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Immerse yourself in the thought-provoking and visionary world of "Island" by Aldous Huxley, a masterpiece of utopian literature that challenges conventional thinking and explores profound themes of spirituality, society, and personal freedom. This Amazon listing invites you to discover the captivating journey that awaits within the pages of this influential novel.

In "Island," Huxley presents readers with the fictional paradise of Pala, an idyllic island in the Indian Ocean. Here, the inhabitants have created a harmonious society that combines Eastern philosophy, scientific advancements, and a deep reverence for nature. Pala stands as a counterpoint to the dystopian visions often portrayed in Huxley's earlier work, offering a compelling exploration of an ideal society.

Join protagonist Will Farnaby as he embarks on an unexpected journey to Pala, initially driven by his own personal agenda but ultimately transformed by the island's profound wisdom and compassionate way of life. As he interacts with the island's inhabitants, including the enigmatic Dr. Robert MacPhail and the captivating Susila, he witnesses the integration of ancient wisdom and modern knowledge, and the transformative power of love and understanding.

Huxley's "Island" presents a rich tapestry of philosophical ideas, exploring themes such as mindfulness, self-discovery, and the pursuit of personal liberation. With his distinctive writing style and attention to detail, Huxley crafts a narrative that encourages readers to question societal norms, reflect on the nature of happiness, and consider alternative paths to collective well-being.

This edition of "Island" features the original text, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in Huxley's eloquent prose and thought-provoking storytelling. Experience the vivid descriptions, engaging characters, and profound ideas that have made this novel a beloved classic.

If you are a fan of Aldous Huxley's insightful works, a seeker of philosophical exploration, or simply someone who enjoys immersive and thought-provoking literature, "Island" is a must-have addition to your collection. Order your copy today and embark on a transformative journey to Pala, where you'll be transported to a utopian realm that challenges the mind and inspires the soul. Discover why "Island" continues to resonate with readers and remains a testament to Huxley's visionary storytelling and philosophical prowess.
Release dateDec 2, 2023

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) is the author of the classic novels Brave New World, Island, Eyeless in Gaza, and The Genius and the Goddess, as well as such critically acclaimed nonfiction works as The Perennial Philosophy and The Doors of Perception. Born in Surrey, England, and educated at Oxford, he died in Los Angeles, California.

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    Island - Aldous Huxley


    Attention, a voice began to call, and it was as though an oboe had suddenly become articulate. Attention, it repeated in the same high, nasal monotone. Attention.

    Lying there like a corpse in the dead leaves, his hair matted, his face grotesquely smudged and bruised, his clothes in rags and muddy, Will Farnaby awoke with a start. Molly had called him. Time to get up. Time to get dressed. Mustn’t be late at the office.

    Thank you, darling, he said and sat up. A sharp pain stabbed at his right knee and there were other kinds of pain in his back, his arms, his forehead.

    Attention, the voice insisted without the slightest change of tone. Leaning on one elbow, Will looked about him and saw with bewilderment, not the gray wallpaper and yellow curtains of his London bedroom, but a glade among trees and the long shadows and slanting lights of early morning in a forest.


    Why did she say, Attention?

    Attention. Attention, the voice insisted—how strangely, how senselessly!

    Molly? he questioned. Molly?

    The name seemed to open a window inside his head. Suddenly, with that horribly familiar sense of guilt at the pit of the stomach, he smelt formaldehyde, he saw the small brisk nurse hurrying ahead of him along the green corridor, heard the dry creaking of her starched clothes. Number fifty-five, she was saying, and then halted, opened a white door. He entered and there, on a high white bed, was Molly. Molly with bandages covering half her face and the mouth hanging cavernously open. Molly, he had called, Molly … His voice had broken, and he was crying, was imploring now, My darling! There was no answer. Through the gaping mouth the quick shallow breaths came noisily, again, again. My darling, my darling … And then suddenly the hand he was holding came to life for a moment. Then was still again.

    It’s me, he said, it’s Will.

    Once more the fingers stirred. Slowly, with what was evidently an enormous effort, they closed themselves over his own, pressed them for a moment and then relaxed again into lifelessness.

    Attention, called the inhuman voice. Attention.

