.

    To my beautiful boy for your unwavering determination that inspires me every day.

    To the cool genius, Tom Sulley, who gave my book the perfect face and to the pure joy who is Lynda Mangoro for giving my book the perfect body.

    To my brainstorm buddy, Julie Buchanan, I promise to stop bombarding you now!

    To Twyla Doone for your wordsmith magic and for giving me faith in the future of our planet.

    To all my ‘lovelies’ who have offered me words of encouragement to get my spiel onto paper. As they say…it takes a village!

    My Secret Garden

    This isn’t a self-help book. It’s not an ode to myself and how well I’ve done through a serious blot on the landscape, so to speak. It’s simply a tale about me, cancer, a beloved husband who became an even more beloved ex-husband, two children, many lovers and a humongous adventure. It’s a fairground ride of highs and lows, stomach-wrenching moments of excruciating heartbreak and goosebump-inducing moments of joyous love, passion and thrills. I hope it makes you smile. I hope it makes you cringe. I hope it brings you tears, and above all, I hope it brings you hope if that’s what you need. It’s the ultimate of clichés, but every cloud does have a silver lining, and sometimes you need to be broken for the light to shine through. As my all-time favourite saying goes, ‘Until you spread your wings, you have no idea how far you can fly.’ From the Midlands to France, then Bali, back to France … for now. Who’d have thought it? Welcome to my secret garden.

    My intention is not to place blame or shame. None of us are perfect and I most definitely include myself in that statement. How incredibly bland would the world be if we were? We are all simply doing our best. This is my truth, these are my memories, my feelings, my experiences, and I totally understand that it was a different experience for others involved. I mean no harm with any of the words I write, I truly mean that, but I simply cannot write about the silver lining without first explaining the cloud. I feel vulnerable sharing my story and I’m not sure if it makes me feel brave or cowardly, but what I do know for sure is that any feelings, extreme or subtle, are what I love, what I crave, and I do not shy away from them. Let’s do this!

    You will notice that this book is a compilation of stories, emails, suggestions, writing prompts, quotes, recipes and photos. I am a typical Libran who loves beautiful things. Whilst writing this book in Bali, I started posting my favourite photos on Instagram, so it seems only fitting that I include some of them in this book. For many years now, I have also sent a group email, firstly to promote my teeny-weeny tea business in France, and then it developed into more of a diary of ‘musings from afar’, so I have included some of these emails too. They are dear to me and reveal a lot. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I have, and I hope you have a laugh because laughter really is the best medicine.

    With all my love to the moon and back xxx

    Who Am I?

    Here’s a bit about me. A first writing prompt from the book Write On by an incredible author, Qoya* sister and friend, Betsy Blankenbaker Murphy, allowed me to write about myself in a way I could never have done. Being asked if I identify with the sun or the moon was like a mirror being held up in front of my eyes and deep diving into my soul.

    Tell why you are like the sun or the moon.

    I feel like the moon rather than the sun. I’m not a big shining, ‘you can’t take your eyes off me’ kind of light. But I am a source of light, wise light, subtle but very present and essential at times. A guiding light. I am more sultry than smoking hot. I am an observer, like the man on the moon. I’m happy to sit and listen and rarely make a bold statement for fear of saying something stupid, although I have learnt to ask questions. I guess I’m a half-moon. Yin and yang. The mother and the lover. The angel and the devil. The healthy and the extravagant. The homebody and the traveller. Happy in a beach hut and joyful in a luxury hotel. Relaxed in a Bali tie-dye dress and delighted in diamonds. I’m a chameleon and can change my look and demeanour accordingly and with very little effort. Something I actually enjoy. I can talk to almost anyone, but as I said, I would rather listen. I’m curious and driven yet sometimes lazy. Passionate yet calm. There is a mysteriousness, an unknown, about the moon which I have. I think people are often surprised by my not-so-innocent side. There is an old wisdom that I possess, especially when it comes to mothering. I am extremely feminine like the moon, rather than the sun who seems masculine to me. I am also understanding. I try to listen and not judge. I try not to solve all the problems I hear about but rather accept them and not carry around bad feelings and take them too personally. Sometimes I am very present, like the full moon, and other times, you can barely see me, like a new moon, when I need my privacy and quiet time … resting in my room on my own, which I always make into a beautiful haven. I am intrigued by the moon and follow its cycles. It affects everything we do as humans, more than we realise, I’m sure. ‘Guarda la luna’ (look at the moon) is something I say often to my kids. It’s mesmerising and beautiful. It can charge crystals. It can charge water. It governs the tides of the powerful ocean that we have learnt to respect so much. It rules me. Now I’m not saying that I have such immense power, but with age, I have become more aware of my impact in this world and less meek and mild about that. Yes, I identify with the moon, just call me Mother Moon.

    *Qoya is a movement system that I practise and through which I have met many incredible women. It is based on the idea that through movement, we remember. We remember our essence is wise, wild and free.

    ‘Good sense of humour, dirty mind and beautiful heart. Deadly combination.’

    – @fuckology, Instagram


    I was brought up to be independent and, apparently, I have my maternal poppa’s stubbornness. I like to call it ‘drive’! My parents were both teachers. I got through university with a first and oral distinction (which always makes me giggle), paid back my overdraft, and started working in PR and marketing. I was self-sufficient. I bought my first house with the second true love of my life and worked in marketing five days a week and on Saturdays in an interiors shop, buying, selling, merchandising, and proving my worth to this all-new, funky interior design company which offered me a full-time job within a matter of months.

    Then I met my ex-husband. I was going about my daily work when a young, handsome and extremely confident man came into the shop. His parents were good clients already, and he’d been sent in to order wardrobes for his bedroom as he’d recently moved home. I don’t remember giving him a second glance. He was just an extremely easy customer, and within half an hour, I had sold him a few thousand pounds worth of wardrobes and off he pottered. Job done. Nice one.

    A few months later, and after a painful split from the man with whom I bought my first house, I went clubbing one night with my best friend. I was pretty merry, which means I get really chatty. As I walked down the stairs to the dance floor, I spotted ‘wardrobe man’ at the bar with a group of rather dashing friends. I made a beeline for him, pinned him in the corner and chatted his hind legs off. The chemistry was instant, and soon we were huddled together on the pavement outside the club, waiting for a cab back to mine. Now my beloved friend had hooked up with one of his friends, and I’m still not certain to this day as to how, but they ended up canoodling in my double bed, which left me and future-husband to create a makeshift love nest in the spare room with a few pillows, cushions and blankets. A rather humble start to what was to become a very glamorous life. My ex-husband was a professional sportsman, and within the year, we moved to Monaco. By the following year, we were married. That boy didn’t mess about. Actually, that statement is rather ironic, as that boy did mess about and therein lay the tragedy.

    The first wedding (we got married twice, as you do!) was in England. A quintessentially English ‘country do’ at the village church with a marquee on my brand-new parents-in-law’s back lawn. I spent the day meeting and greeting an endless stream of my new

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