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Touchy Feely Sweet Thing
Touchy Feely Sweet Thing
Touchy Feely Sweet Thing
Ebook205 pages3 hours

Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

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Jayden has dropped his ex, Kail, but he deserved it, even if it leaves Jayden feeling lonely. His bestie, Sasha, is going out of state for college next year, creating a countdown for the end of their friendship. Ollie continues to capture Jayden's heart, but that boy isn't around much these days. Gracie, a Christian extremist with a hate-on for Jayden, just keeps making his life worse. And his mother doesn't seem to care about anything except her new boyfriend, Mitch.

Now, there’s someone new who enters Jayden's life...

Geoff is an exchange student from Germany. He's staying with Sasha and her family—and he seems to be taking Jayden's place in Sasha's life. Maybe that countdown to the end of their friendship is already over? But as Jayden forces himself to learn to like Geoff, he learns he might like him a little more than he wanted to. Jayden's heart belongs to Ollie, but Ollie's not around enough. Geoff, though...

Ollie started as Jayden's squish, then became a crush. But will he also be that special sweet thing that gives Jayden all the feels? Or will Geoff claim that space in Jayden's heart instead?

Release dateNov 3, 2023
Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Kieran Frank

I am a gay fiction author of sweet romance, young adult, asexual, and inspirational. My heroes always have their beautiful happily-ever-after, but a happy-for-now works in some cases.

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    Touchy Feely Sweet Thing - Kieran Frank

    Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

    Happy Lucky Everything, Book Two

    Kieran Frank

    Copyright © 2023 by Kieran Frank

    Cover design copyright © 2023 by Story Perfect Dreamscape

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Developmental editor: Craig Gibb

    Proofreader: Alison Cybe

    Published November 2023 by Deep Hearts YA, an imprint of Deep Desires Press and Story Perfect Inc.

    Deep Hearts YA

    PO Box 51053 Tyndall Park

    Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 3B0


    Visit http://www.deepheartsya.com for more great reads.

    Chapter 1

    The morning after Labor Day was my first day of senior year at Lac du Pac Public School. It was also the first school year I’d actually been left alone, even for wearing a plaid button-up that was out of fashion until it probably wasn’t someday. No weird stares, no suspicious snickers, no annoying smirks on bullies’ faces… Actually, where were the bullies this school year, anyway? Not that I was complaining. Maybe now that all the mean seniors had graduated and gone to college, the popular kids who remained just happened to be less mean.

    That was a relief.

    Also, no more Derry Dingleberry or Dingle Derry, thanks to Dad’s last name, Derry. And since Mom’s last name, Pico, wasn’t immune to jokes, despite my preference for using it versus Dad’s, I continued to go by just Jayden.

    With my backpack over my shoulders, I walked through the small crowd in the administration wing to get to the high school wing. Kids of all grades passed me by. I still felt weird going back to school without my dyed-blond hair and blue eye contacts, since I normally went natural during the summer. Ollie Belasco had inspired me; he preferred me with dark hair and brown eyes. I wanted to believe I didn’t have to anglicize my appearance that looked more Mediterranean than simply Latino.

    I was about to walk past the counselor’s office until something colorful by the open door captured my attention. I stopped and observed a sheet of paper taped to the wall. It had a rainbow header and looked like a signup sheet with a list of high school students’ phone numbers.

    My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open. A proposal for an LGBTQ support group? That was new. I’d never in a million years expected something like that to exist in Lac du Pac Island. I could only picture a lot of parents outraged over the idea. Sadly, I wasn’t surprised there were only three students listed on there—all girls—and I recognized their names. They were straight and cisgender as far as I knew, so they must’ve been allies. Besides me, Ollie, and Sasha Serrano, who else was here who’d actually not be straight and cisgender? Given that Sasha wasn’t on there, she clearly didn’t know about it because she would’ve definitely signed up.

    Eh. What harm could it do to sign myself up too? It wasn’t like I was in the closet, since practically the whole island knew I was gay, not that it wasn’t stereotypically obvious by my mannerisms, gait, and voice. Hey, I wasn’t ashamed of my mockable gender expression. Oddly enough, not many people knew I was asexual, but they probably didn’t believe it was a thing.

    I quickly grabbed a pen from my backpack. In the Available for personal contact? section across the line, I circled yes because I had nothing better to do at home.