    It had been an accident, he hastened to assure himself. The road was wet, the car had skidded across the white line. It was one of those things that happen all the time. The papers are full of them; he had reported them by the dozen. Mother and three children killed in head-on crash … But that was beside the point. The point was that, when she asked him if it was really the end, he had said yes; the point was that less than an hour after she had walked out from that last shameful interview into the rain, Molly was in the ambulance, dying.

    He hadn’t looked at her as she turned to go, hadn’t dared to look at her. Another glimpse of that pale suffering face might have been too much for him. She had risen from her chair and was moving slowly across the room, moving slowly out of his life. Shouldn’t he call her back, ask her forgiveness, tell her that he still loved her? Had he ever loved her?

    For the hundredth time the articulate oboe called him to attention.

    Yes, had he ever really loved her?

    Good-bye, Will, came her remembered whisper as she turned back on the threshold. And then it was she who had said it—in a whisper, from the depths of her heart. I still love you, Will—in spite of everything.

    A moment later the door of the flat closed behind her almost without a sound. The little dry click of the latch, and she was gone.

    He had jumped up, had run to the front door and opened it, had listened to the retreating footsteps on the stairs. Like a ghost at cockcrow, a faint familiar perfume lingered vanishingly on the air. He closed the door again, walked into his gray-and-yellow bedroom and looked out the widow. A few seconds passed, then he saw her crossing the pavement and getting into the car. He heard the shrill grinding of the starter, once, twice, and after that the drumming of the motor. Should he open the window? Wait, Molly, wait, he heard himself shouting in imagination. The window remained unopened; the car began to move, turned the corner and the street was empty. It was too late. Too late, thank God! said a gross derisive voice. Yes, thank God! And yet the guilt was there at the pit of his stomach. The guilt, the gnawing of his remorse—but through the remorse he could feel a horrible rejoicing. Somebody low and lewd and brutal, somebody alien and odious who was yet himself was gleefully thinking that now there was nothing to prevent him from having what he wanted. And what he wanted was a different perfume, was the warmth and resilience of a younger body. Attention, said the oboe. Yes, attention. Attention to Babs’s musky bedroom, with its strawberry-pink alcove and the two windows that looked onto the Charing Cross Road and were looked into, all night long, by the winking glare of the big sky sign for Porter’s Gin on the opposite side of the street. Gin in royal crimson—and for ten seconds the alcove was the Sacred Heart, for ten miraculous seconds the flushed face so close to his own glowed like a seraph’s, transfigured as though by an inner fire of love. Then came the yet profounder transfiguration of darkness. One, two, three, four … Ah God, make it go on forever! But punctually at the count of ten the electric clock would turn on another revelation—but of death, of the Essential Horror; for the lights, this time, were green, and for ten hideous seconds Babs’s rosy alcove became a womb of mud and, on the bed, Babs herself was corpse-colored, a cadaver galvanized into posthumous epilepsy. When Porter’s Gin proclaimed itself in green, it was hard to forget what had happened and who one was. The only thing to do was to shut one’s eyes and plunge, if one could, more deeply into the Other World of sensuality, plunge violently, plunge deliberately into those alienating frenzies to which poor Molly—Molly (Attention) in her bandages, Molly in her wet grave at Highgate, and Highgate, of course, was why one had to shut one’s eyes each time when the green light made a corpse of Babs’s nakedness—had always and so utterly been a stranger. And not only Molly. Behind his closed eyelids, Will saw his mother, pale like a cameo, her face spiritualized by accepted suffering, her hands made monstrous and subhuman by arthritis. His mother and, standing behind her wheelchair, already running to fat and quivering like calf’s-foot jelly with all the feelings that had never found their proper expression in consummated love, was his sister Maud.

    How can you, Will?

    Yes, how can you? Maud echoed tearfully in her vibrating contralto.

    There was no answer. No answer, that was to say, in any words that could be uttered in their presence, that, uttered, those two martyrs—the mother to her unhappy marriage, the daughter to filial piety—could possibly understand. No answer except in words of the most obscenely scientific objectivity, the most inadmissible frankness. How could he do it? He could do it, for all practical purposes was compelled to do it, because … well, because Babs had certain physical peculiarities which Molly did not possess and behaved at certain moments in ways which Molly would have found unthinkable.

