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Mustang Wild
Mustang Wild
Mustang Wild
Ebook357 pages5 hours

Mustang Wild

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A tough cowgirl and a smooth-talking bounty hunter try to outrun bad guys and their desire for each other in this historical western romance.

With the deed to her land and a kid brother to protect, mustanger Skylar Daines shouldn’t have tangled with the likes of Tucker Morgan. But his stolen kiss scatters her senses and, quicker than a whirling dust devil, they’re wed!

To her relief, Tucker’s keen to fix the marital slipup—and then he tells her the deed she holds belongs to him, and him alone. Maybe she shouldn’t rush to have their marriage annulled. No man, no matter how good-looking, is going to swindle Skylar out of the one thing she yearns for most—a home.
Release dateDec 15, 2011
Mustang Wild

Stacey Kayne

Stacey Kayne brings her love of American history to vivid life with stories set in the wild west, featuring heroic women and the men strong enough to love them. Her work has garnered four Golden Heart finals and over sixty regional contest wins, and she was a Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Award nominee in 2009. Stacey lives on a ranch with her high school sweetheart turned husband of twenty years and their two sons. You can visit her website at: www.staceykayne.com

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mustang Wild is the first book of Stacey Kayne’s Wild series and the very first book she wrote. It’s the story of a feisty, young lady and the charming cowboy who captures her heart. All heroine Skylar Daines ever wanted was a home to call her own, but she’s been forced to live on the trail, being treated like “one of the guys” by her father. Then one of her father’s men kills him in cold blood in an attempt to steal his horses, the deed to the land he was headed for in Wyoming, and Skylar herself, so Sky takes her little brother, Garret, and rides like the wind toward New Mexico in search of her father’s business partner, Chance Morgan. She thinks she’s tracked him down at a small-town saloon, only to discover that it’s really his identical twin brother, Tucker, who’s drunk as a skunk. As she tries to get him to understand why she’s come, she finds herself caught up in a flurry of words that make no sense, and in an instant, the two are accidentally legally wed. Once Tucker sobers up and Chance finally arrives, Sky discovers that her father lied to her about certain things, and now all she has left are the horses she and her brother rode in on and the deed to Tucker and Chance’s ranch, which she leverages to get them to take her with them to Wyoming. Along the way, they brave dangers while Sky and Tucker find themselves surprisingly attracted to one another and contemplating whether they still want to get an annulment when they reach their destination. But the real test occurs when they cross paths with her father’s murderer and the stolen horses she intends to get back to ensure a future for herself and Garret. Overall this book was a pretty enjoyable read, albeit one that’s a little slow-paced at times.Skylar's mother died when she was young, and after that, her father forced her to learn to ride, rope, and train horses with the best of his men. She’s lived out on the open range being treated like merely another cowboy ever since, but deep down, she likes feminine fripperies and just wants a roof over her head again to call home. When her father is killed, she knows that Garret is now her responsibility, too. Her father had promised that once they drove the horses to Wyoming, she could finally have the home she so desperately wants, but what she didn’t know is that the deed to the ranch he’d been showing her really belongs to someone else and he was just holding the document for safe-keeping. When she finally tracks down Tucker and Chance and learns the truth, Sky is disillusioned but determined to get her horses back from the slimy weasel who stole them so that she can sell them to Tucker and Chance and make a new start for herself and her brother. But the only way she can do that is by talking them into hiring her and Garret as trail hands to help them drive the mustangs they’ve rounded up themselves. Once they see how skilled she is at gentling the horses, they’re happy to oblige, but Chance worries that since Sky still holds the deed to their property and Tucker foolishly got himself hitched to her she might try to take part of their land. None of this stops Sky from getting closer to Tucker and giving in to his seductive kisses, which leads to a whole lot more. Until she met him, no man had ever treated her like a woman before, which makes staying married to him extremely tempting, but she has her own agenda and she wants more from him than the occasional roll in the hay. Skylar is a real spitfire who gives Tucker a run for his money, always getting her back up about one thing or another. She can be pretty stubborn even when Tuck is being sweet to her. Most of the time, I understood where she was coming from, but there were certain aspects of her characterization that I thought could have been deepened to make her even more sympathetic. Her objections to staying with him became a bit tedious at times. I don’t think I could have