    After my first three classes were done for the day, I entered the small cafeteria and waited in line at the food counter. Once I grabbed what I felt like eating, I carried my food tray in search of a table. There was a newly painted mascot logo centered on each wall, a step up from the plain walls. Dolphins, though. What an unusual choice when neither of those creatures even existed in Lake Huron. We northern Michiganders were way up by southern Canada, not bordering a single ocean. Still, I admired the nautically colored scheme that matched the rest of the building, and it complimented all of Lac du Pac Island as a touristy marine resort. As boring as my hometown was compared to all the action in the Lower Peninsula of mainland Michigan, especially being trapped with just a ferry or plane ride as the only escapes, it had its historical charm I’d never forget. If only the waters weren’t still chilly in the summertime, though. I could use a nice dip of relaxation.

    Sasha sat at our usual table with what looked like a catalog in front of her, and she played K-pop on her phone at a low volume.

    Smiling, I took a seat across from her. The best thing about the new school year was that we had most of the same classes together, except she’d chosen pre-calc whereas I didn’t have math anymore—thank God. Seniors didn’t have to have a lunch period and could go home an hour early, but we’d figured we’d sit together in the cafeteria like old times, if just for that much-needed longer break between classes. For sharing one building, elementary school, middle school, and high school students each had their own lunch period in the same cafeteria, so it was always nice not having to eat with young children.

    Sasha flipped her middle finger at someone while forming her signature bulldog facial expression. Combined with her towering height and big-boned figure, practically everyone was scared of her. Her big, brown eyes were narrowed in a threatening way at whoever it was, and she got back to her business. What had happened?

    I turned and spied a couple of troublemakers as the remnants of the bullies’ clique. Ugh, so maybe I hadn’t been left alone completely this school year, since she’d most likely been defending me and not herself. Everyone knew never to mess with her, so of course, it’d been me as the target of mockery. It was why I felt safe whenever I was around her. With her excellent grades, it meant she was rarely absent from school, and she wore a mask if sick just to avoid missing school. I hated when she was absent, because it left me all alone to fend for myself, since teachers didn’t always notice.

    I glanced around the cafeteria, and something was strange. Where was Ollie? I even noticed Gracie Adkins and her judgmental church friends at their own table, which was at least where I’d have expected Ollie to sit if not with me and Sasha. I missed him already, and I looked forward to seeing him at school because it gave me an excuse to see him every day. We’d bonded over the recent days in a whole new way after losing touch for a few years. Now that he considered me his best friend, it made me feel more special, even though I couldn’t quite do the same in return—Sasha would always win that spot. Ollie and I texted more than we called, so that his fanatically religious parents wouldn’t eavesdrop, especially last night. We’d had many hours to ourselves, the longest we’d chatted without breaks. I in my room and he in his, all night just texting and sending stupid stuff with the occasional random picture and video clip of us thrown in.

    I was relieved that Ollie was no longer the fanatical Christian he’d once been, having ditched those views a long time ago. Instead, he was a conservative Christian who kept his personal views to himself and who just happened to be gay like me. He knew better than to push me to go to church like he’d done in ninth grade before going our separate ways the next couple of years. After all, I’d never gone to church in my life, since neither of my parents had ever been religious.

    But Christian or not, Ollie was so attractive and dreamy. I’d always thought he was cute in an adorkable sort of way, but he was much more so than I’d ever imagined he’d be, given his former lankiness. He didn’t fail to melt me in a way I’d only begun to feel over the summer. The nerdy posh look with trendy glasses was a good fit for him, much better than when he’d just been unfashionably nerdy like a typical dull churchgoer. His brown hair was still combed, but it suited him. The athletic build he’d developed over the years was nice to think about from time to time, and his very tall height was a plus.

    We hadn’t brought up the accidental erection I’d caused him to have when we’d briefly been alone at Sasha’s house yesterday. We’d swum in her pool right after that, talked about it to confirm that our friendship wouldn’t be affected, and texted each other all night later on. It was like the erection had never happened. I continued to wonder what it had meant because Ollie had always been respectful and only wanted to be friends, but for me to have evoked that kind of physical response out of him told me he thought about me as more than just a friend. That was the thing, though. Friends didn’t get boners for each other, so he must’ve been hiding something that he wasn’t comfortable admitting.

    Like I was hiding the fact that Ollie could very well be my new squishy-crushy-something. What I felt for him wasn’t exactly platonic. Well, not completely. Ugh, why was this so complicated?

    Sasha’s page turning captured my attention, especially the glossy and colorful pages. I grabbed a fry and glanced at the catalog of a college she was interested in. What school is that?

    It’s in Texas. She tucked her dark curls behind her ears whenever they fell over her face when looking down. She was so focused that it made me realize how unimportant college had been to me over the years.

    I noticed the name. "You’re not going to the Texas University?"

