The 4 States of Consciousness
About this ebook
Every living thing with a brain has some form of Consciousness, or an awareness of who or what they are and the role they play in the universe. But few of the living really know what to do with that information.
Electrons make up the first state of Consciousness. We now know that they can learn about each other and bind together for life like a marriage in what's known as 'Entanglements.' Whenever the state of one 'Entangled' electron is changed, the other one in the pair knows about it and it changes instantly to show unification.
This happens instantly no matter how far away the two may be from one another. How do they know? The only answer is 'Consciousness'.
From there, the forces of Nature allow the Electrons to pass their subatomic level of Consciousness up to the level of Atoms, structured out of the building blocks of the electrons, protons, etc. From there, the Atoms, or Elements are able to pass up their form of Consciousness to the molecular level. Remember the Avogadro's Number?
From the molecular level, molecules are able to pass on their level of Consciousness to all living things, the 4th and highest State of Consciousness for all living things - what I call the Feedback Loop. We are all part of that loop. It's a loop because even at the highest level of Consciousness, we still use Electrons to create and transport our thoughts throughout our brains.
This book is an answer to some of the greatest questions of all time and they are: 'Where do we come from?' 'Why are we here?' and 'What can we do about it?'
Michael Mathiesen
I have authored and published over 100 books, ebooks, audible books, online courses. My latest and most important to me are: The Science of Physics - Proof That God Exists, The 4 States of Consciousness, Zentanglements - The Three Laws of Consciousness for Smarties, The Blockchain Government, America 2.0, Inc - Take Stock in America, The God Particle Bible, The Origin of Creation, et al. My scientific theories are on the cutting edge and many of my colleagues are not yet true believers, but when the 2nd Big Bang hits this part of the universe as I have predicted in this book - they will have to eat their words. What will it mean to you? Lots, I think.
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Book preview
The 4 States of Consciousness - Michael Mathiesen
When this book was first authored by myself, I had not known about some recent evidence brought about by people who study BACTERIA
It has now been shown that some species of Bacteria, probably the earliest form of life on this planet going back about 3 billion years when life first began, have the unique ability to digest electrons.
They are called Shewanella Oneidensis - shown here.
AND Geobacter shown here.
When you understand that more than HALF of our human DNA is exactly the same as Bacterial and Virus DNA, and that they can eat and digest ELECTRONS, I take that as proof that our own DNA, descended from Bacterial DNA is the basis of our own State of Consciousness that we have gained in the 4 states of Consciousness that I explain in this book.
As you will learn, and I theorized in this book that the very essence of your being - your CONSCIOUSNESS didn’t just arrive on the scene the day you were born, there were billions of years of Evolution that had to take place and that goes into the chemical mix of what you are, what you do, how you think and even the major events of your life.
This evidence above of Bacteria that actually use ELECTRONS to fuel there existence on planet Earth instead of food, combined with the evidence I have given here in this book is PROOF that we have achieved so much in our Evolution only because the subatomic world has allowed it all to happen and had the first THOUGHTS about us all.
A Home Demonstration
Before we start talking about the latest discoveries in Quantum Physics, I thought it might be useful to first provide a simple demonstration of these concepts to the reader using the laws of physics that everyone who has turned to their microwave oven to prepare dinner or a snack in seconds already knows.
The microwave oven.
The 1st State of Consciousness - Electronic
When you first turn on your microwave oven, you are turning on the switch on the circuit in your home that allows the flow of electrons from your local electrical power plant down the line into your home and then finally into your appliances. In this case the new way of cooking things from the inside out within seconds instead of hours.
Whenever you flip on the lights or the hair dryer or the washing machine in your home, you are in fact utilizing the 1st state of Consciousness, the Electronic State. Don't worry, in the first chapter of this book, we will demonstrate how and why electrons exhibit the property of Consciousness. For now, I only want to show you how all states of Consciousness in this universe snaps together for the sole purpose of keeping you and I on a level playing field.
So, in the first state of Consciousness, we utilize our electrons to perform work for us and the microwave oven does this very easily and obviously for anyone who understands what the microwaves being fired out of this amazing new invention have done. First of all microwaves are radio waves, but they are very small and energetic and they are produced by the microwave oven from a very simple little device called a MAGNETRON - seen here.
Inside this little device, invented in the 1950's by an engineer at Raytheon Electronics, you can see above how the electrons you have released along your house's wiring system into the oven when you turn it on. The genius of this little device is that it takes your electrons and sends them into these round chambers through the use of magnets. When the electrons swim around in these circular chambers they produce the radio waves, you know as microwaves - the blue lines.
The 2nd State of Consciousness - Rotational
This is a really good way to visualize in your mind's eye, the 2nd State of Consciousness - the Rotational. If we had not discovered how to send electrons round and round inside this little Magnetron, we would not be using the Rotational State of Consciousness to help cook our food and dramatically streamline our lives.
So far, in this part of our home demonstration of the 4 States of Consciousness, there is one more word that we need to learn - 'Induction'. Induction means simply to make something happen.
When, the Electronic State of Consciousness enters this man-made device - the Magnetron, what is happening is that the 1st State of Consciousness - held by the electrons, and thus aptly named - the Electronic State - actually induces the 2nd State of Consciousness or the Rotational State. And, don't worry, we're going to clarify what it means for any part of Nature to be Conscious.
We can now trust in these terms because we can see them in use in our daily lives - through the example of the microwave oven.
The 3rd State of Consciousness - Vibrational
The next thing that happens is that your food, sitting on the turntable of the oven, is radiated by the energy of the microwaves. The microwaves are just the right wave length for them to heat up the food in the oven and we all know from experience that the more water in the food, the faster and evenly the food heats up. This is because the water molecule is a very simple one. Most of us can easily remember that water is simply two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom bonded together and the symbol is therefore - H2O.