resisted, especially when Tuck was doing so many nice things for her. Also, once she and Tuck become lovers, she acts like there’s something wrong with it and she’s nothing more than a whore or a mistress to him even though they’re married, which didn’t make a lot of sense to me. However, in spite of her feeling this way, it doesn’t stop her from returning his passion in equal measure, which helped to balance it out some. Overall, Sky was a pretty good heroine. But since she really wants a home and more feminine things and to be treated like a woman, I would have liked to see her gradually soften a bit more each time Tuck provides her with some of her desires instead of being so stubborn right up until the end.Tucker lost his mom when he was young, too, but later on, his father remarried. However, his step-mother proved to be a shrewish woman who made life miserable for them, making both Tuck and his brother vow never to marry. After his father’s death and a stint in the confederate army, he became a bounty hunter, but more recently, he and Chance have made plans to settle down, buying a ranch in Wyoming. Chance worked for a while with Sky’s father, and cut a deal with him to buy his horses, leaving him the deed to their property as collateral. Tucker went to New Mexico to round up mustangs, which is where all three end up meeting. Tuck is having a wild time at the saloon and just won a large pot while gambling that included a marriage document. His opponents razz him about whether he’ll actually use it, and he says he will if he can find an angel. At that very moment, Sky walks in and a drunken Tucker thinks his wish has just been granted. The preacher says a few words over them and he gets Sky to sign the document, then awakens from his stupor later to find he has a wife. He doesn’t want to be married any more than she does but getting an annulment proves impossible, so they head for Wyoming, planning to take care of it there. Along the way, though, he succumbs to his desire for the feisty beauty, making it harder and harder to remember why he wanted an annulment in the first place. Tucker is an easy-going guy who is always patient with Sky’s obstinate nature and proves to be more amused by her sharp tongue than angered by it. He respects her abilities with the horses as being even better than his own, while also treating her like a lady. He’s a gentle and skilled lover who can make Sky practically forget her own name. He may have a bit of stubbornness in him when it comes to the marriage thing, but his fear for Sky when bad things happen, as well as all the thoughtful little gifts he buys her and his observant nature, show just how much he cares for her, even when he isn’t saying the words. Overall, Mustang Wild was a good read and a respectable debut novel from Stacey Kayne. As I already mentioned, it could be a little slow at times. The bulk of the story centers around Tucker, Skylar, and their brothers driving the horses from New Mexico to Wyoming, so it kind of has the dynamic of a long road trip. There are a few dangers that they face along the way to make things more interesting, as well as the romantic interludes between Tuck and Sky, so generally speaking when the pace started slowing down, it didn’t take too long for it to re-engage my interest. I liked all the main characters. Tuck was a confident charmer and a sweetheart, and even though Sky could be rather stubborn, I found enough substance in her character for her to be relatable in spite of it. This was my first foray into this author’s writing, and even though it wasn’t totally perfect, it’s left me very open to trying more of her work. Chance’s book, Maverick Wild, is next, and a grown up Garret becomes the hero of the final book, Mountain Wild. I look forward to checking out both of them in the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'd read a handful of other Western Romances and was feeling little let down when I picked up Stacey Kayne's, "Mustang Wild".I LOVED it. It was exciting, believable and I felt a "connection" with the characters. I ordered all of Stacey Kayne's other books and can't wait to read them.

Book preview

Mustang Wild - Stacey Kayne

Chapter 1

New Mexico Territory, 1880

Skylar Daines reined her Arabian stallion beside her younger brother and surveyed the ragged, canvas-topped structures wavering in the desert heat like an ugly mirage. As long as Chance Morgan was in the area, she didn’t care if the town of Black Dog was a row of outhouses.

Unfortunately, it didn’t appear far off from being just that.

Fear spiraled up from the pit of her stomach, sending a wave of shivers across her skin as she scanned the parallel cluster of makeshift buildings surrounded by miles of dry dirt, sand and sage. For such a small watering hole, a fair number of horses stood along the short strip of dirt, with more staked and hobbled on open ground.

Sis, you sure that’s Black Dog? It don’t look like no place to find someone trustworthy.

Straining for an encouraging smile, she met Garret’s gaze. This is it, she said in a steady tone, suddenly wishing her father’s maps weren’t so accurate. Let’s see if anyone has heard of Chance Morgan.

Garret’s hazel eyes narrowed, his features hardened, reminding Skylar of all the violence he’d been exposed to in his tender thirteen years.