    There had been a long silence; but now, abruptly, the strange voice took up its old refrain.

    Attention. Attention.

    Attention to Molly, attention to Maud and his mother, attention to Babs. And suddenly another memory emerged from the fog of vagueness and confusion. Babs’s strawberry-pink alcove sheltered another guest, and its owner’s body was shuddering ecstatically under somebody else’s caresses. To the guilt in the stomach was added an anguish about the heart, a constriction of the throat.


    The voice had come nearer, was calling from somewhere over there to the right. He turned his head, he tried to raise himself for a better view; but the arm that supported his weight began to tremble, then gave way, and he fell back into the leaves. Too tired to go on remembering, he lay there for a long time staring up through half-closed lids at the incomprehensible world around him. Where was he and how on earth had he got here? Not that this was of any importance. At the moment nothing was of any importance except this pain, this annihilating weakness. All the same, just as a matter of scientific interest …

    This tree, for example, under which (for no known reason) he found himself lying, this column of gray bark with the groining, high up, of sun-speckled branches, this ought by rights to be a beech tree. But in that case—and Will admired himself for being so lucidly logical—in that case the leaves had no right to be so obviously evergreen. And why would a beech tree send its roots elbowing up like this above the surface of the ground? And those preposterous wooden buttresses, on which the pseudo-beech supported itself—where did those fit into the picture? Will remembered suddenly his favorite worst line of poetry. Who prop, thou ask’st, in these bad days my mind? Answer: congealed ectoplasm, Early Dalí. Which definitely ruled out the Chilterns. So did the butterflies swooping out there in the thick buttery sunshine. Why were they so large, so improbably cerulean or velvet black, so extravagantly eyed and freckled? Purple staring out of chestnut, silver powdered over emerald, over topaz, over sapphire.


    Who’s there? Will Farnaby called in what he intended to be a loud and formidable tone; but all that came out of his mouth was a thin, quavering croak.

    There was a long and, it seemed, profoundly menacing silence. From the hollow between two of the tree’s wooden buttresses an enormous black centipede emerged for a moment into view, then hurried away on its regiment of crimson legs and vanished into another cleft in the lichen-covered ectoplasm.

    Who’s there? he croaked again.

    There was a rustling in the bushes on his left and suddenly, like a cuckoo from a nursery clock, out popped a large black bird, the size of a jackdaw—only, needless to say, it wasn’t a jackdaw. It clapped a pair of white-tipped wings and, darting across the intervening space, settled on the lowest branch of a small dead tree, not twenty feet from where Will was lying. Its beak, he noticed, was orange, and it had a bald yellow patch under each eye, with canary-colored wattles that covered the sides and back of its head with a thick wig of naked flesh. The bird cocked its head and looked at him first with the right eye, then with the left. After which it opened its orange bill, whistled ten or twelve notes of a little air in the pentatonic scale, made a noise like somebody having hiccups, and then, in a chanting phrase, do do sol do, said, Here and now, boys; here and now, boys.

    The words pressed a trigger, and all of a sudden he remembered everything. Here was Pala, the forbidden island, the place no journalist had ever visited. And now must be the morning after the afternoon when he’d been fool enough to go sailing, alone, outside the harbor of Rendang-Lobo. He remembered it all—the white sail curved by the wind into the likeness of a huge magnolia petal, the water sizzling at the prow, the sparkle of diamonds on every wave crest, the troughs of wrinkled jade. And eastwards, across the Strait, what clouds, what prodigies of sculptured whiteness above the volcanoes of Pala! Sitting there at the tiller, he had caught himself singing—caught himself, incredibly, in the act of feeling unequivocally happy.

     ‘Three, three for the rivals,’  he had declaimed into the wind.

     ‘Two, two for the lily-white boys, clothèd all in green-oh; One is one and all alone …’ 

    Yes, all alone. All alone on the enormous jewel of the sea.

     ‘And ever more shall be so.’ 

    After which, needless to say, the thing that all the cautious and experienced yachtsmen had warned him against happened. The black squall out of nowhere, the sudden, senseless frenzy of wind and rain and waves …

    Here and now, boys, chanted the bird. Here and now, boys.