    "Oh, I am, but I love looking at these catalogs. I have, like, fifty of them at home. They just animate me. I don’t know why." She smiled, her eyes glued to the high-quality pictures. Despite having outgrown her old colorful persona as a fictitious ginger named Bunny Bates, full of cheesy bunny videos with a dramatically bubbly voiceover, she still had plenty of geek left in her.

    Ooh, he’s cute. I pointed at a college student posing near a large water fountain. He carried a stack of books while forming a presumably paid smile.

    Yeah, I can see that. Really sweet face to look at, I agree. It was so foreign to me how Sasha couldn’t feel anything romantic for anyone, but my lack of sexual interest was probably the same confusion for most everyone else, what with being asexual and all. Ever since she’d come out to me as aromantic, I knew the meaning behind her strong aesthetic attraction to cute and sweet faces, especially famous guys she often shipped together in whatever fanfic she read nowadays. She also loved her share of SFW Boys’ Love media, so there was that.

    Jaydles, I’ve noticed you haven’t been talking about college at all. Are you even going next fall?

    I shrugged. You already know I don’t like school, and my grades aren’t the best. I mean, they’re okay, but I’d probably be stuck going to a community college if I do go.

    There’s nothing wrong with that, though. It’ll still open up many doors for you when it comes to jobs and careers. There’re even career programs you can consider if you don’t want an associate degree.

    Yeah, I know.

    But if you do plan to go, you should start making all the preparations you need now that we’re seniors. Take the ACT or SAT like I did and start applying to different colleges.

    Yes, Mistress. I didn’t want to stay on the topic anymore because it was pointless, not to mention boring. By the way, did you see the new signup sheet by the counselor’s office? They’re trying to gather enough support for an LGBTQ group.

    Sasha’s eyebrows flew up. "Really? How did I not know this?"

    It’s a new thing. I just noticed it this morning.

    I’m totally signing up for that!

    Yeah, you should. You just write your name, your phone number, email, and circle ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to be personally contacted.

    "It’s about time, honestly. This island is so conservative about that stuff, it’s annoying."

    I gasped as soon as an Emma Emmy song started playing on Sasha’s phone. "Ooh, did you check out the tour dates for her first world tour?"

    Yeah, she’ll be in Michigan in March.

    I pouted. "I wish I could go but it’s all the way in Detroit and we’re all the way up here on our nowhere island."

    Sasha sighed. "Aw, Jaydles, I feel your pain, I do, but to be fair, Lac du Pac Island does get a boatload of tourists every summer. I mean, it is a resort, so, yeah."

    Okay, Miss Pedantic. You knew what I meant. I lit up with excitement. "Anyway, Emma Emmy will always be my favorite singer in the world. She’s just so awesome."

    Sasha made an enthusiastic smile. "I agree, no one will ever be like her. Emmynions for life!"

    "She has a ton of dance remixes too. I have them all, of course."

    I only have the popular one for ‘On E.’ Not really a huge electronic dance music girl myself unless it’s more on the K-pop side, but that one’s a cool exception.

    I grabbed another fry and glanced around the cafeteria. Kail Chase entered my mind, and I was relieved he was in college for his first year. I wouldn’t have to see him again. Considering how he’d turned out to be, it was definitely a good thing—no, a great thing. Because we’d hooked up for three summers in a row, and it had meant so much to me, I’d never forget about him. It sucked that he’d had to hurt me the way he had. I’d been nothing but a piece of meat in his mind, and I’d reluctantly given it to him when I would’ve otherwise preferred a completely nonsexual relationship. It didn’t matter that it’d been only minor stuff. Sex was still sex, and I didn’t want any of it. I wanted love, instead. Then again, he’d never wanted anything serious to begin with, so it had all been a waste of time, much to my pain.

    Sash, I still think about Kail sometimes. He’s in college now.

    She still looked at the catalog but telepathically knew the very expression on my face. Oh, Jaydles, I know it’s been over a month since you stopped seeing him. You really should get over him for your own sake. I worry about you.

    I sighed, making a slight pout.

    "Please try? I imagine it’s hard, since it’s not something I’ll ever be able to experience myself, but he was really toxic, and he tried to force himself on you. It’s great you blocked him, though, which I’m sure helps."

    Sasha was right about that. It helped to see Kail’s true colors because only then was I finally able to be free from the hold he’d had on me. I was still a virgin back there, though, and it was something I was so relieved not to have given up to him, even though he’d been hungry for it for so long. The idea of being a virgin for life as a personal choice meant the world to me.

    I wanted to forget about everything and move on, but at the same time, I wanted closure. Why was he the way he was when he’d never been that way

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