I don’t like it, Sky. He shook his head, making no move to urge his horse forward.

She didn’t blame him. But they hadn’t come this far to fail. Her father’s last words had been to take Garret and the deed for their land in Wyoming to Black Dog and find Chance Morgan, her father’s business partner. They’d just spent a month traveling across a land as unforgiving as life itself. There’d been no time to ponder the grief weighing on her soul. Her guilt, on the other hand, hung around her neck like an iron yoke.

She wouldn’t fail Garret. She would get him safely to Wyoming. They’d reclaim their mustangs and have the home their father had promised them.

Fighting the tremble in her hands and an exhaustion she felt to the center of her bones, she reached over and tugged on the brim of Garret’s tan hat. There’s no going back, little brother, and nothin’ to go back to. Pa said to find Morgan and that’s what we’re gonna do. We can’t make it clear to Wyoming without provisions. Pull out your rifle if it’ll make you feel better.

Garret nodded and draped his long gun across his lap.

Praying there wouldn’t be any call for gunfire, she urged her black stallion forward, conscious of the sun beginning to sag in the western sky.

As she rode down the center strip of Black Dog, lively piano music carried into the street from a building occupying nearly the whole right side of town. The name Big Jack’s Saloon was whitewashed across its wood front. With not a soul in sight and every other establishment appearing deserted, she imagined Big Jack wasn’t low on customers.

Skylar dismounted and led her horse toward a hitching rail outside the saloon. A handsome red mare with light spots on its hindquarters was tethered a few feet away. Shifting her gaze from the large Appaloosa, she glanced at a set of double swinging doors. She’d never been inside such an establishment.

Appaloosa, said Garret. Pretty one, too. At least we know Morgan has an eye for fine horseflesh.

Skylar glanced up at her little brother as he reined his chestnut Arabian in beside her. Why do you say that?

His name’s on his saddle, answered Garret, still admiring the well-groomed mare.

Her eyes darted toward the horse’s tack. Bold as daylight, the letters M-O-R-G-A-N were pressed into the leather. Well, knock me over with a feather.

If you’re as beat as I am, I probably could, Garret retorted.

Wait here. I won’t be but a few minutes.

Clutching his gun in one hand, Garret jumped from his saddle and grabbed her by the arm as she turned toward the saloon. Sky, you can’t go in there. Yer wearin’ a dress! I’ll go in and get Morgan.

She shook his hand away from her elbow. Garret and her father had been reluctant to accept the fact, but at nineteen, there was no hiding that she was a woman, no matter what she wore. At the moment, she imagined her appearance was nothing short of obscene. The threadbare dress she’d found in her father’s saddlebags was made for a woman half her size. She’d never realized her mother had been such a dainty woman. The buttons strained between Skylar’s breasts were dangerously close to popping off. The blue calico skirt barely reached the top rim of her boots.

Her only shirt and pair of denims were so filthy, she hadn’t had much choice but to wear the dress. Her dusty, windblown hair hung just above her shoulders like dried grass.

You’re staying here, she said to Garret. Mount up.

I’m going in with you.

The Arabians are all we have left. You’re going to watch them while I talk to Morgan.

I’m not about to let you—

Garret, you’d get tossed out of that saloon before you stepped two feet past the door. Now do as I said.

Garret’s frown deepened. His anger-filled gaze bore into her for a lingering moment. I don’t like it, he grumbled as he turned and mounted his horse. He tugged his hat low on his brow then rested the barrel of his gun in the crook of his arm. Shout if you need me.

Skylar started toward the music and clamor, wishing for once that Garret could have been her big brother. You can do this, she soothed, reminding herself of how far they’d already come. No smelly herd of liquored-up cowboys was going to keep her from fulfilling her father’s promise.

Stepping through the double swinging doors, she was greeted by the familiar stench of tobacco, whiskey and horse. The scent of cowpunchers. The scent of home for the past eight years. She frowned at the thought.

That’s all about to change. She glanced around the crowded, smoke-filled room. Seemed half the population of New Mexico Territory was in Big Jack’s. The place was packed with cowboys and fancy women in colorful silken gowns. She’d never seen so many vibrant colors.