    The really extraordinary thing was that he should be here, he reflected, under the trees and not out there, at the bottom of the Pala Strait or, worse, smashed to pieces at the foot of the cliffs. For even after he had managed, by sheer miracle, to take his sinking boat through the breakers and run her aground on the only sandy beach in all those miles of Pala’s rockbound coast—even then it wasn’t over. The cliffs towered above him; but at the head of the cove there was a kind of headlong ravine where a little stream came down in a succession of filmy waterfalls, and there were trees and bushes growing between the walls of gray limestone. Six or seven hundred feet of rock climbing—in tennis shoes, and all the footholes slippery with water. And then, dear God! those snakes. The black one looped over the branch by which he was pulling himself up. And five minutes later, the huge green one coiled there on the ledge, just where he was preparing to step. Terror had been succeeded by a terror infinitely worse. The sight of the snake had made him start, made him violently withdraw his foot, and that sudden unconsidered movement had made him lose his balance. For a long sickening second, in the dreadful knowledge that this was the end, he had swayed on the brink, then fallen. Death, death, death. And then, with the noise of splintering wood in his ears he had found himself clinging to the branches of a small tree, his face scratched, his right knee bruised and bleeding, but alive. Painfully he had resumed his climbing. His knee hurt him excruciatingly; but he climbed on. There was no alternative. And then the light had begun to fail. In the end he was climbing almost in darkness, climbing by faith, climbing by sheer despair.

    Here and now, boys, shouted the bird.

    But Will Farnaby was neither here nor now. He was there on the rock face, he was then at the dreadful moment of falling. The dry leaves rustled beneath him; he was trembling. Violently, uncontrollably, he was trembling from head to foot.


    Suddenly the bird ceased to be articulate and started to scream. A small shrill human voice said, Mynah! and then added something in a language that Will did not understand. There was a sound of footsteps on dry leaves. Then a little cry of alarm. Then silence. Will opened his eyes and saw two exquisite children looking down at him, their eyes wide with astonishment and a fascinated horror. The smaller of them was a tiny boy of five, perhaps, or six, dressed only in a green loincloth. Beside him, carrying a basket of fruit on her head, stood a little girl some four or five years older. She wore a full crimson skirt that reached almost to her ankles; but above the waist she was naked. In the sunlight her skin glowed like pale copper flushed with rose. Will looked from one child to the other. How beautiful they were, and how faultless, how extraordinarily elegant! Like two little thoroughbreds. A round and sturdy thoroughbred, with a face like a cherub’s—that was the boy. And the girl was another kind of thoroughbred, fine-drawn, with a rather long, grave little face framed between braids of dark hair.

    There was another burst of screaming. On its perch in the dead tree the bird was turning nervously this way and that; then, with a final screech, it dived into the air. Without taking her eyes from Will’s face, the girl held out her hand invitingly. The bird fluttered, settled, flapped wildly, found its balance, then folded its wings and immediately started to hiccup. Will looked on without surprise. Anything was possible now—anything. Even talking birds that would perch on a child’s finger. Will tried to smile at them; but his lips were still trembling, and what was meant to be a sign of friendliness must have seemed like a frightening grimace. The little boy took cover behind his sister.

    The bird stopped hiccuping and began to repeat a word that Will did not understand. Runa—was that it? No, "karuna. Definitely karuna."

    He raised a trembling hand and pointed at the fruit in the round basket. Mangoes, bananas … His dry mouth was watering.

    Hungry, he said. Then, feeling that in these exotic circumstances the child might understand him better if he put on an imitation of a musical-comedy Chinaman, Me velly hungly, he elaborated.

    Do you want to eat? the child asked in perfect English.

    Yes—eat, he repeated, eat.

    Fly away, mynah! She shook her hand. The bird uttered a protesting squawk and returned to its perch on the dead tree. Lifting her thin little arms in a gesture that was like a dancer’s, the child raised the basket from her head, then lowered it to the ground. She selected a banana, peeled it and, torn between fear and compassion, advanced towards the stranger. In his incomprehensible language the little boy uttered a cry of warning and clutched at her skirt. With a reassuring word, the girl halted, well out of danger, and held up the fruit.

    Do you want it? she asked.

    Still trembling, Will Farnaby stretched out his hand. Very cautiously, she edged forward, then halted again and, crouching down, peered at him intently.

    Quick, he said in an agony of impatience.

    But the little girl was taking no chances. Eyeing his hand for the least sign of a suspicious movement, she leaned forward, she cautiously extended her arm.

    For God’s sake, he implored.

    God? the child repeated with sudden interest. Which god? she asked. There are such a lot of them.

    Any damned god you like, he answered impatiently.

    I don’t really like any of them, she answered. I like the Compassionate One.

    Then be compassionate to me, he begged. Give me that banana.

    Her expression changed. I’m sorry, she said apologetically. Rising to her full height, she took a quick step forward and dropped the fruit into his shaking hand.

    There, she said and, like a little animal avoiding a trap, she jumped back, out of reach.

    The small boy clapped his hands and laughed aloud. She turned and said something to him. He nodded his round head, and saying Okay, boss, trotted away, through a barrage of blue and sulphur butterflies, into the forest shadows on the further side of the glade.

    I told Tom Krishna to go and fetch someone, she explained.

    Will finished his banana and asked for another, and then for a third. As the urgency of his hunger diminished, he felt a need to satisfy his curiosity.

    How is it that you speak such good English? he asked.

    Because everybody speaks English, the child answered.


    I mean, when they’re not speaking Palanese. Finding the subject uninteresting, she turned, waved a small brown hand and whistled.

    Here and now, boys, the bird repeated yet once more, then fluttered down from its perch on the dead tree and settled on her shoulder. The child peeled another banana, gave two-thirds of it to Will and offered what remained to the mynah.

    Is that your bird? Will asked.

    She shook her head.

    Mynahs are like the electric light, she said. They don’t belong to anybody.

    Why does he say those things?

    Because somebody taught him, she answered patiently. What an ass! her tone seemed to imply.

    "But why did they teach him those things? Why ‘Attention’? Why ‘Here and now’?"

    Well … She searched for the right words in which to explain the self-evident to this strange imbecile. That’s what you always forget, isn’t it? I mean, you forget to pay attention to what’s happening. And that’s the same as not being here and now.

    And the mynahs fly about reminding you—is that it?

    She nodded. That, of course, was it. There was a silence.

    What’s your name? she inquired.

    Will introduced himself.

    My name’s Mary Sarojini MacPhail.

    MacPhail? It was too implausible.

    MacPhail, she assured him.

    And your little brother is called Tom Krishna? She nodded. Well, I’m damned!

    Did you come to Pala by the airplane?

    I came out of the sea.

    Out of the sea? Do you have a boat?

    I did have one. With his mind’s eye Will saw the waves breaking over the stranded hulk, heard with his inner ear the crash of their impact. Under her questioning he told her what had happened. The storm, the beaching of the boat, the long nightmare of the climb, the snakes, the horror of falling … He began to tremble again, more violently than ever.

    Mary Sarojini listened attentively and without comment. Then, as his voice faltered and finally broke, she stepped forward and, the bird still perched on her shoulder, kneeled down beside him.

    Listen, Will, she said, laying a hand on his forehead. We’ve got to get rid of this. Her tone was professional and calmly authoritative.

    I wish I knew how, he said between chattering teeth.

    How? she repeated. But in the usual way, of course. Tell me again about those snakes and how you fell down.

    He shook his head. I don’t want to.

    Of course you don’t want to, she said. But you’ve got to. Listen to what the mynah’s saying.

    Here and now, boys, the bird was still exhorting. Here and now, boys.

    You can’t be here and now, she went on, until you’ve got rid of those snakes. Tell me.

    I don’t want to, I don’t want to. He was almost in tears.

    Then you’ll never get rid of them. They’ll be crawling about inside your head forever. And serve you right, Mary Sarojini added severely.

    He tried to control the trembling; but his body had ceased to belong to him. Someone else was in charge, someone malevolently determined to humiliate him, to make him suffer.

    Remember what happened when you were a little boy, Mary Sarojini was saying. What did your mother do when you hurt yourself?

    She had taken him in her arms, had said, My poor baby, my poor little baby.