She walked deeper into the crowd of festive men and women, scanning the faces of men seated at the many round tables, and others as they moved between them. Chance Morgan had worked her father’s cattle drives for a couple years, but she hadn’t seen him for over three years. She imagined he’d still look the same. Tall, blond and handsome, with chilling green eyes.

Hearing an uproar of voices and the name Morgan shouted amongst them, Skylar peered through a cluster of men and saw the tall, blond and handsome man responsible for the ruckus.

Morgan sat at the back table. His laughter filled the air as he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the pile of money at the center of the table. She followed the crowd of folks gathering around him.

You gonna use it, Tuck? someone shouted as Skylar squeezed between two large bodies.

Fifty dollars says he won’t, said the slender man sitting opposite Morgan. He reached across the table and pulled a paper from Morgan’s pile of coins.

Hell, yes, I’ll use it, Morgan answered as he snatched the paper from his hand and tossed it onto his winnings. Just as soon as a blue-eyed angel floats down from heaven and calls my name.

Skylar stepped beside his chair as gruff laughter roared around her. Mr. Morgan?

The man glanced over his shoulder. His emerald-green eyes grew wide. Merciful heaven. Hello, angel, he said in a low, velvety voice. You are a beauty.

This was Morgan all right, and he’d obviously been drinking. Her appearance was anything but pleasant. Mr. Morgan—

Morgan rose to stand directly in front of her. Her body tensed as he scanned her from head to toe before his gaze slowly traveled back up. Hypnotic eyes held her gaze as the corner of his mouth kicked up in a cocky grin.

Dear God, why couldn’t she breathe?

His eyes were the same brilliant shade of green as Chance Morgan’s, his hair the same pale blond, and damn if he didn’t have Chance Morgan’s handsome face. But every tingling cell in Skylar’s body told her this man was not Chance Morgan. One of the men had called him by another name. Perhaps Chance had a twin.

"Tuck Morgan?"

A deal’s a deal, he murmured. His lips stretched into a full smile, revealing strong white teeth and enough charm to sweet-talk the spines off a prickly cactus. His arm shot out and hauled her against his side as he shouted, Boys, my angel just arrived!

He’s drunk, all right. Mr. Morgan, I—

Hang on, angel, said the green-eyed stranger, his muscular arm easily suppressing her struggle to move away from his side as he turned back toward the table of men. I believe the bet’s fifty dollars. Ante up, gentlemen!

Three men seated at the table fumbled hastily through their vest and trouser pockets. A few more men standing behind them tossed their money into the center of the round table.

By God, he’s gonna do it, one shouted.

I don’t believe it, said another.

An older man dressed all in black stood up from the table. You gotta sign the document, Tuck, he said, flattening out the paper. It ain’t no good unless you sign it.

Tucker reached over and signed his name. The older man beamed a smile at Skylar, then laved his tongue across the palm of his hand and swiped it across the top of his head, slicking back a few strands of dark hair. He straightened his posture, tugging on the sides of his black coat. Now the lady, he instructed.

Mr. Morgan, Skylar said again, looking away from the odd man dressed in black. I really need to speak with you. I believe we’re traveling with you to Wyoming and—

That’s the plan, angel girl, he said, giving her a wink as he placed the pen in her hand and wrapped her fingers around it. It’s all arranged. Just sign your angelic name onto that paper and we’ll be set. Angels do have names, don’t they?

He beamed another smile, and Skylar felt a tad dizzy. His arm clamped around her shoulders was all that kept her from swaying. Sign the paper? she asked in confusion. She glanced down at the table. W-why do I—

No time for questions, angel. Are we goin’ to Wyoming or not?

Yes, but—

Then sign the document, sweetheart.

The contract? she asked as he guided her hand toward the bottom of the paper. She and her father had discussed the contract for driving the horses in exchange for provisions. She no longer had her mustangs, but she had to get to Wyoming if she intended to reclaim them. She blinked and tried to focus her tired eyes on the words. Morgan’s breath rustled her hair as his hand slipped from her shoulder and slid across the flat of her stomach. A burst of tingling shivers raced across her skin.

Uh-huh. His voice vibrated against her ear. The hard length of his body pressed against her backside.

Damnation. Her bones were turning to jelly! Desperate to escape the situation, Skylar quickly scribed her name beside the name Tucker Morgan then took a step away from him.

Hang on, angel. Don’t fly away just yet. His hand slid back around her waist. Sparkling green eyes locked with hers as he pulled her into his arms. His slow smile did the most horrifying things to her insides. The noise and clatter of the room turned to a steady hum as she stared up at Tucker Morgan’s sharp features; his warm gaze and charming smile paralyzed her mind.

I do, he said, although Skylar didn’t know what he meant by the odd comment. Before she could contrive a rational thought, he leaned toward her. Say yes, he said, his lips mere inches from hers.

Yes? But I—

He tipped his head forward and kissed her, the touch of his soft lips cutting off the rest of her words. Skylar gasped as he stroked her lips, teasing them apart, filling her mouth with the hot taste of whiskey and flooding her body with a rush of fiery sensation.

A voice deep in her mind told her to pull away, yet every gentle, intoxicating touch of Tucker Morgan’s mouth offered her something she’d craved for so long.


His kiss was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. His mouth moved over hers in the most alluring, undemanding way, subtly seducing her mouth into submission until she was returning his kiss.

Hoots and hollers filtered through the electrifying hum of her body. Skylar tensed, and he lifted his lips from hers. Heat rushed to her face. She was shocked to find her arms banded around his neck, her fingers twisted into the blond tufts of hair touching his collar. With her body pressed flush against his, she could feel his heartbeat hammering as erratically as her own.

Dear God, he breathed, his eyes looking deep into hers.

Guess I don’t have to tell you to kiss your bride, said the jubilant voice of the man standing beside them.

Bride? Skylar jerked away from Tucker’s embrace. She stumbled backward, but was instantly shoved back into his arms by whoever stood behind her.

Drinks are on me, Tucker Morgan shouted, clamping her back against his broad chest, then in one swift motion, he lifted Skylar into his arms. It’s you and me, angel girl, he said as he carried her through a crowd of well-wishers.

Wait! she screamed, while silently assuring herself she had not just married this man.

He pushed through the swinging doors. Skylar twisted in his grip, managing to kick her legs free when they reached the road. She shoved away from him and saw her horse from the corner of her eye.

Oh, no, you don’t, he said with a rueful laugh, his arm coiling around her waist.

A shriek escaped her throat as one of his hands closed over her backside. Seeing his soft, intoxicating lips aiming for hers, she turned away, struggling to free herself from his grasp.

Get your damn…would you… No matter which way she twisted, she couldn’t evade his hands and lips. His strong arms clamped her against his firm chest.

Come on now, angel. I know you— He stiffened as a loud donk echoed from behind him. His brilliant eyes popped wide, before he crumpled to the ground, falling at her feet as though his bones had turned to dust.

Garret sat before her, backward in his saddle, with a skillet in his hands. Did I kill ’im? he called over the ringing of the cast iron.

Dear God! She wasn’t sure.

Skylar dropped to her knees beside Tucker. She lifted one of his eyelids, but the green eyes that had held her captive moments ago were rolled up in his possibly fractured skull. She pressed her cheek to his chest.

He’s breathing. She quickly ran her fingers through his thick blond hair, checking for injuries. One heck of a goose egg was rising from the crown of his head, but all seemed to be intact. Thank goodness.

Dag blast it! Garret cried out as he knelt beside her. He smells like he’s been steeped in whiskey!

Why’d you hit him? she demanded, grabbing the iron skillet from Garret’s hand.

"The man was attacking you! If I’d a had a clear shot, I’da blown a hole through his chest. I told you not to go into that saloon. You shoulda let me go in to get Morgan."

Well, would you look at that, called a gruff voice.

Skylar glanced up at a pair of drunken cowboys staggering toward them. Her gaze dropped to the skillet in her hand.

Oh, Lord. She was going to get arrested!

Tuck’s bride already showed him what-for with a fryin’ pan, one said, flashing a broad, toothless grin.

The other cackled with wild laughter. Give ’im hell, honey, he called out. He deserves every blow.

The men shuffled past, chuckling and intermittently bumping into one another, apparently unconcerned about their friend’s state of unconsciousness as they searched for their horses.


She cringed at the sound of Garret’s harsh tone. With slow reluctance, she met her brother’s wide-eyed gaze.

What in the hell were those men talkin’ about?

Watch your mouth. She shot Garret a stern glance as she stood, brushing the dust from her skirt.

Garret surged to his feet. Tell me you didn’t marry this flea-bitten drunk!