    "She did that? The child spoke in a tone of shocked amazement. But that’s awful! That’s the way to rub it in. ‘My poor baby,’  she repeated derisively, it must have gone on hurting for hours. And you’d never forget it."

    Will Farnaby made no comment, but lay there in silence, shaken by irrepressible shudderings.

    Well, if you won’t do it yourself, I’ll have to do it for you. Listen, Will: there was a snake, a big green snake, and you almost stepped on him. You almost stepped on him, and it gave you such a fright that you lost your balance, you fell. Now say it yourself—say it!

    I almost stepped on him, he whispered obediently. And then I … He couldn’t say it. Then I fell, he brought out at last, almost inaudibly.

    All the horror of it came back to him—the nausea of fear, the panic start that had made him lose his balance, and then worse fear and the ghastly certainty that it was the end.

    Say it again.

    I almost stepped on him. And then …

    He heard himself whimpering.

    That’s right, Will. Cry—cry!

    The whimpering became a moaning. Ashamed, he clenched his teeth, and the moaning stopped.

    No, don’t do that, she cried. Let it come out if it wants to. Remember that snake, Will. Remember how you fell.

    The moaning broke out again and he began to shudder more violently than ever.

    Now tell me what happened.

    I could see its eyes, I could see its tongue going in and out.

    Yes, you could see his tongue. And what happened then?

    I lost my balance, I fell.

    Say it again, Will. He was sobbing now. Say it again, she insisted.

    I fell.


    It was tearing him to pieces, but he said it. I fell.

    Again, Will. She was implacable. Again.

    I fell, I fell. I fell …

    Gradually the sobbing died down. The words came more easily and the memories they aroused were less painful.

    I fell, he repeated for the hundredth time.

    But you didn’t fall very far, Mary Sarojini now said.

    No, I didn’t fall very far, he agreed.

    So what’s all the fuss about? the child inquired.

    There was no malice or irony in her tone, not the slightest implication of blame. She was just asking a simple, straightforward question that called for a simple, straightforward answer. Yes, what was all the fuss about? The snake hadn’t bitten him; he hadn’t broken his neck. And anyhow it had all happened yesterday. Today there were these butterflies, this bird that called one to attention, this strange child who talked to one like a Dutch uncle, looked like an angel out of some unfamiliar mythology and within five degrees of the equator was called, believe it or not, MacPhail. Will Farnaby laughed aloud.

    The little girl clapped her hands and laughed too. A moment later the bird on her shoulder joined in with peal upon peal of loud demonic laughter that filled the glade and echoed among the trees, so that the whole universe seemed to be fairly splitting its sides over the enormous joke of existence.


    Well, I’m glad it’s all so amusing, a deep voice suddenly commented.

    Will Farnaby turned and saw, smiling down at him, a small spare man dressed in European clothes and carrying a black bag. A man, he judged, in his late fifties. Under the wide straw hat the hair was thick and white, and what a strange beaky nose! And the eyes—how incongruously blue in the dark face!

    Grandfather! he heard Mary Sarojini exclaiming.

    The stranger turned from Will to the child.

    What was so funny? he asked.

    Well, Mary Sarojini began, and paused for a moment to marshal her thoughts. Well, you see, he was in a boat and there was that storm yesterday and he got wrecked—somewhere down there. So he had to climb up the cliff. And there were some snakes, and he fell down. But luckily there was a tree, so he only had a fright. Which was why he was shivering so hard, so I gave him some bananas and I made him go through it a million times. And then all of a sudden he saw that it wasn’t anything to worry about. I mean, it’s all over and done with. And that made him laugh. And when he laughed, I laughed. And then the mynah bird laughed.

    Very good, said her grandfather approvingly. And now, he added, turning back to Will Farnaby, after the psychological first aid, let’s see what can be done for poor old Brother Ass. I’m Dr. Robert MacPhail, by the way. Who are you?

    His name’s Will, said Mary Sarojini before the young man could answer. And his other name is Far-something.

    Farnaby, to be precise. William Asquith Farnaby. My father, as you might guess, was an ardent Liberal. Even when he was drunk. Especially when he was drunk. He gave vent to a harsh derisive laugh strangely unlike the full-throated merriment which had greeted his discovery that there was really nothing to make a fuss about.