I’m not really certain, she replied, keeping her gaze on her unconscious groom. Everything happened so fast. If I did, I’m sure it wasn’t legal. She hooked her arms under Tucker’s broad shoulders.

You weren’t gone but five minutes!

Lord, he weighs a ton, she muttered, barely able to lift his shoulders off the ground. Already pushed to their limits, her tired muscles complained as she tried to drag him toward her horse. Lucky to be standing, she couldn’t move him an inch.

What a fine mess. How are we going to get him over a horse?

"Over a horse? shrieked Garret. The man was attacking you! Let the coyotes and cougars have ’im!"

I can’t.

What the hell went on in there, and where’s Chance Morgan?

Skylar gave up her struggle to move the drunken clod and lifted her gaze toward her brother, who was brimming over with anger. "This is Morgan. But his name is Tucker, not Chance. Help me lift him."

What? Garret looked closer at the man lying in the dirt.

I said his name is Tucker, not—

I don’t care what his name is. He’s not goin’ anywhere near our horses! What happened inside that saloon? Her brother stood rigid as a statue, his hands planted on his narrow hips.

Calm down, Garret. I’m sure it was a simple mistake. He obviously thought I was someone else and before I could correct him, his friend—

Uh, Mrs. Morgan?

Startled by the deep voice directly behind her, Skylar spun around. A man the size of a giant with more shaggy brown hair than a grizzly stood before her. He pulled off his battered hat and held it to his chest. A broad grin parted the thick fur on his face.

Name’s Hal. Just wanted to congratulate ya on the weddin’. Never thought I’d see Tuck marry. He lowered his gaze to the man sprawled out on the ground between them. Need a hand with your husband?

The entire town was daft.

Skylar forced a smile, seeing as the man was being quite cordial. Yes. If you could toss him over my saddle, I’d be much obliged.

Not a problem. Hal gave a slight grunt as he lifted Morgan, who was none too small, and hoisted him onto her horse, belly-down. His animal is that perty roan. Hal motioned toward the Appaloosa.

Thank you, Mr. Hal, she said with the same plastered-on smile. That marriage bit, it wasn’t legal…was it? Skylar held her breath, praying he’d give her reassurance that a prank had been played on her.

It was legal, all right. Henderson’s a bonafide preacher and you both signed the marriage document. You’re married right and proper.

You signed a marriage document? Garret shouted.

I signed a marriage document? Skylar’s spirits plummeted. She knew better than to sign a paper before reading it! But Tucker Morgan had…he had…she wasn’t sure what he’d done.

"He tricked me," she said, glaring at the unconscious culprit, wishing she had lodged her boot in his ribs while he was lying on the ground.

That’s Tuck, Hal said with a coarse laugh. Slippery as a wet otter and crafty as the devil himself. Bein’ at his weddin’ was well worth losin’ fifty dollars.

Fifty dollars, huh? murmured Garret.

Hal touched his fingers to the brim of his hat and bid her a good evening before he turned and swaggered back to the saloon. Skylar shifted her gaze toward her horse and found Garret with his hand stuffed deep into Tucker Morgan’s breast pocket. His face brightened with a smile as his hand emerged with a wad of greenbacks.

What do you think you’re doing?

I’m hungry! I’m gonna find me a mercantile.

That’s stealing, Garret.

The hell it is. He’s your husband. He turned his back to her and started down the road.

Skylar released a long sigh. Her little brother was developing a flippant tongue, although, at the moment, she had far more pressing worries. See if the merchant knows how to get to Morgan’s place, she called after him.

She glanced back at Tucker Morgan’s limp body. What was she supposed to do now? Hopefully Garret hadn’t caused any permanent damage, or at least not enough to prevent the handsome cowboy from helping them get to Wyoming.

Chapter 2

It wasn’t all that uncommon for Tucker Morgan to wake up in bed with a strange woman and a pounding headache, but he wasn’t suffering from an ordinary hangover. The fierce throbbing in his skull wasn’t the only thing out of sorts this morning. He lifted a wet cloth from his forehead and glanced again at the woman sleeping beside him.

Hell. Plenty about this morning was out of sorts. The fact that he and the woman next to him were fully clothed being the most troubling. They even had their boots on!

Her boots weren’t the laced or buttoned-up version most women wore, but the same leather tug-on boots he was wearing. Her uncommonly short hair couldn’t reach past her shoulders. Lying on her side, the golden strands swirled across her face. But her body, now that was all in proper order, with all the right curves in all the right places, and encased in a hideous blue dress that might have fit her once upon a time. The fabric of her bodice molded to the round swell of her breasts like a second skin.

Tucker closed his eyes, the pounding in his head increasing. His headache wouldn’t even let him enjoy the view. He needed coffee and a shot of whiskey. Hell, with this headache, he needed a pint of whiskey.

Groaning, he forced himself to sit up and glance around his bedroom. How had they ended up here? He’d never brought a woman back to this run-down cabin.

Trying to jar his memory, he stood and slowly shuffled toward the kitchen.


Tucker jumped at the sound of the unexpected greeting. A young boy with pure white hair sat at the little table that occupied the left half of his cabin. He gave the cotton-topped kid a quick once-over before muttering, Who the hell are you?

Your bride’s brother.

"My what?" Tucker countered, his headache suddenly forgotten.

The kid’s white eyebrows pinched inward as his eyes narrowed. "Your wife’s brother. I…am…Skylar’s…brother." He dragged out each word as though he were talking to the town idiot.

Stunned, Tucker glanced toward the bedroom.

I married a saloon girl?

He knew all the girls at Big Jack’s. Skylar wasn’t a name he’d heard before, and he would have remembered that short, golden mane. He rubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw, trying to recall the events from the previous night. Surely this was some kind of misunderstanding between the woman and the boy.

Skylar? he said aloud, the name sounding no more familiar than the kid looked sitting before him.

Yes? called a feminine voice, just before the slender woman appeared in the doorway. Deep blue eyes held his gaze. Sunlight streaking in from the bedroom window glimmered in the tangled golden hair wisped around her oval face. A vision from the saloon flashed in his mind.

He’d just won a hand of poker when he’d heard a woman say his name—then there she was, an angel with gilded hair and the purest sapphire eyes gazing straight into his soul. He’d jumped to his feet and…

Dear God, I married an angel!

Not a true angel, his sober mind reasoned. He’d met her in Big Jack’s, after all. Despite her threadbare clothes and bedraggled hair, she was a pretty thing. Damn pretty.

Are you new at Big Jack’s? he ventured.

Hearing the metallic click of a gun hammer, Tucker shifted his gaze toward the kid. The boy sat at the table, calm as you please, holding a rifle aimed straight at Tucker’s chest.

Mister, I believe you just called my sister a whore.

Garret! called the woman. I’m sure that’s not what he meant. Is it, Mr. Morgan?

Of course that was what he’d meant. Why else would she have been in a place like Big Jack’s? Tucker met the kid’s hard gaze. His hazel eyes revealed a boy well beyond his young age. This was a kid who’d seen his share of hardship, but, hell, who hadn’t?

I need some coffee, he groaned, his head again pounding, the pain increasing by the second as the prior evening’s events came flooding back into his mind.

Tucker turned his back on the boy and his rifle. He was surprised to find a pot of coffee already steaming on the stove. He filled a cup and took a few sips of the strong brew. What could have possessed him to actually marry the woman standing behind him? A man could find plenty of other ways to torture himself besides taking a wife.

I’m sure it was a farce, he said, mostly assuring himself as he stared into the steaming, dark depth of his coffee.

Not what I was told, she answered in a stiff tone. You tricked me into signing an actual marriage document and I’m pretty sure your preacher friend muttered some vows.

Tucker bit out a curse, feeling the disgust he heard in her voice. He had laughed as hard as everyone else when Henderson threw that marriage document into the pot, but it seemed the joke was on him.

He took another gulp of coffee then turned back toward the mess waiting behind him. Seeing the kid with his rifle still trained on him, he smiled.

Boy, you better put that away before you hurt yourself.

Garret, lower your gun.

"Who are you?" Tucker asked, his gaze again taking in the woman’s short, tangled hair and strange attire.

A full name would be nice, he added, his voice clipped. You said my name when you entered the saloon last night, so you knew who I was.

"Not exactly. I was looking for Chance Morgan. My father never mentioned any Morgan by the name of Tucker."

You knew I wasn’t my brother. You called me Tuck.

I heard a man call you by that name and when you stood up, I knew you weren’t Chance.

How? he challenged.

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