    Didn’t you like your father? Mary Sarojini asked with concern.

    Not as much as I might have, Will answered.

    What he means, Dr. MacPhail explained to the child, is that he hated his father. A lot of them do, he added parenthetically.

    Squatting down on his haunches, he began to undo the straps of his black bag.

    One of our ex-imperialists, I assume, he said over his shoulder to the young man.

    Born in Bloomsbury, Will confirmed.

    Upper class, the doctor diagnosed, but not a member of the military or county subspecies.

    "Correct. My father was a barrister and political journalist. That is, when he wasn’t too busy being an alcoholic. My mother, incredible as it may seem, was the daughter of an archdeacon. An archdeacon," he repeated, and laughed again as he had laughed over his father’s taste for brandy.

    Dr. MacPhail looked at him for a moment, then turned his attention once more to the straps.

    When you laugh like that, he remarked in a tone of scientific detachment, your face becomes curiously ugly.

    Taken aback, Will tried to cover his embarrassment with a piece of facetiousness. It’s always ugly, he said.

    On the contrary, in a Baudelairean sort of way it’s rather beautiful. Except when you choose to make noises like a hyena. Why do you make those noises?

    I’m a journalist, Will explained. Our Special Correspondent, paid to travel about the world and report on the current horrors. What other kind of noise do you expect me to make? Coo-coo? Blah-blah? Marx-Marx? He laughed again, then brought out one of his well-tried witticisms. I’m the man who won’t take yes for an answer.

    Pretty, said Dr. MacPhail. Very pretty. But now let’s get down to business. Taking a pair of scissors out of his bag, he started to cut away the torn and bloodstained trouser leg that covered Will’s injured knee.

    Will Farnaby looked up at him and wondered, as he looked, how much of this improbable Highlander was still Scottish and how much Palanese. About the blue eyes and the jutting nose there could be no doubt. But the brown skin, the delicate hands, the grace of movement—these surely came from somewhere considerably south of the Tweed.

    Were you born here? he asked.

    The doctor nodded affirmatively. At Shivapuram, on the day of Queen Victoria’s funeral.

    There was a final click of the scissors, and the trouser leg fell away, exposing the knee. Messy, was Dr. MacPhail’s verdict after a first intent scrutiny. But I don’t think there’s anything too serious. He turned to his granddaughter. I’d like you to run back to the station and ask Vijaya to come here with one of the other men. Tell them to pick up a stretcher at the infirmary.

    Mary Sarojini nodded and, without a word, rose to her feet and hurried away across the glade.

    Will looked after the small figure as it receded—the red skirt swinging from side to side, the smooth skin of the torso glowing rosily golden in the sunlight.

    You have a very remarkable granddaughter, he said to Dr. MacPhail.

    Mary Sarojini’s father, said the doctor after a little silence, was my eldest son. He died four months ago—a mountain-climbing accident.

    Will mumbled his sympathy, and there was another silence.

    Dr. MacPhail uncorked a bottle of alcohol and swabbed his hands.

    This is going to hurt a bit, he warned. I’d suggest that you listen to that bird. He waved a hand in the direction of the dead tree, to which, after Mary Sarojini’s departure, the mynah had returned.

    Listen to him closely, listen discriminatingly. It’ll keep your mind off the discomfort.

    Will Farnaby listened. The mynah had gone back to its first theme.

    Attention, the articulate oboe was calling. Attention.

    Attention to what? he asked, in the hope of eliciting a more enlightening answer than the one he had received from Mary Sarojini.

    To attention, said Dr. MacPhail.

    Attention to attention?

    Of course.

    Attention, the mynah chanted in ironical confirmation.

    Do you have many of these talking birds?

    There must be at least a thousand of them flying about the island. It was the Old Raja’s idea. He thought it would do people good. Maybe it does, though it seems rather unfair to the poor mynahs. Fortunately, however, birds don’t understand pep talks. Not even St. Francis’. Just imagine, he went on, "preaching sermons to perfectly good thrushes and goldfinches and chiff-chaffs! What presumption! Why couldn’t he have kept his mouth shut and let the birds preach to him? And now, he added in another tone, you’d better start listening to our friend in

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